Always install go and vault: the check may accidentally use the CircleCI pre-installed go version instead of the cached version. Also, always install from sources without caching. Go/vault installation is basically a tarball download. That's equivalent to CirleCI caching without the complexity. These steps don't add much time either. Lastly, infer the OS when downloading tarball to avoid managing them in the job spec.
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executor: go-windows
- run: git config --global core.autocrlf false
- checkout
- run:
name: Setup
command: |
mkdir -p $GOBIN
- install-golang:
target_directory: "c:"
- run: go version
- install-vault:
- run: vault version
- run: choco install make
- run:
name: Install golang dependencies
command: |
export PATH=$PATH:/c/go/bin:/c/gopath/bin
make deps
- run:
name: Build nomad
command: |
export PATH=$PATH:/c/go/bin:/c/gopath/bin
go build -o $GOBIN\nomad.exe
- run:
name: Run tests with gotestsum
command: |
# Only test docker driver tests for now
export PATH=$PATH:/c/go/bin:/c/gopath/bin
gotestsum --format=short-verbose \
--junitfile $GOTESTSUM_PATH/results.xml \
github.com/hashicorp/nomad/drivers/docker \
github.com/hashicorp/nomad/client/lib/fifo \
- store_test_results:
path: c:\tmp\test-reports
- store_artifacts:
path: c:\tmp\test-reports