Buck Doyle 1cca7abcab
Add Ember ESLint plugin (#8134)
This is extracted from #8094, where I have run into some snags. Since
these ESLint fixes aren’t actually connected to the Ember 3.16 update
but involve changes to many files, we might as well address them
separately. Where possible I fixed the problems but in cases where
a fix seemed too involved, I added per-line or -file exceptions.
2020-06-09 16:03:28 -05:00

125 lines
3.5 KiB

import Mixin from '@ember/object/mixin';
import { get, computed } from '@ember/object';
import { reads } from '@ember/object/computed';
import Fuse from 'fuse.js';
Searchable mixin
Simple search filtering behavior for a list of objects.
Properties to override:
- searchTerm: the string to use as a query
- searchProps: the props on each object to search
-- exactMatchSearchProps: the props for exact search when props are different per search type
-- regexSearchProps: the props for regex search when props are different per search type
-- fuzzySearchProps: the props for fuzzy search when props are different per search type
- exactMatchEnabled: (true) disable to not use the exact match search type
- fuzzySearchEnabled: (false) enable to use the fuzzy search type
- regexEnabled: (true) disable to disable the regex search type
- listToSearch: the list of objects to search
Properties provided:
- listSearched: a subset of listToSearch of items that meet the search criteria
// eslint-disable-next-line ember/no-new-mixins
export default Mixin.create({
searchTerm: '',
listToSearch: computed(function() {
return [];
searchProps: null,
exactMatchSearchProps: reads('searchProps'),
regexSearchProps: reads('searchProps'),
fuzzySearchProps: reads('searchProps'),
// Three search modes
exactMatchEnabled: true,
fuzzySearchEnabled: false,
regexEnabled: true,
// Search should reset pagination. Not every instance of
// search will be paired with pagination, but it's still
// preferable to generalize this rather than risking it being
// forgotten on a single page.
resetPagination() {
if (this.currentPage != null) {
this.set('currentPage', 1);
fuse: computed('listToSearch.[]', 'fuzzySearchProps.[]', function() {
return new Fuse(this.listToSearch, {
shouldSort: true,
threshold: 0.4,
location: 0,
distance: 100,
tokenize: true,
matchAllTokens: true,
maxPatternLength: 32,
minMatchCharLength: 1,
keys: this.fuzzySearchProps || [],
getFn(item, key) {
return get(item, key);
listSearched: computed(
function() {
const searchTerm = this.searchTerm.trim();
if (!searchTerm || !searchTerm.length) {
return this.listToSearch;
const results = [];
if (this.exactMatchEnabled) {
...exactMatchSearch(searchTerm, this.listToSearch, this.exactMatchSearchProps)
if (this.fuzzySearchEnabled) {
if (this.regexEnabled) {
results.push(...regexSearch(searchTerm, this.listToSearch, this.regexSearchProps));
return results.uniq();
function exactMatchSearch(term, list, keys) {
if (term.length) {
return list.filter(item => keys.some(key => get(item, key) === term));
function regexSearch(term, list, keys) {
if (term.length) {
try {
const regex = new RegExp(term, 'i');
// Test the value of each key for each object against the regex
// All that match are returned.
return list.filter(item => keys.some(key => regex.test(get(item, key))));
} catch (e) {
// Swallow the error; most likely due to an eager search of an incomplete regex
return [];