test_checks.sh was removed in 2019 and now just breaks if VERBOSE is set when running tests via make targets in GHA, use verbose mode to display what tests are running
409 lines
13 KiB
409 lines
13 KiB
SHELL = bash
PROJECT_ROOT := $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $(abspath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))))
THIS_OS := $(shell uname | cut -d- -f1)
THIS_ARCH := $(shell uname -m)
GIT_COMMIT := $(shell git rev-parse HEAD)
GIT_DIRTY := $(if $(shell git status --porcelain),+CHANGES)
GO_LDFLAGS := "-X github.com/hashicorp/nomad/version.GitCommit=$(GIT_COMMIT)$(GIT_DIRTY)"
ifneq (MSYS_NT,$(THIS_OS))
# GOPATH supports PATH style multi-paths; assume the first entry is favorable.
# Necessary because new Circle images override GOPATH with multiple values.
# See: https://discuss.circleci.com/t/gopath-is-set-to-multiple-directories/7174
GOPATH := $(shell go env GOPATH | cut -d: -f1)
# Respect $GOBIN if set in environment or via $GOENV file.
BIN := $(shell go env GOBIN)
ifndef BIN
BIN := $(GOPATH)/bin
ifeq ($(CI),true)
GO_TAGS := codegen_generated $(GO_TAGS)
# Don't embed the Nomad UI when the NOMAD_NO_UI env var is set.
ifndef NOMAD_NO_UI
GO_TAGS := ui $(GO_TAGS)
ifeq ($(CIRCLECI),true)
GO_TEST_CMD = $(if $(shell command -v gotestsum 2>/dev/null),gotestsum --,go test)
GO_TEST_CMD = go test
ifeq ($(origin GOTEST_PKGS_EXCLUDE), undefined)
GOTEST_PKGS ?= "./..."
GOTEST_PKGS=$(shell go list ./... | sed 's/github.com\/hashicorp\/nomad/./' | egrep -v "^($(GOTEST_PKGS_EXCLUDE))(/.*)?$$")
# tag corresponding to latest release we maintain backward compatibility with
PROTO_COMPARE_TAG ?= v1.0.3$(if $(findstring ent,$(GO_TAGS)),+ent,)
# LAST_RELEASE is the git sha of the latest release corresponding to this branch. main should have the latest
# published release, but backport branches should point to the parent tag (e.g. 1.0.8 in release-1.0.9 after 1.1.0 is cut).
LAST_RELEASE ?= v1.2.6
default: help
ifeq (Linux,$(THIS_OS))
ALL_TARGETS = linux_386 \
linux_amd64 \
linux_arm \
linux_arm64 \
windows_386 \
ifeq (s390x,$(THIS_ARCH))
ALL_TARGETS = linux_s390x
ifeq (Darwin,$(THIS_OS))
ALL_TARGETS = darwin_amd64
ifeq (FreeBSD,$(THIS_OS))
ALL_TARGETS = freebsd_amd64
SUPPORTED_OSES = Darwin Linux FreeBSD Windows MSYS_NT
# include per-user customization after all variables are defined
-include GNUMakefile.local
pkg/%/nomad: GO_OUT ?= $@
pkg/%/nomad: CC ?= $(shell go env CC)
pkg/%/nomad: ## Build Nomad for GOOS_GOARCH, e.g. pkg/linux_amd64/nomad
ifeq (,$(findstring $(THIS_OS),$(SUPPORTED_OSES)))
$(warning WARNING: Building Nomad is only supported on $(SUPPORTED_OSES); not $(THIS_OS))
@echo "==> Building $@ with tags $(GO_TAGS)..."
GOOS=$(firstword $(subst _, ,$*)) \
GOARCH=$(lastword $(subst _, ,$*)) \
CC=$(CC) \
go build -trimpath -ldflags $(GO_LDFLAGS) -tags "$(GO_TAGS)" -o $(GO_OUT)
ifneq (armv7l,$(THIS_ARCH))
pkg/linux_arm/nomad: CC = arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc
ifneq (aarch64,$(THIS_ARCH))
pkg/linux_arm64/nomad: CC = aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc
ifeq (Darwin,$(THIS_OS))
pkg/linux_%/nomad: CGO_ENABLED = 0
pkg/windows_%/nomad: GO_OUT = $@.exe
# Define package targets for each of the build targets we actually have on this system
define makePackageTarget
pkg/$(1).zip: pkg/$(1)/nomad
@echo "==> Packaging for $(1)..."
@zip -j pkg/$(1).zip pkg/$(1)/*
# Reify the package targets
$(foreach t,$(ALL_TARGETS),$(eval $(call makePackageTarget,$(t))))
.PHONY: bootstrap
bootstrap: deps lint-deps git-hooks # Install all dependencies
.PHONY: deps
deps: ## Install build and development dependencies
@echo "==> Updating build dependencies..."
go install github.com/hashicorp/go-bindata/go-bindata@bf7910af899725e4938903fb32048c7c0b15f12e
go install github.com/elazarl/go-bindata-assetfs/go-bindata-assetfs@234c15e7648ff35458026de92b34c637bae5e6f7
go install github.com/a8m/tree/cmd/tree@fce18e2a750ea4e7f53ee706b1c3d9cbb22de79c
go install gotest.tools/gotestsum@v1.7.0
go install github.com/hashicorp/hcl/v2/cmd/hclfmt@v2.5.1
go install github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go@v1.3.4
go install github.com/hashicorp/go-msgpack/codec/codecgen@v1.1.5
go install github.com/bufbuild/buf/cmd/buf@v0.36.0
go install github.com/hashicorp/go-changelog/cmd/changelog-build@latest
go install golang.org/x/tools/cmd/stringer@v0.1.8
go install gophers.dev/cmds/hc-install/cmd/hc-install@v1.0.1
.PHONY: lint-deps
lint-deps: ## Install linter dependencies
## Keep versions in sync with tools/go.mod (see https://github.com/golang/go/issues/30515)
@echo "==> Updating linter dependencies..."
go install github.com/golangci/golangci-lint/cmd/golangci-lint@v1.42.0
go install github.com/client9/misspell/cmd/misspell@v0.3.4
go install github.com/hashicorp/go-hclog/hclogvet@v0.1.3
.PHONY: git-hooks
git-dir = $(shell git rev-parse --git-dir)
git-hooks: $(git-dir)/hooks/pre-push
$(git-dir)/hooks/%: dev/hooks/%
cp $^ $@
chmod 755 $@
.PHONY: check
check: ## Lint the source code
@echo "==> Linting source code..."
@golangci-lint run
@echo "==> Linting hclog statements..."
@hclogvet .
@echo "==> Spell checking website..."
@misspell -error -source=text website/pages/
@echo "==> Checking for breaking changes in protos..."
@buf breaking --config tools/buf/buf.yaml --against-config tools/buf/buf.yaml --against .git#tag=$(PROTO_COMPARE_TAG)
@echo "==> Check proto files are in-sync..."
@$(MAKE) proto
@if (git status -s | grep -q .pb.go); then echo the following proto files are out of sync; git status -s | grep .pb.go; exit 1; fi
@echo "==> Check format of jobspecs and HCL files..."
@$(MAKE) hclfmt
@if (git status -s | grep -q -e '\.hcl$$' -e '\.nomad$$' -e '\.tf$$'); then echo the following HCL files are out of sync; git status -s | grep -e '\.hcl$$' -e '\.nomad$$' -e '\.tf$$'; exit 1; fi
@echo "==> Check API package is isolated from rest"
@cd ./api && if go list --test -f '{{ join .Deps "\n" }}' . | grep github.com/hashicorp/nomad/ | grep -v -e /nomad/api/ -e nomad/api.test; then echo " /api package depends the ^^ above internal nomad packages. Remove such dependency"; exit 1; fi
@echo "==> Checking Go mod.."
@GO111MODULE=on $(MAKE) tidy
@if (git status --porcelain | grep -Eq "go\.(mod|sum)"); then \
echo go.mod or go.sum needs updating; \
git --no-pager diff go.mod; \
git --no-pager diff go.sum; \
exit 1; fi
@echo "==> Check raft util msg type mapping are in-sync..."
@go generate ./helper/raftutil/
@if (git status -s ./helper/raftutil| grep -q .go); then echo "raftutil helper message type mapping is out of sync. Run go generate ./... and push."; exit 1; fi
.PHONY: checkscripts
checkscripts: ## Lint shell scripts
@echo "==> Linting scripts..."
@find scripts -type f -name '*.sh' | xargs shellcheck
.PHONY: checkproto
checkproto: ## Lint protobuf files
@echo "==> Lint proto files..."
@buf check lint --config tools/buf/buf.yaml
@echo "==> Checking for breaking changes in protos..."
@buf check breaking --config tools/buf/buf.yaml --against-config tools/buf/buf.yaml --against .git#tag=$(PROTO_COMPARE_TAG)
.PHONY: generate-all
generate-all: generate-structs proto generate-examples
.PHONY: generate-structs
generate-structs: LOCAL_PACKAGES = $(shell go list ./...)
generate-structs: ## Update generated code
@echo "--> Running go generate..."
@go generate $(LOCAL_PACKAGES)
.PHONY: proto
@echo "--> Generating proto bindings..."
@buf --config tools/buf/buf.yaml --template tools/buf/buf.gen.yaml generate
.PHONY: generate-examples
generate-examples: command/job_init.bindata_assetfs.go
command/job_init.bindata_assetfs.go: command/assets/*
go-bindata-assetfs -pkg command -o command/job_init.bindata_assetfs.go ./command/assets/...
@changelog-build -last-release $(LAST_RELEASE) -this-release HEAD \
-entries-dir .changelog/ -changelog-template ./.changelog/changelog.tmpl -note-template ./.changelog/note.tmpl
## We skip the terraform directory as there are templated hcl configurations
## that do not successfully compile without rendering
.PHONY: hclfmt
@echo "--> Formatting HCL"
@find . -name '.terraform' -prune \
-o -name 'upstart.nomad' -prune \
-o -name '.git' -prune \
-o -name 'node_modules' -prune \
-o -name '.next' -prune \
-o -path './ui/dist' -prune \
-o -path './website/out' -prune \
-o \( -name '*.nomad' -o -name '*.hcl' -o -name '*.tf' \) \
-print0 | xargs -0 hclfmt -w
.PHONY: tidy
@echo "--> Tidy up submodules"
@cd tools && go mod tidy
@cd api && go mod tidy
@echo "--> Tidy nomad module"
@go mod tidy
.PHONY: dev
dev: GOOS=$(shell go env GOOS)
dev: GOARCH=$(shell go env GOARCH)
dev: DEV_TARGET=pkg/$(GOOS)_$(GOARCH)/nomad
dev: hclfmt ## Build for the current development platform
@echo "==> Removing old development build..."
@rm -f $(PROJECT_ROOT)/bin/nomad
@rm -f $(BIN)/nomad
@if [ -d vendor ]; then echo -e "==> WARNING: Found vendor directory. This may cause build errors, consider running 'rm -r vendor' or 'make clean' to remove.\n"; fi
@$(MAKE) --no-print-directory \
@mkdir -p $(PROJECT_ROOT)/bin
@mkdir -p $(BIN)
.PHONY: prerelease
prerelease: GO_TAGS=ui codegen_generated release
prerelease: generate-all ember-dist static-assets ## Generate all the static assets for a Nomad release
.PHONY: release
release: GO_TAGS=ui codegen_generated release
release: clean $(foreach t,$(ALL_TARGETS),pkg/$(t).zip) ## Build all release packages which can be built on this platform.
@echo "==> Results:"
@tree --dirsfirst $(PROJECT_ROOT)/pkg
.PHONY: test
test: ## Run the Nomad test suite and/or the Nomad UI test suite
@if [ ! $(SKIP_NOMAD_TESTS) ]; then \
make test-nomad; \
@if [ $(RUN_WEBSITE_TESTS) ]; then \
make test-website; \
@if [ $(RUN_UI_TESTS) ]; then \
make test-ui; \
@if [ $(RUN_E2E_TESTS) ]; then \
make e2e-test; \
.PHONY: test-nomad
test-nomad: dev ## Run Nomad test suites
@echo "==> Running Nomad test suites:"
$(if $(ENABLE_RACE),GORACE="strip_path_prefix=$(GOPATH)/src") $(GO_TEST_CMD) \
$(if $(ENABLE_RACE),-race) $(if $(VERBOSE),-v) \
-cover \
-timeout=20m \
-tags "$(GO_TAGS)" \
.PHONY: test-nomad-module
test-nomad-module: dev ## Run Nomad test suites on a sub-module
@echo "==> Running Nomad test suites on sub-module $(GOTEST_MOD)"
@cd $(GOTEST_MOD) && $(if $(ENABLE_RACE),GORACE="strip_path_prefix=$(GOPATH)/src") $(GO_TEST_CMD) \
$(if $(ENABLE_RACE),-race) $(if $(VERBOSE),-v) \
-cover \
-timeout=20m \
-tags "$(GO_TAGS)" \
.PHONY: e2e-test
e2e-test: dev ## Run the Nomad e2e test suite
@echo "==> Running Nomad E2E test suites:"
go test \
$(if $(ENABLE_RACE),-race) $(if $(VERBOSE),-v) \
-timeout=900s \
-tags "$(GO_TAGS)" \
.PHONY: integration-test
integration-test: dev ## Run Nomad integration tests
@echo "==> Running Nomad integration test suites:"
go test \
$(if $(ENABLE_RACE),-race) $(if $(VERBOSE),-v) \
-cover \
-timeout=900s \
-tags "$(GO_TAGS)" \
github.com/hashicorp/nomad/e2e/vaultcompat/ \
.PHONY: clean
clean: GOPATH=$(shell go env GOPATH)
clean: ## Remove build artifacts
@echo "==> Cleaning build artifacts..."
@rm -rf "$(PROJECT_ROOT)/bin/"
@rm -rf "$(PROJECT_ROOT)/pkg/"
@rm -rf "$(PROJECT_ROOT)/vendor/"
@rm -f "$(BIN)/nomad"
.PHONY: testcluster
testcluster: ## Bring up a Linux test cluster using Vagrant. Set PROVIDER if necessary.
vagrant up nomad-server01 \
nomad-server02 \
nomad-server03 \
nomad-client01 \
nomad-client02 \
nomad-client03 \
$(if $(PROVIDER),--provider $(PROVIDER))
.PHONY: static-assets
static-assets: ## Compile the static routes to serve alongside the API
@echo "--> Generating static assets"
@go-bindata-assetfs -pkg agent -prefix ui -modtime 1480000000 -tags ui -o bindata_assetfs.go ./ui/dist/...
@mv bindata_assetfs.go command/agent
.PHONY: test-ui
test-ui: ## Run Nomad UI test suite
@echo "--> Installing JavaScript assets"
@cd ui && npm rebuild node-sass
@cd ui && yarn install
@echo "--> Running ember tests"
@cd ui && npm test
.PHONY: ember-dist
ember-dist: ## Build the static UI assets from source
@echo "--> Installing JavaScript assets"
@cd ui && yarn install --silent
@cd ui && npm rebuild node-sass
@echo "--> Building Ember application"
@cd ui && npm run build
.PHONY: dev-ui
dev-ui: ember-dist static-assets
@$(MAKE) NOMAD_UI_TAG="ui" dev ## Build a dev binary with the UI baked in
HELP_FORMAT=" \033[36m%-25s\033[0m %s\n"
.PHONY: help
help: ## Display this usage information
@echo "Valid targets:"
@grep -E '^[^ ]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | \
sort | \
awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; \
{printf $(HELP_FORMAT), $$1, $$2}'
@echo ""
@echo "This host will build the following targets if 'make release' is invoked:"
@echo $(ALL_TARGETS) | sed 's/^/ /'
.PHONY: ui-screenshots
@echo "==> Collecting UI screenshots..."
# Build the screenshots image if it doesn't exist yet
@if [[ "$$(docker images -q nomad-ui-screenshots 2> /dev/null)" == "" ]]; then \
docker build --tag="nomad-ui-screenshots" ./scripts/screenshots; \
@docker run \
--rm \
--volume "$(shell pwd)/scripts/screenshots/screenshots:/screenshots" \
.PHONY: ui-screenshots-local
@echo "==> Collecting UI screenshots (local)..."
@cd scripts/screenshots/src && SCREENSHOTS_DIR="../screenshots" node index.js