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@@ -16,6 +16,12 @@ data is encrypted and the attacker would never get a hold of the raw data.
This guide walks you through Encryption as a Service topics.
+- [Encryption as a Service](/guides/encryption/transit.html) guide walks you
+through the usage of the `transit` secrets engine in Vault.
+Read this guide first before proceeding to the [Transit Secrets
+Re-wrapping](/guides/encryption/transit-rewrap.html) guide or [Java Application
+Demo](/guides/encryption/spring-demo.html) guide.
- [Java Application Demo](/guides/encryption/spring-demo.html) guide walks
through a sample application which relies on Vault to generate database
credentials as well as encrypting sensitive data. This guide is for anyone who
diff --git a/website/source/guides/encryption/spring-demo.html.md b/website/source/guides/encryption/spring-demo.html.md
index 9bdfdd08a..4be1a30f0 100644
--- a/website/source/guides/encryption/spring-demo.html.md
+++ b/website/source/guides/encryption/spring-demo.html.md
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ environment.
## Reference Material
+- [Encryption as a Service](/guides/encryption/transit.html)
- [Manage secrets, access, and encryption in
the public cloud with
diff --git a/website/source/guides/encryption/transit-rewrap.html.md b/website/source/guides/encryption/transit-rewrap.html.md
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--- a/website/source/guides/encryption/transit-rewrap.html.md
+++ b/website/source/guides/encryption/transit-rewrap.html.md
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ rotating an encryption key in the transit engine in Vault.
## Reference Material
+- [Encryption as a Service](/guides/encryption/transit.html)
- [Transit Secret Engine](/docs/secrets/transit/index.html)
- [Transit Secret Engine API](/api/secret/transit/index.html)
- [Transparent Data Encryption in the Modern Datacenter](https://www.hashicorp.com/blog/transparent-data-encryption-in-the-modern-datacenter)
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+layout: "guides"
+page_title: "Encryption as a Service - Guides"
+sidebar_current: "guides-encryption-transit"
+description: |-
+ HashiCorp Vault's transit secrets engine handles cryptographic functions on data in-transit. It can also viewed as _encryption as a service_.
+# Encryption as a Service: Transit Secrets Engine
+Vault's `transit` secrets engine handles cryptographic functions on
+data-in-transit. Vault doesn't store the data sent to the secrets engine, so it
+can also be viewed as ***encryption as a service***.
+Although the `transit` secrets engine provides additional features (sign and
+verify data, generate hashes and HMACs of data, and act as a source of random
+bytes), its primary use case is to encrypt data. This relieves the burden of
+proper encryption/decryption from application developers and pushes the burden
+onto the operators of Vault.
+## Reference Materials
+- [Transit Secret Engine](/docs/secrets/transit/index.html)
+- [Transit Secret Engine API](/api/secret/transit/index.html)
+- [Transparent Data Encryption in the Modern Datacenter](https://www.hashicorp.com/blog/transparent-data-encryption-in-the-modern-datacenter)
+~> **NOTE:** An [interactive
+tutorial](https://www.katacoda.com/hashicorp/scenarios/vault-transit) is
+also available if you do not have a Vault environment to perform the steps
+described in this guide.
+## Estimated Time to Complete
+10 minutes
+## Personas
+The end-to-end scenario described in this guide involves two personas:
+- **operator** with privileged permissions to manage the encryption keys
+- **app** with un-privileged permissions encrypt/decrypt secrets via API
+## Challenge
+Think of the following scenario:
+_Example Inc._ recently made headlines for a massive data breach which exposed
+millions of their users' payment card accounts online. When they tracked down the
+problem they found that a new HVAC system with management software had been put
+into their data centers and had created vulnerabilities in their networks and
+exposed ports and IPs to the databases publicly.
+## Solutions
+The `transit` secrets engine enables security teams to fortify data during
+transit and at rest. So even if an intrusion occurs, your data is encrypted with
+AES 256-bit CBC encryption (TLS in transit). Even if an attacker were able to
+access the raw data, they would only have encrypted bits. This means attackers
+would need to compromise multiple systems before exfiltrating data.
+![Encryption as a Service](/assets/images/vault-encryption.png)
+This guide demonstrates the basics of the `transit` secrets engine.
+## Prerequisites
+To perform the tasks described in this guide, you need to have a Vault
+environment. Refer to the [Getting
+Started](/intro/getting-started/install.html) guide to install Vault. Make sure
+that your Vault server has been [initialized and
+### Policy requirements
+-> **NOTE:** For the purpose of this guide, you can use **`root`** token to work
+with Vault. However, it is recommended that root tokens are only used for just
+enough initial setup or in emergencies. As a best practice, use tokens with
+appropriate set of policies based on your role in the organization.
+To perform all tasks demonstrated in this guide, your policy must include the
+following permissions:
+# Enable transit secrets engine
+path "sys/mounts/transit" {
+ capabilities = [ "create", "read", "update", "delete", "list" ]
+# To read enabled secrets engines
+path "sys/mounts" {
+ capabilities = [ "read" ]
+# Manage the transit secrets engine
+path "transit/*" {
+ capabilities = [ "create", "read", "update", "delete", "list" ]
+If you are not familiar with policies, complete the
+[policies](/guides/identity/policies.html) guide.
+## Steps
+You will perform the following:
+1. [Configure Transit Secret Engine](#step1)
+1. [Encrypt Secrets](#step2)
+1. [Decrypt a cipher-text](#step3)
+1. [Rotate the Encryption Key](#step4)
+1. [Update Key Configuration](#step5)
+### Step 1: Configure Transit Secret Engine
+(**Persona:** operator)
+The `transit` secrets engine must be configured before it can perform its
+operations. This step is usually done by an **operator** or configuration
+management tool.
+#### CLI command
+Enable the `transit` secret engine by executing the following command:
+$ vault secrets enable transit
+> By default, the secrets engine will mount at the name of the engine. If you
+wish to enable it at a different path, use the `-path` argument.
+> **Example:** `vault secrets enable -path=encryption transit`
+Now, create an encryption key ring named, `orders` by executing the following
+$ vault write -f transit/keys/orders
+#### API call using cURL
+Enable `transit` secret engine using `/sys/mounts` endpoint:
+$ curl --header "X-Vault-Token: " \
+ --request POST \
+ --data \
+ /v1/sys/mounts/
+Where `` is your valid token, and `` holds [configuration
+parameters](/api/system/mounts.html#enable-secrets-engine) of the secret engine.
+The following example enables transit secret engine at `sys/mounts/transit`
+path, and passed the secret engine type (`transit`) in the request payload.
+$ curl --header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
+ --request POST \
+ --data '{"type":"transit"}' \
+Now, create an encryption key ring named, `orders` using the `transit/keys`
+$ curl --header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
+ --request POST \
+#### Web UI
+Open a web browser and launch the Vault UI (e.g. and then login.
+1. Select **Enable new engine** and select **Transit** from **Secrets engine type**
+drop-down list.
+ ![Enable new engine](/assets/images/vault-secrets-enable.png)
+1. Click **Enable Engine**.
+1. Select **Create encryption key** and enter `orders` in the **Name** field.
+ ![Create a key](/assets/images/vault-transit-1.png)
+1. Click **Create encryption key** to complete.
+~> **NOTE:** Typically, you want to create an encryption key ring for each
+### Step 2: Encrypt Secrets
+(**Persona:** operator)
+Once the `transit` secrets engine has been configured, any client with a valid
+token with proper permission can send data to encrypt.
+Here, you are going to encrypt a plaintext, _"credit-card-number"_.
+-> **NOTE:** You can pass non-text binary file such as a PDF or image.
+When you encrypt a plaintext, it must be base64-encoded.
+#### CLI command
+To encrypt your secret, use the `transit/encrypt` endpoint:
+$ vault write transit/encrypt/
+Execute the following command to encrypt a plaintext:
+$ vault write transit/encrypt/orders plaintext=$(base64 <<< "credit-card-number")
+Key Value
+--- -----
+ciphertext vault:v1:cZNHVx+sxdMErXRSuDa1q/pz49fXTn1PScKfhf+PIZPvy8xKfkytpwKcbC0fF2U=
+Vault does *NOT* store any of this data. The output you received is the
+ciphertext. You can store this ciphertext at the desired location (e.g. MySQL
+database) or pass it to another application.
+#### API call using cURL
+To encrypt your secret, use the [`transit/encrypt`
+# Generate base64-encoded plaintext
+$ base64 <<< "credit-card-number"
+# Pass the base64-encoded plaintext in the request payload
+$ curl --header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
+ --request POST \
+ --data '{"plaintext": "Y3JlZGl0LWNhcmQtbnVtYmVyCg=="}' \
+ | jq
+ "request_id": "f483d9b6-8132-782e-1665-ad432c2461ab",
+ "lease_id": "",
+ "renewable": false,
+ "lease_duration": 0,
+ "data": {
+ "ciphertext": "vault:v1:/9hdQutaWpZR72s3+VSCLK1JNhV1wKM49hYVjh7RjmuxIy/OvshtgV4L4uVB+aQ="
+ },
+ ...
+Vault does *NOT* store any of this data. The output you received is the
+ciphertext. You can store this ciphertext at the desired location (e.g. MySQL
+database) or pass it to another application.
+#### Web UI
+1. Select the **orders** encryption key.
+1. Select **Key actions**.
+ ![Key action](/assets/images/vault-transit-2.png)
+1. Make sure that **Encrypt** is selected under **TRANSIT ACTIONS**, and then
+enter "credit-card-number" in the **Plaintext** field.
+ ![Encrypt plaintext](/assets/images/vault-transit-3.png)
+1. Click **Encode to base64** to encode the plaintext.
+1. Click **Encrypt**.
+ Vault does *NOT* store any of this data. The output you received is the
+ciphertext. You can click **Copy** to copy the resulting ciphertext and store it
+at the desired location (e.g. MySQL database) or pass it to another application.
+![Encrypt plaintext](/assets/images/vault-transit-4.png)
+### Step 3: Decrypt a cipher-text
+(**Persona:** operator)
+Any client with a valid token with proper permission can decrypt the ciphertext
+generated by Vault. To decrypt the ciphertext, invoke the `transit/decrypt`
+#### CLI command
+Execute the following command to decrypt the ciphertext resulted in [Step
+$ vault write transit/decrypt/orders \
+ ciphertext="vault:v1:cZNHVx+sxdMErXRSuDa1q/pz49fXTn1PScKfhf+PIZPvy8xKfkytpwKcbC0fF2U=" \
+Key Value
+--- -----
+plaintext Y3JlZGl0LWNhcmQtbnVtYmVyCg==
+The resulting data is base64-encoded. To reveal the original plaintext, run the
+following command:
+$ base64 --decode <<< "Y3JlZGl0LWNhcmQtbnVtYmVyCg=="
+#### API call using cURL
+Use the `transit/decrypt` endpoint to decrypt the ciphertext resulted in [Step
+# Pass the ciphertext in the request payload to decode
+$ curl --header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
+ --request POST \
+ --data '{"ciphertext": "Yvault:v1:/9hdQutaWpZR72s3+VSCLK1JNhV1wKM49hYVjh7RjmuxIy/OvshtgV4L4uVB+aQ="}' \
+ | jq
+ "request_id": "062d7998-8932-76f2-f96c-5938a55ff005",
+ "lease_id": "",
+ "renewable": false,
+ "lease_duration": 0,
+ "data": {
+ "plaintext": "Y3JlZGl0LWNhcmQtbnVtYmVyCg=="
+ },
+ ...
+# The resulting data is base64-encoded that it must be decoded to reveal the plaintext
+$ base64 --decode <<< "Y3JlZGl0LWNhcmQtbnVtYmVyCg=="
+#### Web UI
+1. Select the **orders** encryption key.
+1. Select **Key actions**.
+1. Make sure that **Decrypt** is selected under **TRANSIT ACTIONS**, and then
+enter the ciphertext you wish to decrypt.
+ ![Decrypt ciphertext](/assets/images/vault-transit-5.png)
+1. Click **Decrypt**.
+1. The resulting data is base64-encoded. Click **Decode from base64** to reveal
+the plaintext.
+### Step 4: Rotate the Encryption Key
+(**Persona:** operator)
+One of the benefits of using the Vault `transit` secrets engine is its ability
+to easily rotate the encryption keys. Keys can be rotated manually by a human,
+or an automated process which invokes the key rotation API endpoint through
+cron, a CI pipeline, a periodic Nomad batch job, Kubernetes Job, etc.
+Vault maintains the versioned keyring and the operator can decide the minimum
+version allowed for decryption operations. When data is encrypted using Vault,
+the resulting ciphertext is prepended with the version of the key used to
+encrypt it.
+#### CLI command
+To rotate the encryption key, invoke the `transit/keys//rotate`
+$ vault write -f transit/keys/orders/rotate
+Let's encrypt another data:
+$ vault write transit/encrypt/orders plaintext=$(base64 <<< "visa-card-number")
+Key Value
+--- -----
+ciphertext vault:v2:45f9zW6cglbrzCjI0yCyC6DBYtSBSxnMgUn9B5aHcGEit71xefPEmmjMbrk3
+Compare the ciphertexts from [Step 2](#step2).
+ciphertext vault:v1:cZNHVx+sxdMErXRSuDa1q/pz49fXTn1PScKfhf+PIZPvy8xKfkytpwKcbC0fF2U=
+Notice that the first ciphertext starts with "**`vault:v1:`**". After rotating
+the encryption key, the ciphertext starts with "**`vault:v2:`**". This indicates
+that the data gets encrypted using the latest version of the key after the
+Execute the following command to rewrap your cipertext from [Step 2](#step2)
+with the latest version of the encryption key:
+$ vault write transit/rewrap/orders \
+ ciphertext="vault:v1:cZNHVx+sxdMErXRSuDa1q/pz49fXTn1PScKfhf+PIZPvy8xKfkytpwKcbC0fF2U="
+Key Value
+--- -----
+ciphertext vault:v2:kChHZ9w4ILRfw+DzO53IZ8m5PyB2yp2/tKbub34uB+iDqtDRB+NLCPrpzTtJHJ4=
+Notice that the resulting ciphertext now starts with "`vault:v2:`".
+This operation does not reveal the plaintext data. But Vault will decrypt the
+value using the appropriate key in the keyring and then encrypted the resulting
+plaintext with the newest key in the keyring.
+#### API call using cURL
+To rotate the encryption key, invoke the `transit/keys//rotate`
+$ curl --header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
+ --request POST
+Let's encrypt another data:
+# Generate base64-encoded plaintext
+$ base64 <<< "visa-card-number"
+# Pass the base64-encoded plaintext in the request payload
+$ curl --header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
+ --request POST \
+ --data '{"plaintext": "dmlzYS1jYXJkLW51bWJlcgo="}' \
+ | jq
+ ...
+ "data": {
+ "ciphertext": "vault:v2:et873RqkfLlS268LqYspVUnqhqZm0flNwhthe4ZzfcuZQab1TnirQ8/hMNYA"
+ },
+ ...
+Compare the ciphertexts from [Step 2](#step2).
+ciphertext vault:v1:cZNHVx+sxdMErXRSuDa1q/pz49fXTn1PScKfhf+PIZPvy8xKfkytpwKcbC0fF2U=
+Notice that the first ciphertext starts with "**`vault:v1:`**". After rotating
+the encryption key, the ciphertext starts with "**`vault:v2:`**". This indicates
+that the data gets encrypted using the latest version of the key after the
+Execute the `transit/rewrap` endpoint to rewrap your cipertext from [Step 2](#step2)
+with the latest version of the encryption key:
+$ curl --header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
+ --request POST \
+ --data '{"ciphertext": "vault:v1:/9hdQutaWpZR72s3+VSCLK1JNhV1wKM49hYVjh7RjmuxIy/OvshtgV4L4uVB+aQ="}' \
+ | jq
+ ...
+ "data": {
+ "ciphertext": "vault:v2:ykqXDP65tLVSrqxoNZh51gIobYQSwNGT+SbiD/2nl8rrhF2md+wplBGdXlhDzd4="
+ },
+ ...
+Notice that the resulting ciphertext now starts with "`vault:v2:`".
+This operation does not reveal the plaintext data. But Vault will decrypt the
+value using the appropriate key in the keyring and then encrypted the resulting
+plaintext with the newest key in the keyring.
+## Step 5: Update Key Configuration
+(**Persona:** operator)
+The operators can [update the encryption key
+configuration](/api/secret/transit/index.html#update-key-configuration) to
+specify the minimum version of ciphertext allowed to be decrypted, the minimum
+version of the key that can be used to encrypt the plaintext, the key is allowed
+to be deleted, etc.
+This helps further tightening the data encryption rule.
+#### CLI Command
+Execute the key rotation command a few times to generate multiple versions of
+the key:
+$ vault write -f transit/keys/orders/rotate
+Now, read the `orders` key information:
+$ vault read transit/keys/orders
+Key Value
+--- -----
+keys map[6:1531439714 1:1531439594 2:1531439667 3:1531439714 4:1531439714 5:1531439714]
+latest_version 6
+min_decryption_version 1
+min_encryption_version 0
+In the example, the current version of the key is **6**. However, there is no
+restriction about the minimum encryption key version, and any of the key
+versions can decrypt the data (`min_decryption_version`).
+Run the following command to enforce the use of the encryption key at version
+**5** or later to decrypt the data.
+$ vault write transit/keys/orders/config min_decryption_version=5
+Now, verify the `orders` key configuration:
+$ vault read transit/keys/orders
+Key Value
+--- -----
+allow_plaintext_backup false
+deletion_allowed false
+derived false
+exportable false
+keys map[5:1531811719 6:1531811721]
+latest_version 6
+min_decryption_version 5
+min_encryption_version 0
+#### API call using cURL
+Execute the `transit/keys//rotate` endpoint a few times key
+rotation command a few times to generate multiple versions of the key:
+$ curl --header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
+ --request POST
+Read the `transit/keys/orders` endpoint to review the `orders` key
+$ curl --header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
+ | jq
+ ...
+ "keys": {
+ "1": 1531804669,
+ "2": 1531810236,
+ "3": 1531811712,
+ "4": 1531811715,
+ "5": 1531811719,
+ "6": 1531811721
+ },
+ "latest_version": 6,
+ "min_decryption_version": 1,
+ "min_encryption_version": 0,
+ ...
+In the example, the current version of the key is **6**. However, there is no
+restriction about the minimum encryption key version, and any of the key
+versions can decrypt the data (`min_decryption_version`).
+Run the following command to enforce the use of the encryption key at version
+**5** or later to decrypt the data.
+$ curl --header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
+ --request POST
+ --data '{"min_decryption_version": 5}'
+Now, verify the `orders` key configuration:
+$ curl --header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
+ | jq
+ ...
+ "keys": {
+ "5": 1531811719,
+ "6": 1531811721
+ },
+ "latest_version": 6,
+ "min_decryption_version": 5,
+ "min_encryption_version": 0,
+ ...
+-> **NOTE:** Notice that the output only displays two valid encryption key
+versions (`5` and `6`).
+## Next steps
+[Transit Secrets Re-wrapping](/guides/encryption/transit-rewrap.html) guide
+introduces a sample application which re-wraps data after rotating an encryption
+key in the transit engine in Vault.
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Encryption as a Service