import Component from '@glimmer/component'; import { tracked } from '@glimmer/tracking'; import { isAfter, startOfMonth } from 'date-fns'; import { action } from '@ember/object'; export default class Current extends Component { chartLegend = [ { key: 'entity_clients', label: 'entity clients' }, { key: 'non_entity_clients', label: 'non-entity clients' }, ]; @tracked firstUpgradeVersion = this.args.model.versionHistory[0].id || null; // return 1.9.0 or earliest upgrade post 1.9.0 @tracked upgradeDate = this.args.model.versionHistory[0].timestampInstalled || null; // returns RFC3339 timestamp @tracked selectedNamespace = null; @tracked namespaceArray = => { return { name: namespace['label'], id: namespace['label'] }; }); @tracked selectedAuthMethod = null; @tracked authMethodOptions = []; // Response client count data by namespace for current/partial month get byNamespaceCurrent() { return this.args.model.monthly?.byNamespace || []; } get isGatheringData() { // return true if tracking IS enabled but no data collected yet return this.args.model.config?.enabled === 'On' && this.byNamespaceCurrent.length === 0; } get hasAttributionData() { if (this.selectedAuthMethod) return false; if (this.selectedNamespace) { return this.authMethodOptions.length > 0; } return this.totalUsageCounts.clients !== 0 && !!this.totalClientsData; } get filteredActivity() { const namespace = this.selectedNamespace; const auth = this.selectedAuthMethod; if (!namespace && !auth) { return this.getActivityResponse; } if (!auth) { return this.byNamespaceCurrent.find((ns) => ns.label === namespace); } return this.byNamespaceCurrent .find((ns) => ns.label === namespace) .mounts?.find((mount) => mount.label === auth); } get countsIncludeOlderData() { let firstUpgrade = this.args.model.versionHistory[0]; if (!firstUpgrade) { return false; } let versionDate = new Date(firstUpgrade.timestampInstalled); // compare against this month and this year to show message or not. return isAfter(versionDate, startOfMonth(new Date())) ? versionDate : false; } // top level TOTAL client counts for current/partial month get totalUsageCounts() { return this.selectedNamespace ? this.filteredActivity : this.args.model.monthly?.total; } // total client data for horizontal bar chart in attribution component get totalClientsData() { if (this.selectedNamespace) { return this.filteredActivity?.mounts || null; } else { return this.byNamespaceCurrent; } } get responseTimestamp() { return this.args.model.monthly?.responseTimestamp; } // ACTIONS @action selectNamespace([value]) { // value comes in as [namespace0] this.selectedNamespace = value; if (!value) { this.authMethodOptions = []; // on clear, also make sure auth method is cleared this.selectedAuthMethod = null; } else { // Side effect: set auth namespaces const mounts = this.filteredActivity.mounts?.map((mount) => ({ id: mount.label, name: mount.label, })); this.authMethodOptions = mounts; } } @action setAuthMethod([authMount]) { this.selectedAuthMethod = authMount; } }