FailoverHeartbeatTTL is the amount of time to wait after a server leader failure before considering reallocating client tasks. This TTL should be fairly long as the new server leader needs to rebuild the entire heartbeat map for the cluster. In deployments with a small number of machines, the default TTL (5m) may be unnecessary long. Let's allow operators to configure this value in their config files.
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package agent
import (
cstructs "github.com/hashicorp/nomad/client/structs"
func tmpDir(t testing.TB) string {
dir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "nomad")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("err: %v", err)
return dir
func TestAgent_RPC_Ping(t *testing.T) {
agent := NewTestAgent(t, t.Name(), nil)
defer agent.Shutdown()
var out struct{}
if err := agent.RPC("Status.Ping", struct{}{}, &out); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("err: %v", err)
func TestAgent_ServerConfig(t *testing.T) {
conf := DefaultConfig()
conf.DevMode = true // allow localhost for advertise addrs
conf.Server.Enabled = true
a := &Agent{config: conf}
conf.AdvertiseAddrs.Serf = ""
conf.AdvertiseAddrs.RPC = ""
conf.AdvertiseAddrs.HTTP = ""
conf.ACL.Enabled = true
// Parses the advertise addrs correctly
if err := conf.normalizeAddrs(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error normalizing config: %v", err)
out, err := a.serverConfig()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.True(t, out.EnableEventBroker)
serfAddr := out.SerfConfig.MemberlistConfig.AdvertiseAddr
require.Equal(t, "", serfAddr)
serfPort := out.SerfConfig.MemberlistConfig.AdvertisePort
require.Equal(t, 4000, serfPort)
require.Equal(t, "global", out.AuthoritativeRegion)
require.True(t, out.ACLEnabled)
// Assert addresses weren't changed
require.Equal(t, "", conf.AdvertiseAddrs.RPC)
require.Equal(t, "", conf.AdvertiseAddrs.HTTP)
require.Equal(t, "", conf.Addresses.RPC)
// Sets up the ports properly
conf.Addresses.RPC = ""
conf.Addresses.Serf = ""
conf.Ports.RPC = 4003
conf.Ports.Serf = 4004
require.NoError(t, conf.normalizeAddrs())
out, err = a.serverConfig()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 4003, out.RPCAddr.Port)
require.Equal(t, 4004, out.SerfConfig.MemberlistConfig.BindPort)
// Prefers advertise over bind addr
conf.BindAddr = ""
conf.Addresses.HTTP = ""
conf.Addresses.RPC = ""
conf.Addresses.Serf = ""
conf.AdvertiseAddrs.HTTP = ""
conf.AdvertiseAddrs.RPC = ""
conf.AdvertiseAddrs.Serf = ""
require.NoError(t, conf.normalizeAddrs())
out, err = a.serverConfig()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, "", out.RPCAddr.IP.String())
require.Equal(t, 4003, out.RPCAddr.Port)
require.Equal(t, "", out.SerfConfig.MemberlistConfig.BindAddr)
require.Equal(t, 4004, out.SerfConfig.MemberlistConfig.BindPort)
require.Equal(t, "", conf.Addresses.HTTP)
require.Equal(t, "", conf.Addresses.RPC)
require.Equal(t, "", conf.Addresses.Serf)
require.Equal(t, "", conf.normalizedAddrs.HTTP)
require.Equal(t, "", conf.normalizedAddrs.RPC)
require.Equal(t, "", conf.normalizedAddrs.Serf)
require.Equal(t, "", conf.AdvertiseAddrs.HTTP)
require.Equal(t, "", conf.AdvertiseAddrs.RPC)
require.Equal(t, "", conf.AdvertiseAddrs.Serf)
conf.Server.NodeGCThreshold = "42g"
require.NoError(t, conf.normalizeAddrs())
_, err = a.serverConfig()
if err == nil || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "unknown unit") {
t.Fatalf("expected unknown unit error, got: %#v", err)
conf.Server.NodeGCThreshold = "10s"
require.NoError(t, conf.normalizeAddrs())
out, err = a.serverConfig()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 10*time.Second, out.NodeGCThreshold)
conf.Server.HeartbeatGrace = 37 * time.Second
out, err = a.serverConfig()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 37*time.Second, out.HeartbeatGrace)
conf.Server.MinHeartbeatTTL = 37 * time.Second
out, err = a.serverConfig()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 37*time.Second, out.MinHeartbeatTTL)
conf.Server.MaxHeartbeatsPerSecond = 11.0
out, err = a.serverConfig()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, float64(11.0), out.MaxHeartbeatsPerSecond)
conf.Server.FailoverHeartbeatTTL = 337 * time.Second
out, err = a.serverConfig()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 337*time.Second, out.FailoverHeartbeatTTL)
// Defaults to the global bind addr
conf.Addresses.RPC = ""
conf.Addresses.Serf = ""
conf.Addresses.HTTP = ""
conf.AdvertiseAddrs.RPC = ""
conf.AdvertiseAddrs.HTTP = ""
conf.AdvertiseAddrs.Serf = ""
conf.Ports.HTTP = 4646
conf.Ports.RPC = 4647
conf.Ports.Serf = 4648
require.NoError(t, conf.normalizeAddrs())
out, err = a.serverConfig()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, "", out.RPCAddr.IP.String())
require.Equal(t, "", out.SerfConfig.MemberlistConfig.BindAddr)
require.Equal(t, "", conf.Addresses.HTTP)
require.Equal(t, "", conf.Addresses.RPC)
require.Equal(t, "", conf.Addresses.Serf)
require.Equal(t, "", conf.normalizedAddrs.HTTP)
require.Equal(t, "", conf.normalizedAddrs.RPC)
require.Equal(t, "", conf.normalizedAddrs.Serf)
// Properly handles the bootstrap flags
conf.Server.BootstrapExpect = 1
out, err = a.serverConfig()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 1, out.BootstrapExpect)
conf.Server.BootstrapExpect = 3
out, err = a.serverConfig()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 3, out.BootstrapExpect)
func TestAgent_ServerConfig_SchedulerFlags(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
name string
input *structs.SchedulerConfiguration
expected structs.SchedulerConfiguration
"default case",
SchedulerAlgorithm: "binpack",
PreemptionConfig: structs.PreemptionConfig{
SystemSchedulerEnabled: true,
"empty value: preemption is disabled",
PreemptionConfig: structs.PreemptionConfig{
SystemSchedulerEnabled: false,
"all explicitly set",
PreemptionConfig: structs.PreemptionConfig{
SystemSchedulerEnabled: true,
BatchSchedulerEnabled: true,
ServiceSchedulerEnabled: true,
PreemptionConfig: structs.PreemptionConfig{
SystemSchedulerEnabled: true,
BatchSchedulerEnabled: true,
ServiceSchedulerEnabled: true,
for _, c := range cases {
t.Run(c.name, func(t *testing.T) {
conf := DefaultConfig()
conf.Server.DefaultSchedulerConfig = c.input
a := &Agent{config: conf}
conf.AdvertiseAddrs.Serf = ""
conf.AdvertiseAddrs.RPC = ""
conf.AdvertiseAddrs.HTTP = ""
conf.ACL.Enabled = true
require.NoError(t, conf.normalizeAddrs())
out, err := a.serverConfig()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, c.expected, out.DefaultSchedulerConfig)
// TestAgent_ServerConfig_Limits_Errors asserts invalid Limits configurations
// cause errors. This is the server-only (RPC) counterpart to
// TestHTTPServer_Limits_Error.
func TestAgent_ServerConfig_Limits_Error(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
name string
expectedErr string
limits config.Limits
name: "Negative Timeout",
expectedErr: "rpc_handshake_timeout must be >= 0",
limits: config.Limits{
RPCHandshakeTimeout: "-5s",
RPCMaxConnsPerClient: helper.IntToPtr(100),
name: "Invalid Timeout",
expectedErr: "error parsing rpc_handshake_timeout",
limits: config.Limits{
RPCHandshakeTimeout: "s",
RPCMaxConnsPerClient: helper.IntToPtr(100),
name: "Missing Timeout",
expectedErr: "error parsing rpc_handshake_timeout",
limits: config.Limits{
RPCHandshakeTimeout: "",
RPCMaxConnsPerClient: helper.IntToPtr(100),
name: "Negative Connection Limit",
expectedErr: "rpc_max_conns_per_client must be > 25; found: -100",
limits: config.Limits{
RPCHandshakeTimeout: "5s",
RPCMaxConnsPerClient: helper.IntToPtr(-100),
name: "Low Connection Limit",
expectedErr: "rpc_max_conns_per_client must be > 25; found: 20",
limits: config.Limits{
RPCHandshakeTimeout: "5s",
RPCMaxConnsPerClient: helper.IntToPtr(config.LimitsNonStreamingConnsPerClient),
for i := range cases {
tc := cases[i]
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
conf := DevConfig(nil)
require.NoError(t, conf.normalizeAddrs())
conf.Limits = tc.limits
serverConf, err := convertServerConfig(conf)
assert.Nil(t, serverConf)
require.Contains(t, err.Error(), tc.expectedErr)
// TestAgent_ServerConfig_Limits_OK asserts valid Limits configurations do not
// cause errors. This is the server-only (RPC) counterpart to
// TestHTTPServer_Limits_OK.
func TestAgent_ServerConfig_Limits_OK(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
name string
limits config.Limits
name: "Default",
limits: config.DefaultLimits(),
name: "Zero+nil is valid to disable",
limits: config.Limits{
RPCHandshakeTimeout: "0",
RPCMaxConnsPerClient: nil,
name: "Zeros are valid",
limits: config.Limits{
RPCHandshakeTimeout: "0s",
RPCMaxConnsPerClient: helper.IntToPtr(0),
name: "Low limits are valid",
limits: config.Limits{
RPCHandshakeTimeout: "1ms",
RPCMaxConnsPerClient: helper.IntToPtr(26),
name: "High limits are valid",
limits: config.Limits{
RPCHandshakeTimeout: "5h",
RPCMaxConnsPerClient: helper.IntToPtr(100000),
for i := range cases {
tc := cases[i]
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
conf := DevConfig(nil)
require.NoError(t, conf.normalizeAddrs())
conf.Limits = tc.limits
serverConf, err := convertServerConfig(conf)
assert.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, serverConf)
func TestAgent_ServerConfig_RaftMultiplier_Ok(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
multiplier *int
electionTimout time.Duration
heartbeatTimeout time.Duration
leaderLeaseTimeout time.Duration
commitTimeout time.Duration
// nil, 0 are the defaults of the Raft library.
// Expected values are hardcoded to detect changes from raft.
multiplier: nil,
electionTimout: 1 * time.Second,
heartbeatTimeout: 1 * time.Second,
leaderLeaseTimeout: 500 * time.Millisecond,
commitTimeout: 50 * time.Millisecond,
multiplier: helper.IntToPtr(0),
electionTimout: 1 * time.Second,
heartbeatTimeout: 1 * time.Second,
leaderLeaseTimeout: 500 * time.Millisecond,
commitTimeout: 50 * time.Millisecond,
multiplier: helper.IntToPtr(1),
electionTimout: 1 * time.Second,
heartbeatTimeout: 1 * time.Second,
leaderLeaseTimeout: 500 * time.Millisecond,
commitTimeout: 50 * time.Millisecond,
multiplier: helper.IntToPtr(5),
electionTimout: 5 * time.Second,
heartbeatTimeout: 5 * time.Second,
leaderLeaseTimeout: 2500 * time.Millisecond,
commitTimeout: 250 * time.Millisecond,
multiplier: helper.IntToPtr(6),
electionTimout: 6 * time.Second,
heartbeatTimeout: 6 * time.Second,
leaderLeaseTimeout: 3000 * time.Millisecond,
commitTimeout: 300 * time.Millisecond,
multiplier: helper.IntToPtr(10),
electionTimout: 10 * time.Second,
heartbeatTimeout: 10 * time.Second,
leaderLeaseTimeout: 5000 * time.Millisecond,
commitTimeout: 500 * time.Millisecond,
for _, tc := range cases {
v := "default"
if tc.multiplier != nil {
v = fmt.Sprintf("%v", *tc.multiplier)
t.Run(v, func(t *testing.T) {
conf := DevConfig(nil)
require.NoError(t, conf.normalizeAddrs())
conf.Server.RaftMultiplier = tc.multiplier
serverConf, err := convertServerConfig(conf)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, tc.electionTimout, serverConf.RaftConfig.ElectionTimeout, "election timeout")
assert.Equal(t, tc.heartbeatTimeout, serverConf.RaftConfig.HeartbeatTimeout, "heartbeat timeout")
assert.Equal(t, tc.leaderLeaseTimeout, serverConf.RaftConfig.LeaderLeaseTimeout, "leader lease timeout")
assert.Equal(t, tc.commitTimeout, serverConf.RaftConfig.CommitTimeout, "commit timeout")
func TestAgent_ServerConfig_RaftMultiplier_Bad(t *testing.T) {
cases := []int{
for _, tc := range cases {
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%v", tc), func(t *testing.T) {
conf := DevConfig(nil)
require.NoError(t, conf.normalizeAddrs())
conf.Server.RaftMultiplier = &tc
_, err := convertServerConfig(conf)
require.Error(t, err)
require.Contains(t, err.Error(), "raft_multiplier cannot be")
func TestAgent_ClientConfig(t *testing.T) {
conf := DefaultConfig()
conf.Client.Enabled = true
// For Clients HTTP and RPC must be set (Serf can be skipped)
conf.Addresses.HTTP = ""
conf.Addresses.RPC = ""
conf.Ports.HTTP = 5678
a := &Agent{config: conf}
if err := conf.normalizeAddrs(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error normalizing config: %v", err)
c, err := a.clientConfig()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("got err: %v", err)
expectedHttpAddr := ""
if c.Node.HTTPAddr != expectedHttpAddr {
t.Fatalf("Expected http addr: %v, got: %v", expectedHttpAddr, c.Node.HTTPAddr)
conf = DefaultConfig()
conf.DevMode = true
a = &Agent{config: conf}
conf.Client.Enabled = true
conf.Addresses.HTTP = ""
if err := conf.normalizeAddrs(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error normalizing config: %v", err)
c, err = a.clientConfig()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("got err: %v", err)
expectedHttpAddr = ""
if c.Node.HTTPAddr != expectedHttpAddr {
t.Fatalf("Expected http addr: %v, got: %v", expectedHttpAddr, c.Node.HTTPAddr)
func TestAgent_ClientConfig_ReservedCores(t *testing.T) {
conf := DefaultConfig()
conf.Client.Enabled = true
conf.Client.ReserveableCores = "0-7"
conf.Client.Reserved.Cores = "0,2-3"
a := &Agent{config: conf}
c, err := a.clientConfig()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Exactly(t, []uint16{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}, c.ReservableCores)
require.Exactly(t, []uint16{0, 2, 3}, c.Node.ReservedResources.Cpu.ReservedCpuCores)
// Clients should inherit telemetry configuration
func TestAgent_Client_TelemetryConfiguration(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
conf := DefaultConfig()
conf.DevMode = true
a := &Agent{config: conf}
c, err := a.clientConfig()
telemetry := conf.Telemetry
assert.Equal(c.StatsCollectionInterval, telemetry.collectionInterval)
assert.Equal(c.PublishNodeMetrics, telemetry.PublishNodeMetrics)
assert.Equal(c.PublishAllocationMetrics, telemetry.PublishAllocationMetrics)
// TestAgent_HTTPCheck asserts Agent.agentHTTPCheck properly alters the HTTP
// API health check depending on configuration.
func TestAgent_HTTPCheck(t *testing.T) {
logger := testlog.HCLogger(t)
agent := func() *Agent {
return &Agent{
logger: logger,
config: &Config{
AdvertiseAddrs: &AdvertiseAddrs{HTTP: "advertise:4646"},
normalizedAddrs: &Addresses{HTTP: "normalized:4646"},
Consul: &config.ConsulConfig{
ChecksUseAdvertise: helper.BoolToPtr(false),
TLSConfig: &config.TLSConfig{EnableHTTP: false},
t.Run("Plain HTTP Check", func(t *testing.T) {
a := agent()
check := a.agentHTTPCheck(false)
if check == nil {
t.Fatalf("expected non-nil check")
if check.Type != "http" {
t.Errorf("expected http check not: %q", check.Type)
if expected := "/v1/agent/health?type=client"; check.Path != expected {
t.Errorf("expected %q path not: %q", expected, check.Path)
if check.Protocol != "http" {
t.Errorf("expected http proto not: %q", check.Protocol)
if expected := a.config.normalizedAddrs.HTTP; check.PortLabel != expected {
t.Errorf("expected normalized addr not %q", check.PortLabel)
t.Run("Plain HTTP + ChecksUseAdvertise", func(t *testing.T) {
a := agent()
a.config.Consul.ChecksUseAdvertise = helper.BoolToPtr(true)
check := a.agentHTTPCheck(false)
if check == nil {
t.Fatalf("expected non-nil check")
if expected := a.config.AdvertiseAddrs.HTTP; check.PortLabel != expected {
t.Errorf("expected advertise addr not %q", check.PortLabel)
t.Run("HTTPS", func(t *testing.T) {
a := agent()
a.config.TLSConfig.EnableHTTP = true
check := a.agentHTTPCheck(false)
if check == nil {
t.Fatalf("expected non-nil check")
if !check.TLSSkipVerify {
t.Errorf("expected tls skip verify")
if check.Protocol != "https" {
t.Errorf("expected https not: %q", check.Protocol)
t.Run("HTTPS + VerifyHTTPSClient", func(t *testing.T) {
a := agent()
a.config.TLSConfig.EnableHTTP = true
a.config.TLSConfig.VerifyHTTPSClient = true
if check := a.agentHTTPCheck(false); check != nil {
t.Fatalf("expected nil check not: %#v", check)
// TestAgent_HTTPCheckPath asserts clients and servers use different endpoints
// for healthchecks.
func TestAgent_HTTPCheckPath(t *testing.T) {
// Agent.agentHTTPCheck only needs a config and logger
a := &Agent{
config: DevConfig(nil),
logger: testlog.HCLogger(t),
if err := a.config.normalizeAddrs(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error normalizing config: %v", err)
// Assert server check uses /v1/agent/health?type=server
isServer := true
check := a.agentHTTPCheck(isServer)
if expected := "Nomad Server HTTP Check"; check.Name != expected {
t.Errorf("expected server check name to be %q but found %q", expected, check.Name)
if expected := "/v1/agent/health?type=server"; check.Path != expected {
t.Errorf("expected server check path to be %q but found %q", expected, check.Path)
// Assert client check uses /v1/agent/health?type=client
isServer = false
check = a.agentHTTPCheck(isServer)
if expected := "Nomad Client HTTP Check"; check.Name != expected {
t.Errorf("expected client check name to be %q but found %q", expected, check.Name)
if expected := "/v1/agent/health?type=client"; check.Path != expected {
t.Errorf("expected client check path to be %q but found %q", expected, check.Path)
// Here we validate that log levels get updated when the configuration is
// reloaded. I can't find a good way to fetch this from the logger itself, so
// we pull it only from the agents configuration struct, not the logger.
func TestAgent_Reload_LogLevel(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
agent := NewTestAgent(t, t.Name(), func(c *Config) {
c.LogLevel = "INFO"
defer agent.Shutdown()
assert.Equal("INFO", agent.GetConfig().LogLevel)
newConfig := &Config{
LogLevel: "TRACE",
assert.Equal("TRACE", agent.GetConfig().LogLevel)
// This test asserts that the keyloader embedded in the TLS config is shared
// across the Agent, Server, and Client. This is essential for certificate
// reloading to work.
func TestServer_Reload_TLS_Shared_Keyloader(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
// We will start out with a bad cert and then reload with a good one.
const (
cafile = "../../helper/tlsutil/testdata/ca.pem"
foocert = "../../helper/tlsutil/testdata/nomad-bad.pem"
fookey = "../../helper/tlsutil/testdata/nomad-bad-key.pem"
foocert2 = "../../helper/tlsutil/testdata/nomad-foo.pem"
fookey2 = "../../helper/tlsutil/testdata/nomad-foo-key.pem"
agent := NewTestAgent(t, t.Name(), func(c *Config) {
c.TLSConfig = &config.TLSConfig{
EnableHTTP: true,
EnableRPC: true,
VerifyServerHostname: true,
CAFile: cafile,
CertFile: foocert,
KeyFile: fookey,
defer agent.Shutdown()
originalKeyloader := agent.Config.TLSConfig.GetKeyLoader()
originalCert, err := originalKeyloader.GetOutgoingCertificate(nil)
if assert.Nil(err) {
// Switch to the correct certificates and reload
newConfig := &Config{
TLSConfig: &config.TLSConfig{
EnableHTTP: true,
EnableRPC: true,
VerifyServerHostname: true,
CAFile: cafile,
CertFile: foocert2,
KeyFile: fookey2,
assert.Equal(agent.Config.TLSConfig.CertFile, newConfig.TLSConfig.CertFile)
assert.Equal(agent.Config.TLSConfig.KeyFile, newConfig.TLSConfig.KeyFile)
assert.Equal(agent.Config.TLSConfig.GetKeyLoader(), originalKeyloader)
// Assert is passed through on the server correctly
if assert.NotNil(agent.server.GetConfig().TLSConfig) {
serverKeyloader := agent.server.GetConfig().TLSConfig.GetKeyLoader()
assert.Equal(serverKeyloader, originalKeyloader)
newCert, err := serverKeyloader.GetOutgoingCertificate(nil)
assert.NotEqual(originalCert, newCert)
// Assert is passed through on the client correctly
if assert.NotNil(agent.client.GetConfig().TLSConfig) {
clientKeyloader := agent.client.GetConfig().TLSConfig.GetKeyLoader()
assert.Equal(clientKeyloader, originalKeyloader)
newCert, err := clientKeyloader.GetOutgoingCertificate(nil)
assert.NotEqual(originalCert, newCert)
func TestServer_Reload_TLS_Certificate(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
const (
cafile = "../../helper/tlsutil/testdata/ca.pem"
foocert = "../../helper/tlsutil/testdata/nomad-bad.pem"
fookey = "../../helper/tlsutil/testdata/nomad-bad-key.pem"
foocert2 = "../../helper/tlsutil/testdata/nomad-foo.pem"
fookey2 = "../../helper/tlsutil/testdata/nomad-foo-key.pem"
agentConfig := &Config{
TLSConfig: &config.TLSConfig{
EnableHTTP: true,
EnableRPC: true,
VerifyServerHostname: true,
CAFile: cafile,
CertFile: foocert,
KeyFile: fookey,
agent := &Agent{
auditor: &noOpAuditor{},
config: agentConfig,
newConfig := &Config{
TLSConfig: &config.TLSConfig{
EnableHTTP: true,
EnableRPC: true,
VerifyServerHostname: true,
CAFile: cafile,
CertFile: foocert2,
KeyFile: fookey2,
originalKeyloader := agentConfig.TLSConfig.GetKeyLoader()
err := agent.Reload(newConfig)
assert.Equal(agent.config.TLSConfig.CertFile, newConfig.TLSConfig.CertFile)
assert.Equal(agent.config.TLSConfig.KeyFile, newConfig.TLSConfig.KeyFile)
assert.Equal(agent.config.TLSConfig.GetKeyLoader(), originalKeyloader)
func TestServer_Reload_TLS_Certificate_Invalid(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
const (
cafile = "../../helper/tlsutil/testdata/ca.pem"
foocert = "../../helper/tlsutil/testdata/nomad-bad.pem"
fookey = "../../helper/tlsutil/testdata/nomad-bad-key.pem"
foocert2 = "invalid_cert_path"
fookey2 = "invalid_key_path"
agentConfig := &Config{
TLSConfig: &config.TLSConfig{
EnableHTTP: true,
EnableRPC: true,
VerifyServerHostname: true,
CAFile: cafile,
CertFile: foocert,
KeyFile: fookey,
agent := &Agent{
auditor: &noOpAuditor{},
config: agentConfig,
newConfig := &Config{
TLSConfig: &config.TLSConfig{
EnableHTTP: true,
EnableRPC: true,
VerifyServerHostname: true,
CAFile: cafile,
CertFile: foocert2,
KeyFile: fookey2,
err := agent.Reload(newConfig)
assert.NotEqual(agent.config.TLSConfig.CertFile, newConfig.TLSConfig.CertFile)
assert.NotEqual(agent.config.TLSConfig.KeyFile, newConfig.TLSConfig.KeyFile)
func Test_GetConfig(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
agentConfig := &Config{
Telemetry: &Telemetry{},
Client: &ClientConfig{},
Server: &ServerConfig{},
ACL: &ACLConfig{},
Ports: &Ports{},
Addresses: &Addresses{},
AdvertiseAddrs: &AdvertiseAddrs{},
Vault: &config.VaultConfig{},
Consul: &config.ConsulConfig{},
Sentinel: &config.SentinelConfig{},
agent := &Agent{
config: agentConfig,
actualAgentConfig := agent.GetConfig()
assert.Equal(actualAgentConfig, agentConfig)
func TestServer_Reload_TLS_WithNilConfiguration(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
logger := testlog.HCLogger(t)
agent := &Agent{
logger: logger,
config: &Config{},
err := agent.Reload(nil)
assert.Equal(err.Error(), "cannot reload agent with nil configuration")
func TestServer_Reload_TLS_UpgradeToTLS(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
const (
cafile = "../../helper/tlsutil/testdata/ca.pem"
foocert = "../../helper/tlsutil/testdata/nomad-foo.pem"
fookey = "../../helper/tlsutil/testdata/nomad-foo-key.pem"
dir := tmpDir(t)
defer os.RemoveAll(dir)
logger := testlog.HCLogger(t)
agentConfig := &Config{
TLSConfig: &config.TLSConfig{},
agent := &Agent{
auditor: &noOpAuditor{},
logger: logger,
config: agentConfig,
newConfig := &Config{
TLSConfig: &config.TLSConfig{
EnableHTTP: true,
EnableRPC: true,
VerifyServerHostname: true,
CAFile: cafile,
CertFile: foocert,
KeyFile: fookey,
err := agent.Reload(newConfig)
assert.Equal(agent.config.TLSConfig.CAFile, newConfig.TLSConfig.CAFile)
assert.Equal(agent.config.TLSConfig.CertFile, newConfig.TLSConfig.CertFile)
assert.Equal(agent.config.TLSConfig.KeyFile, newConfig.TLSConfig.KeyFile)
func TestServer_Reload_TLS_DowngradeFromTLS(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
const (
cafile = "../../helper/tlsutil/testdata/ca.pem"
foocert = "../../helper/tlsutil/testdata/nomad-foo.pem"
fookey = "../../helper/tlsutil/testdata/nomad-foo-key.pem"
dir := tmpDir(t)
defer os.RemoveAll(dir)
logger := testlog.HCLogger(t)
agentConfig := &Config{
TLSConfig: &config.TLSConfig{
EnableHTTP: true,
EnableRPC: true,
VerifyServerHostname: true,
CAFile: cafile,
CertFile: foocert,
KeyFile: fookey,
agent := &Agent{
logger: logger,
config: agentConfig,
auditor: &noOpAuditor{},
newConfig := &Config{
TLSConfig: &config.TLSConfig{},
err := agent.Reload(newConfig)
func TestServer_ShouldReload_ReturnFalseForNoChanges(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
const (
cafile = "../../helper/tlsutil/testdata/ca.pem"
foocert = "../../helper/tlsutil/testdata/nomad-foo.pem"
fookey = "../../helper/tlsutil/testdata/nomad-foo-key.pem"
dir := tmpDir(t)
defer os.RemoveAll(dir)
sameAgentConfig := &Config{
TLSConfig: &config.TLSConfig{
EnableHTTP: true,
EnableRPC: true,
VerifyServerHostname: true,
CAFile: cafile,
CertFile: foocert,
KeyFile: fookey,
agent := NewTestAgent(t, t.Name(), func(c *Config) {
c.TLSConfig = &config.TLSConfig{
EnableHTTP: true,
EnableRPC: true,
VerifyServerHostname: true,
CAFile: cafile,
CertFile: foocert,
KeyFile: fookey,
defer agent.Shutdown()
shouldReloadAgent, shouldReloadHTTP := agent.ShouldReload(sameAgentConfig)
func TestServer_ShouldReload_ReturnTrueForOnlyHTTPChanges(t *testing.T) {
require := require.New(t)
const (
cafile = "../../helper/tlsutil/testdata/ca.pem"
foocert = "../../helper/tlsutil/testdata/nomad-foo.pem"
fookey = "../../helper/tlsutil/testdata/nomad-foo-key.pem"
dir := tmpDir(t)
defer os.RemoveAll(dir)
sameAgentConfig := &Config{
TLSConfig: &config.TLSConfig{
EnableHTTP: false,
EnableRPC: true,
VerifyServerHostname: true,
CAFile: cafile,
CertFile: foocert,
KeyFile: fookey,
agent := NewTestAgent(t, t.Name(), func(c *Config) {
c.TLSConfig = &config.TLSConfig{
EnableHTTP: true,
EnableRPC: true,
VerifyServerHostname: true,
CAFile: cafile,
CertFile: foocert,
KeyFile: fookey,
defer agent.Shutdown()
shouldReloadAgent, shouldReloadHTTP := agent.ShouldReload(sameAgentConfig)
func TestServer_ShouldReload_ReturnTrueForOnlyRPCChanges(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
const (
cafile = "../../helper/tlsutil/testdata/ca.pem"
foocert = "../../helper/tlsutil/testdata/nomad-foo.pem"
fookey = "../../helper/tlsutil/testdata/nomad-foo-key.pem"
dir := tmpDir(t)
defer os.RemoveAll(dir)
sameAgentConfig := &Config{
TLSConfig: &config.TLSConfig{
EnableHTTP: true,
EnableRPC: true,
VerifyServerHostname: true,
CAFile: cafile,
CertFile: foocert,
KeyFile: fookey,
agent := NewTestAgent(t, t.Name(), func(c *Config) {
c.TLSConfig = &config.TLSConfig{
EnableHTTP: true,
EnableRPC: false,
VerifyServerHostname: true,
CAFile: cafile,
CertFile: foocert,
KeyFile: fookey,
defer agent.Shutdown()
shouldReloadAgent, shouldReloadHTTP := agent.ShouldReload(sameAgentConfig)
func TestServer_ShouldReload_ReturnTrueForConfigChanges(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
const (
cafile = "../../helper/tlsutil/testdata/ca.pem"
foocert = "../../helper/tlsutil/testdata/nomad-foo.pem"
fookey = "../../helper/tlsutil/testdata/nomad-foo-key.pem"
foocert2 = "../../helper/tlsutil/testdata/nomad-bad.pem"
fookey2 = "../../helper/tlsutil/testdata/nomad-bad-key.pem"
dir := tmpDir(t)
defer os.RemoveAll(dir)
agent := NewTestAgent(t, t.Name(), func(c *Config) {
c.TLSConfig = &config.TLSConfig{
EnableHTTP: true,
EnableRPC: true,
VerifyServerHostname: true,
CAFile: cafile,
CertFile: foocert,
KeyFile: fookey,
defer agent.Shutdown()
newConfig := &Config{
TLSConfig: &config.TLSConfig{
EnableHTTP: true,
EnableRPC: true,
VerifyServerHostname: true,
CAFile: cafile,
CertFile: foocert2,
KeyFile: fookey2,
shouldReloadAgent, shouldReloadHTTP := agent.ShouldReload(newConfig)
func TestServer_ShouldReload_ReturnTrueForFileChanges(t *testing.T) {
require := require.New(t)
oldCertificate := `
content := []byte(oldCertificate)
dir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "certificate")
if err != nil {
defer os.RemoveAll(dir) // clean up
tmpfn := filepath.Join(dir, "testcert")
err = ioutil.WriteFile(tmpfn, content, 0666)
const (
cafile = "../../helper/tlsutil/testdata/ca.pem"
key = "../../helper/tlsutil/testdata/nomad-foo-key.pem"
logger := testlog.HCLogger(t)
agentConfig := &Config{
TLSConfig: &config.TLSConfig{
EnableHTTP: true,
EnableRPC: true,
VerifyServerHostname: true,
CAFile: cafile,
CertFile: tmpfn,
KeyFile: key,
agent := &Agent{
logger: logger,
config: agentConfig,
shouldReloadAgent, shouldReloadHTTP := agent.ShouldReload(agentConfig)
newCertificate := `
err = ioutil.WriteFile(tmpfn, []byte(newCertificate), 0666)
newAgentConfig := &Config{
TLSConfig: &config.TLSConfig{
EnableHTTP: true,
EnableRPC: true,
VerifyServerHostname: true,
CAFile: cafile,
CertFile: tmpfn,
KeyFile: key,
shouldReloadAgent, shouldReloadHTTP = agent.ShouldReload(newAgentConfig)
func TestServer_ShouldReload_ShouldHandleMultipleChanges(t *testing.T) {
require := require.New(t)
const (
cafile = "../../helper/tlsutil/testdata/ca.pem"
foocert = "../../helper/tlsutil/testdata/nomad-foo.pem"
fookey = "../../helper/tlsutil/testdata/nomad-foo-key.pem"
foocert2 = "../../helper/tlsutil/testdata/nomad-bad.pem"
fookey2 = "../../helper/tlsutil/testdata/nomad-bad-key.pem"
dir := tmpDir(t)
defer os.RemoveAll(dir)
sameAgentConfig := &Config{
TLSConfig: &config.TLSConfig{
EnableHTTP: true,
EnableRPC: true,
VerifyServerHostname: true,
CAFile: cafile,
CertFile: foocert,
KeyFile: fookey,
agent := NewTestAgent(t, t.Name(), func(c *Config) {
c.TLSConfig = &config.TLSConfig{
EnableHTTP: true,
EnableRPC: true,
VerifyServerHostname: true,
CAFile: cafile,
CertFile: foocert2,
KeyFile: fookey2,
defer agent.Shutdown()
shouldReloadAgent, shouldReloadHTTP := agent.ShouldReload(sameAgentConfig)
err := agent.Reload(sameAgentConfig)
shouldReloadAgent, shouldReloadHTTP := agent.ShouldReload(sameAgentConfig)
func TestAgent_ProxyRPC_Dev(t *testing.T) {
agent := NewTestAgent(t, t.Name(), nil)
defer agent.Shutdown()
id := agent.client.NodeID()
req := &structs.NodeSpecificRequest{
NodeID: id,
QueryOptions: structs.QueryOptions{
Region: agent.server.Region(),
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
var resp cstructs.ClientStatsResponse
if err := agent.RPC("ClientStats.Stats", req, &resp); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("err: %v", err)