<div ...attributes>
TOTP Multi-factor authentication (MFA) can be enabled here if it is required by your administrator. This will ensure that
you are not prevented from logging into Vault in the future, once MFA is fully enforced.
<div class="field has-top-margin-l">
<MessageError @errorMessage={{this.error}} class="has-top-margin-s" />
{{#if @warning}}
@title="MFA enabled"
<div class="list-item-row">
<div class="center-display">
<div class="has-top-margin-s">
<div class="info-table-row has-no-shadow">
<div class="column info-table-row-edit"><Icon @name="alert-triangle-fill" class="has-text-highlight" /></div>
<p class="is-size-8">
After you leave this page, this QR code will be removed and
be regenerated.
<div class="is-flex-start has-gap has-top-margin-l">
<button id="restart" type="button" class="button has-text-danger" {{on "click" this.restartSetup}} data-test-restart>
Restart setup
<button id="cancel" type="button" {{on "click" this.redirectPreviousPage}} class="button is-primary" data-test-done>