2021-08-31 15:41:41 +00:00
* @module SecretEditToolbar
* SecretEditToolbar component is the toolbar component displaying the JSON toggle and the actions like delete in the show mode.
* @example
* ```js
* <SecretEditToolbar
* @mode={{mode}}
* @model={{this.model}}
* @isV2={{isV2}}
* @isWriteWithoutRead={{isWriteWithoutRead}}
* @secretDataIsAdvanced={{secretDataIsAdvanced}}
* @showAdvancedMode={{showAdvancedMode}}
* @modelForData={{this.modelForData}}
* @navToNearestAncestor={{this.navToNearestAncestor}}
* @canUpdateSecretData={{canUpdateSecretData}}
* @codemirrorString={{codemirrorString}}
* @wrappedData={{wrappedData}}
* @editActions={{hash
toggleAdvanced=(action "toggleAdvanced")
refresh=(action "refresh")
* />
* ```
* @param {string} mode - show, create, edit. The view.
* @param {object} model - the model passed from the parent secret-edit
* @param {boolean} isV2 - KV type
* @param {boolean} isWriteWithoutRead - boolean describing permissions
* @param {boolean} secretDataIsAdvanced - used to determine if show JSON toggle
* @param {boolean} showAdvacnedMode - used for JSON toggle
* @param {object} modelForData - a modified version of the model with secret data
* @param {string} navToNearestAncestor - route to nav to if press cancel
* @param {boolean} canUpdateSecretData - permissions that show the create new version button or not.
* @param {string} codemirrorString - used to copy the JSON
* @param {object} wrappedData - when copy the data it's the token of the secret returned.
* @param {object} editActions - actions passed from parent to child
2021-12-17 03:44:29 +00:00
/* eslint ember/no-computed-properties-in-native-classes: 'warn' */
2021-08-31 15:41:41 +00:00
import Component from '@glimmer/component';
import { action } from '@ember/object';
import { not } from '@ember/object/computed';
import { inject as service } from '@ember/service';
import { tracked } from '@glimmer/tracking';
export default class SecretEditToolbar extends Component {
@service store;
@service flashMessages;
@tracked wrappedData = null;
@tracked isWrapping = false;
@not('wrappedData') showWrapButton;
clearWrappedData() {
this.wrappedData = null;
handleCopyError() {
this.flashMessages.danger('Could Not Copy Wrapped Data');
handleCopySuccess() {
this.flashMessages.success('Copied Wrapped Data!');
handleWrapClick() {
this.isWrapping = true;
if (this.args.isV2) {
.queryRecord(this.args.modelForData.id, { wrapTTL: 1800 })
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.then((resp) => {
2021-08-31 15:41:41 +00:00
this.wrappedData = resp.wrap_info.token;
this.flashMessages.success('Secret Successfully Wrapped!');
.catch(() => {
this.flashMessages.danger('Could Not Wrap Secret');
.finally(() => {
this.isWrapping = false;
} else {
.queryRecord(null, null, {
backend: this.args.model.backend,
id: this.args.modelForData.id,
wrapTTL: 1800,
2021-12-17 03:44:29 +00:00
.then((resp) => {
2021-08-31 15:41:41 +00:00
this.wrappedData = resp.wrap_info.token;
this.flashMessages.success('Secret Successfully Wrapped!');
.catch(() => {
this.flashMessages.danger('Could Not Wrap Secret');
.finally(() => {
this.isWrapping = false;