* remove ember-cli-favicon
* link to png favicon in public folder
* skip some things in the build depending on the env
* update to ember-cli 3.5.0 for broccoli 2, and ember-fetch because it was incompatible with broccoli 2
* update some things the new sass module wasn't happy about
* turn off more things in dev to make the build faster
* bump to the latest ember-cli and move back to node-sass
* remove sass since we're using node-sass
* include polyfill in test as well
* add routes for control groups in tools, settings, access (#4718)
* UI control group - storage, request, authorization, and unwrapping (#4899)
* UI control groups config (#4927)
* adding columnify and ember-cli-cjs-transform
* add yargs-parser
* remove vendored yargs-parser tokenizer and use cjs transform to import it from actual yargs-parser
* add clear command that clears the log, but maintains history
* make codemirror have no gutter and be auto-height when rendered in the console output log
* add fullscreen command and hook up fullscreen toggle button
* hook up copy button