// The root folder for this documentation category is `pages/docs` // // - A string refers to the name of a file // - A "category" value refers to the name of a directory // - All directories must have an "index.mdx" file to serve as // the landing page for the category export default [ { category: 'install', }, { category: 'internals', content: [ 'architecture', 'high-availability', 'integrated-storage', 'security', 'telemetry', 'token', 'rotation', 'replication', 'plugins', 'limits', ], }, { category: 'concepts', content: [ 'dev-server', 'seal', 'lease', 'auth', 'tokens', 'response-wrapping', 'policies', 'password-policies', 'ha', 'integrated-storage', 'pgp-gpg-keybase', 'recovery-mode', 'resource-quotas', 'client-count' ], }, { category: 'configuration', content: [ { category: 'listener', content: ['tcp'], }, { category: 'seal', content: [ 'alicloudkms', 'awskms', 'azurekeyvault', 'gcpckms', 'ocikms', 'pkcs11', 'transit', ], }, { category: 'storage', content: [ 'azure', 'cassandra', 'cockroachdb', 'consul', 'couchdb', 'dynamodb', 'etcd', 'filesystem', 'foundationdb', 'google-cloud-spanner', 'google-cloud-storage', 'in-memory', 'manta', 'mssql', 'mysql', 'oci-object-storage', 'postgresql', 'raft', 's3', 'swift', 'zookeeper', ], }, 'sentinel', { category: 'service-registration', content: ['consul', 'kubernetes'], }, 'telemetry', { category: 'ui' }, { category: 'entropy-augmentation' }, ], }, { category: 'commands', content: [ 'agent', { category: 'audit', content: ['disable', 'enable', 'list'], }, { category: 'auth', content: ['disable', 'enable', 'help', 'list', 'tune'], }, 'debug', 'delete', { category: 'kv', content: [ 'delete', 'destroy', 'enable-versioning', 'get', 'list', 'metadata', 'patch', 'put', 'rollback', 'undelete', ], }, { category: 'lease', content: ['renew', 'revoke'], }, 'list', 'login', 'monitor', 'namespace', { category: 'operator', content: [ 'generate-root', 'init', 'key-status', 'migrate', 'raft', 'rekey', 'rotate', 'seal', 'step-down', 'unseal', ], }, 'path-help', { category: 'plugin', content: ['deregister', 'info', 'list', 'register', 'reload'], }, { category: 'policy', content: ['delete', 'fmt', 'list', 'read', 'write'], }, 'read', { category: 'secrets', content: ['disable', 'enable', 'list', 'move', 'tune'], }, 'server', 'ssh', 'status', { category: 'token', content: ['capabilities', 'create', 'lookup', 'renew', 'revoke'], }, 'unwrap', 'version', 'write', 'token-helper', ], }, { category: 'agent', content: [ { category: 'autoauth', content: [ { category: 'methods', content: [ 'alicloud', 'approle', 'aws', 'azure', 'cert', 'cf', 'gcp', 'jwt', 'kerberos', 'kubernetes', ], }, { category: 'sinks', content: ['file'], }, ], }, { category: 'caching' }, { category: 'template' }, ], }, '----------------', { category: 'secrets', content: [ { category: 'ad' }, { category: 'alicloud' }, { category: 'aws' }, { category: 'azure' }, { category: 'consul' }, { category: 'cubbyhole' }, { category: 'databases', content: [ 'cassandra', 'couchbase', 'elasticdb', 'hanadb', 'influxdb', 'mongodb', 'mongodbatlas', 'mssql', 'mysql-maria', 'oracle', 'postgresql', 'redshift', 'custom', ], }, { category: 'gcp' }, { category: 'gcpkms' }, { category: 'key-management' }, { category: 'kmip' }, { category: 'kv', content: ['kv-v1', 'kv-v2'], }, { category: 'identity' }, { category: 'mongodbatlas' }, { category: 'nomad' }, { category: 'openldap' }, { category: 'pki' }, { category: 'rabbitmq' }, { category: 'ssh', content: [ 'signed-ssh-certificates', 'one-time-ssh-passwords', 'dynamic-ssh-keys', ], }, { category: 'totp' }, { category: 'transform' }, { category: 'transit' }, { category: 'venafi' }, ], }, { category: 'auth', content: [ 'approle', 'alicloud', 'aws', 'azure', 'cf', 'github', 'gcp', 'jwt', 'kerberos', 'kubernetes', 'ldap', 'oci', 'okta', 'radius', 'cert', 'token', 'userpass', '---------', 'app-id', 'mfa', ], }, { category: 'audit', content: ['file', 'syslog', 'socket'], }, { category: 'plugin', }, { category: 'plugin-portal', }, '----------------', { category: 'what-is-vault', }, { category: 'use-cases', }, { category: 'partnerships', }, '----------------', { category: 'platform', content: [ { category: 'k8s', content: [ { category: 'helm', content: [ 'run', 'openshift', 'configuration', { category: 'examples', content: [ 'development', 'standalone-load-balanced-ui', 'standalone-tls', 'standalone-audit', 'external', 'kubernetes-auth', 'ha-with-consul', 'ha-with-raft', 'enterprise-with-raft', 'enterprise-dr-with-raft', 'enterprise-perf-with-raft', 'injector-tls', ], }, ], }, { category: 'injector', content: ['annotations', 'installation', 'examples'], }, ], }, { category: 'aws-mp', content: ['run'], }, ], }, '----------------', { category: 'upgrading', content: [ 'plugins', 'upgrade-to-0.5.0', 'upgrade-to-0.5.1', 'upgrade-to-0.6.0', 'upgrade-to-0.6.1', 'upgrade-to-0.6.2', 'upgrade-to-0.6.3', 'upgrade-to-0.6.4', 'upgrade-to-0.7.0', 'upgrade-to-0.8.0', 'upgrade-to-0.9.0', 'upgrade-to-0.9.1', 'upgrade-to-0.9.2', 'upgrade-to-0.9.3', 'upgrade-to-0.9.6', 'upgrade-to-0.10.0', 'upgrade-to-0.10.2', 'upgrade-to-0.10.4', 'upgrade-to-0.11.0', 'upgrade-to-0.11.2', 'upgrade-to-0.11.6', 'upgrade-to-1.0.0', 'upgrade-to-1.1.0', 'upgrade-to-1.1.1', 'upgrade-to-1.1.2', 'upgrade-to-1.2.0', 'upgrade-to-1.2.1', 'upgrade-to-1.2.4', 'upgrade-to-1.2.5', 'upgrade-to-1.2.6', 'upgrade-to-1.2.7', 'upgrade-to-1.3.0', 'upgrade-to-1.3.2', 'upgrade-to-1.3.3', 'upgrade-to-1.3.4', 'upgrade-to-1.3.5', 'upgrade-to-1.3.8', 'upgrade-to-1.3.9', 'upgrade-to-1.3.10', 'upgrade-to-1.4.0', 'upgrade-to-1.4.1', 'upgrade-to-1.4.4', 'upgrade-to-1.4.5', 'upgrade-to-1.4.6', 'upgrade-to-1.5.0', 'upgrade-to-1.5.1', 'upgrade-to-1.5.2', 'upgrade-to-1.5.3', 'upgrade-to-1.6.0', ], }, '----------------', { category: 'release-notes', content: [ '1.5.0', '1.6.0', ], }, '----------------', { category: 'enterprise', content: [ { category: 'replication' }, { category: 'hsm', content: ['behavior', 'security'], }, { category: 'automated-integrated-storage-snapshots' }, { category: 'lease-count-quotas' }, { category: 'entropy-augmentation' }, { category: 'sealwrap' }, { category: 'namespaces' }, { category: 'performance-standby' }, { category: 'control-groups' }, { category: 'mfa', content: ['mfa-duo', 'mfa-okta', 'mfa-pingid', 'mfa-totp'], }, { category: 'sentinel', content: ['examples', 'properties'], }, ], }, ]