import { inject as service } from '@ember/service'; import Component from '@ember/component'; import { computed } from '@ember/object'; import { FEATURE_MACHINE_TIME } from 'vault/helpers/wizard-constants'; export default Component.extend({ wizard: service(), version: service(), init() { this._super(...arguments); this.maybeHideFeatures(); }, maybeHideFeatures() { if (this.get('showReplication') === false) { let feature = this.get('allFeatures').findBy('key', 'replication'); = false; } }, estimatedTime: computed('selectedFeatures', function() { let time = 0; for (let feature of Object.keys(FEATURE_MACHINE_TIME)) { if (this.selectedFeatures.includes(feature)) { time += FEATURE_MACHINE_TIME[feature]; } } return time; }), selectProgress: computed('selectedFeatures', function() { let bar = => { return { style: 'width:0%;', completed: false, showIcon: true, feature: feature }; }); if (bar.length === 0) { bar = [{ style: 'width:0%;', showIcon: false }]; } return bar; }), allFeatures: computed(function() { return [ { key: 'secrets', name: 'Secrets', steps: ['Enabling a secrets engine', 'Adding a secret'], selected: false, show: true, }, { key: 'authentication', name: 'Authentication', steps: ['Enabling an auth method', 'Managing your auth method'], selected: false, show: true, }, { key: 'policies', name: 'Policies', steps: [ 'Choosing a policy type', 'Creating a policy', 'Deleting your policy', 'Other types of policies', ], selected: false, show: true, }, { key: 'replication', name: 'Replication', steps: ['Setting up replication', 'Your cluster information'], selected: false, show: true, }, { key: 'tools', name: 'Tools', steps: ['Wrapping data', 'Lookup wrapped data', 'Rewrapping your data', 'Unwrapping your data'], selected: false, show: true, }, ]; }), showReplication: computed('version.{hasPerfReplication,hasDRReplication}', function() { return this.get('version.hasPerfReplication') || this.get('version.hasDRReplication'); }), selectedFeatures: computed('allFeatures.@each.selected', function() { return this.get('allFeatures') .filterBy('selected') .mapBy('key'); }), actions: { saveFeatures() { let wizard = this.get('wizard'); wizard.saveFeatures(this.get('selectedFeatures')); wizard.transitionTutorialMachine('', 'CONTINUE'); }, }, });