This doesn’t include Ember Data, as we are still back on 3.12. Most changes are deprecation updates, linting fixes, and dependencies. It can be read commit-by-commit, though many of them are mechanical and skimmable. For the new linting exclusions, I’ve added them to the Tech Debt list. The decrease in test count is because linting is no longer included in ember test. There’s a new deprecation warning in the logs that can be fixed by updating Ember Power Select but when I tried that it caused it to render incorrectly, so I decided to ignore it for now and address it separately.
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import Service, { inject as service } from '@ember/service';
import { computed } from '@ember/object';
import { alias } from '@ember/object/computed';
import { getOwner } from '@ember/application';
import { assign } from '@ember/polyfills';
import { task } from 'ember-concurrency';
import queryString from 'query-string';
import fetch from 'nomad-ui/utils/fetch';
import classic from 'ember-classic-decorator';
export default class TokenService extends Service {
@service store;
@service system;
aclEnabled = true;
get secret() {
return window.localStorage.nomadTokenSecret;
set secret(value) {
if (value == null) {
} else {
window.localStorage.nomadTokenSecret = value;
@task(function*() {
const TokenAdapter = getOwner(this).lookup('adapter:token');
try {
return yield TokenAdapter.findSelf();
} catch (e) {
const errors = e.errors ? e.errors.mapBy('detail') : [];
if (errors.find(error => error === 'ACL support disabled')) {
this.set('aclEnabled', false);
return null;
@computed('secret', 'fetchSelfToken.lastSuccessful.value')
get selfToken() {
if (this.secret) return this.get('fetchSelfToken.lastSuccessful.value');
return undefined;
@task(function*() {
try {
if (this.selfToken) {
return yield this.selfToken.get('policies');
} else {
let policy = yield this.store.findRecord('policy', 'anonymous');
return [policy];
} catch (e) {
return [];
@alias('fetchSelfTokenPolicies.lastSuccessful.value') selfTokenPolicies;
@task(function*() {
yield this.fetchSelfToken.perform();
if (this.aclEnabled) {
yield this.fetchSelfTokenPolicies.perform();
// All non Ember Data requests should go through authorizedRequest.
// However, the request that gets regions falls into that category.
// This authorizedRawRequest is necessary in order to fetch data
// with the guarantee of a token but without the automatic region
// param since the region cannot be known at this point.
authorizedRawRequest(url, options = {}) {
const credentials = 'include';
const headers = {};
const token = this.secret;
if (token) {
headers['X-Nomad-Token'] = token;
return fetch(url, assign(options, { headers, credentials }));
authorizedRequest(url, options) {
if (this.get('system.shouldIncludeRegion')) {
const region = this.get('system.activeRegion');
if (region && url.indexOf('region=') === -1) {
url = addParams(url, { region });
return this.authorizedRawRequest(url, options);
reset() {
this.fetchSelfToken.cancelAll({ resetState: true });
this.fetchSelfTokenPolicies.cancelAll({ resetState: true });
this.fetchSelfTokenAndPolicies.cancelAll({ resetState: true });
function addParams(url, params) {
const paramsStr = queryString.stringify(params);
const delimiter = url.includes('?') ? '&' : '?';
return `${url}${delimiter}${paramsStr}`;