import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { setupRenderingTest } from 'ember-qunit'; import { render, click, fillIn } from '@ember/test-helpers'; import sinon from 'sinon'; import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile'; module('Integration | Component | ttl-picker2', function(hooks) { setupRenderingTest(hooks); test('it renders time and unit inputs when TTL enabled', async function(assert) { let changeSpy = sinon.spy(); this.set('onChange', changeSpy); await render(hbs` `); assert.dom('[data-test-ttl-value]').exists('TTL Picker time input exists'); assert.dom('[data-test-ttl-unit]').exists('TTL Picker unit select exists'); }); test('it does not show time and unit inputs when TTL disabled', async function(assert) { let changeSpy = sinon.spy(); this.set('onChange', changeSpy); await render(hbs` `); assert.dom('[data-test-ttl-value]').doesNotExist('TTL Picker time input exists'); assert.dom('[data-test-ttl-unit]').doesNotExist('TTL Picker unit select exists'); }); test('it passes the appropriate data to onChange when toggled on', async function(assert) { let changeSpy = sinon.spy(); this.set('onChange', changeSpy); await render(hbs` `); await click('[data-test-toggle-input="clicktest"]'); assert.ok(changeSpy.calledOnce, 'it calls the passed onChange'); assert.ok( changeSpy.calledWith({ enabled: true, seconds: 600, timeString: '10m', }), 'Passes the default values back to onChange' ); }); test('it keeps seconds value when unit is changed', async function(assert) { let changeSpy = sinon.spy(); this.set('onChange', changeSpy); await render(hbs` `); await click('[data-test-toggle-input="clicktest"]'); assert.ok(changeSpy.calledOnce, 'it calls the passed onChange'); assert.ok( changeSpy.calledWith({ enabled: true, seconds: 360, timeString: '360s', }), 'Changes enabled to true on click' ); await fillIn('[data-test-select="ttl-unit"]', 'm'); assert.ok( changeSpy.calledWith({ enabled: true, seconds: 360, timeString: '6m', }), 'Units and time update without changing seconds value' ); assert.dom('[data-test-ttl-value]').hasValue('6', 'time value shows as 6'); assert.dom('[data-test-select="ttl-unit"]').hasValue('m', 'unit value shows as m (minutes)'); }); test('it recalculates seconds when unit is changed and recalculateSeconds is on', async function(assert) { let changeSpy = sinon.spy(); this.set('onChange', changeSpy); await render(hbs` `); await fillIn('[data-test-select="ttl-unit"]', 'm'); assert.ok( changeSpy.calledWith({ enabled: true, seconds: 7200, timeString: '120m', }), 'Seconds value is recalculated based on time and unit' ); }); test('it sets default value to time and unit passed', async function(assert) { let changeSpy = sinon.spy(); this.set('onChange', changeSpy); await render(hbs` `); assert.dom('[data-test-ttl-value]').hasValue('2', 'time value is 2'); assert.dom('[data-test-select="ttl-unit"]').hasValue('h', 'unit is hours'); assert.ok(changeSpy.notCalled, 'it does not call onChange after render when changeOnInit is not set'); }); test('it is disabled on init if initialEnabled is false', async function(assert) { let changeSpy = sinon.spy(); this.set('onChange', changeSpy); await render(hbs` `); assert.dom('[data-test-ttl-value]').doesNotExist('Value is not shown on mount'); assert.dom('[data-test-ttl-unit]').doesNotExist('Unit is not shown on mount'); await click('[data-test-toggle-input="inittest"]'); assert.dom('[data-test-ttl-value]').hasValue('100', 'time after toggle is 100'); assert.dom('[data-test-select="ttl-unit"]').hasValue('m', 'Unit is minutes after toggle'); }); test('it is enabled on init if initialEnabled is true', async function(assert) { let changeSpy = sinon.spy(); this.set('onChange', changeSpy); await render(hbs` `); assert.dom('[data-test-ttl-value]').hasValue('100', 'time is shown on mount'); assert.dom('[data-test-select="ttl-unit"]').hasValue('m', 'Unit is shown on mount'); await click('[data-test-toggle-input="inittest"]'); assert.dom('[data-test-ttl-value]').doesNotExist('Value no longer shows after toggle'); assert.dom('[data-test-ttl-unit]').doesNotExist('Unit no longer shows after toggle'); }); test('it is enabled on init if initialEnabled evals to truthy', async function(assert) { let changeSpy = sinon.spy(); this.set('onChange', changeSpy); await render(hbs` `); assert.dom('[data-test-ttl-value]').hasValue('100', 'time value is shown on mount'); assert.dom('[data-test-ttl-unit]').exists('Unit is shown on mount'); assert.dom('[data-test-select="ttl-unit"]').hasValue('m', 'Unit matches what is passed in'); }); test('it calls onChange on init when rendered if changeOnInit is true', async function(assert) { let changeSpy = sinon.spy(); this.set('onChange', changeSpy); await render(hbs` `); assert.ok( changeSpy.calledWith({ enabled: true, seconds: 6000, timeString: '100m', }), 'Seconds value is recalculated based on time and unit' ); assert.ok(changeSpy.calledOnce, 'it calls the passed onChange after render'); }); });