Seth Hoenig 435c0d9fc8 deps: Switch to Go modules for dependency management
This PR switches the Nomad repository from using govendor to Go modules
for managing dependencies. Aspects of the Nomad workflow remain pretty
much the same. The usual Makefile targets should continue to work as
they always did. The API submodule simply defers to the parent Nomad
version on the repository, keeping the semantics of API versioning that
currently exists.
2020-06-02 14:30:36 -05:00

215 lines
5.8 KiB

package godo
import (
const cdnBasePath = "v2/cdn/endpoints"
// CDNService is an interface for managing Spaces CDN with the DigitalOcean API.
type CDNService interface {
List(context.Context, *ListOptions) ([]CDN, *Response, error)
Get(context.Context, string) (*CDN, *Response, error)
Create(context.Context, *CDNCreateRequest) (*CDN, *Response, error)
UpdateTTL(context.Context, string, *CDNUpdateTTLRequest) (*CDN, *Response, error)
UpdateCustomDomain(context.Context, string, *CDNUpdateCustomDomainRequest) (*CDN, *Response, error)
FlushCache(context.Context, string, *CDNFlushCacheRequest) (*Response, error)
Delete(context.Context, string) (*Response, error)
// CDNServiceOp handles communication with the CDN related methods of the
// DigitalOcean API.
type CDNServiceOp struct {
client *Client
var _ CDNService = &CDNServiceOp{}
// CDN represents a DigitalOcean CDN
type CDN struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
Origin string `json:"origin"`
Endpoint string `json:"endpoint"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"`
TTL uint32 `json:"ttl"`
CertificateID string `json:"certificate_id,omitempty"`
CustomDomain string `json:"custom_domain,omitempty"`
// CDNRoot represents a response from the DigitalOcean API
type cdnRoot struct {
Endpoint *CDN `json:"endpoint"`
type cdnsRoot struct {
Endpoints []CDN `json:"endpoints"`
Links *Links `json:"links"`
// CDNCreateRequest represents a request to create a CDN.
type CDNCreateRequest struct {
Origin string `json:"origin"`
TTL uint32 `json:"ttl"`
CustomDomain string `json:"custom_domain,omitempty"`
CertificateID string `json:"certificate_id,omitempty"`
// CDNUpdateTTLRequest represents a request to update the ttl of a CDN.
type CDNUpdateTTLRequest struct {
TTL uint32 `json:"ttl"`
// CDNUpdateCustomDomainRequest represents a request to update the custom domain of a CDN.
type CDNUpdateCustomDomainRequest struct {
CustomDomain string `json:"custom_domain"`
CertificateID string `json:"certificate_id"`
// CDNFlushCacheRequest represents a request to flush cache of a CDN.
type CDNFlushCacheRequest struct {
Files []string `json:"files"`
// List all CDN endpoints
func (c CDNServiceOp) List(ctx context.Context, opt *ListOptions) ([]CDN, *Response, error) {
path, err := addOptions(cdnBasePath, opt)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
req, err := c.client.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodGet, path, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
root := new(cdnsRoot)
resp, err := c.client.Do(ctx, req, root)
if err != nil {
return nil, resp, err
if l := root.Links; l != nil {
resp.Links = l
return root.Endpoints, resp, err
// Get individual CDN. It requires a non-empty cdn id.
func (c CDNServiceOp) Get(ctx context.Context, id string) (*CDN, *Response, error) {
if len(id) == 0 {
return nil, nil, NewArgError("id", "cannot be an empty string")
path := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", cdnBasePath, id)
req, err := c.client.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodGet, path, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
root := new(cdnRoot)
resp, err := c.client.Do(ctx, req, root)
if err != nil {
return nil, resp, err
return root.Endpoint, resp, err
// Create a new CDN
func (c CDNServiceOp) Create(ctx context.Context, createRequest *CDNCreateRequest) (*CDN, *Response, error) {
if createRequest == nil {
return nil, nil, NewArgError("createRequest", "cannot be nil")
req, err := c.client.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPost, cdnBasePath, createRequest)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
root := new(cdnRoot)
resp, err := c.client.Do(ctx, req, root)
if err != nil {
return nil, resp, err
return root.Endpoint, resp, err
// UpdateTTL updates the ttl of an individual CDN
func (c CDNServiceOp) UpdateTTL(ctx context.Context, id string, updateRequest *CDNUpdateTTLRequest) (*CDN, *Response, error) {
return c.update(ctx, id, updateRequest)
// UpdateCustomDomain sets or removes the custom domain of an individual CDN
func (c CDNServiceOp) UpdateCustomDomain(ctx context.Context, id string, updateRequest *CDNUpdateCustomDomainRequest) (*CDN, *Response, error) {
return c.update(ctx, id, updateRequest)
func (c CDNServiceOp) update(ctx context.Context, id string, updateRequest interface{}) (*CDN, *Response, error) {
if updateRequest == nil {
return nil, nil, NewArgError("updateRequest", "cannot be nil")
if len(id) == 0 {
return nil, nil, NewArgError("id", "cannot be an empty string")
path := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", cdnBasePath, id)
req, err := c.client.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, path, updateRequest)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
root := new(cdnRoot)
resp, err := c.client.Do(ctx, req, root)
if err != nil {
return nil, resp, err
return root.Endpoint, resp, err
// FlushCache flushes the cache of an individual CDN. Requires a non-empty slice of file paths and/or wildcards
func (c CDNServiceOp) FlushCache(ctx context.Context, id string, flushCacheRequest *CDNFlushCacheRequest) (*Response, error) {
if flushCacheRequest == nil {
return nil, NewArgError("flushCacheRequest", "cannot be nil")
if len(id) == 0 {
return nil, NewArgError("id", "cannot be an empty string")
path := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/cache", cdnBasePath, id)
req, err := c.client.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodDelete, path, flushCacheRequest)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resp, err := c.client.Do(ctx, req, nil)
return resp, err
// Delete an individual CDN
func (c CDNServiceOp) Delete(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Response, error) {
if len(id) == 0 {
return nil, NewArgError("id", "cannot be an empty string")
path := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", cdnBasePath, id)
req, err := c.client.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodDelete, path, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resp, err := c.client.Do(ctx, req, nil)
return resp, err