Seth Hoenig f4a66ebd28 e2e: wait 2m rather than 10s after disabling consul acls
Pretty sure Consul / Nomad clients are often not ready yet after
the ConsulACLs test disables ACLs, by the time the next test starts

Running locally things tend to work, but in TeamCity this seems to
be a recurring problem. However, when running locally sometimes I do
see that the "show status" step after disabling ACLs, some nodes are
still initializing, suggesting we're right on the border of not waiting
long enough

    nomad node status
    ID        DC   Name              Class   Drain  Eligibility  Status
    0e4dfce2  dc1  EC2AMAZ-JB3NF9P   <none>  false  eligible     ready
    6b90aa06  dc2  ip-172-31-16-225  <none>  false  eligible     ready
    7068558a  dc2  ip-172-31-20-143  <none>  false  eligible     ready
    e0ae3c5c  dc1  ip-172-31-25-165  <none>  false  eligible     ready
    15b59ed6  dc1  ip-172-31-23-199  <none>  false  eligible     initializing

Going to try waiting a full 2 minutes after disabling ACLs, hopefully that
will help things Just Work. In the future, we should probably be parsing the
output of the status checks and actually confirming all nodes are ready.

Even better, maybe that's something shipyard will have built-in.
2020-02-04 10:51:03 -06:00

413 lines
14 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# must be run from e2e directory
set -o errexit
set -o nounset
set -o pipefail
# Make sure we are running from the e2e/ directory
[ "$(basename "$(pwd)")" == "e2e" ] || (echo "must be run from nomad/e2e directory" && exit 1)
# Make sure one argument was provided (subcommand)
[ ${#} -eq 1 ] || (echo "expect one argument (subcommand)" && exit 1)
# Make sure terraform state file exists
[ -f "${tfstatefile}" ] || (echo "file ${tfstatefile} must exist (run terraform?)" && exit 1)
# Load Linux Client Node IPs from terraform state file
linux_clients=$(jq -r .outputs.linux_clients.value[] <"${tfstatefile}" | xargs)
# Load Windows Client Node IPs from terraform state file
windows_clients=$(jq -r .outputs.windows_clients.value[] <"${tfstatefile}" | xargs)
# Combine all the clients together
# clients="${linux_clients} ${windows_clients}"
# Load Server Node IPs from terraform/terraform.tfstate
servers=$(jq -r .outputs.servers.value[] <"${tfstatefile}" | xargs)
# Use the 0th server as the ACL bootstrap server
server0=$(echo "${servers}" | cut -d' ' -f1)
# Find the .pem file to use
pemfile="terraform/$(jq -r '.resources[] | select(.name=="private_key_pem") | .instances[0].attributes.filename' <"terraform/terraform.tfstate")"
# See AWS service file
# Not really present in the config
# Create a filename based on the TF state file (.serial), where we will store and/or
# lookup the consul master token. The presense of this file is what determines
# whether a full ACL bootstrap must occur, or if we only need to activate ACLs
# whenever the "enable" sub-command is chosen.
token_file="/tmp/e2e-consul-bootstrap-$(jq .serial <${tfstatefile}).token"
# One argument - the subcommand to run which may be: bootstrap, enable, or disable
echo "==== SETUP configuration ====="
echo "SETUP command is: ${subcommand}"
echo "SETUP token file: ${token_file}"
echo "SETUP servers: ${servers}"
echo "SETUP linux clients: ${linux_clients}"
echo "SETUP windows clients: ${windows_clients}"
echo "SETUP pem file: ${pemfile}"
echo "SETUP consul configs: ${consul_configs}"
echo "SETUP nomad configs: ${nomad_configs}"
echo "SETUP aws user: ${user}"
echo "SETUP bootstrap server: ${server0}"
function doSSH() {
echo "-----> will ssh command '${command}' on ${hostname}"
ssh \
-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no \
-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null \
-i "${pemfile}" \
"${user}@${hostname}" "${command}"
function doSCP() {
echo "------> will scp ${original} to ${hostname}"
scp \
-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no \
-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null \
-i "${pemfile}" \
"${original}" "${username}@${hostname}:${destination}"
function doBootstrap() {
echo "=== Bootstrap: Consul Configs ==="
# Stop all Nomad agents.
# Run the pre-activation step, which uploads an acl.hcl file (with default:allow)
# to each Consul configuration directory, then (re)starts each
# Consul agent.
echo "=== Bootstrap: Consul ACL Bootstrap ==="
echo "sleeping 2 minutes to let Consul agents settle (avoid Legacy mode error)..."
sleep 120
# Bootstrap Consul ACLs on server[0]
echo "-> bootstrap ACL using ${server0}"
consul_http_token=$(doSSH "${server0}" "/usr/local/bin/consul acl bootstrap" | grep SecretID | awk '{print $2}')
export CONSUL_HTTP_TOKEN=${consul_http_token}
export CONSUL_HTTP_ADDR=${consul_http_addr}
echo " consul http: ${CONSUL_HTTP_ADDR}"
echo " consul root: ${CONSUL_HTTP_TOKEN}"
echo "${CONSUL_HTTP_TOKEN}" > "${token_file}"
# Create Consul Server Policy & Consul Server agent tokens
echo "-> configure consul server policy"
consul acl policy create -name server-policy -rules @consulacls/consul-server-policy.hcl
# Create & Set agent token for each Consul Server
for server in ${servers}; do
echo "---> will create agent token for server ${server}"
server_agent_token=$(consul acl token create -description "consul server agent token" -policy-name server-policy | grep SecretID | awk '{print $2}')
echo "---> setting token for server agent: ${server} -> ${server_agent_token}"
(export CONSUL_HTTP_ADDR="${server}:8500"; consul acl set-agent-token agent "${server_agent_token}")
echo "---> done setting agent token for server ${server}"
# Wait 30s before continuing with configuring consul clients.
echo "-> sleep 3s before continuing with clients"
sleep 3
# Create Consul Client Policy & Client agent tokens
echo "-> configure consul client policy"
consul acl policy create -name client-policy -rules @consulacls/consul-client-policy.hcl
# Create & Set agent token for each Consul Client (excluding Windows)
for linux_client in ${linux_clients}; do
echo "---> will create consul agent token for client ${linux_client}"
client_agent_token=$(consul acl token create -description "consul client agent token" -policy-name client-policy | grep SecretID | awk '{print $2}')
echo "---> setting consul token for consul client ${linux_client} -> ${client_agent_token}"
(export CONSUL_HTTP_ADDR="${linux_client}:8500"; consul acl set-agent-token agent "${client_agent_token}")
echo "---> done setting agent token for client ${linux_client}"
# Now, upload the ACL policy file with default:deny so that ACL are actually
# enforced.
echo "=== Bootstrap: Nomad Configs ==="
# Create Nomad Server consul Policy and Nomad Server consul tokens
echo "-> configure nomad server policy & consul token"
consul acl policy create -name nomad-server-policy -rules @consulacls/nomad-server-policy.hcl
nomad_server_consul_token=$(consul acl token create -description "nomad server consul token" -policy-name nomad-server-policy | grep SecretID | awk '{print $2}')
cp consulacls/nomad-server-consul.hcl "${nomad_server_consul_token_tmp}"
sed -i "s/CONSUL_TOKEN/${nomad_server_consul_token}/g" "${nomad_server_consul_token_tmp}"
for server in ${servers}; do
echo "---> upload nomad-server-consul.hcl to ${server}"
doSCP "${nomad_server_consul_token_tmp}" "${user}" "${server}" "/tmp/nomad-server-consul.hcl"
doSSH "${server}" "sudo mv /tmp/nomad-server-consul.hcl ${nomad_configs}/nomad-server-consul.hcl"
# Create Nomad Client consul Policy and Nomad Client consul token
echo "-> configure nomad client policy & consul token"
consul acl policy create -name nomad-client-policy -rules @consulacls/nomad-client-policy.hcl
nomad_client_consul_token=$(consul acl token create -description "nomad client consul token" -policy-name nomad-client-policy | grep SecretID | awk '{print $2}')
cp consulacls/nomad-client-consul.hcl "${nomad_client_consul_token_tmp}"
sed -i "s/CONSUL_TOKEN/${nomad_client_consul_token}/g" "${nomad_client_consul_token_tmp}"
for linux_client in ${linux_clients}; do
echo "---> upload nomad-client-token.hcl to ${linux_client}"
doSCP "${nomad_client_consul_token_tmp}" "${user}" "${linux_client}" "/tmp/nomad-client-consul.hcl"
doSSH "${linux_client}" "sudo mv /tmp/nomad-client-consul.hcl ${nomad_configs}/nomad-client-consul.hcl"
export NOMAD_ADDR="http://${server0}:4646"
echo "=== Activate: DONE ==="
function doSetAllowUnauthenticated {
[ "${value}" == "true" ] || [ "${value}" == "false" ] || ( echo "allow_unauthenticated must be 'true' or 'false'" && exit 1)
for server in ${servers}; do
if [ "${value}" == "true" ]; then
echo "---> setting consul.allow_unauthenticated=true on ${server}"
doSSH "${server}" "sudo sed -i 's/allow_unauthenticated = false/allow_unauthenticated = true/g' ${nomad_configs}/nomad-server-consul.hcl"
echo "---> setting consul.allow_unauthenticated=false on ${server}"
doSSH "${server}" "sudo sed -i 's/allow_unauthenticated = true/allow_unauthenticated = false/g' ${nomad_configs}/nomad-server-consul.hcl"
doSSH "${server}" "sudo systemctl restart nomad"
for linux_client in ${linux_clients}; do
if [ "${value}" == "true" ]; then
echo "---> comment out consul token for Nomad client ${linux_client}"
doSSH "${linux_client}" "sudo sed -i 's!token =!// token =!g' ${nomad_configs}/nomad-client-consul.hcl"
echo "---> un-comment consul token for Nomad client ${linux_client}"
doSSH "${linux_client}" "sudo sed -i 's!// token =!token =!g' ${nomad_configs}/nomad-client-consul.hcl"
doSSH "${linux_client}" "sudo systemctl restart nomad"
function doEnable {
if [ ! -f "${token_file}" ]; then
echo "ENABLE: token file does not exist, doing a full ACL bootstrap"
echo "ENABLE: token file already exists, will activate ACLs"
doSetAllowUnauthenticated "false"
echo "=== Enable: DONE ==="
# show the status of all the agents
echo "---> token file is ${token_file}"
consul_http_token=$(cat "${token_file}")
export CONSUL_HTTP_TOKEN="${consul_http_token}"
function doDisable {
if [ ! -f "${token_file}" ]; then
echo "DISABLE: token file does not exist, did bootstrap ever happen?"
exit 1
echo "DISABLE: token file exists, will deactivate ACLs"
doSetAllowUnauthenticated "true"
echo "=== Disable: DONE ==="
# show the status of all the agents
function doPreActivateACLs {
echo "=== PreActivate (set default:allow) ==="
# Upload acl-pre-enable.hcl to each Consul agent's configuration directory.
for agent in ${servers} ${linux_clients}; do
echo " pre-activate: upload acl-pre-enable.hcl to ${agent}::acl.hcl"
doSCP "consulacls/acl-pre-enable.hcl" "${user}" "${agent}" "/tmp/acl.hcl"
doSSH "${agent}" "sudo mv /tmp/acl.hcl ${consul_configs}/acl.hcl"
# Start each Consul agent to pickup the new config.
for agent in ${servers} ${linux_clients}; do
echo " pre-activate: start Consul agent on ${agent}"
doSSH "${agent}" "sudo systemctl start consul"
echo "=== PreActivate: DONE ==="
function doActivateACLs {
echo "=== Activate (set default:deny) ==="
# Upload acl-enable.hcl to each Consul agent's configuration directory.
for agent in ${servers} ${linux_clients}; do
echo " activate: upload acl-enable.hcl to ${agent}::acl.hcl"
doSCP "consulacls/acl-enable.hcl" "${user}" "${agent}" "/tmp/acl.hcl"
doSSH "${agent}" "sudo mv /tmp/acl.hcl ${consul_configs}/acl.hcl"
# Start each Consul agent to pickup the new config.
for agent in ${servers} ${linux_clients}; do
echo " activate: restart Consul agent on ${agent} ..."
doSSH "${agent}" "sudo systemctl start consul"
echo "--> activate ACLs sleep for 2 minutes to let Consul figure things out"
sleep 120
echo "=== Activate: DONE ==="
function stopNomad {
echo "=== Stop Nomad agents ==="
# Stop every Nomad agent (clients and servers) in preperation for Consul ACL
# bootstrapping.
for server in ${servers}; do
echo " stop Nomad Server on ${server}"
doSSH "${server}" "sudo systemctl stop nomad"
sleep 1
for linux_client in ${linux_clients}; do
echo " stop Nomad Client on ${linux_client}"
doSSH "${linux_client}" "sudo systemctl stop nomad"
sleep 1
echo "... all nomad agents stopped"
function startNomad {
echo "=== Start Nomad agents ==="
# Start every Nomad agent (clients and servers) after having Consul ACL
# bootstrapped and configurations set for Nomad.
for server in ${servers}; do
echo " start Nomad Server on ${server}"
doSSH "${server}" "sudo systemctl start nomad"
sleep 1
# give the servers a chance to settle
sleep 10
for linux_client in ${linux_clients}; do
echo " start Nomad Client on ${linux_client}"
doSSH "${linux_client}" "sudo systemctl start nomad"
sleep 3
# give the clients a long time to settle
sleep 30
echo "... all nomad agents started"
function stopConsul {
echo "=== Stop Consul agents ==="
# Stop every Nonsul agent (clients and servers) in preperation for Consul ACL
# bootstrapping.
for server in ${servers}; do
echo " stop Consul Server on ${server}"
doSSH "${server}" "sudo systemctl stop consul"
sleep 1
for linux_client in ${linux_clients}; do
echo " stop Consul Client on ${linux_client}"
doSSH "${linux_client}" "sudo systemctl stop consul"
sleep 1
echo "... all consul agents stopped"
function startConsulClients {
echo "=== Start Consul Clients ==="
# Start Consul Clients
for linux_client in ${linux_clients}; do
echo " start Consul Client on ${linux_client}"
doSSH "${linux_client}" "sudo systemctl start consul"
sleep 2
sleep 5 # let them settle
echo "... all consul clients started"
function doDeactivateACLs {
echo "=== Deactivate ==="
# Upload acl-disable.hcl to each Consul agent's configuration directory.
for agent in ${servers} ${linux_clients}; do
echo " deactivate: upload acl-disable.hcl to ${agent}::acl.hcl"
doSCP "consulacls/acl-disable.hcl" "${user}" "${agent}" "/tmp/acl.hcl"
doSSH "${agent}" "sudo mv /tmp/acl.hcl ${consul_configs}/acl.hcl"
# Restart each Consul agent to pickup the new config.
for agent in ${servers} ${linux_clients}; do
echo " deactivate: restart Consul on ${agent} ..."
doSSH "${agent}" "sudo systemctl restart consul"
# Wait 120s before moving on, Consul / Nomad need time to settle down.
echo " deactivate: sleep 2m ..."
sleep 120
function doStatus {
# assumes CONSUL_HTTP_TOKEN is set (or not)
echo "consul members"
consul members
echo ""
echo "nomad server members"
nomad server members
echo ""
echo "nomad node status"
nomad node status
echo ""
# It's the entrypoint to our script!
case "${subcommand}" in
echo "incorrect subcommand ${subcommand}"
exit 1