* allow passing a path for options so that it can be extracted from the model
* add cred type selector for the aws generate form
* style hint text on generate creds form
* add tests for aws-credential adapter
* allow for the case where we might have zero ttl
* show error for TTL picker if a non-number is entered for the duration part of the TTL
* fix positioning of tooltips
* fix ttl rendering with invalid input for initialValue
* adding columnify and ember-cli-cjs-transform
* add yargs-parser
* remove vendored yargs-parser tokenizer and use cjs transform to import it from actual yargs-parser
* add clear command that clears the log, but maintains history
* make codemirror have no gutter and be auto-height when rendered in the console output log
* add fullscreen command and hook up fullscreen toggle button
* hook up copy button