/** * Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc. * SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 */ import Component from '@ember/component'; import autosize from 'autosize'; import layout from '../templates/components/masked-input'; /** * @module MaskedInput * `MaskedInput` components are textarea inputs where the input is hidden. They are used to enter sensitive information like passwords. * * @example * * * @param [value] {String} - The value to display in the input. * @param [allowCopy=null] {bool} - Whether or not the input should render with a copy button. * @param [displayOnly=false] {bool} - Whether or not to display the value as a display only `pre` element or as an input. * @param [onChange=Function.prototype] {Function|action} - A function to call when the value of the input changes. * @param [onKeyUp=Function.prototype] {Function|action} - A function to call whenever on the dom event onkeyup. Generally passed down from higher level parent. * @param [isCertificate=false] {bool} - If certificate display the label and icons differently. * */ export default Component.extend({ layout, value: null, showValue: false, didInsertElement() { this._super(...arguments); autosize(this.element.querySelector('textarea')); }, didUpdate() { this._super(...arguments); autosize.update(this.element.querySelector('textarea')); }, willDestroyElement() { this._super(...arguments); autosize.destroy(this.element.querySelector('textarea')); }, displayOnly: false, onKeyDown() {}, onKeyUp() {}, onChange() {}, actions: { toggleMask() { this.toggleProperty('showValue'); }, updateValue(e) { const value = e.target.value; this.set('value', value); this.onChange(value); }, handleKeyUp(name, value) { if (this.onKeyUp) { this.onKeyUp(name, value); } }, }, });