package jwt import ( "fmt" "time" "encoding/json" jwt "" "" "" "" ) func pathIssue(b *backend) *framework.Path { return &framework.Path{ Pattern: `issue/(?P\w[\w-]+\w)`, Fields: map[string]*framework.FieldSchema{ "role": &framework.FieldSchema{ Type: framework.TypeString, Description: "The desired role with configuration for this request", }, "issuer": &framework.FieldSchema{ Type: framework.TypeString, Description: "The issuer of the token", }, "subject": &framework.FieldSchema{ Type: framework.TypeString, Description: "The subject of the token", }, "audience": &framework.FieldSchema{ Type: framework.TypeString, Description: "The audience of the token", }, "expiration": &framework.FieldSchema{ Type: framework.TypeInt, Description: "This will define the expiration in NumericDate value", }, "not_before": &framework.FieldSchema{ Type: framework.TypeInt, Description: "Defines the time before which the JWT MUST NOT be accepted for processing", }, "issued_at": &framework.FieldSchema{ Type: framework.TypeInt, Description: "The time the JWT was issued", }, "jti": &framework.FieldSchema{ Type: framework.TypeString, Description: "Unique identifier for the JWT", }, "claims": &framework.FieldSchema{ Type: framework.TypeString, Description: "JSON Object of Claims for the JWT Token", }, }, Callbacks: map[logical.Operation]framework.OperationFunc{ logical.WriteOperation: b.pathIssueWrite, }, } } func (b *backend) pathIssueWrite( req *logical.Request, data *framework.FieldData) (*logical.Response, error) { roleName := data.Get("role").(string) // Get the role role, err := b.getRole(req.Storage, roleName) if err != nil { return nil, err } if role == nil { return logical.ErrorResponse(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown role: %s", roleName)), nil } claims := map[string]interface{}{ "initial": "ok", } if role.Issuer != "" { claims["iss"] = role.Issuer } if role.Subject != "" { claims["sub"] = role.Subject } if role.Audience != "" { claims["aud"] = role.Audience } if data.Get("not_before") == 0 { claims["nbf"] = int(time.Now().Unix()) } if data.Get("issued_at") == 0 { claims["iat"] = int(time.Now().Unix()) } if data.Get("jti") == "" { claims["jti"] = uuid.GenerateUUID() } if data.Get("issuer") != "" { claims["iss"] = data.Get("issuer").(string) } if data.Get("subject") != "" { claims["sub"] = data.Get("subject").(string) } if data.Get("audience") != "" { claims["aud"] = data.Get("audience").(string) } if data.Get("expiration").(int) > 0 { claims["exp"] = data.Get("expiration").(int) } if data.Get("not_before").(int) > 0 { claims["nbf"] = data.Get("not_before").(int) } if data.Get("issued_at").(int) > 0 { claims["iat"] = data.Get("issued_at").(int) } if data.Get("jti") != "" { claims["jti"] = data.Get("jti").(string) } if data.Get("claims").(string) != "" { // Parse JSON using unmarshal var uc map[string]interface{} err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(data.Get("claims").(string)), &uc) if err != nil { return nil, err } for k, v := range uc { claims[k] = v } } delete(claims, "initial") token := jwt.New(jwt.GetSigningMethod(role.Algorithm)) token.Claims = claims tokenString, err := token.SignedString([]byte(role.Key)) if err != nil { return nil, err } resp := &logical.Response{ Data: map[string]interface{}{ "jti": claims["jti"].(string), "token": tokenString, }, } return resp, nil }