This PR switches the Nomad repository from using govendor to Go modules for managing dependencies. Aspects of the Nomad workflow remain pretty much the same. The usual Makefile targets should continue to work as they always did. The API submodule simply defers to the parent Nomad version on the repository, keeping the semantics of API versioning that currently exists.
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package linodego
import (
const (
// APIHost Linode API hostname
APIHost = "api.linode.com"
// APIVersion Linode API version
APIVersion = "v4"
// APIProto connect to API with http(s)
APIProto = "https"
// Version of linodego
Version = "0.7.0"
// APIEnvVar environment var to check for API token
// APISecondsPerPoll how frequently to poll for new Events or Status in WaitFor functions
APISecondsPerPoll = 3
// DefaultUserAgent is the default User-Agent sent in HTTP request headers
DefaultUserAgent = "linodego " + Version + " https://github.com/linode/linodego"
var (
envDebug = false
// Client is a wrapper around the Resty client
type Client struct {
resty *resty.Client
userAgent string
resources map[string]*Resource
debug bool
millisecondsPerPoll time.Duration
Images *Resource
InstanceDisks *Resource
InstanceConfigs *Resource
InstanceSnapshots *Resource
InstanceIPs *Resource
InstanceVolumes *Resource
Instances *Resource
IPAddresses *Resource
IPv6Pools *Resource
IPv6Ranges *Resource
Regions *Resource
StackScripts *Resource
Volumes *Resource
Kernels *Resource
Types *Resource
Domains *Resource
DomainRecords *Resource
Longview *Resource
LongviewClients *Resource
LongviewSubscriptions *Resource
NodeBalancers *Resource
NodeBalancerConfigs *Resource
NodeBalancerNodes *Resource
SSHKeys *Resource
Tickets *Resource
Tokens *Resource
Token *Resource
Account *Resource
Invoices *Resource
InvoiceItems *Resource
Events *Resource
Notifications *Resource
Profile *Resource
Managed *Resource
Tags *Resource
Users *Resource
func init() {
// Wether or not we will enable Resty debugging output
if apiDebug, ok := os.LookupEnv("LINODE_DEBUG"); ok {
if parsed, err := strconv.ParseBool(apiDebug); err == nil {
envDebug = parsed
log.Println("[INFO] LINODE_DEBUG being set to", envDebug)
} else {
log.Println("[WARN] LINODE_DEBUG should be an integer, 0 or 1")
// SetUserAgent sets a custom user-agent for HTTP requests
func (c *Client) SetUserAgent(ua string) *Client {
c.userAgent = ua
c.resty.SetHeader("User-Agent", c.userAgent)
return c
// R wraps resty's R method
func (c *Client) R(ctx context.Context) *resty.Request {
return c.resty.R().
SetHeader("Content-Type", "application/json").
// SetDebug sets the debug on resty's client
func (c *Client) SetDebug(debug bool) *Client {
c.debug = debug
return c
// SetBaseURL sets the base URL of the Linode v4 API (https://api.linode.com/v4)
func (c *Client) SetBaseURL(url string) *Client {
return c
// SetPollDelay sets the number of milliseconds to wait between events or status polls.
// Affects all WaitFor* functions.
func (c *Client) SetPollDelay(delay time.Duration) *Client {
c.millisecondsPerPoll = delay
return c
// Resource looks up a resource by name
func (c Client) Resource(resourceName string) *Resource {
selectedResource, ok := c.resources[resourceName]
if !ok {
log.Fatalf("Could not find resource named '%s', exiting.", resourceName)
return selectedResource
// NewClient factory to create new Client struct
func NewClient(hc *http.Client) (client Client) {
restyClient := resty.NewWithClient(hc)
client.resty = restyClient
client.SetBaseURL(fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s/%s", APIProto, APIHost, APIVersion))
client.SetPollDelay(1000 * APISecondsPerPoll)
resources := map[string]*Resource{
stackscriptsName: NewResource(&client, stackscriptsName, stackscriptsEndpoint, false, Stackscript{}, StackscriptsPagedResponse{}),
imagesName: NewResource(&client, imagesName, imagesEndpoint, false, Image{}, ImagesPagedResponse{}),
instancesName: NewResource(&client, instancesName, instancesEndpoint, false, Instance{}, InstancesPagedResponse{}),
instanceDisksName: NewResource(&client, instanceDisksName, instanceDisksEndpoint, true, InstanceDisk{}, InstanceDisksPagedResponse{}),
instanceConfigsName: NewResource(&client, instanceConfigsName, instanceConfigsEndpoint, true, InstanceConfig{}, InstanceConfigsPagedResponse{}),
instanceSnapshotsName: NewResource(&client, instanceSnapshotsName, instanceSnapshotsEndpoint, true, InstanceSnapshot{}, nil),
instanceIPsName: NewResource(&client, instanceIPsName, instanceIPsEndpoint, true, InstanceIP{}, nil), // really?
instanceVolumesName: NewResource(&client, instanceVolumesName, instanceVolumesEndpoint, true, nil, InstanceVolumesPagedResponse{}), // really?
ipaddressesName: NewResource(&client, ipaddressesName, ipaddressesEndpoint, false, nil, IPAddressesPagedResponse{}), // really?
ipv6poolsName: NewResource(&client, ipv6poolsName, ipv6poolsEndpoint, false, nil, IPv6PoolsPagedResponse{}), // really?
ipv6rangesName: NewResource(&client, ipv6rangesName, ipv6rangesEndpoint, false, IPv6Range{}, IPv6RangesPagedResponse{}),
regionsName: NewResource(&client, regionsName, regionsEndpoint, false, Region{}, RegionsPagedResponse{}),
volumesName: NewResource(&client, volumesName, volumesEndpoint, false, Volume{}, VolumesPagedResponse{}),
kernelsName: NewResource(&client, kernelsName, kernelsEndpoint, false, LinodeKernel{}, LinodeKernelsPagedResponse{}),
typesName: NewResource(&client, typesName, typesEndpoint, false, LinodeType{}, LinodeTypesPagedResponse{}),
domainsName: NewResource(&client, domainsName, domainsEndpoint, false, Domain{}, DomainsPagedResponse{}),
domainRecordsName: NewResource(&client, domainRecordsName, domainRecordsEndpoint, true, DomainRecord{}, DomainRecordsPagedResponse{}),
longviewName: NewResource(&client, longviewName, longviewEndpoint, false, nil, nil), // really?
longviewclientsName: NewResource(&client, longviewclientsName, longviewclientsEndpoint, false, LongviewClient{}, LongviewClientsPagedResponse{}),
longviewsubscriptionsName: NewResource(&client, longviewsubscriptionsName, longviewsubscriptionsEndpoint, false, LongviewSubscription{}, LongviewSubscriptionsPagedResponse{}),
nodebalancersName: NewResource(&client, nodebalancersName, nodebalancersEndpoint, false, NodeBalancer{}, NodeBalancerConfigsPagedResponse{}),
nodebalancerconfigsName: NewResource(&client, nodebalancerconfigsName, nodebalancerconfigsEndpoint, true, NodeBalancerConfig{}, NodeBalancerConfigsPagedResponse{}),
nodebalancernodesName: NewResource(&client, nodebalancernodesName, nodebalancernodesEndpoint, true, NodeBalancerNode{}, NodeBalancerNodesPagedResponse{}),
notificationsName: NewResource(&client, notificationsName, notificationsEndpoint, false, Notification{}, NotificationsPagedResponse{}),
sshkeysName: NewResource(&client, sshkeysName, sshkeysEndpoint, false, SSHKey{}, SSHKeysPagedResponse{}),
ticketsName: NewResource(&client, ticketsName, ticketsEndpoint, false, Ticket{}, TicketsPagedResponse{}),
tokensName: NewResource(&client, tokensName, tokensEndpoint, false, Token{}, TokensPagedResponse{}),
accountName: NewResource(&client, accountName, accountEndpoint, false, Account{}, nil), // really?
eventsName: NewResource(&client, eventsName, eventsEndpoint, false, Event{}, EventsPagedResponse{}),
invoicesName: NewResource(&client, invoicesName, invoicesEndpoint, false, Invoice{}, InvoicesPagedResponse{}),
invoiceItemsName: NewResource(&client, invoiceItemsName, invoiceItemsEndpoint, true, InvoiceItem{}, InvoiceItemsPagedResponse{}),
profileName: NewResource(&client, profileName, profileEndpoint, false, nil, nil), // really?
managedName: NewResource(&client, managedName, managedEndpoint, false, nil, nil), // really?
tagsName: NewResource(&client, tagsName, tagsEndpoint, false, Tag{}, TagsPagedResponse{}),
usersName: NewResource(&client, usersName, usersEndpoint, false, User{}, UsersPagedResponse{}),
client.resources = resources
client.Images = resources[imagesName]
client.StackScripts = resources[stackscriptsName]
client.Instances = resources[instancesName]
client.Regions = resources[regionsName]
client.InstanceDisks = resources[instanceDisksName]
client.InstanceConfigs = resources[instanceConfigsName]
client.InstanceSnapshots = resources[instanceSnapshotsName]
client.InstanceIPs = resources[instanceIPsName]
client.InstanceVolumes = resources[instanceVolumesName]
client.IPAddresses = resources[ipaddressesName]
client.IPv6Pools = resources[ipv6poolsName]
client.IPv6Ranges = resources[ipv6rangesName]
client.Volumes = resources[volumesName]
client.Kernels = resources[kernelsName]
client.Types = resources[typesName]
client.Domains = resources[domainsName]
client.DomainRecords = resources[domainRecordsName]
client.Longview = resources[longviewName]
client.LongviewSubscriptions = resources[longviewsubscriptionsName]
client.NodeBalancers = resources[nodebalancersName]
client.NodeBalancerConfigs = resources[nodebalancerconfigsName]
client.NodeBalancerNodes = resources[nodebalancernodesName]
client.Notifications = resources[notificationsName]
client.SSHKeys = resources[sshkeysName]
client.Tickets = resources[ticketsName]
client.Tokens = resources[tokensName]
client.Account = resources[accountName]
client.Events = resources[eventsName]
client.Invoices = resources[invoicesName]
client.Profile = resources[profileName]
client.Managed = resources[managedName]
client.Tags = resources[tagsName]
client.Users = resources[usersName]
func copyBool(bPtr *bool) *bool {
if bPtr == nil {
return nil
var t = *bPtr
return &t
func copyInt(iPtr *int) *int {
if iPtr == nil {
return nil
var t = *iPtr
return &t
func copyString(sPtr *string) *string {
if sPtr == nil {
return nil
var t = *sPtr
return &t
func copyTime(tPtr *time.Time) *time.Time {
if tPtr == nil {
return nil
var t = *tPtr
return &t