/** * Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc. * SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 */ import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import sinon from 'sinon'; import { setupTest } from 'ember-qunit'; import { setupMirage } from 'ember-cli-mirage/test-support'; import { subMonths, fromUnixTime, addMonths } from 'date-fns'; import { parseAPITimestamp } from 'core/utils/date-formatters'; import timestamp from 'core/utils/timestamp'; module('Unit | Adapter | clients activity', function (hooks) { setupTest(hooks); setupMirage(hooks); hooks.before(function () { sinon.stub(timestamp, 'now').callsFake(() => new Date('2023-01-13T09:30:15')); }); hooks.beforeEach(function () { this.store = this.owner.lookup('service:store'); this.modelName = 'clients/activity'; this.startDate = subMonths(timestamp.now(), 6); this.endDate = timestamp.now(); this.readableUnix = (unix) => parseAPITimestamp(fromUnixTime(unix).toISOString(), 'MMMM dd yyyy'); }); hooks.after(function () { timestamp.now.restore(); }); test('it does not format if both params are timestamp strings', async function (assert) { assert.expect(1); const queryParams = { start_time: { timestamp: this.startDate.toISOString() }, end_time: { timestamp: this.endDate.toISOString() }, }; this.server.get('sys/internal/counters/activity', (schema, req) => { assert.propEqual(req.queryParams, { start_time: this.startDate.toISOString(), end_time: this.endDate.toISOString(), }); }); this.store.queryRecord(this.modelName, queryParams); }); test('it formats start_time if only end_time is a timestamp string', async function (assert) { assert.expect(2); const twoMonthsAhead = addMonths(this.startDate, 2); const month = twoMonthsAhead.getMonth(); const year = twoMonthsAhead.getFullYear(); const queryParams = { start_time: { monthIdx: month, year, }, end_time: { timestamp: this.endDate.toISOString(), }, }; this.server.get('sys/internal/counters/activity', (schema, req) => { const { start_time, end_time } = req.queryParams; const readableStart = this.readableUnix(start_time); assert.strictEqual( readableStart, `September 01 2022`, `formatted unix start time is the first of the month: ${readableStart}` ); assert.strictEqual(end_time, this.endDate.toISOString(), 'end time is a timestamp string'); }); this.store.queryRecord(this.modelName, queryParams); }); test('it formats end_time only if only start_time is a timestamp string', async function (assert) { assert.expect(2); const twoMothsAgo = subMonths(this.endDate, 2); const endMonth = twoMothsAgo.getMonth(); const year = twoMothsAgo.getFullYear(); const queryParams = { start_time: { timestamp: this.startDate.toISOString(), }, end_time: { monthIdx: endMonth, year, }, }; this.server.get('sys/internal/counters/activity', (schema, req) => { const { start_time, end_time } = req.queryParams; const readableEnd = this.readableUnix(end_time); assert.strictEqual(start_time, this.startDate.toISOString(), 'start time is a timestamp string'); assert.strictEqual( readableEnd, `November 30 2022`, `formatted unix end time is the last day of the month: ${readableEnd}` ); }); this.store.queryRecord(this.modelName, queryParams); }); test('it formats both params if neither are a timestamp', async function (assert) { assert.expect(2); const startDate = subMonths(this.startDate, 2); const endDate = addMonths(this.endDate, 2); const startMonth = startDate.getMonth(); const startYear = startDate.getFullYear(); const endMonth = endDate.getMonth(); const endYear = endDate.getFullYear(); const queryParams = { start_time: { monthIdx: startMonth, year: startYear, }, end_time: { monthIdx: endMonth, year: endYear, }, }; this.server.get('sys/internal/counters/activity', (schema, req) => { const { start_time, end_time } = req.queryParams; const readableEnd = this.readableUnix(end_time); const readableStart = this.readableUnix(start_time); assert.strictEqual( readableStart, `May 01 2022`, `formatted unix start time is the first of the month: ${readableStart}` ); assert.strictEqual( readableEnd, `March 31 2023`, `formatted unix end time is the last day of the month: ${readableEnd}` ); }); this.store.queryRecord(this.modelName, queryParams); }); });