* fix: worksheet.graphs is a required attribute. worksheet.smart_queries is an optional attribute.
# v2.2.3
* upd: remove go.{mod,dep} as cgm being v2 causes more issues than it solves at this point. will re-add after `go mod` becomes more common and adding `v2` to all internal import statements won't cause additional issues.
# v2.2.2
* upd: add go.mod and go.sum
# v2.2.1
* fix: if submission url host is 'api.circonus.com' do not use private CA in TLSConfig
# v2.2.0
* fix: do not reset counter|gauge|text funcs after each snapshot (only on explicit call to Reset)
* upd: dashboards - optional widget attributes - which are structs - should be pointers for correct omission in json sent to api
* fix: dashboards - remove `omitempty` from required attributes
* fix: graphs - remove `omitempty` from required attributes