import Component from '@glimmer/component'; import { tracked } from '@glimmer/tracking'; import { isNone } from '@ember/utils'; import { assert } from '@ember/debug'; import { action } from '@ember/object'; import { guidFor } from '@ember/object/internals'; import KVObject from 'vault/lib/kv-object'; /** * @module KvObjectEditor * KvObjectEditor components are called in FormFields when the editType on the model is kv. They are used to show a key-value input field. * * @example * ```js * * ``` * @param {string} value - the value is captured from the model. * @param {function} onChange - function that captures the value on change * @param {function} [onKeyUp] - function passed in that handles the dom keyup event. Used for validation on the kv custom metadata. * @param {string} [label] - label displayed over key value inputs * @param {string} [labelClass] - override default label class in FormFieldLabel component * @param {string} [warning] - warning that is displayed * @param {string} [helpText] - helper text. In tooltip. * @param {string} [subText] - placed under label. * @param {string} [keyPlaceholder] - placeholder for key input * @param {string} [valuePlaceholder] - placeholder for value input */ export default class KvObjectEditor extends Component { @tracked kvData; get placeholders() { return { key: this.args.keyPlaceholder || 'key', value: this.args.valuePlaceholder || 'value', }; } get hasDuplicateKeys() { return this.kvData.uniqBy('name').length !== this.kvData.get('length'); } // fired on did-insert from render modifier @action createKvData(elem, [value]) { this.kvData = KVObject.create({ content: [] }).fromJSON(value); this.addRow(); } @action addRow() { if (!isNone(this.kvData.findBy('name', ''))) { return; } const newObj = { name: '', value: '' }; guidFor(newObj); this.kvData.addObject(newObj); } @action updateRow() { this.args.onChange(this.kvData.toJSON()); } @action deleteRow(object, index) { const oldObj = this.kvData.objectAt(index); assert('object guids match', guidFor(oldObj) === guidFor(object)); this.kvData.removeAt(index); this.args.onChange(this.kvData.toJSON()); } @action handleKeyUp(event) { if (this.args.onKeyUp) { this.args.onKeyUp(; } } }