package aws import ( "context" "fmt" "log" "net/http" "os" "reflect" "strings" "sync" "testing" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" cleanhttp "" "" logicaltest "" "" "" ) var initSetup sync.Once type mockIAMClient struct { iamiface.IAMAPI } func (m *mockIAMClient) CreateUser(input *iam.CreateUserInput) (*iam.CreateUserOutput, error) { return nil, awserr.New("Throttling", "", nil) } func getBackend(t *testing.T) logical.Backend { be, _ := Factory(context.Background(), logical.TestBackendConfig()) return be } func TestBackend_basic(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() logicaltest.Test(t, logicaltest.TestCase{ AcceptanceTest: true, PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) }, LogicalBackend: getBackend(t), Steps: []logicaltest.TestStep{ testAccStepConfig(t), testAccStepWritePolicy(t, "test", testDynamoPolicy), testAccStepRead(t, "creds", "test", []credentialTestFunc{listDynamoTablesTest}), }, }) } func TestBackend_IamUserWithPermissionsBoundary(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() roleData := map[string]interface{}{ "credential_type": iamUserCred, "policy_arns": adminAccessPolicyArn, "permissions_boundary_arn": iamPolicyArn, } logicaltest.Test(t, logicaltest.TestCase{ AcceptanceTest: true, PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) }, LogicalBackend: getBackend(t), Steps: []logicaltest.TestStep{ testAccStepConfig(t), testAccStepWriteRole(t, "test", roleData), testAccStepRead(t, "creds", "test", []credentialTestFunc{listIamUsersTest, describeAzsTestUnauthorized}), }, }) } func TestBackend_basicSTS(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() awsAccountID, err := getAccountID() if err != nil { t.Logf("Unable to retrive user via sts:GetCallerIdentity: %#v", err) t.Skip("Could not determine AWS account ID from sts:GetCallerIdentity for acceptance tests, skipping") } roleName := generateUniqueName(t.Name()) userName := generateUniqueName(t.Name()) accessKey := &awsAccessKey{} logicaltest.Test(t, logicaltest.TestCase{ AcceptanceTest: true, PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) createUser(t, userName, accessKey) createRole(t, roleName, awsAccountID, []string{ec2PolicyArn}) // Sleep sometime because AWS is eventually consistent // Both the createUser and createRole depend on this log.Println("[WARN] Sleeping for 10 seconds waiting for AWS...") time.Sleep(10 * time.Second) }, LogicalBackend: getBackend(t), Steps: []logicaltest.TestStep{ testAccStepConfigWithCreds(t, accessKey), testAccStepRotateRoot(accessKey), testAccStepWritePolicy(t, "test", testDynamoPolicy), testAccStepRead(t, "sts", "test", []credentialTestFunc{listDynamoTablesTest}), testAccStepWriteArnPolicyRef(t, "test", ec2PolicyArn), testAccStepReadSTSWithArnPolicy(t, "test"), testAccStepWriteArnRoleRef(t, "test2", roleName, awsAccountID), testAccStepRead(t, "sts", "test2", []credentialTestFunc{describeInstancesTest}), }, Teardown: func() error { if err := deleteTestRole(roleName); err != nil { return err } return deleteTestUser(accessKey, userName) }, }) } func TestBackend_policyCrud(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() compacted, err := compactJSON(testDynamoPolicy) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("bad: %s", err) } logicaltest.Test(t, logicaltest.TestCase{ AcceptanceTest: true, LogicalBackend: getBackend(t), Steps: []logicaltest.TestStep{ testAccStepConfig(t), testAccStepWritePolicy(t, "test", testDynamoPolicy), testAccStepReadPolicy(t, "test", compacted), testAccStepDeletePolicy(t, "test"), testAccStepReadPolicy(t, "test", ""), }, }) } func TestBackend_throttled(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() config := logical.TestBackendConfig() config.StorageView = &logical.InmemStorage{} b := Backend() if err := b.Setup(context.Background(), config); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } connData := map[string]interface{}{ "credential_type": "iam_user", } confReq := &logical.Request{ Operation: logical.UpdateOperation, Path: "roles/something", Storage: config.StorageView, Data: connData, } resp, err := b.HandleRequest(context.Background(), confReq) if err != nil || (resp != nil && resp.IsError()) { t.Fatalf("failed to write configuration: resp:%#v err:%s", resp, err) } // Mock the IAM API call to return a throttled response to the CreateUser API // call b.iamClient = &mockIAMClient{} credReq := &logical.Request{ Operation: logical.UpdateOperation, Path: "creds/something", Storage: config.StorageView, } credResp, err := b.HandleRequest(context.Background(), credReq) if err == nil { t.Fatalf("failed to trigger expected throttling error condition: resp:%#v", credResp) } rErr := credResp.Error() expected := "Error creating IAM user: Throttling: " if rErr.Error() != expected { t.Fatalf("error message did not match, expected (%s), got (%s)", expected, rErr.Error()) } // verify the error we got back is returned with a http.StatusBadGateway code, err := logical.RespondErrorCommon(credReq, credResp, err) if err == nil { t.Fatal("expected error after running req/resp/err through RespondErrorCommon, got nil") } if code != http.StatusBadGateway { t.Fatalf("expected HTTP status 'bad gateway', got: (%d)", code) } } func testAccPreCheck(t *testing.T) { initSetup.Do(func() { if v := os.Getenv("AWS_DEFAULT_REGION"); v == "" { log.Println("[INFO] Test: Using us-west-2 as test region") os.Setenv("AWS_DEFAULT_REGION", "us-west-2") } }) } func getAccountID() (string, error) { awsConfig := &aws.Config{ Region: aws.String("us-east-1"), HTTPClient: cleanhttp.DefaultClient(), } sess, err := session.NewSession(awsConfig) if err != nil { return "", err } svc := sts.New(sess) params := &sts.GetCallerIdentityInput{} res, err := svc.GetCallerIdentity(params) if err != nil { return "", err } if res == nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("got nil response from GetCallerIdentity") } return *res.Account, nil } func createRole(t *testing.T, roleName, awsAccountID string, policyARNs []string) { const testRoleAssumePolicy = `{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect":"Allow", "Principal": { "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::%s:root" }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole" } ] } ` awsConfig := &aws.Config{ Region: aws.String("us-east-1"), HTTPClient: cleanhttp.DefaultClient(), } sess, err := session.NewSession(awsConfig) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } svc := iam.New(sess) trustPolicy := fmt.Sprintf(testRoleAssumePolicy, awsAccountID) params := &iam.CreateRoleInput{ AssumeRolePolicyDocument: aws.String(trustPolicy), RoleName: aws.String(roleName), Path: aws.String("/"), } log.Printf("[INFO] AWS CreateRole: %s", roleName) if _, err := svc.CreateRole(params); err != nil { t.Fatalf("AWS CreateRole failed: %v", err) } for _, policyARN := range policyARNs { attachment := &iam.AttachRolePolicyInput{ PolicyArn: aws.String(policyARN), RoleName: aws.String(roleName), // Required } _, err = svc.AttachRolePolicy(attachment) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("AWS AttachRolePolicy failed: %v", err) } } } func createUser(t *testing.T, userName string, accessKey *awsAccessKey) { // The sequence of user creation actions is carefully chosen to minimize // impact of stolen IAM user credentials // 1. Create user, without any permissions or credentials. At this point, // nobody cares if creds compromised because this user can do nothing. // 2. Attach the timebomb policy. This grants no access but puts a time limit // on validity of compromised credentials. If this fails, nobody cares // because the user has no permissions to do anything anyway // 3. Attach the AdminAccess policy. The IAM user still has no credentials to // do anything // 4. Generate API creds to get an actual access key and secret key timebombPolicyTemplate := `{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Deny", "Action": "*", "Resource": "*", "Condition": { "DateGreaterThan": { "aws:CurrentTime": "%s" } } } ] } ` validity := time.Duration(2 * time.Hour) expiry := time.Now().Add(validity) timebombPolicy := fmt.Sprintf(timebombPolicyTemplate, expiry.Format(time.RFC3339)) awsConfig := &aws.Config{ Region: aws.String("us-east-1"), HTTPClient: cleanhttp.DefaultClient(), } sess, err := session.NewSession(awsConfig) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } svc := iam.New(sess) createUserInput := &iam.CreateUserInput{ UserName: aws.String(userName), } log.Printf("[INFO] AWS CreateUser: %s", userName) if _, err := svc.CreateUser(createUserInput); err != nil { t.Fatalf("AWS CreateUser failed: %v", err) } putPolicyInput := &iam.PutUserPolicyInput{ PolicyDocument: aws.String(timebombPolicy), PolicyName: aws.String("SelfDestructionTimebomb"), UserName: aws.String(userName), } _, err = svc.PutUserPolicy(putPolicyInput) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("AWS PutUserPolicy failed: %v", err) } attachUserPolicyInput := &iam.AttachUserPolicyInput{ PolicyArn: aws.String("arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess"), UserName: aws.String(userName), } _, err = svc.AttachUserPolicy(attachUserPolicyInput) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("AWS AttachUserPolicy failed, %v", err) } createAccessKeyInput := &iam.CreateAccessKeyInput{ UserName: aws.String(userName), } createAccessKeyOutput, err := svc.CreateAccessKey(createAccessKeyInput) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("AWS CreateAccessKey failed: %v", err) } if createAccessKeyOutput == nil { t.Fatalf("AWS CreateAccessKey returned nil") } genAccessKey := createAccessKeyOutput.AccessKey accessKey.AccessKeyID = *genAccessKey.AccessKeyId accessKey.SecretAccessKey = *genAccessKey.SecretAccessKey } // Create an IAM Group and add an inline policy and managed policies if specified func createGroup(t *testing.T, groupName string, inlinePolicy string, managedPolicies []string) { awsConfig := &aws.Config{ Region: aws.String("us-east-1"), HTTPClient: cleanhttp.DefaultClient(), } sess, err := session.NewSession(awsConfig) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } svc := iam.New(sess) createGroupInput := &iam.CreateGroupInput{ GroupName: aws.String(groupName), } log.Printf("[INFO] AWS CreateGroup: %s", groupName) if _, err := svc.CreateGroup(createGroupInput); err != nil { t.Fatalf("AWS CreateGroup failed: %v", err) } if len(inlinePolicy) > 0 { putPolicyInput := &iam.PutGroupPolicyInput{ PolicyDocument: aws.String(inlinePolicy), PolicyName: aws.String("InlinePolicy"), GroupName: aws.String(groupName), } _, err = svc.PutGroupPolicy(putPolicyInput) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("AWS PutGroupPolicy failed: %v", err) } } for _, mp := range managedPolicies { attachGroupPolicyInput := &iam.AttachGroupPolicyInput{ PolicyArn: aws.String(mp), GroupName: aws.String(groupName), } _, err = svc.AttachGroupPolicy(attachGroupPolicyInput) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("AWS AttachGroupPolicy failed, %v", err) } } } func deleteTestRole(roleName string) error { awsConfig := &aws.Config{ Region: aws.String("us-east-1"), HTTPClient: cleanhttp.DefaultClient(), } sess, err := session.NewSession(awsConfig) if err != nil { return err } svc := iam.New(sess) listAttachmentsInput := &iam.ListAttachedRolePoliciesInput{ RoleName: aws.String(roleName), } detacher := func(result *iam.ListAttachedRolePoliciesOutput, lastPage bool) bool { for _, policy := range result.AttachedPolicies { detachInput := &iam.DetachRolePolicyInput{ PolicyArn: policy.PolicyArn, RoleName: aws.String(roleName), // Required } _, err := svc.DetachRolePolicy(detachInput) if err != nil { log.Printf("[WARN] AWS DetachRolePolicy failed for policy %s: %v", *policy.PolicyArn, err) } } return true } if err := svc.ListAttachedRolePoliciesPages(listAttachmentsInput, detacher); err != nil { log.Printf("[WARN] AWS DetachRolePolicy failed: %v", err) } params := &iam.DeleteRoleInput{ RoleName: aws.String(roleName), } log.Printf("[INFO] AWS DeleteRole: %s", roleName) _, err = svc.DeleteRole(params) if err != nil { log.Printf("[WARN] AWS DeleteRole failed: %v", err) return err } return nil } func deleteTestUser(accessKey *awsAccessKey, userName string) error { awsConfig := &aws.Config{ Region: aws.String("us-east-1"), HTTPClient: cleanhttp.DefaultClient(), } sess, err := session.NewSession(awsConfig) if err != nil { return err } svc := iam.New(sess) userDetachment := &iam.DetachUserPolicyInput{ PolicyArn: aws.String("arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess"), UserName: aws.String(userName), } if _, err := svc.DetachUserPolicy(userDetachment); err != nil { log.Printf("[WARN] AWS DetachUserPolicy failed: %v", err) return err } deleteAccessKeyInput := &iam.DeleteAccessKeyInput{ AccessKeyId: aws.String(accessKey.AccessKeyID), UserName: aws.String(userName), } _, err = svc.DeleteAccessKey(deleteAccessKeyInput) if err != nil { log.Printf("[WARN] AWS DeleteAccessKey failed: %v", err) return err } deleteTestUserPolicyInput := &iam.DeleteUserPolicyInput{ PolicyName: aws.String("SelfDestructionTimebomb"), UserName: aws.String(userName), } _, err = svc.DeleteUserPolicy(deleteTestUserPolicyInput) if err != nil { log.Printf("[WARN] AWS DeleteUserPolicy failed: %v", err) return err } deleteTestUserInput := &iam.DeleteUserInput{ UserName: aws.String(userName), } log.Printf("[INFO] AWS DeleteUser: %s", userName) _, err = svc.DeleteUser(deleteTestUserInput) if err != nil { log.Printf("[WARN] AWS DeleteUser failed: %v", err) return err } return nil } func deleteTestGroup(groupName string) error { awsConfig := &aws.Config{ Region: aws.String("us-east-1"), HTTPClient: cleanhttp.DefaultClient(), } sess, err := session.NewSession(awsConfig) if err != nil { return err } svc := iam.New(sess) // Detach any managed group policies getGroupsInput := &iam.ListAttachedGroupPoliciesInput{ GroupName: aws.String(groupName), } getGroupsOutput, err := svc.ListAttachedGroupPolicies(getGroupsInput) if err != nil { log.Printf("[WARN] AWS ListAttachedGroupPolicies failed: %v", err) return err } for _, g := range getGroupsOutput.AttachedPolicies { detachGroupInput := &iam.DetachGroupPolicyInput{ GroupName: aws.String(groupName), PolicyArn: g.PolicyArn, } if _, err := svc.DetachGroupPolicy(detachGroupInput); err != nil { log.Printf("[WARN] AWS DetachGroupPolicy failed: %v", err) return err } } // Remove any inline policies listGroupPoliciesInput := &iam.ListGroupPoliciesInput{ GroupName: aws.String(groupName), } listGroupPoliciesOutput, err := svc.ListGroupPolicies(listGroupPoliciesInput) if err != nil { log.Printf("[WARN] AWS ListGroupPolicies failed: %v", err) return err } for _, g := range listGroupPoliciesOutput.PolicyNames { deleteGroupPolicyInput := &iam.DeleteGroupPolicyInput{ GroupName: aws.String(groupName), PolicyName: g, } if _, err := svc.DeleteGroupPolicy(deleteGroupPolicyInput); err != nil { log.Printf("[WARN] AWS DeleteGroupPolicy failed: %v", err) return err } } // Delete the group deleteTestGroupInput := &iam.DeleteGroupInput{ GroupName: aws.String(groupName), } log.Printf("[INFO] AWS DeleteGroup: %s", groupName) _, err = svc.DeleteGroup(deleteTestGroupInput) if err != nil { log.Printf("[WARN] AWS DeleteGroup failed: %v", err) return err } return nil } func testAccStepConfig(t *testing.T) logicaltest.TestStep { return logicaltest.TestStep{ Operation: logical.UpdateOperation, Path: "config/root", Data: map[string]interface{}{ "region": os.Getenv("AWS_DEFAULT_REGION"), }, } } func testAccStepConfigWithCreds(t *testing.T, accessKey *awsAccessKey) logicaltest.TestStep { return logicaltest.TestStep{ Operation: logical.UpdateOperation, Path: "config/root", Data: map[string]interface{}{ "region": os.Getenv("AWS_DEFAULT_REGION"), }, PreFlight: func(req *logical.Request) error { // Values in Data above get eagerly evaluated due to the testing framework. // In particular, they get evaluated before accessKey gets set by CreateUser // and thus would fail. By moving to a closure in a PreFlight, we ensure that // the creds get evaluated lazily after they've been properly set req.Data["access_key"] = accessKey.AccessKeyID req.Data["secret_key"] = accessKey.SecretAccessKey return nil }, } } func testAccStepRotateRoot(oldAccessKey *awsAccessKey) logicaltest.TestStep { return logicaltest.TestStep{ Operation: logical.UpdateOperation, Path: "config/rotate-root", Check: func(resp *logical.Response) error { if resp == nil { return fmt.Errorf("received nil response from config/rotate-root") } newAccessKeyID := resp.Data["access_key"].(string) if newAccessKeyID == oldAccessKey.AccessKeyID { return fmt.Errorf("rotate-root didn't rotate access key") } awsConfig := &aws.Config{ Region: aws.String("us-east-1"), HTTPClient: cleanhttp.DefaultClient(), Credentials: credentials.NewStaticCredentials(oldAccessKey.AccessKeyID, oldAccessKey.SecretAccessKey, ""), } // sigh.... oldAccessKey.AccessKeyID = newAccessKeyID log.Println("[WARN] Sleeping for 10 seconds waiting for AWS...") time.Sleep(10 * time.Second) sess, err := session.NewSession(awsConfig) if err != nil { return err } svc := sts.New(sess) params := &sts.GetCallerIdentityInput{} if _, err := svc.GetCallerIdentity(params); err == nil { return fmt.Errorf("bad: old credentials succeeded after rotate") } if aerr, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok { if aerr.Code() != "InvalidClientTokenId" { return fmt.Errorf("Unknown error returned from AWS: %#v", aerr) } return nil } return err }, } } func testAccStepRead(t *testing.T, path, name string, credentialTests []credentialTestFunc) logicaltest.TestStep { return logicaltest.TestStep{ Operation: logical.ReadOperation, Path: path + "/" + name, Check: func(resp *logical.Response) error { var d struct { AccessKey string `mapstructure:"access_key"` SecretKey string `mapstructure:"secret_key"` STSToken string `mapstructure:"security_token"` } if err := mapstructure.Decode(resp.Data, &d); err != nil { return err } log.Printf("[WARN] Generated credentials: %v", d) for _, test := range credentialTests { err := test(d.AccessKey, d.SecretKey, d.STSToken) if err != nil { return err } } return nil }, } } func testAccStepReadTTL(name string, maximumTTL time.Duration) logicaltest.TestStep { return logicaltest.TestStep{ Operation: logical.ReadOperation, Path: "creds/" + name, Check: func(resp *logical.Response) error { if resp.Secret == nil { return fmt.Errorf("bad: nil Secret returned") } ttl := resp.Secret.TTL if ttl > maximumTTL { return fmt.Errorf("bad: ttl of %d greater than maximum of %d", ttl/time.Second, maximumTTL/time.Second) } return nil }, } } func describeInstancesTest(accessKey, secretKey, token string) error { creds := credentials.NewStaticCredentials(accessKey, secretKey, token) awsConfig := &aws.Config{ Credentials: creds, Region: aws.String("us-east-1"), HTTPClient: cleanhttp.DefaultClient(), } sess, err := session.NewSession(awsConfig) if err != nil { return err } client := ec2.New(sess) log.Printf("[WARN] Verifying that the generated credentials work with ec2:DescribeInstances...") return retryUntilSuccess(func() error { _, err := client.DescribeInstances(&ec2.DescribeInstancesInput{}) return err }) } func describeAzsTestUnauthorized(accessKey, secretKey, token string) error { creds := credentials.NewStaticCredentials(accessKey, secretKey, token) awsConfig := &aws.Config{ Credentials: creds, Region: aws.String("us-east-1"), HTTPClient: cleanhttp.DefaultClient(), } sess, err := session.NewSession(awsConfig) if err != nil { return err } client := ec2.New(sess) log.Printf("[WARN] Verifying that the generated credentials don't work with ec2:DescribeAvailabilityZones...") return retryUntilSuccess(func() error { _, err := client.DescribeAvailabilityZones(&ec2.DescribeAvailabilityZonesInput{}) // Need to make sure AWS authenticates the generated credentials but does not authorize the operation if err == nil { return fmt.Errorf("operation succeeded when expected failure") } if aerr, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok { if aerr.Code() == "UnauthorizedOperation" { return nil } } return err }) } func assertCreatedIAMUser(accessKey, secretKey, token string) error { creds := credentials.NewStaticCredentials(accessKey, secretKey, token) awsConfig := &aws.Config{ Credentials: creds, Region: aws.String("us-east-1"), HTTPClient: cleanhttp.DefaultClient(), } sess, err := session.NewSession(awsConfig) if err != nil { return err } client := iam.New(sess) log.Printf("[WARN] Checking if IAM User is created properly...") userOutput, err := client.GetUser(&iam.GetUserInput{}) if err != nil { return err } if *userOutput.User.Path != "/path/" { return fmt.Errorf("bad: got: %#v\nexpected: %#v", userOutput.User.Path, "/path/") } return nil } func listIamUsersTest(accessKey, secretKey, token string) error { creds := credentials.NewStaticCredentials(accessKey, secretKey, token) awsConfig := &aws.Config{ Credentials: creds, Region: aws.String("us-east-1"), HTTPClient: cleanhttp.DefaultClient(), } sess, err := session.NewSession(awsConfig) if err != nil { return err } client := iam.New(sess) log.Printf("[WARN] Verifying that the generated credentials work with iam:ListUsers...") return retryUntilSuccess(func() error { _, err := client.ListUsers(&iam.ListUsersInput{}) return err }) } func listDynamoTablesTest(accessKey, secretKey, token string) error { creds := credentials.NewStaticCredentials(accessKey, secretKey, token) awsConfig := &aws.Config{ Credentials: creds, Region: aws.String("us-east-1"), HTTPClient: cleanhttp.DefaultClient(), } sess, err := session.NewSession(awsConfig) if err != nil { return err } client := dynamodb.New(sess) log.Printf("[WARN] Verifying that the generated credentials work with dynamodb:ListTables...") return retryUntilSuccess(func() error { _, err := client.ListTables(&dynamodb.ListTablesInput{}) return err }) } func listS3BucketsTest(accessKey, secretKey, token string) error { creds := credentials.NewStaticCredentials(accessKey, secretKey, token) awsConfig := &aws.Config{ Credentials: creds, Region: aws.String("us-east-1"), HTTPClient: cleanhttp.DefaultClient(), } sess, err := session.NewSession(awsConfig) if err != nil { return err } client := s3.New(sess) log.Printf("[WARN] Verifying that the generated credentials work with s3:ListBuckets...") return retryUntilSuccess(func() error { _, err := client.ListBuckets(&s3.ListBucketsInput{}) return err }) } func retryUntilSuccess(op func() error) error { retryCount := 0 success := false var err error for !success && retryCount < 10 { err = op() if err == nil { return nil } time.Sleep(time.Second) retryCount++ } return err } func testAccStepReadSTSWithArnPolicy(t *testing.T, name string) logicaltest.TestStep { return logicaltest.TestStep{ Operation: logical.ReadOperation, Path: "sts/" + name, ErrorOk: true, Check: func(resp *logical.Response) error { if resp.Data["error"] != "attempted to retrieve iam_user credentials through the sts path; this is not allowed for legacy roles" { t.Fatalf("bad: %v", resp) } return nil }, } } func testAccStepWritePolicy(t *testing.T, name string, policy string) logicaltest.TestStep { return logicaltest.TestStep{ Operation: logical.UpdateOperation, Path: "roles/" + name, Data: map[string]interface{}{ "policy": policy, }, } } func testAccStepDeletePolicy(t *testing.T, n string) logicaltest.TestStep { return logicaltest.TestStep{ Operation: logical.DeleteOperation, Path: "roles/" + n, } } func testAccStepReadPolicy(t *testing.T, name string, value string) logicaltest.TestStep { return logicaltest.TestStep{ Operation: logical.ReadOperation, Path: "roles/" + name, Check: func(resp *logical.Response) error { if resp == nil { if value == "" { return nil } return fmt.Errorf("bad: %#v", resp) } expected := map[string]interface{}{ "policy_arns": []string(nil), "role_arns": []string(nil), "policy_document": value, "credential_type": strings.Join([]string{iamUserCred, federationTokenCred}, ","), "default_sts_ttl": int64(0), "max_sts_ttl": int64(0), "user_path": "", "permissions_boundary_arn": "", "iam_groups": []string(nil), } if !reflect.DeepEqual(resp.Data, expected) { return fmt.Errorf("bad: got: %#v\nexpected: %#v", resp.Data, expected) } return nil }, } } const testDynamoPolicy = `{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "Stmt1426528957000", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "dynamodb:List*" ], "Resource": [ "*" ] } ] } ` const testS3Policy = `{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:Get*", "s3:List*" ], "Resource": "*" } ] }` const adminAccessPolicyArn = "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess" const ec2PolicyArn = "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEC2ReadOnlyAccess" const iamPolicyArn = "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/IAMReadOnlyAccess" const dynamoPolicyArn = "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonDynamoDBReadOnlyAccess" func testAccStepWriteRole(t *testing.T, name string, data map[string]interface{}) logicaltest.TestStep { return logicaltest.TestStep{ Operation: logical.UpdateOperation, Path: "roles/" + name, Data: data, } } func testAccStepReadRole(t *testing.T, name string, expected map[string]interface{}) logicaltest.TestStep { return logicaltest.TestStep{ Operation: logical.ReadOperation, Path: "roles/" + name, Check: func(resp *logical.Response) error { if resp == nil { if expected == nil { return nil } return fmt.Errorf("bad: nil response") } if !reflect.DeepEqual(resp.Data, expected) { return fmt.Errorf("bad: got %#v\nexpected: %#v", resp.Data, expected) } return nil }, } } func testAccStepWriteArnPolicyRef(t *testing.T, name string, arn string) logicaltest.TestStep { return logicaltest.TestStep{ Operation: logical.UpdateOperation, Path: "roles/" + name, Data: map[string]interface{}{ "arn": ec2PolicyArn, }, } } func TestBackend_basicPolicyArnRef(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() logicaltest.Test(t, logicaltest.TestCase{ AcceptanceTest: true, PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) }, LogicalBackend: getBackend(t), Steps: []logicaltest.TestStep{ testAccStepConfig(t), testAccStepWriteArnPolicyRef(t, "test", ec2PolicyArn), testAccStepRead(t, "creds", "test", []credentialTestFunc{describeInstancesTest}), }, }) } func TestBackend_iamUserManagedInlinePoliciesGroups(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() compacted, err := compactJSON(testDynamoPolicy) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("bad: %#v", err) } groupName := generateUniqueName(t.Name()) roleData := map[string]interface{}{ "policy_document": testDynamoPolicy, "policy_arns": []string{ec2PolicyArn, iamPolicyArn}, "iam_groups": []string{groupName}, "credential_type": iamUserCred, "user_path": "/path/", } expectedRoleData := map[string]interface{}{ "policy_document": compacted, "policy_arns": []string{ec2PolicyArn, iamPolicyArn}, "credential_type": iamUserCred, "role_arns": []string(nil), "default_sts_ttl": int64(0), "max_sts_ttl": int64(0), "user_path": "/path/", "permissions_boundary_arn": "", "iam_groups": []string{groupName}, } logicaltest.Test(t, logicaltest.TestCase{ AcceptanceTest: true, PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) createGroup(t, groupName, testS3Policy, []string{}) }, LogicalBackend: getBackend(t), Steps: []logicaltest.TestStep{ testAccStepConfig(t), testAccStepWriteRole(t, "test", roleData), testAccStepReadRole(t, "test", expectedRoleData), testAccStepRead(t, "creds", "test", []credentialTestFunc{describeInstancesTest, listIamUsersTest, listDynamoTablesTest, assertCreatedIAMUser, listS3BucketsTest}), testAccStepRead(t, "sts", "test", []credentialTestFunc{describeInstancesTest, listIamUsersTest, listDynamoTablesTest, listS3BucketsTest}), }, Teardown: func() error { return deleteTestGroup(groupName) }, }) } // Similar to TestBackend_iamUserManagedInlinePoliciesGroups() but managing // policies only with groups func TestBackend_iamUserGroups(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() group1Name := generateUniqueName(t.Name()) group2Name := generateUniqueName(t.Name()) roleData := map[string]interface{}{ "iam_groups": []string{group1Name, group2Name}, "credential_type": iamUserCred, "user_path": "/path/", } expectedRoleData := map[string]interface{}{ "policy_document": "", "policy_arns": []string(nil), "credential_type": iamUserCred, "role_arns": []string(nil), "default_sts_ttl": int64(0), "max_sts_ttl": int64(0), "user_path": "/path/", "permissions_boundary_arn": "", "iam_groups": []string{group1Name, group2Name}, } logicaltest.Test(t, logicaltest.TestCase{ AcceptanceTest: true, PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) createGroup(t, group1Name, testS3Policy, []string{ec2PolicyArn, iamPolicyArn}) createGroup(t, group2Name, testDynamoPolicy, []string{}) }, LogicalBackend: getBackend(t), Steps: []logicaltest.TestStep{ testAccStepConfig(t), testAccStepWriteRole(t, "test", roleData), testAccStepReadRole(t, "test", expectedRoleData), testAccStepRead(t, "creds", "test", []credentialTestFunc{describeInstancesTest, listIamUsersTest, listDynamoTablesTest, assertCreatedIAMUser, listS3BucketsTest}), testAccStepRead(t, "sts", "test", []credentialTestFunc{describeInstancesTest, listIamUsersTest, listDynamoTablesTest, listS3BucketsTest}), }, Teardown: func() error { if err := deleteTestGroup(group1Name); err != nil { return err } return deleteTestGroup(group2Name) }, }) } func TestBackend_AssumedRoleWithPolicyDoc(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() roleName := generateUniqueName(t.Name()) // This looks a bit curious. The policy document and the role document act // as a logical intersection of policies. The role allows ec2:Describe* // (among other permissions). This policy allows everything BUT // ec2:DescribeAvailabilityZones. Thus, the logical intersection of the two // is all ec2:Describe* EXCEPT ec2:DescribeAvailabilityZones, and so the // describeAZs call should fail allowAllButDescribeAzs := ` { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [{ "Effect": "Allow", "NotAction": "ec2:DescribeAvailabilityZones", "Resource": "*" }] } ` awsAccountID, err := getAccountID() if err != nil { t.Logf("Unable to retrive user via sts:GetCallerIdentity: %#v", err) t.Skip("Could not determine AWS account ID from sts:GetCallerIdentity for acceptance tests, skipping") } roleData := map[string]interface{}{ "policy_document": allowAllButDescribeAzs, "role_arns": []string{fmt.Sprintf("arn:aws:iam::%s:role/%s", awsAccountID, roleName)}, "credential_type": assumedRoleCred, } logicaltest.Test(t, logicaltest.TestCase{ AcceptanceTest: true, PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) createRole(t, roleName, awsAccountID, []string{ec2PolicyArn}) // Sleep sometime because AWS is eventually consistent log.Println("[WARN] Sleeping for 10 seconds waiting for AWS...") time.Sleep(10 * time.Second) }, LogicalBackend: getBackend(t), Steps: []logicaltest.TestStep{ testAccStepConfig(t), testAccStepWriteRole(t, "test", roleData), testAccStepRead(t, "sts", "test", []credentialTestFunc{describeInstancesTest, describeAzsTestUnauthorized}), testAccStepRead(t, "creds", "test", []credentialTestFunc{describeInstancesTest, describeAzsTestUnauthorized}), }, Teardown: func() error { return deleteTestRole(roleName) }, }) } func TestBackend_AssumedRoleWithPolicyARN(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() roleName := generateUniqueName(t.Name()) awsAccountID, err := getAccountID() if err != nil { t.Logf("Unable to retrive user via sts:GetCallerIdentity: %#v", err) t.Skip("Could not determine AWS account ID from sts:GetCallerIdentity for acceptance tests, skipping") } roleData := map[string]interface{}{ "policy_arns": iamPolicyArn, "role_arns": []string{fmt.Sprintf("arn:aws:iam::%s:role/%s", awsAccountID, roleName)}, "credential_type": assumedRoleCred, } logicaltest.Test(t, logicaltest.TestCase{ AcceptanceTest: true, PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) createRole(t, roleName, awsAccountID, []string{ec2PolicyArn, iamPolicyArn}) log.Printf("[WARN] Sleeping for 10 seconds waiting for AWS...") time.Sleep(10 * time.Second) }, LogicalBackend: getBackend(t), Steps: []logicaltest.TestStep{ testAccStepConfig(t), testAccStepWriteRole(t, "test", roleData), testAccStepRead(t, "sts", "test", []credentialTestFunc{listIamUsersTest, describeAzsTestUnauthorized}), testAccStepRead(t, "creds", "test", []credentialTestFunc{listIamUsersTest, describeAzsTestUnauthorized}), }, Teardown: func() error { return deleteTestRole(roleName) }, }) } func TestBackend_AssumedRoleWithGroups(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() roleName := generateUniqueName(t.Name()) groupName := generateUniqueName(t.Name()) // This looks a bit curious. The policy document and the role document act // as a logical intersection of policies. The role allows ec2:Describe* // (among other permissions). This policy allows everything BUT // ec2:DescribeAvailabilityZones. Thus, the logical intersection of the two // is all ec2:Describe* EXCEPT ec2:DescribeAvailabilityZones, and so the // describeAZs call should fail allowAllButDescribeAzs := `{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "NotAction": "ec2:DescribeAvailabilityZones", "Resource": "*" } ] }` awsAccountID, err := getAccountID() if err != nil { t.Logf("Unable to retrive user via sts:GetCallerIdentity: %#v", err) t.Skip("Could not determine AWS account ID from sts:GetCallerIdentity for acceptance tests, skipping") } roleData := map[string]interface{}{ "iam_groups": []string{groupName}, "role_arns": []string{fmt.Sprintf("arn:aws:iam::%s:role/%s", awsAccountID, roleName)}, "credential_type": assumedRoleCred, } logicaltest.Test(t, logicaltest.TestCase{ AcceptanceTest: true, PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) createRole(t, roleName, awsAccountID, []string{ec2PolicyArn}) createGroup(t, groupName, allowAllButDescribeAzs, []string{}) // Sleep sometime because AWS is eventually consistent log.Println("[WARN] Sleeping for 10 seconds waiting for AWS...") time.Sleep(10 * time.Second) }, LogicalBackend: getBackend(t), Steps: []logicaltest.TestStep{ testAccStepConfig(t), testAccStepWriteRole(t, "test", roleData), testAccStepRead(t, "sts", "test", []credentialTestFunc{describeInstancesTest, describeAzsTestUnauthorized}), testAccStepRead(t, "creds", "test", []credentialTestFunc{describeInstancesTest, describeAzsTestUnauthorized}), }, Teardown: func() error { if err := deleteTestGroup(groupName); err != nil { return err } return deleteTestRole(roleName) }, }) } func TestBackend_FederationTokenWithPolicyARN(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() userName := generateUniqueName(t.Name()) accessKey := &awsAccessKey{} roleData := map[string]interface{}{ "policy_arns": dynamoPolicyArn, "credential_type": federationTokenCred, } logicaltest.Test(t, logicaltest.TestCase{ AcceptanceTest: true, PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) createUser(t, userName, accessKey) // Sleep sometime because AWS is eventually consistent log.Println("[WARN] Sleeping for 10 seconds waiting for AWS...") time.Sleep(10 * time.Second) }, LogicalBackend: getBackend(t), Steps: []logicaltest.TestStep{ testAccStepConfigWithCreds(t, accessKey), testAccStepWriteRole(t, "test", roleData), testAccStepRead(t, "sts", "test", []credentialTestFunc{listDynamoTablesTest, describeAzsTestUnauthorized}), testAccStepRead(t, "creds", "test", []credentialTestFunc{listDynamoTablesTest, describeAzsTestUnauthorized}), }, Teardown: func() error { return deleteTestUser(accessKey, userName) }, }) } func TestBackend_FederationTokenWithGroups(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() userName := generateUniqueName(t.Name()) groupName := generateUniqueName(t.Name()) accessKey := &awsAccessKey{} // IAM policy where Statement is a single element, not a list iamSingleStatementPolicy := `{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:Get*", "s3:List*" ], "Resource": "*" } }` roleData := map[string]interface{}{ "iam_groups": []string{groupName}, "policy_document": iamSingleStatementPolicy, "credential_type": federationTokenCred, } logicaltest.Test(t, logicaltest.TestCase{ AcceptanceTest: true, PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) createUser(t, userName, accessKey) createGroup(t, groupName, "", []string{dynamoPolicyArn}) // Sleep sometime because AWS is eventually consistent log.Println("[WARN] Sleeping for 10 seconds waiting for AWS...") time.Sleep(10 * time.Second) }, LogicalBackend: getBackend(t), Steps: []logicaltest.TestStep{ testAccStepConfigWithCreds(t, accessKey), testAccStepWriteRole(t, "test", roleData), testAccStepRead(t, "sts", "test", []credentialTestFunc{listDynamoTablesTest, describeAzsTestUnauthorized, listS3BucketsTest}), testAccStepRead(t, "creds", "test", []credentialTestFunc{listDynamoTablesTest, describeAzsTestUnauthorized, listS3BucketsTest}), }, Teardown: func() error { if err := deleteTestGroup(groupName); err != nil { return err } return deleteTestUser(accessKey, userName) }, }) } func TestBackend_RoleDefaultSTSTTL(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() roleName := generateUniqueName(t.Name()) minAwsAssumeRoleDuration := 900 awsAccountID, err := getAccountID() if err != nil { t.Logf("Unable to retrive user via sts:GetCallerIdentity: %#v", err) t.Skip("Could not determine AWS account ID from sts:GetCallerIdentity for acceptance tests, skipping") } roleData := map[string]interface{}{ "role_arns": []string{fmt.Sprintf("arn:aws:iam::%s:role/%s", awsAccountID, roleName)}, "credential_type": assumedRoleCred, "default_sts_ttl": minAwsAssumeRoleDuration, "max_sts_ttl": minAwsAssumeRoleDuration, } logicaltest.Test(t, logicaltest.TestCase{ AcceptanceTest: true, PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) createRole(t, roleName, awsAccountID, []string{ec2PolicyArn}) log.Println("[WARN] Sleeping for 10 seconds waiting for AWS...") time.Sleep(10 * time.Second) }, LogicalBackend: getBackend(t), Steps: []logicaltest.TestStep{ testAccStepConfig(t), testAccStepWriteRole(t, "test", roleData), testAccStepReadTTL("test", time.Duration(minAwsAssumeRoleDuration)*time.Second), // allow a little slack }, Teardown: func() error { return deleteTestRole(roleName) }, }) } func TestBackend_policyArnCrud(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() logicaltest.Test(t, logicaltest.TestCase{ AcceptanceTest: true, LogicalBackend: getBackend(t), Steps: []logicaltest.TestStep{ testAccStepConfig(t), testAccStepWriteArnPolicyRef(t, "test", ec2PolicyArn), testAccStepReadArnPolicy(t, "test", ec2PolicyArn), testAccStepDeletePolicy(t, "test"), testAccStepReadArnPolicy(t, "test", ""), }, }) } func testAccStepReadArnPolicy(t *testing.T, name string, value string) logicaltest.TestStep { return logicaltest.TestStep{ Operation: logical.ReadOperation, Path: "roles/" + name, Check: func(resp *logical.Response) error { if resp == nil { if value == "" { return nil } return fmt.Errorf("bad: %#v", resp) } expected := map[string]interface{}{ "policy_arns": []string{value}, "role_arns": []string(nil), "policy_document": "", "credential_type": iamUserCred, "default_sts_ttl": int64(0), "max_sts_ttl": int64(0), "user_path": "", "permissions_boundary_arn": "", "iam_groups": []string(nil), } if !reflect.DeepEqual(resp.Data, expected) { return fmt.Errorf("bad: got: %#v\nexpected: %#v", resp.Data, expected) } return nil }, } } func testAccStepWriteArnRoleRef(t *testing.T, vaultRoleName, awsRoleName, awsAccountID string) logicaltest.TestStep { return logicaltest.TestStep{ Operation: logical.UpdateOperation, Path: "roles/" + vaultRoleName, Data: map[string]interface{}{ "arn": fmt.Sprintf("arn:aws:iam::%s:role/%s", awsAccountID, awsRoleName), }, } } func TestBackend_iamGroupsCrud(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() logicaltest.Test(t, logicaltest.TestCase{ AcceptanceTest: true, LogicalBackend: getBackend(t), Steps: []logicaltest.TestStep{ testAccStepConfig(t), testAccStepWriteIamGroups(t, "test", []string{"group1", "group2"}), testAccStepReadIamGroups(t, "test", []string{"group1", "group2"}), testAccStepDeletePolicy(t, "test"), testAccStepReadIamGroups(t, "test", []string{}), }, }) } func testAccStepWriteIamGroups(t *testing.T, name string, groups []string) logicaltest.TestStep { return logicaltest.TestStep{ Operation: logical.UpdateOperation, Path: "roles/" + name, Data: map[string]interface{}{ "credential_type": iamUserCred, "iam_groups": groups, }, } } func testAccStepReadIamGroups(t *testing.T, name string, groups []string) logicaltest.TestStep { return logicaltest.TestStep{ Operation: logical.ReadOperation, Path: "roles/" + name, Check: func(resp *logical.Response) error { if resp == nil { if len(groups) == 0 { return nil } return fmt.Errorf("bad: %#v", resp) } expected := map[string]interface{}{ "policy_arns": []string(nil), "role_arns": []string(nil), "policy_document": "", "credential_type": iamUserCred, "default_sts_ttl": int64(0), "max_sts_ttl": int64(0), "user_path": "", "permissions_boundary_arn": "", "iam_groups": groups, } if !reflect.DeepEqual(resp.Data, expected) { return fmt.Errorf("bad: got: %#v\nexpected: %#v", resp.Data, expected) } return nil }, } } func TestBackend_iamTagsCrud(t *testing.T) { logicaltest.Test(t, logicaltest.TestCase{ AcceptanceTest: true, LogicalBackend: getBackend(t), Steps: []logicaltest.TestStep{ testAccStepConfig(t), testAccStepWriteIamTags(t, "test", map[string]string{"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}), testAccStepReadIamTags(t, "test", map[string]string{"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}), testAccStepDeletePolicy(t, "test"), testAccStepReadIamTags(t, "test", map[string]string{}), }, }) } func testAccStepWriteIamTags(t *testing.T, name string, tags map[string]string) logicaltest.TestStep { return logicaltest.TestStep{ Operation: logical.UpdateOperation, Path: "roles/" + name, Data: map[string]interface{}{ "credential_type": iamUserCred, "iam_tags": tags, }, } } func testAccStepReadIamTags(t *testing.T, name string, tags map[string]string) logicaltest.TestStep { return logicaltest.TestStep{ Operation: logical.ReadOperation, Path: "roles/" + name, Check: func(resp *logical.Response) error { if resp == nil { if len(tags) == 0 { return nil } return fmt.Errorf("vault response not received") } expected := map[string]interface{}{ "policy_arns": []string(nil), "role_arns": []string(nil), "policy_document": "", "credential_type": iamUserCred, "default_sts_ttl": int64(0), "max_sts_ttl": int64(0), "user_path": "", "permissions_boundary_arn": "", "iam_groups": []string(nil), "iam_tags": tags, } if !reflect.DeepEqual(resp.Data, expected) { return fmt.Errorf("bad: got: %#v\nexpected: %#v", resp.Data, expected) } return nil }, } } func generateUniqueName(prefix string) string { return testhelpers.RandomWithPrefix(prefix) } type awsAccessKey struct { AccessKeyID string SecretAccessKey string } type credentialTestFunc func(string, string, string) error