* Update transform role delete button to be ConfirmAction with dropdown
* Set backend on fetched record so that it saves correctly
* Update transformation after role transformations changed works
* Clean up transform adapter
* Add role to allowed_roles on added transformations and remove from removed transformations on role save, with flash message
* Add backend to transform role model, and update serializer to add backend to paginated results
* Clean up error message handling
* Connect backend to transform roles list response
* Capabilities on transform roles is correct
* Fix cancel button on transform role edit location
* Fix model path
* Remove unnecessary tab param from controller
* Add backend to transform model
* Can see list of roles, templates, and alphabets when you click on corresponding tab inside a transform secrets engine
* Cannot click on items in list other than transformations
* Can create a new transform role from the empty state or toolbar
* Creating a role redirects to the view of that role
* Breadcrumb links on transform roles work
* Role create form handles error