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UI - jwt auth (#6188) * fix default rendering of svg and allow plugins access to mount tune form * add auth-jwt component * add callback route, and allow it to be navigated to on load * add jwt as a supported auth method * use auth-jwt component and implement intial oidc flow * allow wrapping un-authed requests * pass redirect_url and properly redirect with the wrapped token * popup for login * center popup window and move to localStorage events for cross window communication because of IE11 * access window via a getter on the auth-form component * show OIDC provider name on the button * fetch default role on render of the auth-jwt component * simplify auth-form template * style callback page * refetch auth_url when path changes for auth-jwt component * fix glimmer error on alias metadata, and add back popup-metadata component * fix link in metadata page * add logo-edition component and remove use of partial for logo svg * render oidc callback template on the loading page if we're going there * add docs icon and change timeout on the auth form * move OIDC auth specific things to auth-jwt component * start to add branded buttons for OIDC providers * add google button * finish branded buttons * update glyph for error messages * update tests for auth screen not showing tabs, add adapter tests and new auth jwt tests * start auth-jwt tests * simplify auth-jwt * remove negative top margin on AlertInline * only preventDefault if there's an event * fill out tests * sort out some naming * feedback on templates and styles * clear error when starting OIDC auth and call for new auth_url * also allow 'oidc' as the auth method type * handle namespaces with OIDC auth * review feedback * use new getters in popup-metadata
2019-02-14 15:39:19 +00:00
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