import Component from '@glimmer/component'; import { action } from '@ember/object'; import { tracked } from '@glimmer/tracking'; import { ARRAY_OF_MONTHS } from 'core/utils/date-formatters'; /** * @module DateDropdown * DateDropdown components are used to display a dropdown of months and years to handle date selection. Future dates are disabled (current month and year are selectable). * The component returns an object with selected date info, example: { dateType: 'start', monthIdx: 0, monthName: 'January', year: 2022 } * * @example * ```js * * ``` * @param {function} handleSubmit - callback function from parent that the date picker triggers on submit * @param {function} [handleCancel] - optional callback for cancel action, if exists then buttons appear modal style with a light gray background * @param {string} [dateType] - optional argument to give the selected month/year a type * @param {string} [submitText] - optional argument to change submit button text * @param {function} [validateDate] - parent function to validate date selection, receives date object and returns an error message that's passed to the inline alert */ export default class DateDropdown extends Component { currentDate = new Date(); currentYear = this.currentDate.getFullYear(); // integer of year currentMonthIdx = this.currentDate.getMonth(); // integer of month, 0 indexed dropdownMonths =, i) => ({ name: m, index: i })); dropdownYears = Array.from({ length: 5 }, (item, i) => this.currentYear - i); @tracked maxMonthIdx = 11; // disables months with index greater than this number, initially all months are selectable @tracked disabledYear = null; // year as integer if current year should be disabled @tracked selectedMonth = null; @tracked selectedYear = null; @tracked invalidDate = null; @action selectMonth(month, dropdown) { this.selectedMonth = month; // disable current year if selected month is later than current month this.disabledYear = month.index > this.currentMonthIdx ? this.currentYear : null; dropdown.close(); } @action selectYear(year, dropdown) { this.selectedYear = year; // disable months after current month if selected year is current year this.maxMonthIdx = year === this.currentYear ? this.currentMonthIdx : 11; dropdown.close(); } @action handleSubmit() { if (this.args.validateDate) { this.invalidDate = null; this.invalidDate = this.args.validateDate(new Date(this.selectedYear, this.selectedMonth.index)); if (this.invalidDate) return; } const { index, name } = this.selectedMonth; this.args.handleSubmit({ monthIdx: index, monthName: name, year: this.selectedYear, dateType: this.args.dateType, }); this.resetDropdown(); } @action handleCancel() { this.args.handleCancel(); this.resetDropdown(); } resetDropdown() { this.maxMonthIdx = 11; this.disabledYear = null; this.selectedMonth = null; this.selectedYear = null; this.invalidDate = null; } }