import { inject as service } from '@ember/service'; import { or } from '@ember/object/computed'; import { isBlank } from '@ember/utils'; import { task, waitForEvent } from 'ember-concurrency'; import Component from '@ember/component'; import { set } from '@ember/object'; import FocusOnInsertMixin from 'vault/mixins/focus-on-insert'; import keys from 'vault/lib/keycodes'; const LIST_ROOT_ROUTE = 'vault.cluster.secrets.backend.list-root'; const SHOW_ROUTE = ''; export default Component.extend(FocusOnInsertMixin, { router: service(), mode: null, emptyData: '{\n}', onDataChange() {}, onRefresh() {}, model: null, requestInFlight: or('model.isLoading', 'model.isReloading', 'model.isSaving'), willDestroyElement() { this._super(...arguments); if (this.model && this.model.isError) { this.model.rollbackAttributes(); } }, waitForKeyUp: task(function* () { while (true) { const event = yield waitForEvent(document.body, 'keyup'); this.onEscape(event); } }) .on('didInsertElement') .cancelOn('willDestroyElement'), transitionToRoute() { this.router.transitionTo(...arguments); }, onEscape(e) { if (e.keyCode !== keys.ESC || this.mode !== 'show') { return; } this.transitionToRoute(LIST_ROOT_ROUTE); }, hasDataChanges() { this.onDataChange(this.model.hasDirtyAttributes); }, persist(method, successCallback) { const model = this.model; return model[method]().then(() => { if (!model.isError) { successCallback(model); } }); }, actions: { createOrUpdate(type, event) { event.preventDefault(); // all of the attributes with fieldValue:'id' are called `name` const modelId = ||; // prevent from submitting if there's no key // maybe do something fancier later if (type === 'create' && isBlank(modelId)) { return; } this.persist('save', () => { this.hasDataChanges(); this.transitionToRoute(SHOW_ROUTE, modelId); }); }, setValue(key, event) { set(this.model, key,; }, refresh() { this.onRefresh(); }, delete() { this.persist('destroyRecord', () => { this.hasDataChanges(); this.transitionToRoute(LIST_ROOT_ROUTE); }); }, codemirrorUpdated(attr, val, codemirror) { codemirror.performLint(); const hasErrors = codemirror.state.lint.marked.length > 0; if (!hasErrors) { set(this.model, attr, JSON.parse(val)); } }, }, });