* move download-button and toolbar-download-button to core addon
* add ca model and adapter and show CA on the engine configuration page
* add other side of model relationship for kmip ca<->config
* add NavHeader component
* use NavHeader in SplashPage component and application.hbs
* let download button take a block
* add RadialProgress component
* use RadialProgress in ShamirFlow component
* style up the RadialProgress component
* update ember-basic-dropdown, ember-basic-dropdown-hover
* rework operation token generation workflow
* directly depend on ember-maybe-in-element
* move submit buttons in auth-form into a form tag because IE11 is sad
* add acceptance test for auth-method clearing
* update ember-cli-page-object
* actually remove the form attr on the auth-form component
* remove form attribute on init form
* remove form attribute from shamir-flow component
* stringify not strigify