import flat from 'flat';
import deepmerge from 'deepmerge';
const { unflatten } = flat;
const DOT_REPLACEMENT = '☃';
//function that takes a list of path and returns a deeply nested object
//representing a tree of all of those paths
// given ["foo", "bar", "foo1", "foo/bar", "foo/baz", "foo/bar/baz"]
// returns {
// bar: null,
// foo: {
// bar: {
// baz: null
// },
// baz: null,
// foo1: null,
// }
export default function (paths) {
// first sort the list by length, then alphanumeric
const list = paths.slice(0).sort((a, b) => b.length - a.length || b.localeCompare(a));
// then reduce to an array
// and we remove all of the items that have a string
// that starts with the same prefix from the list
// so if we have "foo/bar/baz", both "foo" and "foo/bar"
// won't be included in the list
let tree = list.reduce((accumulator, ns) => {
const nsWithPrefix = accumulator.find((path) => path.startsWith(ns));
// we need to make sure it's a match for the full path part
const isFullMatch = nsWithPrefix && nsWithPrefix.charAt(ns.length) === '/';
if (!isFullMatch) {
return accumulator;
}, []);
tree = tree.sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b));
// after the reduction we're left with an array that contains
// strings that represent the longest branches
// we'll replace the dots in the paths, then expand the path
// to a nested object that we can then query with Ember.get
return deepmerge.all( => {
p = p.replace(/\.+/g, DOT_REPLACEMENT);
return unflatten({ [p]: null }, { delimiter: '/', object: true });