317 lines
9.0 KiB
317 lines
9.0 KiB
SHELL = bash
PROJECT_ROOT := $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $(abspath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))))
THIS_OS := $(shell uname)
GIT_COMMIT := $(shell git rev-parse HEAD)
GIT_DIRTY := $(if $(shell git status --porcelain),+CHANGES)
GO_LDFLAGS := "-X github.com/hashicorp/nomad/version.GitCommit=$(GIT_COMMIT)$(GIT_DIRTY)"
default: help
ifeq (,$(findstring $(THIS_OS),Darwin Linux FreeBSD))
$(error Building Nomad is currently only supported on Darwin and Linux.)
# On Linux we build for Linux, Windows, and potentially Linux+LXC
ifeq (Linux,$(THIS_OS))
# Detect if we have LXC on the path
ifeq (0,$(shell pkg-config --exists lxc; echo $$?))
ifeq ($(TRAVIS),true)
$(info Running in Travis, verbose mode is disabled)
ALL_TARGETS += linux_386 \
linux_amd64 \
linux_arm \
linux_arm64 \
windows_386 \
ifeq ("true",$(HAS_LXC))
ALL_TARGETS += linux_amd64-lxc
# On MacOS, we only build for MacOS
ifeq (Darwin,$(THIS_OS))
ALL_TARGETS += darwin_amd64
# On FreeBSD, we only build for FreeBSD
ifeq (FreeBSD,$(THIS_OS))
ALL_TARGETS += freebsd_amd64
pkg/darwin_amd64/nomad: $(SOURCE_FILES) ## Build Nomad for darwin/amd64
@echo "==> Building $@ with tags $(GO_TAGS)..."
@CGO_ENABLED=1 GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 \
go build \
-ldflags $(GO_LDFLAGS) \
-tags "$(GO_TAGS)" \
-o "$@"
pkg/freebsd_amd64/nomad: $(SOURCE_FILES) ## Build Nomad for freebsd/amd64
@echo "==> Building $@..."
@CGO_ENABLED=1 GOOS=freebsd GOARCH=amd64 \
go build \
-ldflags $(GO_LDFLAGS) \
-tags "$(GO_TAGS)" \
-o "$@"
pkg/linux_386/nomad: $(SOURCE_FILES) ## Build Nomad for linux/386
@echo "==> Building $@ with tags $(GO_TAGS)..."
go build \
-ldflags $(GO_LDFLAGS) \
-tags "$(GO_TAGS)" \
-o "$@"
pkg/linux_amd64/nomad: $(SOURCE_FILES) ## Build Nomad for linux/amd64
@echo "==> Building $@ with tags $(GO_TAGS)..."
@CGO_ENABLED=1 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 \
go build \
-ldflags $(GO_LDFLAGS) \
-tags "$(GO_TAGS)" \
-o "$@"
pkg/linux_arm/nomad: $(SOURCE_FILES) ## Build Nomad for linux/arm
@echo "==> Building $@ with tags $(GO_TAGS)..."
@CGO_ENABLED=1 GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm CC=arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc-5 \
go build \
-ldflags $(GO_LDFLAGS) \
-tags "$(GO_TAGS)" \
-o "$@"
pkg/linux_arm64/nomad: $(SOURCE_FILES) ## Build Nomad for linux/arm64
@echo "==> Building $@ with tags $(GO_TAGS)..."
@CGO_ENABLED=1 GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm64 CC=aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc-5 \
go build \
-ldflags $(GO_LDFLAGS) \
-tags "$(GO_TAGS)" \
-o "$@"
# If CGO support for Windows is ever required, set the following variables
# in the environment for `go build` for both the windows/amd64 and the
# windows/386 targets:
# CC=i686-w64-mingw32-gcc
# CXX=i686-w64-mingw32-g++
pkg/windows_386/nomad: $(SOURCE_FILES) ## Build Nomad for windows/386
@echo "==> Building $@ with tags $(GO_TAGS)..."
@CGO_ENABLED=1 GOOS=windows GOARCH=386 \
go build \
-ldflags $(GO_LDFLAGS) \
-tags "$(GO_TAGS)" \
-o "$@.exe"
pkg/windows_amd64/nomad: $(SOURCE_FILES) ## Build Nomad for windows/amd64
@echo "==> Building $@ with tags $(GO_TAGS)..."
@CGO_ENABLED=1 GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 \
go build \
-ldflags $(GO_LDFLAGS) \
-tags "$(GO_TAGS)" \
-o "$@.exe"
pkg/linux_amd64-lxc/nomad: $(SOURCE_FILES) ## Build Nomad+LXC for linux/amd64
@echo "==> Building $@ with tags $(GO_TAGS)..."
@CGO_ENABLED=1 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 \
go build \
-ldflags $(GO_LDFLAGS) \
-tags "$(GO_TAGS) lxc" \
-o "$@"
# Define package targets for each of the build targets we actually have on this system
define makePackageTarget
pkg/$(1).zip: pkg/$(1)/nomad
@echo "==> Packaging for $(1)..."
@zip -j pkg/$(1).zip pkg/$(1)/*
# Reify the package targets
$(foreach t,$(ALL_TARGETS),$(eval $(call makePackageTarget,$(t))))
.PHONY: bootstrap
bootstrap: deps lint-deps # Install all dependencies
.PHONY: deps
deps: ## Install build and development dependencies
@echo "==> Updating build dependencies..."
go get -u github.com/kardianos/govendor
go get -u github.com/ugorji/go/codec/codecgen
go get -u github.com/hashicorp/go-bindata/...
go get -u github.com/elazarl/go-bindata-assetfs/...
go get -u github.com/a8m/tree/cmd/tree
go get -u github.com/magiconair/vendorfmt/cmd/vendorfmt
.PHONY: lint-deps
lint-deps: ## Install linter dependencies
@echo "==> Updating linter dependencies..."
go get -u github.com/alecthomas/gometalinter
gometalinter --install
.PHONY: check
check: ## Lint the source code
@echo "==> Linting source code..."
@gometalinter \
--deadline 10m \
--vendor \
--exclude='.*\.generated\.go' \
--exclude='.*bindata_assetfs\.go' \
--skip="ui/" \
--sort="path" \
--aggregate \
--enable-gc \
--disable-all \
--enable goimports \
--enable misspell \
--enable vet \
--enable deadcode \
--enable varcheck \
--enable ineffassign \
--enable structcheck \
--enable unconvert \
--enable gofmt \
@echo "==> Spell checking website..."
@misspell -error -source=text website/source/
.PHONY: checkscripts
checkscripts: ## Lint shell scripts
@echo "==> Linting scripts..."
@shellcheck ./scripts/*
generate: LOCAL_PACKAGES = $(shell go list ./... | grep -v '/vendor/')
generate: ## Update generated code
@go generate $(LOCAL_PACKAGES)
@echo "--> Formatting vendor/vendor.json"
test -x $(GOPATH)/bin/vendorfmt || go get -u github.com/magiconair/vendorfmt/cmd/vendorfmt
@echo "--> Making [GH-xxxx] references clickable..."
@sed -E 's|([^\[])\[GH-([0-9]+)\]|\1[[GH-\2](https://github.com/hashicorp/nomad/issues/\2)]|g' CHANGELOG.md > changelog.tmp && mv changelog.tmp CHANGELOG.md
.PHONY: dev
dev: GOOS=$(shell go env GOOS)
dev: GOARCH=$(shell go env GOARCH)
dev: GOPATH=$(shell go env GOPATH)
dev: DEV_TARGET=pkg/$(GOOS)_$(GOARCH)$(if $(HAS_LXC),-lxc)/nomad
dev: vendorfmt changelogfmt ## Build for the current development platform
@echo "==> Removing old development build..."
@rm -f $(PROJECT_ROOT)/bin/nomad
@rm -f $(GOPATH)/bin/nomad
@$(MAKE) --no-print-directory \
@mkdir -p $(PROJECT_ROOT)/bin
@mkdir -p $(GOPATH)/bin
.PHONY: prerelease
prerelease: GO_TAGS=ui release
prerelease: check generate ember-dist static-assets ## Generate all the static assets for a Nomad release
.PHONY: release
release: GO_TAGS=ui release
release: clean $(foreach t,$(ALL_TARGETS),pkg/$(t).zip) ## Build all release packages which can be built on this platform.
@echo "==> Results:"
@tree --dirsfirst $(PROJECT_ROOT)/pkg
.PHONY: test
test: ## Run the Nomad test suite and/or the Nomad UI test suite
@if [ ! $(SKIP_NOMAD_TESTS) ]; then \
make test-nomad; \
@if [ $(RUN_UI_TESTS) ]; then \
make test-ui; \
.PHONY: test-nomad
test-nomad: dev ## Run Nomad test suites
@echo "==> Running Nomad test suites:"
@go test $(if $(VERBOSE),-v) \
-cover \
-timeout=900s \
-tags="$(if $(HAS_LXC),lxc)" ./... $(if $(VERBOSE), >test.log ; echo $$? > exit-code)
@if [ $(VERBOSE) ] ; then \
bash -C "$(PROJECT_ROOT)/scripts/test_check.sh" ; \
.PHONY: clean
clean: GOPATH=$(shell go env GOPATH)
clean: ## Remove build artifacts
@echo "==> Cleaning build artifacts..."
@rm -rf "$(PROJECT_ROOT)/bin/"
@rm -rf "$(PROJECT_ROOT)/pkg/"
@rm -f "$(GOPATH)/bin/nomad"
.PHONY: travis
travis: ## Run Nomad test suites with output to prevent timeouts under Travis CI
@if [ ! $(SKIP_NOMAD_TESTS) ]; then \
make generate; \
@sh -C "$(PROJECT_ROOT)/scripts/travis.sh"
.PHONY: testcluster
testcluster: ## Bring up a Linux test cluster using Vagrant. Set PROVIDER if necessary.
vagrant up nomad-server01 \
nomad-server02 \
nomad-server03 \
nomad-client01 \
nomad-client02 \
nomad-client03 \
$(if $(PROVIDER),--provider $(PROVIDER))
.PHONY: static-assets
static-assets: ## Compile the static routes to serve alongside the API
@echo "--> Generating static assets"
@go-bindata-assetfs -pkg agent -prefix ui -modtime 1480000000 -tags ui -o bindata_assetfs.go ./ui/dist/...
@mv bindata_assetfs.go command/agent
.PHONY: test-ui
test-ui: ## Run Nomad UI test suite
@echo "--> Installing JavaScript assets"
@cd ui && npm rebuild node-sass
@cd ui && yarn install
@echo "--> Running ember tests"
@cd ui && phantomjs --version
@cd ui && npm test
.PHONY: ember-dist
ember-dist: ## Build the static UI assets from source
@echo "--> Installing JavaScript assets"
@cd ui && yarn install --silent
@cd ui && npm rebuild node-sass
@echo "--> Building Ember application"
@cd ui && npm run build
.PHONY: dev-ui
dev-ui: ember-dist static-assets
@$(MAKE) NOMAD_UI_TAG="ui" dev ## Build a dev binary with the UI baked in
HELP_FORMAT=" \033[36m%-25s\033[0m %s\n"
.PHONY: help
help: ## Display this usage information
@echo "Valid targets:"
@grep -E '^[^ ]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | \
sort | \
awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; \
{printf $(HELP_FORMAT), $$1, $$2}'
@echo ""
@echo "This host will build the following targets if 'make release' is invoked:"
@echo $(ALL_TARGETS) | sed 's/^/ /'