import Controller from '@ember/controller'; import { inject as service } from '@ember/service'; import { action } from '@ember/object'; import { tracked } from '@glimmer/tracking'; export default class VaultClusterMfaSetupController extends Controller { @service auth; @tracked onStep = 1; @tracked warning = ''; @tracked uuid = ''; @tracked qrCode = ''; get entityId() { return this.auth.authData.entity_id; } @action isUUIDVerified(verified) { this.warning = ''; // clear the warning, otherwise it persists. if (verified) { this.onStep = 2; } else { this.restartFlow(); } } @action restartFlow() { this.onStep = 1; } @action saveUUIDandQrCode(uuid, qrCode) { // qrCode could be an empty string if the admin-generate was not successful this.uuid = uuid; this.qrCode = qrCode; } @action showWarning(warning) { this.warning = warning; this.onStep = 2; } }