Each value has a default tuned for an optimal getting started experience
with Vault. Before going into production, please review the parameters below
and consider if they're appropriate for your deployment.
- `global` - These global values affect multiple components of the chart.
- `enabled` (`boolean: true`) - The master enabled/disabled configuration. If this is true, most components will be installed by default. If this is false, no components will be installed by default and manually opting-in is required, such as by setting `server.enabled` to true.
- `imagePullSecrets` (`array: []`) - References secrets to be used when pulling images from private registries. See [Pull an Image from a Private Registry](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/pull-image-private-registry/) for more details. May be specified as an array of name map entries or just as an array of names:
- `tlsDisable` (`boolean: true`) - When set to `true`, changes URLs from `https` to `http` (such as the `VAULT_ADDR=` environment variable set on the Vault pods).
- `externalVaultAddr` (`string: ""`) - External vault server address for the injector to use. Setting this will disable deployment of the vault server, and only deploy the injector.
A service account with token review permissions is automatically created if `server.serviceAccount.create=true` is set for the external Vault server to use.
- `replicas` (`int: 1`) - The number of pods to deploy to create a highly available cluster of Vault Agent Injectors. Requires Vault K8s 0.7.0 to have more than 1 replica.
- `leaderElector` - Values that configure the Vault Agent Injector leader election for HA deployments.
- `enabled` (`boolean: true`) - When set to `true`, enables leader election for Vault Agent Injector. This is required when using auto-tls and more than 1 replica.
- `tag` (`string: "0.14.2"`) - The tag of the Docker image for the Vault Agent Injector. **This should be pinned to a specific version when running in production.** Otherwise, other changes to the chart may inadvertently upgrade your admission controller.
- `pullPolicy` (`string: "IfNotPresent"`) - The pull policy for container images. The default pull policy is `IfNotPresent` which causes the Kubelet to skip pulling an image if it already exists.
- `agentImage` - Values that configure the Vault Agent sidecar image.
- `repository` (`string: "hashicorp/vault"`) - The name of the Docker image for the Vault Agent sidecar. This should be set to the official Vault Docker image.
- `tag` (`string: "1.9.2"`) - The tag of the Vault Docker image to use for the Vault Agent Sidecar. **Vault 1.3.1+ is required by the admission controller**.
- `exitOnRetryFailure` (`boolean: true`) - Controls whether Vault Agent exits after it has exhausted its number of template retry attempts due to failures.
- `staticSecretRenderInterval` (`string: ""`) - Configures how often Vault Agent Template should render non-leased secrets such as KV v2. See the [Vault Agent Templates documentation] (/docs/agent/template#non-renewable-secrets) for more details.
- `authPath` (`string: "auth/kubernetes"`) - Mount path of the Vault Kubernetes Auth Method.
- `logLevel` (`string: "info"`) - Configures the log verbosity of the injector. Supported log levels: trace, debug, error, warn, info.
- `logFormat` (`string: "standard"`) - Configures the log format of the injector. Supported log formats: "standard", "json".
- `revokeOnShutdown` (`boolean: false`) - Configures all Vault Agent sidecars to revoke their token when shutting down.
- `resources` (`dictionary: {}`) - The resource requests and limits (CPU, memory, etc.) for each container of the server. This should be a YAML dictionary of a Kubernetes [ResourceRequirements](https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.15/#resourcerequirements-v1-core) object. If this isn't specified, then the pods won't request any specific amount of resources, which limits the ability for Kubernetes to make efficient use of compute resources.<br /> **Setting this is highly recommended.**
- `namespaceSelector` (`dictionary: {}`) - The selector used by the admission webhook controller to limit what namespaces where injection can happen. If set to null, all non-system namespaces are eligible for injection.
- `certs` - The certs section configures how the webhook TLS certs are configured. These are the TLS certs for the Kube apiserver communicating to the webhook. By default, the injector will generate and manage its own certs, but this requires the ability for the injector to update its own `MutatingWebhookConfiguration`. In a production environment, custom certs should probably be used. Configure the values below to enable this.
- `secretName` (`string: ""`) - secretName is the name of the Kubernetes secret that has the TLS certificate and private key to serve the injector webhook. If this is null, then the injector will default to its automatic management mode.
- `caBundle` (`string: ""`) - The PEM-encoded CA public certificate bundle for the TLS certificate served by the injector. This must be specified as a string and can't come from a secret because it must be statically configured on the Kubernetes `MutatingAdmissionWebhook` resource. This only needs to be specified if `secretName` is not null.
- `certName` (`string: "tls.crt"`) - The name of the certificate file within the `secretName` secret.
- `keyName` (`string: "tls.key"`) - The name of the key file within the `secretName` secret.
- `affinity` - This value defines the [affinity](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/#affinity-and-anti-affinity) for Vault Agent Injector pods. This can either be multi-line string or YAML matching the PodSpec's affinity field. It defaults to allowing only a single pod on each node, which minimizes risk of the cluster becoming unusable if a node is lost. If you need to run more pods per node (for example, testing on Minikube), set this value to `null`.
- `tolerations` (`array: []`) - Toleration Settings for injector pods. This should be either a multi-line string or YAML matching the Toleration array.
- `annotations` (`dictionary: {}`) - This value defines additional annotations for injector pods. This can either be YAML or a YAML-formatted multi-line templated string.
- `failurePolicy` (`string: "Ignore"`) - When set to `Fail`, an error calling the webhook causes the admission to fail and the API request to be rejected.
- `webhookAnnotations` (`dictionary: {}`) - Extra annotations to attach to the MutatingWebhookConfiguration. This can either be YAML or a YAML-formatted multi-line templated string.
- `podDisruptionBudget` (`dictionary: {}`) - A disruption budget limits the number of pods of a replicated application that are down simultaneously from voluntary disruptions.
maxUnavailable: 1
- `strategy` (`dictionary: {}`) - Strategy for updating the deployment. This can be a multi-line string or a YAML map.
- `enterpriseLicense` - This value refers to a Kubernetes secret that you have created that contains your enterprise license. If you are not using an enterprise image or if you plan to introduce the license key via another route, then leave secretName blank ("") or set it to null. Requires Vault Enterprise 1.8 or later.
- `secretName` (`string: ""`) - The name of the Kubernetes secret that holds the enterprise license. The secret must be in the same namespace that Vault is installed into.
- `secretKey` (`string: "license"`) - The key within the Kubernetes secret that holds the enterprise license.
- `tag` (`string: "1.9.2"`) - The tag of the Docker image for the containers running Vault. **This should be pinned to a specific version when running in production.** Otherwise, other changes to the chart may inadvertently upgrade your admission controller.
- `pullPolicy` (`string: "IfNotPresent"`) - The pull policy for container images. The default pull policy is `IfNotPresent` which causes the Kubelet to skip pulling an image if it already exists.
- `updateStrategyType` (`string: "OnDelete"`) - Configure the [Update Strategy Type](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/statefulset/#update-strategies) for the StatefulSet.
- `resources` (`dictionary: {}`) - The resource requests and limits (CPU, memory, etc.) for each container of the server. This should be a YAML dictionary of a Kubernetes [ResourceRequirements](https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.15/#resourcerequirements-v1-core) object. If this isn't specified, then the pods won't request any specific amount of resources, which limits the ability for Kubernetes to make efficient use of compute resources. **Setting this is highly recommended.**
If [`ha`](#ha) is enabled the Ingress will point to the active vault server via the `active` Service. This requires vault 1.4+ and [service_registration](https://www.vaultproject.io/docs/configuration/service-registration/kubernetes) to be set in the vault config.
- `enabled` (`boolean: false`) - When set to `true`, an [Ingress](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/ingress/) service will be created.
- `ingressClassName` (`string: ""`) - Specify the [IngressClass](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/ingress/#ingress-class) that should be used to implement the Ingress
- `activeService` (`boolean: true`) - When HA mode is enabled and K8s service registration is being used, configure the ingress to point to the Vault active service.
- `extraPaths` (`array: []`) - Configures extra paths to prepend to the host configuration.
- `tls` (`array: []`) - Configures the TLS portion of the [Ingress spec](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/ingress/#tls), where `hosts` is a list of the hosts defined in the Common Name of the TLS certificate, and `secretName` is the name of the Secret containing the required TLS files such as certificates and keys.
- `paths` (`array: []`): Deprecated: `server.ingress.extraPaths` should be used instead. A list of paths that will be directed to the Vault service. At least one path is required.
~> If [`ha`](#ha) is enabled the Route will point to the active vault server via the `active` Service (requires vault 1.4+ and [service_registration](https://www.vaultproject.io/docs/configuration/service-registration/kubernetes) to be set in the vault config).
- `activeService` (`boolean: true`) - When HA mode is enabled and K8s service registration is being used, configure the route to point to the Vault active service.
- `tls` (`dictionary: {termination: passthrough}`) - TLS config that will be passed directly to the route's TLS config, which can be used to configure other termination methods that terminate TLS at the router.
- `enabled` (`boolean: true`) - When set to `true`, a Cluster Role Binding will be bound to the Vault service account. This Cluster Role Binding has the necessary privileges for Vault to use the [Kubernetes Auth Method](/docs/auth/kubernetes).
- `path` (`string: ""`) - When set to a value, enables HTTP/HTTPS probes instead of using the default `exec` probe. The http/https scheme is controlled by the `tlsDisable` value.
- `successThreshold` (`int: 1`) - When set to a value, configures the minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed.
- `path` (`string: "/v1/sys/health?standbyok=true"`) - When set to a value, enables HTTP/HTTPS probes instead of using the default `exec` probe. The http/https scheme is controlled by the `tlsDisable` value.
- `successThreshold` (`int: 1`) - When set to a value, configures the minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed.
- `terminationGracePeriodSeconds` (`int: 10`) - Optional duration in seconds the pod needs to terminate gracefully. See: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/containers/container-lifecycle-hooks/
- `postStart` (`array: []`) - Used to define commands to run after the pod is ready. This can be used to automate processes such as initialization or bootstrapping auth methods.
- `extraInitContainers` (`array: null`) - extraInitContainers is a list of init containers. Specified as a YAML list. This is useful if you need to run a script to provision TLS certificates or write out configuration files in a dynamic way.
- `shareProcessNamespace` (`boolean: false`) - Enables process namespace sharing between Vault and the extraContainers. This is useful if Vault must be signaled, e.g. to send a SIGHUP for log rotation.
- `extraSecretEnvironmentVars` (`string: null`) - The extra environment variables populated from a secret to be applied to the Vault server. This should be a multi-line key/value string.
- `extraVolumes` (`array: []`) - Deprecated: please use `volumes` instead. A list of extra volumes to mount to Vault servers. This is useful for bringing in extra data that can be referenced by other configurations at a well known path, such as TLS certificates. The value of this should be a list of objects. Each object supports the following keys:
- `affinity` - This value defines the [affinity](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/#affinity-and-anti-affinity) for server pods. This should be either a multi-line string or YAML matching the PodSpec's affinity field. It defaults to allowing only a single pod on each node, which minimizes risk of the cluster becoming unusable if a node is lost. If you need to run more pods per node (for example, testing on Minikube), set this value to `null`.
- `tolerations` (`array: []`) - This value defines the [tolerations](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/taint-and-toleration/) that are acceptable when being scheduled. This should be either a multi-line string or YAML matching the Toleration array in a PodSpec.
- `nodeSelector` (`dictionary: {}`) - This value defines additional node selection criteria for more control over where the Vault servers are deployed. This should be formatted as a multi-line string or YAML map.
- `egress` (`array: []`) - This value configures the [egress](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/network-policies/) network policy rules.
- `annotations` (`dictionary: {}`) - This value defines additional annotations for server pods. This can either be YAML or a YAML-formatted multi-line templated string.
- `service` - Values that configure the Kubernetes service created for Vault. These options are also used for the `active` and `standby` services when [`ha`](#ha) is enabled.
- `clusterIP` (`string`) - ClusterIP controls whether an IP address (cluster IP) is attached to the Vault service within Kubernetes. By default the Vault service will be given a Cluster IP address, set to `None` to disable. When disabled Kubernetes will create a "headless" service. Headless services can be used to communicate with pods directly through DNS instead of a round robin load balancer.
- `externalTrafficPolicy` (`string: "Cluster"`) - The [externalTrafficPolicy](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#external-traffic-policy) can be set to either Cluster or Local and is only valid for LoadBalancer and NodePort service types.
- `nodePort` (`int:`) - When type is set to `NodePort`, the bound node port can be configured using this value. A random port will be assigned if this is left blank.
- `annotations` (`dictionary: {}`) - This value defines additional annotations for the service. This can either be YAML or a YAML-formatted multi-line templated string.
- `name` (`string: ""`): Name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the name of the installation (default is "vault").
- `annotations` (`dictionary: {}`) - This value defines additional annotations for the service account. This can either be YAML or a YAML-formatted multi-line templated string.
Type of access mode of the storage device. See the [official Kubernetes](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/#access-modes) for more information.
~> **Security Warning:** Never, ever, ever run a "dev" mode server in production. It is insecure and will lose data on every restart (since it stores data in-memory). It is only made for development or experimentation.
Enables `ha` mode for the Vault server. This mode uses a highly available backend storage (such as Consul) to store Vault's data. By default this is configured to use [Consul Helm](https://github.com/hashicorp/consul-helm). For a complete list of storage backends, see the [Vault documentation](/docs/configuration).
If an updatePartition is specified, all Pods with an ordinal that is greater than or equal to the partition will be updated when the StatefulSet’s `.spec.template` is updated. If set to `0`, this disables partition updates. For more information see the [official Kubernetes documentation](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/statefulset/#rolling-updates).
- `disruptionBudget` - Values that configures the disruption budget policy. See the [official Kubernetes documentation](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/run-application/configure-pdb/) for more information.
- `enabled` (`boolean: false`) - If true, the UI will be enabled. The UI will only be enabled on Vault servers. If `server.enabled` is false, then this setting has no effect. To expose the UI in some way, you must configure `ui.service`.
- `publishNotReadyAddresses` (`boolean: true`) - If set to true, will route traffic to Vault pods that aren't ready (if they're sealed or uninitialized.
- `externalTrafficPolicy` (`string: "Cluster"`) - The [externalTrafficPolicy](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#external-traffic-policy) can be set to either Cluster or Local and is only valid for LoadBalancer and NodePort service types.
- `loadBalancerSourceRanges` (`string`) - This value defines additional source CIDRs when using `serviceType: LoadBalancer`. This should be formatted as a multi-line string.
- `loadBalancerIP` (`string`) - This value defines the IP address of the load balancer when using `serviceType: LoadBalancer`.
- `annotations` (`dictionary: {}`) - This value defines additional annotations for the UI service. This can either be YAML or a YAML-formatted multi-line templated string.
- `tag` (`string: "0.4.0"`) - The tag of the Docker image for the Vault CSI Provider.. **This should be pinned to a specific version when running in production.** Otherwise, other changes to the chart may inadvertently upgrade your CSI provider.
- `pullPolicy` (`string: "IfNotPresent"`) - The pull policy for container images. The default pull policy is `IfNotPresent` which causes the Kubelet to skip pulling an image if it already exists locally.
- `volumes` (`array: []`) - A list of volumes made available to all containers. This takes
standard Kubernetes volume definitions.
- name: plugins
emptyDir: {}
- `volumeMounts` (`array: []`) - A list of volumes mounts made available to all containers. This takes
standard Kubernetes volume mount definitions.
- mountPath: /usr/local/libexec/vault
name: plugins
readOnly: true
- `resources` (`dictionary: {}`) - The resource requests and limits (CPU, memory, etc.) for each of the CSI containers. This should be a YAML dictionary of a Kubernetes [ResourceRequirements](https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.15/#resourcerequirements-v1-core) objects. If this isn't specified, then the pods won't request any specific amount of resources, which limits the ability for Kubernetes to make efficient use of compute resources.<br /> **Setting this is highly recommended.**
memory: '10Gi'
memory: '10Gi'
- `daemonSet` - Values that configure the Vault CSI Provider daemonSet.
- `updateStrategy` - Values that configure the Vault CSI Provider update strategy.
- `type` (`string: "RollingUpdate"`) - The [type of update strategy](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/statefulset/#update-strategies) to be used when the daemonset is updated using Helm upgrades.
- `maxUnavailable` (`int: null`) - The maximum number of unavailable pods during an upgrade.
- `annotations` (`dictionary: {}`) - This value defines additional annotations to
add to the Vault CSI Provider daemonset. This can either be YAML or a YAML-formatted
- `tolerations` (`array: []`) - Toleration Settings for CSI pods. This should be a multi-line string or YAML matching the Toleration array in a PodSpec.
- `failureThreshold` (`int: 2`) - When set to a value, configures how many probe failures will be tolerated by Kubernetes.
- `initialDelaySeconds` (`int: 5`) - When set to a value, configures the number of seconds after the container has started before probe initiates.
- `periodSeconds` (`int: 5`) - When set to a value, configures how often (in seconds) to perform the probe.
- `successThreshold` (`int: 1`) - When set to a value, configures the minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed.
- `timeoutSeconds` (`int: 3`) - When set to a value, configures the number of seconds after which the probe times out.
- `initialDelaySeconds` (`int: 5`) - Sets the initial delay of the liveliness probe when the container starts.
- `failureThreshold` (`int: 2`) - When set to a value, configures how many probe failures will be tolerated by Kubernetes.
- `periodSeconds` (`int: 5`) - When set to a value, configures how often (in seconds) to perform the probe.
- `successThreshold` (`int: 1`) - When set to a value, configures the minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed.
- `timeoutSeconds` (`int: 3`) - When set to a value, configures the number of seconds after which the probe times out.
- `debug` (`bool: false`) - When set to true, enables debug logging on the Vault CSI Provider daemonset.