* adding columnify and ember-cli-cjs-transform
* add yargs-parser
* remove vendored yargs-parser tokenizer and use cjs transform to import it from actual yargs-parser
* add clear command that clears the log, but maintains history
* make codemirror have no gutter and be auto-height when rendered in the console output log
* add fullscreen command and hook up fullscreen toggle button
* hook up copy button
* move submit buttons in auth-form into a form tag because IE11 is sad
* add acceptance test for auth-method clearing
* update ember-cli-page-object
* actually remove the form attr on the auth-form component
* remove form attribute on init form
* remove form attribute from shamir-flow component
* stringify not strigify
* add ember-cli-content-security-policy
* only enable client side CSP when not in production - the go side handles this otherwise
* add service that handles and stores CSP violations via the securitypolicyviolation event
* update auth form component to show a specialized message when there's a CSP error
* move to computed prop for showing the CSP error message
* fix typos