* add browserstack
* check for data before removing root token
* fix root prefix and select by attributes for ie11
* use objectAt for ie11
* use blobs instead of files for ie11
* manually round cirucmference for ie11
* skip csp test on ie11
* skip tests in ie11
* include polyfill for CI
* remove on exit hooks
* update which browserstack tests are run
* remove ie check since we are not running these tests in ie
* remove ie check since we are not running these tests in ie
* turns out sourcemaps are useful
* add test for restricted policy in kv v2
* only include version param on fetch if it's encoded in the id
* rename some vars for clarity and use model.id when persisting a secret
* fix delete attributes on the models
* allow data edit when there's metadata access is disallowed
* add tests for edit with restricted policy
* hide metadata fields if you can't edit them
* remove ember-cli-favicon
* link to png favicon in public folder
* skip some things in the build depending on the env
* update to ember-cli 3.5.0 for broccoli 2, and ember-fetch because it was incompatible with broccoli 2
* update some things the new sass module wasn't happy about
* turn off more things in dev to make the build faster
* bump to the latest ember-cli and move back to node-sass
* remove sass since we're using node-sass
* include polyfill in test as well
* add make targets to build the ui without minifying the source
* add polyfill for string.prototype.endswith and move to npm version of string.prototype.startswith
* replace the current history state with a / on the list secrets endpoint
* add test for list with id
* adding columnify and ember-cli-cjs-transform
* add yargs-parser
* remove vendored yargs-parser tokenizer and use cjs transform to import it from actual yargs-parser
* add clear command that clears the log, but maintains history
* make codemirror have no gutter and be auto-height when rendered in the console output log
* add fullscreen command and hook up fullscreen toggle button
* hook up copy button