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layout: api
page_title: /sys/storage/raft - HTTP API
description: |-
The `/sys/storage/raft` endpoints are used to manage Vault's Raft storage
## Join a Raft cluster
This endpoint joins a new server node to the Raft cluster. When using Shamir
seal, as soon as the Vault server is brought up, this API should be invoked
instead of `sys/init`. This API completes in 2 phases. Once this is invoked,
the joining node will receive a challenge from the Raft's leader node. This
challenge can be answered by the joining node only after a successful unseal.
Hence, the joining node should be unsealed using the unseal keys of the Raft's
leader node.
| Method | Path |
| :----- | :----------------------- |
| `POST` | `/sys/storage/raft/join` |
### Parameters
- `leader_api_addr` `(string: <required>)` Address of the leader node in the
Raft cluster to which this node is trying to join.
- `retry` `(bool: false)` - Retry joining the Raft cluster in case of
- `leader_ca_cert` `(string: "")` - CA certificate used to communicate with
Raft's leader node.
- `leader_client_cert` `(string: "")` - Client certificate used to communicate
with Raft's leader node.
- `leader_client_key` `(string: "")` - Client key used to communicate with
Raft's leader node.
- `leader_tls_servername` `(string: "")` - TLS servername to use when connecting with HTTPS.
Should match one of the names in the DNS SANs of the remote server certificate.
- `auto_join` `(string: "")` - Defines any cloud auto-join metadata. If
supplied, Vault will attempt to automatically discover peers in addition to what
can be provided via 'leader_api_addr'.
- `auto_join_scheme` `(string: "https")` - URI scheme to be used for `auto_join`.
- `auto_join_port` `(int: 8200)` - Port to be used for `auto_join`.
- `non_voter` `(bool: false) (enterprise)` - If set, will make the server not
participate in the Raft quorum, and have it only receive the data replication
stream. This can be used to add read scalability to a cluster in cases where a
high volume of reads to servers are needed. The default is false.
Additionally, the following options are allowed in Vault open-source, but
relevant functionality is only supported in Vault Enterprise:
- `non_voter` `(bool: false)` - Joins the node to the cluster in non-voter mode
which results in Vault's data being replicated to it, but does not contribute
to the quorum count.
### Sample Payload
"leader_api_addr": "",
"leader_ca_cert": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIDKTCCAhGgAwIBAgIUcd+Uyk1Tz+FhcbYP0zmynlkARoEwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEL\nBQAwFDESMBAGA1UEAxMJbG9jYWxob3N0MB4XDTE5MDYyNDIyMjgzNVoXDTE5MDYy\nNzIyMjkwNVowADCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBAKdYr6rU\n21vYf7q/cpPigtBchqHvGZvpbA9DZucuUdQ0g4oAXRyShQ8omzmZOmO4A1GI3gqz\nHBePSYl+1IZCwgbPBk2CH7MhlMMINdwoEH6IxFgHNBkNK6GbwnGLyKL0Sym88ly1\n+sPP6+llS8uWNKu5GcObHLysD3Ce6QTt3usDPiw0cxp/KL1EkMi2dT7PvxTsX137\nsEsuQcylltGEtRb67xvFBP8XhQZAEGw+u4S3EmtwWMwZixB45WQhj2Ncz5U0+w8V\ncp9DSqB1QheoGPBBI62jHle05kzG85ZKmLBgHE6HEGS8biIHpannM7dgI0cRH6i2\nF69N0rcbzK+NInUCAwEAAaOBhjCBgzAOBgNVHQ8BAf8EBAMCA6gwHQYDVR0lBBYw\nFAYIKwYBBQUHAwEGCCsGAQUFBwMCMB0GA1UdDgQWBBQelJT5fthHdbCyD5zaI4tw\n7mfp8zAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBSuG6hyoOWoiGvSA3kqwo9DirS+pzASBgNVHREBAf8E\nCDAGhwR/AAABMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAA4IBAQCmetSH5w835RbbyHZD8e3ClHzi\n210SrvzWkx3N0JcBOjs47jlLuqVTl0HRr2xMoIkErFbhPDBXARYV8eezhQ6G5M60\n8AwVsG56rCa1l0weK2JfnEWgkwXZ/zbpZ2yNkWatWNSHdlJwGp99JTSriQYNOnMG\nWvBDA8ukoOkIJd/a8+aXZBdUiAcFvlLWmX73pYGTlnQDiIqJvhrlkgCKPvzZqvV+\njtz7kCt9EfT6sN6Xcny7GusRBSs+XfEe8u10+mbud+ufE/QSJ2D3tTYrS6eGqpVD\nrezD8jS9PfZgQfHXVaphMADyw4flaSVxfJ/ZRFxXql3oJSuj02+VX6QsXex+\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----",
"leader_client_cert": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIDNTCCAh2gAwIBAgIULkPFG+qu7tGv21Plc1sg4eGbMPkwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEL\nBQAwFDESMBAGA1UEAxMJbG9jYWxob3N0MB4XDTE5MDYyNDIyMjgwNVoXDTI5MDYy\nMTIyMjgzNVowFDESMBAGA1UEAxMJbG9jYWxob3N0MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEF\nAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAwszD+A5vWD8S1N632ElHA5Px2dk97wJBKNYc/7RPNptn\n+EOmMTXPfuA3LB92FoSMCR7ye3wvSTzyK9nqafS7U2tlOF4PJrJoNZyzrVwBVLXg\n7Pd8qQxnxbonc3bscWZuEfbFsugkPHgBtnSkyCffXKhhwM5LbJqmK5cfJRZZ0eRy\nwmOCQCJ8ZmN2KfjHiGSEw9v19CNtvFNLyfiTZZLO9M5n4dgainZZCs+vdKD7tSJf\nycwWiZ4ezOwLMIgxdbLYKVglbZsPcMVVPLTskmY8WiHUM6sy3HAbFQn20Rj7JGE6\nldR3NX80YtCMt8/d+xzBfxu4x8juxHCgZFGt3nUS0wIDAQABo38wfTAOBgNVHQ8B\nAf8EBAMCAQYwDwYDVR0TAQH/BAUwAwEB/zAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUrhuocqDlqIhr0gN5\nKsKPQ4q0vqcwHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAUrhuocqDlqIhr0gN5KsKPQ4q0vqcwGgYDVR0R\nBBMwEYIJbG9jYWxob3N0hwR/AAABMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAA4IBAQBRno9NOaat\n8g1ma/6OxP1JUt1VRao4+t2GQTCJ697d2SmpHr8CYanMPog+QhDj/lderA/oS0V3\n2jruH9CyH0smFMIsLBZpnRIwdhTISbIXdU3Uvcd6nne/f7LiUUmqf8YS9SHxWPFq\nI72QvtPrsjYKCZwJsHZe071lYScjrjGnlUhhbrug2g6/ZMHJ7mndGE022zMn/XD/\njrrKE6fCDCjJ4PRrta7+G7BvsFHqMSQ+2/947TGohxW69cbNyDeiQVDQ5mpJUy2b\nnOCVVnq0nafSuvBTHCCLxjd7f+9TiB/B3qT8GA9V6LANDSdQ15MRIhpup/yosmqX\nl5goCY/j3bDh\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----",
"leader_client_key": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----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\n5uFnuRgiWeGm1aT4arNLWlJrDLSGbyrf59SlGJV1hmu/7SMaYIZHSQ==\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----"
### Sample Request
$ curl \
--header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
--request POST \
--data @payload.json \
**Note:** Unseal the joining node immediately after this API is invoked.
## Read Raft Configuration
This endpoint returns the details of all the nodes in the raft cluster.
| Method | Path |
| :----- | :-------------------------------- |
| `GET` | `/sys/storage/raft/configuration` |
### Sample Request
$ curl \
--header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
### Sample Response
"request_id": "ca4b5a1d-38d6-e27e-e756-269521328a15",
"lease_id": "",
"lease_duration": 0,
"renewable": false,
"data": {
"config": {
"index": 24,
"servers": [
"address": "",
"leader": true,
"node_id": "raft1",
"protocol_version": "\u0003",
"voter": true
"address": "",
"leader": false,
"node_id": "raft2",
"protocol_version": "\u0003",
"voter": true
"warnings": null
## Remove a node from Raft cluster
This endpoint removes a node from the raft cluster. An optional `dr_operation_token`
may be provided if the node is in a DR secondary cluster.
| Method | Path |
| :----- | :------------------------------ |
| `POST` | `/sys/storage/raft/remove-peer` |
### Sample Payload
"server_id": "raft1",
"dr_operation_token": ""
### Sample Request
$ curl \
--header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
--request POST \
--data @payload.json \
## Take a snapshot of the Raft cluster
This endpoint returns a snapshot of the current state of the raft cluster. The
snapshot is returned as binary data and should be redirected to a file.
raft: add support for using backend for ha_storage (#9193) * raft: initial work on raft ha storage support * add note on join * add todo note * raft: add support for bootstrapping and joining existing nodes * raft: gate bootstrap join by reading leader api address from storage * raft: properly check for raft-only for certain conditionals * raft: add bootstrap to api and cli * raft: fix bootstrap cli command * raft: add test for setting up new cluster with raft HA * raft: extend TestRaft_HA_NewCluster to include inmem and consul backends * raft: add test for updating an existing cluster to use raft HA * raft: remove debug log lines, clean up verifyRaftPeers * raft: minor cleanup * raft: minor cleanup * Update physical/raft/raft.go Co-authored-by: Brian Kassouf <> * Update vault/ha.go Co-authored-by: Brian Kassouf <> * Update vault/ha.go Co-authored-by: Brian Kassouf <> * Update vault/logical_system_raft.go Co-authored-by: Brian Kassouf <> * Update vault/raft.go Co-authored-by: Brian Kassouf <> * Update vault/raft.go Co-authored-by: Brian Kassouf <> * address feedback comments * address feedback comments * raft: refactor tls keyring logic * address feedback comments * Update vault/raft.go Co-authored-by: Alexander Bezobchuk <> * Update vault/raft.go Co-authored-by: Alexander Bezobchuk <> * address feedback comments * testing: fix import ordering * raft: rename var, cleanup comment line * docs: remove ha_storage restriction note on raft * docs: more raft HA interaction updates with migration and recovery mode * docs: update the raft join command * raft: update comments * raft: add missing isRaftHAOnly check for clearing out state set earlier * raft: update a few ha_storage config checks * Update command/operator_raft_bootstrap.go Co-authored-by: Vishal Nayak <> * raft: address feedback comments * raft: fix panic when checking for config.HAStorage.Type * Update vault/raft.go Co-authored-by: Alexander Bezobchuk <> * Update website/pages/docs/commands/operator/raft.mdx Co-authored-by: Alexander Bezobchuk <> * raft: remove bootstrap cli command * Update vault/raft.go Co-authored-by: Brian Kassouf <> * Update vault/raft.go Co-authored-by: Brian Kassouf <> * raft: address review feedback * raft: revert vendored sdk * raft: don't send applied index and node ID info if we're HA-only Co-authored-by: Brian Kassouf <> Co-authored-by: Alexander Bezobchuk <> Co-authored-by: Vishal Nayak <>
2020-06-23 19:04:13 +00:00
Unavailable if Raft is used exclusively for `ha_storage`.
| Method | Path |
| :----- | :--------------------------- |
| `GET` | `/sys/storage/raft/snapshot` |
@include 'raft-large-snapshots.mdx'
### Sample Request
$ curl \
--header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
--request GET \ > raft.snap
## Restore Raft using a snapshot
raft: add support for using backend for ha_storage (#9193) * raft: initial work on raft ha storage support * add note on join * add todo note * raft: add support for bootstrapping and joining existing nodes * raft: gate bootstrap join by reading leader api address from storage * raft: properly check for raft-only for certain conditionals * raft: add bootstrap to api and cli * raft: fix bootstrap cli command * raft: add test for setting up new cluster with raft HA * raft: extend TestRaft_HA_NewCluster to include inmem and consul backends * raft: add test for updating an existing cluster to use raft HA * raft: remove debug log lines, clean up verifyRaftPeers * raft: minor cleanup * raft: minor cleanup * Update physical/raft/raft.go Co-authored-by: Brian Kassouf <> * Update vault/ha.go Co-authored-by: Brian Kassouf <> * Update vault/ha.go Co-authored-by: Brian Kassouf <> * Update vault/logical_system_raft.go Co-authored-by: Brian Kassouf <> * Update vault/raft.go Co-authored-by: Brian Kassouf <> * Update vault/raft.go Co-authored-by: Brian Kassouf <> * address feedback comments * address feedback comments * raft: refactor tls keyring logic * address feedback comments * Update vault/raft.go Co-authored-by: Alexander Bezobchuk <> * Update vault/raft.go Co-authored-by: Alexander Bezobchuk <> * address feedback comments * testing: fix import ordering * raft: rename var, cleanup comment line * docs: remove ha_storage restriction note on raft * docs: more raft HA interaction updates with migration and recovery mode * docs: update the raft join command * raft: update comments * raft: add missing isRaftHAOnly check for clearing out state set earlier * raft: update a few ha_storage config checks * Update command/operator_raft_bootstrap.go Co-authored-by: Vishal Nayak <> * raft: address feedback comments * raft: fix panic when checking for config.HAStorage.Type * Update vault/raft.go Co-authored-by: Alexander Bezobchuk <> * Update website/pages/docs/commands/operator/raft.mdx Co-authored-by: Alexander Bezobchuk <> * raft: remove bootstrap cli command * Update vault/raft.go Co-authored-by: Brian Kassouf <> * Update vault/raft.go Co-authored-by: Brian Kassouf <> * raft: address review feedback * raft: revert vendored sdk * raft: don't send applied index and node ID info if we're HA-only Co-authored-by: Brian Kassouf <> Co-authored-by: Alexander Bezobchuk <> Co-authored-by: Vishal Nayak <>
2020-06-23 19:04:13 +00:00
Installs the provided snapshot, returning the cluster to the state defined in
it. Unavailable if Raft is used exclusively for `ha_storage`.
| Method | Path |
| :----- | :--------------------------- |
| `POST` | `/sys/storage/raft/snapshot` |
@include 'raft-large-snapshots.mdx'
### Sample Request
$ curl \
--header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
--request POST \
2021-05-17 20:35:52 +00:00
--data-binary @raft.snap \
## Force Restore Raft using a snapshot
Installs the provided snapshot, returning the cluster to the state defined in
it. This is same as writing to `/sys/storage/raft/snapshot` except that this
bypasses checks ensuring the Autounseal or shamir keys are consistent with the
raft: add support for using backend for ha_storage (#9193) * raft: initial work on raft ha storage support * add note on join * add todo note * raft: add support for bootstrapping and joining existing nodes * raft: gate bootstrap join by reading leader api address from storage * raft: properly check for raft-only for certain conditionals * raft: add bootstrap to api and cli * raft: fix bootstrap cli command * raft: add test for setting up new cluster with raft HA * raft: extend TestRaft_HA_NewCluster to include inmem and consul backends * raft: add test for updating an existing cluster to use raft HA * raft: remove debug log lines, clean up verifyRaftPeers * raft: minor cleanup * raft: minor cleanup * Update physical/raft/raft.go Co-authored-by: Brian Kassouf <> * Update vault/ha.go Co-authored-by: Brian Kassouf <> * Update vault/ha.go Co-authored-by: Brian Kassouf <> * Update vault/logical_system_raft.go Co-authored-by: Brian Kassouf <> * Update vault/raft.go Co-authored-by: Brian Kassouf <> * Update vault/raft.go Co-authored-by: Brian Kassouf <> * address feedback comments * address feedback comments * raft: refactor tls keyring logic * address feedback comments * Update vault/raft.go Co-authored-by: Alexander Bezobchuk <> * Update vault/raft.go Co-authored-by: Alexander Bezobchuk <> * address feedback comments * testing: fix import ordering * raft: rename var, cleanup comment line * docs: remove ha_storage restriction note on raft * docs: more raft HA interaction updates with migration and recovery mode * docs: update the raft join command * raft: update comments * raft: add missing isRaftHAOnly check for clearing out state set earlier * raft: update a few ha_storage config checks * Update command/operator_raft_bootstrap.go Co-authored-by: Vishal Nayak <> * raft: address feedback comments * raft: fix panic when checking for config.HAStorage.Type * Update vault/raft.go Co-authored-by: Alexander Bezobchuk <> * Update website/pages/docs/commands/operator/raft.mdx Co-authored-by: Alexander Bezobchuk <> * raft: remove bootstrap cli command * Update vault/raft.go Co-authored-by: Brian Kassouf <> * Update vault/raft.go Co-authored-by: Brian Kassouf <> * raft: address review feedback * raft: revert vendored sdk * raft: don't send applied index and node ID info if we're HA-only Co-authored-by: Brian Kassouf <> Co-authored-by: Alexander Bezobchuk <> Co-authored-by: Vishal Nayak <>
2020-06-23 19:04:13 +00:00
snapshot data. Unavailable if Raft is used exclusively for `ha_storage`.
| Method | Path |
| :----- | :--------------------------------- |
| `POST` | `/sys/storage/raft/snapshot-force` |
### Sample Request
$ curl \
--header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
--request POST \
2021-05-17 20:35:52 +00:00
--data-binary @raft.snap \
2021-07-20 22:24:49 +00:00
## Bootstrap an HA node
When a node uses Raft exclusively for `ha_storage`, this endpoint is used to activate
Raft. It is analogous to using `sys/init` to initialize storage, in that it
only needs to be done once per cluster, after which `vault operator raft join`
is used to add more nodes to the Raft cluster.
| Method | Path |
| :----- | :--------------------------- |
| `POST` | `/sys/storage/raft/bootstrap` |
### Sample Request
$ curl \
--header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
--request POST \