Seth Hoenig 435c0d9fc8 deps: Switch to Go modules for dependency management
This PR switches the Nomad repository from using govendor to Go modules
for managing dependencies. Aspects of the Nomad workflow remain pretty
much the same. The usual Makefile targets should continue to work as
they always did. The API submodule simply defers to the parent Nomad
version on the repository, keeping the semantics of API versioning that
currently exists.
2020-06-02 14:30:36 -05:00

514 lines
11 KiB

package pattern
import (
var tokensByString = map[string]Token{
"INT": Token(token.INT),
"FLOAT": Token(token.FLOAT),
"IMAG": Token(token.IMAG),
"CHAR": Token(token.CHAR),
"STRING": Token(token.STRING),
"+": Token(token.ADD),
"-": Token(token.SUB),
"*": Token(token.MUL),
"/": Token(token.QUO),
"%": Token(token.REM),
"&": Token(token.AND),
"|": Token(token.OR),
"^": Token(token.XOR),
"<<": Token(token.SHL),
">>": Token(token.SHR),
"&^": Token(token.AND_NOT),
"+=": Token(token.ADD_ASSIGN),
"-=": Token(token.SUB_ASSIGN),
"*=": Token(token.MUL_ASSIGN),
"/=": Token(token.QUO_ASSIGN),
"%=": Token(token.REM_ASSIGN),
"&=": Token(token.AND_ASSIGN),
"|=": Token(token.OR_ASSIGN),
"^=": Token(token.XOR_ASSIGN),
"<<=": Token(token.SHL_ASSIGN),
">>=": Token(token.SHR_ASSIGN),
"&^=": Token(token.AND_NOT_ASSIGN),
"&&": Token(token.LAND),
"||": Token(token.LOR),
"<-": Token(token.ARROW),
"++": Token(token.INC),
"--": Token(token.DEC),
"==": Token(token.EQL),
"<": Token(token.LSS),
">": Token(token.GTR),
"=": Token(token.ASSIGN),
"!": Token(token.NOT),
"!=": Token(token.NEQ),
"<=": Token(token.LEQ),
">=": Token(token.GEQ),
":=": Token(token.DEFINE),
"...": Token(token.ELLIPSIS),
"IMPORT": Token(token.IMPORT),
"VAR": Token(token.VAR),
"TYPE": Token(token.TYPE),
"CONST": Token(token.CONST),
func maybeToken(node Node) (Node, bool) {
if node, ok := node.(String); ok {
if tok, ok := tokensByString[string(node)]; ok {
return tok, true
return node, false
return node, false
func isNil(v interface{}) bool {
if v == nil {
return true
if _, ok := v.(Nil); ok {
return true
return false
type matcher interface {
Match(*Matcher, interface{}) (interface{}, bool)
type State = map[string]interface{}
type Matcher struct {
TypesInfo *types.Info
State State
func (m *Matcher) fork() *Matcher {
state := make(State, len(m.State))
for k, v := range m.State {
state[k] = v
return &Matcher{
TypesInfo: m.TypesInfo,
State: state,
func (m *Matcher) merge(mc *Matcher) {
m.State = mc.State
func (m *Matcher) Match(a Node, b ast.Node) bool {
m.State = State{}
_, ok := match(m, a, b)
return ok
func Match(a Node, b ast.Node) (*Matcher, bool) {
m := &Matcher{}
ret := m.Match(a, b)
return m, ret
// Match two items, which may be (Node, AST) or (AST, AST)
func match(m *Matcher, l, r interface{}) (interface{}, bool) {
if _, ok := r.(Node); ok {
panic("Node mustn't be on right side of match")
switch l := l.(type) {
case *ast.ParenExpr:
return match(m, l.X, r)
case *ast.ExprStmt:
return match(m, l.X, r)
case *ast.DeclStmt:
return match(m, l.Decl, r)
case *ast.LabeledStmt:
return match(m, l.Stmt, r)
case *ast.BlockStmt:
return match(m, l.List, r)
case *ast.FieldList:
return match(m, l.List, r)
switch r := r.(type) {
case *ast.ParenExpr:
return match(m, l, r.X)
case *ast.ExprStmt:
return match(m, l, r.X)
case *ast.DeclStmt:
return match(m, l, r.Decl)
case *ast.LabeledStmt:
return match(m, l, r.Stmt)
case *ast.BlockStmt:
if r == nil {
return match(m, l, nil)
return match(m, l, r.List)
case *ast.FieldList:
if r == nil {
return match(m, l, nil)
return match(m, l, r.List)
case *ast.BasicLit:
if r == nil {
return match(m, l, nil)
if l, ok := l.(matcher); ok {
return l.Match(m, r)
if l, ok := l.(Node); ok {
// Matching of pattern with concrete value
return matchNodeAST(m, l, r)
if l == nil || r == nil {
return nil, l == r
ln, ok1 := l.(ast.Node)
rn, ok2 := r.(ast.Node)
if ok1 && ok2 {
return matchAST(m, ln, rn)
obj, ok := l.(types.Object)
if ok {
switch r := r.(type) {
case *ast.Ident:
return obj, obj == m.TypesInfo.ObjectOf(r)
case *ast.SelectorExpr:
return obj, obj == m.TypesInfo.ObjectOf(r.Sel)
return obj, false
ln, ok1 := l.([]ast.Expr)
rn, ok2 := r.([]ast.Expr)
if ok1 || ok2 {
if ok1 && !ok2 {
rn = []ast.Expr{r.(ast.Expr)}
} else if !ok1 && ok2 {
ln = []ast.Expr{l.(ast.Expr)}
if len(ln) != len(rn) {
return nil, false
for i, ll := range ln {
if _, ok := match(m, ll, rn[i]); !ok {
return nil, false
return r, true
ln, ok1 := l.([]ast.Stmt)
rn, ok2 := r.([]ast.Stmt)
if ok1 || ok2 {
if ok1 && !ok2 {
rn = []ast.Stmt{r.(ast.Stmt)}
} else if !ok1 && ok2 {
ln = []ast.Stmt{l.(ast.Stmt)}
if len(ln) != len(rn) {
return nil, false
for i, ll := range ln {
if _, ok := match(m, ll, rn[i]); !ok {
return nil, false
return r, true
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unsupported comparison: %T and %T", l, r))
// Match a Node with an AST node
func matchNodeAST(m *Matcher, a Node, b interface{}) (interface{}, bool) {
switch b := b.(type) {
case []ast.Stmt:
// 'a' is not a List or we'd be using its Match
// implementation.
if len(b) != 1 {
return nil, false
return match(m, a, b[0])
case []ast.Expr:
// 'a' is not a List or we'd be using its Match
// implementation.
if len(b) != 1 {
return nil, false
return match(m, a, b[0])
case ast.Node:
ra := reflect.ValueOf(a)
rb := reflect.ValueOf(b).Elem()
if ra.Type().Name() != rb.Type().Name() {
return nil, false
for i := 0; i < ra.NumField(); i++ {
af := ra.Field(i)
fieldName := ra.Type().Field(i).Name
bf := rb.FieldByName(fieldName)
if (bf == reflect.Value{}) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("internal error: could not find field %s in type %t when comparing with %T", fieldName, b, a))
ai := af.Interface()
bi := bf.Interface()
if ai == nil {
return b, bi == nil
if _, ok := match(m, ai.(Node), bi); !ok {
return b, false
return b, true
case nil:
return nil, a == Nil{}
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unhandled type %T", b))
// Match two AST nodes
func matchAST(m *Matcher, a, b ast.Node) (interface{}, bool) {
ra := reflect.ValueOf(a)
rb := reflect.ValueOf(b)
if ra.Type() != rb.Type() {
return nil, false
if ra.IsNil() || rb.IsNil() {
return rb, ra.IsNil() == rb.IsNil()
ra = ra.Elem()
rb = rb.Elem()
for i := 0; i < ra.NumField(); i++ {
af := ra.Field(i)
bf := rb.Field(i)
if af.Type() == rtTokPos || af.Type() == rtObject || af.Type() == rtCommentGroup {
switch af.Kind() {
case reflect.Slice:
if af.Len() != bf.Len() {
return nil, false
for j := 0; j < af.Len(); j++ {
if _, ok := match(m, af.Index(j).Interface().(ast.Node), bf.Index(j).Interface().(ast.Node)); !ok {
return nil, false
case reflect.String:
if af.String() != bf.String() {
return nil, false
case reflect.Int:
if af.Int() != bf.Int() {
return nil, false
case reflect.Bool:
if af.Bool() != bf.Bool() {
return nil, false
case reflect.Ptr, reflect.Interface:
if _, ok := match(m, af.Interface(), bf.Interface()); !ok {
return nil, false
panic(fmt.Sprintf("internal error: unhandled kind %s (%T)", af.Kind(), af.Interface()))
return b, true
func (b Binding) Match(m *Matcher, node interface{}) (interface{}, bool) {
if isNil(b.Node) {
v, ok := m.State[b.Name]
if ok {
// Recall value
return match(m, v, node)
// Matching anything
b.Node = Any{}
// Store value
if _, ok := m.State[b.Name]; ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("binding already created: %s", b.Name))
new, ret := match(m, b.Node, node)
if ret {
m.State[b.Name] = new
return new, ret
func (Any) Match(m *Matcher, node interface{}) (interface{}, bool) {
return node, true
func (l List) Match(m *Matcher, node interface{}) (interface{}, bool) {
v := reflect.ValueOf(node)
if v.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
if isNil(l.Head) {
return node, v.Len() == 0
if v.Len() == 0 {
return nil, false
// OPT(dh): don't check the entire tail if head didn't match
_, ok1 := match(m, l.Head, v.Index(0).Interface())
_, ok2 := match(m, l.Tail, v.Slice(1, v.Len()).Interface())
return node, ok1 && ok2
// Our empty list does not equal an untyped Go nil. This way, we can
// tell apart an if with no else and an if with an empty else.
return nil, false
func (s String) Match(m *Matcher, node interface{}) (interface{}, bool) {
switch o := node.(type) {
case token.Token:
if tok, ok := maybeToken(s); ok {
return match(m, tok, node)
return nil, false
case string:
return o, string(s) == o
return nil, false
func (tok Token) Match(m *Matcher, node interface{}) (interface{}, bool) {
o, ok := node.(token.Token)
if !ok {
return nil, false
return o, token.Token(tok) == o
func (Nil) Match(m *Matcher, node interface{}) (interface{}, bool) {
return nil, isNil(node)
func (builtin Builtin) Match(m *Matcher, node interface{}) (interface{}, bool) {
ident, ok := node.(*ast.Ident)
if !ok {
return nil, false
obj := m.TypesInfo.ObjectOf(ident)
if obj != types.Universe.Lookup(ident.Name) {
return nil, false
return match(m, builtin.Name, ident.Name)
func (obj Object) Match(m *Matcher, node interface{}) (interface{}, bool) {
ident, ok := node.(*ast.Ident)
if !ok {
return nil, false
id := m.TypesInfo.ObjectOf(ident)
_, ok = match(m, obj.Name, ident.Name)
return id, ok
func (fn Function) Match(m *Matcher, node interface{}) (interface{}, bool) {
var name string
var obj types.Object
switch node := node.(type) {
case *ast.Ident:
obj = m.TypesInfo.ObjectOf(node)
switch obj := obj.(type) {
case *types.Func:
name = lint.FuncName(obj)
case *types.Builtin:
name = obj.Name()
return nil, false
case *ast.SelectorExpr:
var ok bool
obj, ok = m.TypesInfo.ObjectOf(node.Sel).(*types.Func)
if !ok {
return nil, false
name = lint.FuncName(obj.(*types.Func))
return nil, false
_, ok := match(m, fn.Name, name)
return obj, ok
func (or Or) Match(m *Matcher, node interface{}) (interface{}, bool) {
for _, opt := range or.Nodes {
mc := m.fork()
if ret, ok := match(mc, opt, node); ok {
return ret, true
return nil, false
func (not Not) Match(m *Matcher, node interface{}) (interface{}, bool) {
_, ok := match(m, not.Node, node)
if ok {
return nil, false
return node, true
var (
// Types of fields in go/ast structs that we want to skip
rtTokPos = reflect.TypeOf(token.Pos(0))
rtObject = reflect.TypeOf((*ast.Object)(nil))
rtCommentGroup = reflect.TypeOf((*ast.CommentGroup)(nil))
var (
_ matcher = Binding{}
_ matcher = Any{}
_ matcher = List{}
_ matcher = String("")
_ matcher = Token(0)
_ matcher = Nil{}
_ matcher = Builtin{}
_ matcher = Object{}
_ matcher = Function{}
_ matcher = Or{}
_ matcher = Not{}