This PR switches the Nomad repository from using govendor to Go modules for managing dependencies. Aspects of the Nomad workflow remain pretty much the same. The usual Makefile targets should continue to work as they always did. The API submodule simply defers to the parent Nomad version on the repository, keeping the semantics of API versioning that currently exists.
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473 lines
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// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package ir
// This file implements the String() methods for all Value and
// Instruction types.
import (
// relName returns the name of v relative to i.
// In most cases, this is identical to v.Name(), but references to
// Functions (including methods) and Globals use RelString and
// all types are displayed with relType, so that only cross-package
// references are package-qualified.
func relName(v Value, i Instruction) string {
if v == nil {
return "<nil>"
var from *types.Package
if i != nil {
from = i.Parent().pkg()
switch v := v.(type) {
case Member: // *Function or *Global
return v.RelString(from)
return v.Name()
func relType(t types.Type, from *types.Package) string {
return types.TypeString(t, types.RelativeTo(from))
func relString(m Member, from *types.Package) string {
// NB: not all globals have an Object (e.g. init$guard),
// so use Package().Object not Object.Package().
if pkg := m.Package().Pkg; pkg != nil && pkg != from {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", pkg.Path(), m.Name())
return m.Name()
// Value.String()
// This method is provided only for debugging.
// It never appears in disassembly, which uses Value.Name().
func (v *Parameter) String() string {
from := v.Parent().pkg()
return fmt.Sprintf("Parameter <%s> {%s}", relType(v.Type(), from), v.name)
func (v *FreeVar) String() string {
from := v.Parent().pkg()
return fmt.Sprintf("FreeVar <%s> %s", relType(v.Type(), from), v.Name())
func (v *Builtin) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Builtin %s", v.Name())
// Instruction.String()
func (v *Alloc) String() string {
from := v.Parent().pkg()
storage := "Stack"
if v.Heap {
storage = "Heap"
return fmt.Sprintf("%sAlloc <%s>", storage, relType(v.Type(), from))
func (v *Sigma) String() string {
from := v.Parent().pkg()
s := fmt.Sprintf("Sigma <%s> [b%d] %s", relType(v.Type(), from), v.From.Index, v.X.Name())
return s
func (v *Phi) String() string {
var b bytes.Buffer
fmt.Fprintf(&b, "Phi <%s>", v.Type())
for i, edge := range v.Edges {
b.WriteString(" ")
// Be robust against malformed CFG.
if v.block == nil {
block := -1
if i < len(v.block.Preds) {
block = v.block.Preds[i].Index
fmt.Fprintf(&b, "%d:", block)
edgeVal := "<nil>" // be robust
if edge != nil {
edgeVal = relName(edge, v)
return b.String()
func printCall(v *CallCommon, prefix string, instr Instruction) string {
var b bytes.Buffer
if !v.IsInvoke() {
if value, ok := instr.(Value); ok {
fmt.Fprintf(&b, "%s <%s> %s", prefix, relType(value.Type(), instr.Parent().pkg()), relName(v.Value, instr))
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(&b, "%s %s", prefix, relName(v.Value, instr))
} else {
if value, ok := instr.(Value); ok {
fmt.Fprintf(&b, "%sInvoke <%s> %s.%s", prefix, relType(value.Type(), instr.Parent().pkg()), relName(v.Value, instr), v.Method.Name())
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(&b, "%sInvoke %s.%s", prefix, relName(v.Value, instr), v.Method.Name())
for _, arg := range v.Args {
b.WriteString(" ")
b.WriteString(relName(arg, instr))
return b.String()
func (c *CallCommon) String() string {
return printCall(c, "", nil)
func (v *Call) String() string {
return printCall(&v.Call, "Call", v)
func (v *BinOp) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("BinOp <%s> {%s} %s %s", relType(v.Type(), v.Parent().pkg()), v.Op.String(), relName(v.X, v), relName(v.Y, v))
func (v *UnOp) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("UnOp <%s> {%s} %s", relType(v.Type(), v.Parent().pkg()), v.Op.String(), relName(v.X, v))
func (v *Load) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Load <%s> %s", relType(v.Type(), v.Parent().pkg()), relName(v.X, v))
func printConv(prefix string, v, x Value) string {
from := v.Parent().pkg()
return fmt.Sprintf("%s <%s> %s",
relType(v.Type(), from),
relName(x, v.(Instruction)))
func (v *ChangeType) String() string { return printConv("ChangeType", v, v.X) }
func (v *Convert) String() string { return printConv("Convert", v, v.X) }
func (v *ChangeInterface) String() string { return printConv("ChangeInterface", v, v.X) }
func (v *MakeInterface) String() string { return printConv("MakeInterface", v, v.X) }
func (v *MakeClosure) String() string {
from := v.Parent().pkg()
var b bytes.Buffer
fmt.Fprintf(&b, "MakeClosure <%s> %s", relType(v.Type(), from), relName(v.Fn, v))
if v.Bindings != nil {
for _, c := range v.Bindings {
b.WriteString(" ")
b.WriteString(relName(c, v))
return b.String()
func (v *MakeSlice) String() string {
from := v.Parent().pkg()
return fmt.Sprintf("MakeSlice <%s> %s %s",
relType(v.Type(), from),
relName(v.Len, v),
relName(v.Cap, v))
func (v *Slice) String() string {
from := v.Parent().pkg()
return fmt.Sprintf("Slice <%s> %s %s %s %s",
relType(v.Type(), from), relName(v.X, v), relName(v.Low, v), relName(v.High, v), relName(v.Max, v))
func (v *MakeMap) String() string {
res := ""
if v.Reserve != nil {
res = relName(v.Reserve, v)
from := v.Parent().pkg()
return fmt.Sprintf("MakeMap <%s> %s", relType(v.Type(), from), res)
func (v *MakeChan) String() string {
from := v.Parent().pkg()
return fmt.Sprintf("MakeChan <%s> %s", relType(v.Type(), from), relName(v.Size, v))
func (v *FieldAddr) String() string {
from := v.Parent().pkg()
st := deref(v.X.Type()).Underlying().(*types.Struct)
// Be robust against a bad index.
name := "?"
if 0 <= v.Field && v.Field < st.NumFields() {
name = st.Field(v.Field).Name()
return fmt.Sprintf("FieldAddr <%s> [%d] (%s) %s", relType(v.Type(), from), v.Field, name, relName(v.X, v))
func (v *Field) String() string {
st := v.X.Type().Underlying().(*types.Struct)
// Be robust against a bad index.
name := "?"
if 0 <= v.Field && v.Field < st.NumFields() {
name = st.Field(v.Field).Name()
from := v.Parent().pkg()
return fmt.Sprintf("Field <%s> [%d] (%s) %s", relType(v.Type(), from), v.Field, name, relName(v.X, v))
func (v *IndexAddr) String() string {
from := v.Parent().pkg()
return fmt.Sprintf("IndexAddr <%s> %s %s", relType(v.Type(), from), relName(v.X, v), relName(v.Index, v))
func (v *Index) String() string {
from := v.Parent().pkg()
return fmt.Sprintf("Index <%s> %s %s", relType(v.Type(), from), relName(v.X, v), relName(v.Index, v))
func (v *MapLookup) String() string {
from := v.Parent().pkg()
return fmt.Sprintf("MapLookup <%s> %s %s", relType(v.Type(), from), relName(v.X, v), relName(v.Index, v))
func (v *StringLookup) String() string {
from := v.Parent().pkg()
return fmt.Sprintf("StringLookup <%s> %s %s", relType(v.Type(), from), relName(v.X, v), relName(v.Index, v))
func (v *Range) String() string {
from := v.Parent().pkg()
return fmt.Sprintf("Range <%s> %s", relType(v.Type(), from), relName(v.X, v))
func (v *Next) String() string {
from := v.Parent().pkg()
return fmt.Sprintf("Next <%s> %s", relType(v.Type(), from), relName(v.Iter, v))
func (v *TypeAssert) String() string {
from := v.Parent().pkg()
return fmt.Sprintf("TypeAssert <%s> %s", relType(v.Type(), from), relName(v.X, v))
func (v *Extract) String() string {
from := v.Parent().pkg()
name := v.Tuple.Type().(*types.Tuple).At(v.Index).Name()
return fmt.Sprintf("Extract <%s> [%d] (%s) %s", relType(v.Type(), from), v.Index, name, relName(v.Tuple, v))
func (s *Jump) String() string {
// Be robust against malformed CFG.
block := -1
if s.block != nil && len(s.block.Succs) == 1 {
block = s.block.Succs[0].Index
str := fmt.Sprintf("Jump → b%d", block)
if s.Comment != "" {
str = fmt.Sprintf("%s # %s", str, s.Comment)
return str
func (s *Unreachable) String() string {
// Be robust against malformed CFG.
block := -1
if s.block != nil && len(s.block.Succs) == 1 {
block = s.block.Succs[0].Index
return fmt.Sprintf("Unreachable → b%d", block)
func (s *If) String() string {
// Be robust against malformed CFG.
tblock, fblock := -1, -1
if s.block != nil && len(s.block.Succs) == 2 {
tblock = s.block.Succs[0].Index
fblock = s.block.Succs[1].Index
return fmt.Sprintf("If %s → b%d b%d", relName(s.Cond, s), tblock, fblock)
func (s *ConstantSwitch) String() string {
var b bytes.Buffer
fmt.Fprintf(&b, "ConstantSwitch %s", relName(s.Tag, s))
for _, cond := range s.Conds {
fmt.Fprintf(&b, " %s", relName(cond, s))
fmt.Fprint(&b, " →")
for _, succ := range s.block.Succs {
fmt.Fprintf(&b, " b%d", succ.Index)
return b.String()
func (s *TypeSwitch) String() string {
from := s.Parent().pkg()
var b bytes.Buffer
fmt.Fprintf(&b, "TypeSwitch <%s> %s", relType(s.typ, from), relName(s.Tag, s))
for _, cond := range s.Conds {
fmt.Fprintf(&b, " %q", relType(cond, s.block.parent.pkg()))
return b.String()
func (s *Go) String() string {
return printCall(&s.Call, "Go", s)
func (s *Panic) String() string {
// Be robust against malformed CFG.
block := -1
if s.block != nil && len(s.block.Succs) == 1 {
block = s.block.Succs[0].Index
return fmt.Sprintf("Panic %s → b%d", relName(s.X, s), block)
func (s *Return) String() string {
var b bytes.Buffer
for _, r := range s.Results {
b.WriteString(" ")
b.WriteString(relName(r, s))
return b.String()
func (*RunDefers) String() string {
return "RunDefers"
func (s *Send) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Send %s %s", relName(s.Chan, s), relName(s.X, s))
func (recv *Recv) String() string {
from := recv.Parent().pkg()
return fmt.Sprintf("Recv <%s> %s", relType(recv.Type(), from), relName(recv.Chan, recv))
func (s *Defer) String() string {
return printCall(&s.Call, "Defer", s)
func (s *Select) String() string {
var b bytes.Buffer
for i, st := range s.States {
if i > 0 {
b.WriteString(", ")
if st.Dir == types.RecvOnly {
b.WriteString(relName(st.Chan, s))
} else {
b.WriteString(relName(st.Chan, s))
b.WriteString(relName(st.Send, s))
non := ""
if !s.Blocking {
non = "Non"
from := s.Parent().pkg()
return fmt.Sprintf("Select%sBlocking <%s> [%s]", non, relType(s.Type(), from), b.String())
func (s *Store) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Store {%s} %s %s",
s.Val.Type(), relName(s.Addr, s), relName(s.Val, s))
func (s *BlankStore) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("BlankStore %s", relName(s.Val, s))
func (s *MapUpdate) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("MapUpdate %s %s %s", relName(s.Map, s), relName(s.Key, s), relName(s.Value, s))
func (s *DebugRef) String() string {
p := s.Parent().Prog.Fset.Position(s.Pos())
var descr interface{}
if s.object != nil {
descr = s.object // e.g. "var x int"
} else {
descr = reflect.TypeOf(s.Expr) // e.g. "*ast.CallExpr"
var addr string
if s.IsAddr {
addr = "address of "
return fmt.Sprintf("; %s%s @ %d:%d is %s", addr, descr, p.Line, p.Column, s.X.Name())
func (p *Package) String() string {
return "package " + p.Pkg.Path()
var _ io.WriterTo = (*Package)(nil) // *Package implements io.Writer
func (p *Package) WriteTo(w io.Writer) (int64, error) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
WritePackage(&buf, p)
n, err := w.Write(buf.Bytes())
return int64(n), err
// WritePackage writes to buf a human-readable summary of p.
func WritePackage(buf *bytes.Buffer, p *Package) {
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "%s:\n", p)
var names []string
maxname := 0
for name := range p.Members {
if l := len(name); l > maxname {
maxname = l
names = append(names, name)
from := p.Pkg
for _, name := range names {
switch mem := p.Members[name].(type) {
case *NamedConst:
fmt.Fprintf(buf, " const %-*s %s = %s\n",
maxname, name, mem.Name(), mem.Value.RelString(from))
case *Function:
fmt.Fprintf(buf, " func %-*s %s\n",
maxname, name, relType(mem.Type(), from))
case *Type:
fmt.Fprintf(buf, " type %-*s %s\n",
maxname, name, relType(mem.Type().Underlying(), from))
for _, meth := range typeutil.IntuitiveMethodSet(mem.Type(), &p.Prog.MethodSets) {
fmt.Fprintf(buf, " %s\n", types.SelectionString(meth, types.RelativeTo(from)))
case *Global:
fmt.Fprintf(buf, " var %-*s %s\n",
maxname, name, relType(mem.Type().(*types.Pointer).Elem(), from))
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "\n")