Phil Renaud a628e2969a Secure Variables UI: /variables/new and /variables/*path (#13069)
* initialized

* Hacky but savey

* Variable wildcard route and multiple creatable at a time

* multiple KVs per variable

* PR Prep cleanup and lintfix

* Delog

* Data mocking in mirage for variables

* Linting fixes

* Re-implement absent params

* Adapter and model tests

* Moves the path-as-id logic to a serializer instead of adapter

* Classic to serializer and lint cleanup

* Pluralized save button (#13140)

* Autofocus modifier and better Add More button UX (#13145)

* Secure Variables: show/hide functionality when adding new values (#13137)

* Flight Icons added and show hide functionality

* PR cleanup

* Linting cleanup

* Position of icon moved to the right of input

* PR feedback addressed

* Delete button and stylistic changes to show hide

* Hmm, eslint doesnt like jsdoc-usage as only reason for import

* More closely match the button styles and delete test

* Simplified new.js model

* Secure Variables: /variables/*path/edit route and functionality (#13170)

* Variable edit page init

* Significant change to where we house model methods

* Lintfix

* Edit a variable tests

* Remove redundant tests

* Asserts expected

* Mirage factory updated to reflect model state
2022-07-11 13:34:04 -04:00

69 lines
1.8 KiB

import { module, test } from 'qunit';
import { setupRenderingTest } from 'ember-qunit';
import { render } from '@ember/test-helpers';
import { hbs } from 'ember-cli-htmlbars';
module('Integration | Modifier | autofocus', function (hooks) {
test('Basic Usage', async function (assert) {
await render(hbs`
<input data-test-input-1 {{autofocus}} />
.isFocused('Autofocus on an element works');
test('Multiple foci', async function (assert) {
await render(hbs`
<input data-test-input-1 {{autofocus}} />
<input data-test-input-2 {{autofocus}} />
.isNotFocused('With multiple autofocus elements, priors are unfocused');
.isFocused('With multiple autofocus elements, posteriors are focused');
test('Ignore parameter', async function (assert) {
await render(hbs`
<input data-test-input-1 {{autofocus}} />
<input data-test-input-2 {{autofocus}} />
<input data-test-input-3 {{autofocus ignore=true}} />
<input data-test-input-4 {{autofocus ignore=true}} />
.isFocused('The last autofocus element without ignore is focused');
.isNotFocused('Ignore parameter is observed, prior');
.isNotFocused('Ignore parameter is observed, posterior');