import Component from '@glimmer/component'; import { inject as service } from '@ember/service'; import { tracked } from '@glimmer/tracking'; import { action } from '@ember/object'; const LIST_ROOT_ROUTE = 'vault.cluster.secrets.backend.list-root'; const SHOW_ROUTE = ''; const getErrorMessage = errors => { let errorMessage = errors?.join('. ') || 'Something went wrong. Check the Vault logs for more information.'; if (errorMessage.indexOf('failed to verify') >= 0) { errorMessage = 'There was a verification error for this connection. Check the Vault logs for more information.'; } return errorMessage; }; export default class DatabaseConnectionEdit extends Component { @service store; @service router; @service flashMessages; @service wizard; @tracked showPasswordField = false; // used for edit mode @tracked showSaveModal = false; // used for create mode constructor() { super(...arguments); if (this.wizard.featureState === 'details' || this.wizard.featureState === 'connection') { this.wizard.transitionFeatureMachine(this.wizard.featureState, 'CONTINUE', 'database'); } } rotateCredentials(backend, name) { let adapter ='database/connection'); return adapter.rotateRootCredentials(backend, name); } transitionToRoute() { return this.router.transitionTo(...arguments); } @action updateShowPassword(showForm) { this.showPasswordField = showForm; if (!showForm) { // unset password if hidden this.args.model.password = undefined; } } @action updatePassword(attr, evt) { const value =; this.args.model[attr] = value; } @action async handleCreateConnection(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); let secret = this.args.model; let secretId =; secret.set('id', secretId); secret .save() .then(() => { this.showSaveModal = true; }) .catch(e => { const errorMessage = getErrorMessage(e.errors); this.flashMessages.danger(errorMessage); }); } @action continueWithoutRotate(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); const { name } = this.args.model; this.transitionToRoute(SHOW_ROUTE, name); } @action continueWithRotate(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); const { backend, name } = this.args.model; this.rotateCredentials(backend, name) .then(() => { this.flashMessages.success(`Successfully rotated root credentials for connection "${name}"`); this.transitionToRoute(SHOW_ROUTE, name); }) .catch(e => { this.flashMessages.danger(`Error rotating root credentials: ${e.errors}`); this.transitionToRoute(SHOW_ROUTE, name); }); } @action handleUpdateConnection(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); let secret = this.args.model; let secretId =; secret .save() .then(() => { this.transitionToRoute(SHOW_ROUTE, secretId); }) .catch(e => { const errorMessage = getErrorMessage(e.errors); this.flashMessages.danger(errorMessage); }); } @action delete(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); const secret = this.args.model; const backend = secret.backend; secret.destroyRecord().then(() => { this.transitionToRoute(LIST_ROOT_ROUTE, backend); }); } @action reset() { const { name, backend } = this.args.model; let adapter ='database/connection'); adapter .resetConnection(backend, name) .then(() => { // TODO: Why isn't the confirmAction closing? this.flashMessages.success('Successfully reset connection'); }) .catch(e => { const errorMessage = getErrorMessage(e.errors); this.flashMessages.danger(errorMessage); }); } @action rotate() { const { name, backend } = this.args.model; this.rotateCredentials(backend, name) .then(() => { // TODO: Why isn't the confirmAction closing? this.flashMessages.success('Successfully rotated credentials'); }) .catch(e => { const errorMessage = getErrorMessage(e.errors); this.flashMessages.danger(errorMessage); }); } }