2021-03-01 18:52:46 +00:00
import EmberObject from '@ember/object';
import { module, test } from 'qunit';
import { setupRenderingTest } from 'ember-qunit';
import { render } from '@ember/test-helpers';
import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile';
2021-04-14 21:07:07 +00:00
const testCases = [
// default case should show all possible fields for each type
pluginType: '',
staticRoleFields: ['name', 'username', 'rotation_period', 'rotation_statements'],
dynamicRoleFields: [
2021-10-07 21:00:42 +00:00
pluginType: 'elasticsearch-database-plugin',
staticRoleFields: ['username', 'rotation_period'],
dynamicRoleFields: ['creation_statement', 'ttl', 'max_ttl'],
2021-04-14 21:07:07 +00:00
pluginType: 'mongodb-database-plugin',
staticRoleFields: ['username', 'rotation_period'],
dynamicRoleFields: ['creation_statement', 'revocation_statement', 'ttl', 'max_ttl'],
statementsHidden: true,
pluginType: 'mssql-database-plugin',
staticRoleFields: ['username', 'rotation_period'],
dynamicRoleFields: ['creation_statements', 'revocation_statements', 'ttl', 'max_ttl'],
2021-05-06 18:22:40 +00:00
pluginType: 'mysql-database-plugin',
staticRoleFields: ['username', 'rotation_period'],
dynamicRoleFields: ['creation_statements', 'revocation_statements', 'ttl', 'max_ttl'],
pluginType: 'mysql-aurora-database-plugin',
staticRoleFields: ['username', 'rotation_period'],
dynamicRoleFields: ['creation_statements', 'revocation_statements', 'ttl', 'max_ttl'],
pluginType: 'mysql-rds-database-plugin',
staticRoleFields: ['username', 'rotation_period'],
dynamicRoleFields: ['creation_statements', 'revocation_statements', 'ttl', 'max_ttl'],
pluginType: 'mysql-legacy-database-plugin',
staticRoleFields: ['username', 'rotation_period'],
dynamicRoleFields: ['creation_statements', 'revocation_statements', 'ttl', 'max_ttl'],
2021-10-11 16:20:23 +00:00
pluginType: 'oracle-database-plugin',
staticRoleFields: ['username', 'rotation_period'],
dynamicRoleFields: ['creation_statements', 'revocation_statements', 'ttl', 'max_ttl'],
2021-03-01 18:52:46 +00:00
2021-04-14 21:07:07 +00:00
// used to calculate checks that fields do NOT show up
2021-03-01 18:52:46 +00:00
const ALL_ATTRS = [
{ name: 'ttl', type: 'string', options: {} },
{ name: 'max_ttl', type: 'string', options: {} },
{ name: 'username', type: 'string', options: {} },
{ name: 'rotation_period', type: 'string', options: {} },
{ name: 'creation_statements', type: 'string', options: {} },
{ name: 'creation_statement', type: 'string', options: {} },
{ name: 'revocation_statements', type: 'string', options: {} },
{ name: 'revocation_statement', type: 'string', options: {} },
{ name: 'rotation_statements', type: 'string', options: {} },
2021-04-14 21:07:07 +00:00
{ name: 'rollback_statements', type: 'string', options: {} },
{ name: 'renew_statements', type: 'string', options: {} },
2021-03-01 18:52:46 +00:00
const getFields = nameArray => {
const show = ALL_ATTRS.filter(attr => nameArray.indexOf(attr.name) >= 0);
const hide = ALL_ATTRS.filter(attr => nameArray.indexOf(attr.name) < 0);
return { show, hide };
module('Integration | Component | database-role-setting-form', function(hooks) {
hooks.beforeEach(function() {
// attrs is not its own set value b/c ember hates arrays as args
attrs: ALL_ATTRS,
test('it shows empty states when no roleType passed in', async function(assert) {
await render(hbs`<DatabaseRoleSettingForm @attrs={{model.attrs}} @model={{model}}/>`);
assert.dom('[data-test-component="empty-state"]').exists({ count: 2 }, 'Two empty states exist');
2021-04-14 21:07:07 +00:00
test('it shows appropriate fields based on roleType and db plugin', async function(assert) {
2021-03-01 18:52:46 +00:00
this.set('roleType', 'static');
this.set('dbType', '');
await render(hbs`
assert.dom('[data-test-component="empty-state"]').doesNotExist('Does not show empty states');
2021-04-14 21:07:07 +00:00
for (let testCase of testCases) {
let staticFields = getFields(testCase.staticRoleFields);
let dynamicFields = getFields(testCase.dynamicRoleFields);
this.set('dbType', testCase.pluginType);
this.set('roleType', 'static');
staticFields.show.forEach(attr => {
`${attr.name} attribute exists on static role for ${testCase.pluginType || 'default'} db type`
staticFields.hide.forEach(attr => {
`${attr.name} attribute does not exist on static role for ${testCase.pluginType ||
'default'} db type`
if (testCase.statementsHidden) {
.doesNotExist(`Statements section is hidden for static ${testCase.pluginType} role`);
this.set('roleType', 'dynamic');
dynamicFields.show.forEach(attr => {
`${attr.name} attribute exists on dynamic role for ${testCase.pluginType || 'default'} db type`
dynamicFields.hide.forEach(attr => {
`${attr.name} attribute does not exist on dynamic role for ${testCase.pluginType ||
'default'} db type`
2021-03-01 18:52:46 +00:00