Seth Hoenig 435c0d9fc8 deps: Switch to Go modules for dependency management
This PR switches the Nomad repository from using govendor to Go modules
for managing dependencies. Aspects of the Nomad workflow remain pretty
much the same. The usual Makefile targets should continue to work as
they always did. The API submodule simply defers to the parent Nomad
version on the repository, keeping the semantics of API versioning that
currently exists.
2020-06-02 14:30:36 -05:00

462 lines
11 KiB

// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package ir
// This file defines algorithms related to dominance.
// Dominator tree construction ----------------------------------------
// We use the algorithm described in Lengauer & Tarjan. 1979. A fast
// algorithm for finding dominators in a flowgraph.
// We also apply the optimizations to SLT described in Georgiadis et
// al, Finding Dominators in Practice, JGAA 2006,
// to avoid the need for buckets of size > 1.
import (
// Idom returns the block that immediately dominates b:
// its parent in the dominator tree, if any.
// The entry node (b.Index==0) does not have a parent.
func (b *BasicBlock) Idom() *BasicBlock { return b.dom.idom }
// Dominees returns the list of blocks that b immediately dominates:
// its children in the dominator tree.
func (b *BasicBlock) Dominees() []*BasicBlock { return b.dom.children }
// Dominates reports whether b dominates c.
func (b *BasicBlock) Dominates(c *BasicBlock) bool {
return b.dom.pre <= c.dom.pre && <=
type byDomPreorder []*BasicBlock
func (a byDomPreorder) Len() int { return len(a) }
func (a byDomPreorder) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
func (a byDomPreorder) Less(i, j int) bool { return a[i].dom.pre < a[j].dom.pre }
// DomPreorder returns a new slice containing the blocks of f in
// dominator tree preorder.
func (f *Function) DomPreorder() []*BasicBlock {
n := len(f.Blocks)
order := make(byDomPreorder, n)
copy(order, f.Blocks)
return order
// domInfo contains a BasicBlock's dominance information.
type domInfo struct {
idom *BasicBlock // immediate dominator (parent in domtree)
children []*BasicBlock // nodes immediately dominated by this one
pre, post int32 // pre- and post-order numbering within domtree
// buildDomTree computes the dominator tree of f using the LT algorithm.
// Precondition: all blocks are reachable (e.g. optimizeBlocks has been run).
func buildDomTree(fn *Function) {
// The step numbers refer to the original LT paper; the
// reordering is due to Georgiadis.
// Clear any previous domInfo.
for _, b := range fn.Blocks {
b.dom = domInfo{}
idoms := make([]*BasicBlock, len(fn.Blocks))
order := make([]*BasicBlock, 0, len(fn.Blocks))
seen := fn.blockset(0)
var dfs func(b *BasicBlock)
dfs = func(b *BasicBlock) {
if !seen.Add(b) {
for _, succ := range b.Succs {
if fn.fakeExits.Has(b) {
order = append(order, b) = len(order) - 1
for i := 0; i < len(order)/2; i++ {
o := len(order) - i - 1
order[i], order[o] = order[o], order[i]
idoms[fn.Blocks[0].Index] = fn.Blocks[0]
changed := true
for changed {
changed = false
// iterate over all nodes in reverse postorder, except for the
// entry node
for _, b := range order[1:] {
var newIdom *BasicBlock
do := func(p *BasicBlock) {
if idoms[p.Index] == nil {
if newIdom == nil {
newIdom = p
} else {
finger1 := p
finger2 := newIdom
for finger1 != finger2 {
for < {
finger1 = idoms[finger1.Index]
for < {
finger2 = idoms[finger2.Index]
newIdom = finger1
for _, p := range b.Preds {
if b == fn.Exit {
for _, p := range fn.Blocks {
if fn.fakeExits.Has(p) {
if idoms[b.Index] != newIdom {
idoms[b.Index] = newIdom
changed = true
for i, b := range idoms {
fn.Blocks[i].dom.idom = b
if b == nil {
// malformed CFG
if i == b.Index {
b.dom.children = append(b.dom.children, fn.Blocks[i])
numberDomTree(fn.Blocks[0], 0, 0)
// printDomTreeDot(os.Stderr, fn) // debugging
// printDomTreeText(os.Stderr, root, 0) // debugging
if fn.Prog.mode&SanityCheckFunctions != 0 {
// buildPostDomTree is like buildDomTree, but builds the post-dominator tree instead.
func buildPostDomTree(fn *Function) {
// The step numbers refer to the original LT paper; the
// reordering is due to Georgiadis.
// Clear any previous domInfo.
for _, b := range fn.Blocks {
b.pdom = domInfo{}
idoms := make([]*BasicBlock, len(fn.Blocks))
order := make([]*BasicBlock, 0, len(fn.Blocks))
seen := fn.blockset(0)
var dfs func(b *BasicBlock)
dfs = func(b *BasicBlock) {
if !seen.Add(b) {
for _, pred := range b.Preds {
if b == fn.Exit {
for _, p := range fn.Blocks {
if fn.fakeExits.Has(p) {
order = append(order, b) = len(order) - 1
for i := 0; i < len(order)/2; i++ {
o := len(order) - i - 1
order[i], order[o] = order[o], order[i]
idoms[fn.Exit.Index] = fn.Exit
changed := true
for changed {
changed = false
// iterate over all nodes in reverse postorder, except for the
// exit node
for _, b := range order[1:] {
var newIdom *BasicBlock
do := func(p *BasicBlock) {
if idoms[p.Index] == nil {
if newIdom == nil {
newIdom = p
} else {
finger1 := p
finger2 := newIdom
for finger1 != finger2 {
for < {
finger1 = idoms[finger1.Index]
for < {
finger2 = idoms[finger2.Index]
newIdom = finger1
for _, p := range b.Succs {
if fn.fakeExits.Has(b) {
if idoms[b.Index] != newIdom {
idoms[b.Index] = newIdom
changed = true
for i, b := range idoms {
fn.Blocks[i].pdom.idom = b
if b == nil {
// malformed CFG
if i == b.Index {
b.pdom.children = append(b.pdom.children, fn.Blocks[i])
numberPostDomTree(fn.Exit, 0, 0)
// printPostDomTreeDot(os.Stderr, fn) // debugging
// printPostDomTreeText(os.Stderr, fn.Exit, 0) // debugging
if fn.Prog.mode&SanityCheckFunctions != 0 { // XXX
sanityCheckDomTree(fn) // XXX
// numberDomTree sets the pre- and post-order numbers of a depth-first
// traversal of the dominator tree rooted at v. These are used to
// answer dominance queries in constant time.
func numberDomTree(v *BasicBlock, pre, post int32) (int32, int32) {
v.dom.pre = pre
for _, child := range v.dom.children {
pre, post = numberDomTree(child, pre, post)
} = post
return pre, post
// numberPostDomTree sets the pre- and post-order numbers of a depth-first
// traversal of the post-dominator tree rooted at v. These are used to
// answer post-dominance queries in constant time.
func numberPostDomTree(v *BasicBlock, pre, post int32) (int32, int32) {
v.pdom.pre = pre
for _, child := range v.pdom.children {
pre, post = numberPostDomTree(child, pre, post)
} = post
return pre, post
// Testing utilities ----------------------------------------
// sanityCheckDomTree checks the correctness of the dominator tree
// computed by the LT algorithm by comparing against the dominance
// relation computed by a naive Kildall-style forward dataflow
// analysis (Algorithm 10.16 from the "Dragon" book).
func sanityCheckDomTree(f *Function) {
n := len(f.Blocks)
// D[i] is the set of blocks that dominate f.Blocks[i],
// represented as a bit-set of block indices.
D := make([]big.Int, n)
one := big.NewInt(1)
// all is the set of all blocks; constant.
var all big.Int
all.Set(one).Lsh(&all, uint(n)).Sub(&all, one)
// Initialization.
for i := range f.Blocks {
if i == 0 {
// A root is dominated only by itself.
D[i].SetBit(&D[0], 0, 1)
} else {
// All other blocks are (initially) dominated
// by every block.
// Iteration until fixed point.
for changed := true; changed; {
changed = false
for i, b := range f.Blocks {
if i == 0 {
// Compute intersection across predecessors.
var x big.Int
for _, pred := range b.Preds {
x.And(&x, &D[pred.Index])
if b == f.Exit {
for _, p := range f.Blocks {
if f.fakeExits.Has(p) {
x.And(&x, &D[p.Index])
x.SetBit(&x, i, 1) // a block always dominates itself.
if D[i].Cmp(&x) != 0 {
changed = true
// Check the entire relation. O(n^2).
ok := true
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
for j := 0; j < n; j++ {
b, c := f.Blocks[i], f.Blocks[j]
actual := b.Dominates(c)
expected := D[j].Bit(i) == 1
if actual != expected {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "dominates(%s, %s)==%t, want %t\n", b, c, actual, expected)
ok = false
preorder := f.DomPreorder()
for _, b := range f.Blocks {
if got := preorder[b.dom.pre]; got != b {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "preorder[%d]==%s, want %s\n", b.dom.pre, got, b)
ok = false
if !ok {
panic("sanityCheckDomTree failed for " + f.String())
// Printing functions ----------------------------------------
// printDomTree prints the dominator tree as text, using indentation.
//lint:ignore U1000 used during debugging
func printDomTreeText(buf *bytes.Buffer, v *BasicBlock, indent int) {
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "%*s%s\n", 4*indent, "", v)
for _, child := range v.dom.children {
printDomTreeText(buf, child, indent+1)
// printDomTreeDot prints the dominator tree of f in AT&T GraphViz
// (.dot) format.
//lint:ignore U1000 used during debugging
func printDomTreeDot(buf io.Writer, f *Function) {
fmt.Fprintln(buf, "//", f)
fmt.Fprintln(buf, "digraph domtree {")
for i, b := range f.Blocks {
v := b.dom
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "\tn%d [label=\"%s (%d, %d)\",shape=\"rectangle\"];\n", v.pre, b, v.pre,
// TODO(adonovan): improve appearance of edges
// belonging to both dominator tree and CFG.
// Dominator tree edge.
if i != 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "\tn%d -> n%d [style=\"solid\",weight=100];\n", v.idom.dom.pre, v.pre)
// CFG edges.
for _, pred := range b.Preds {
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "\tn%d -> n%d [style=\"dotted\",weight=0];\n", pred.dom.pre, v.pre)
fmt.Fprintln(buf, "}")
// printDomTree prints the dominator tree as text, using indentation.
//lint:ignore U1000 used during debugging
func printPostDomTreeText(buf io.Writer, v *BasicBlock, indent int) {
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "%*s%s\n", 4*indent, "", v)
for _, child := range v.pdom.children {
printPostDomTreeText(buf, child, indent+1)
// printDomTreeDot prints the dominator tree of f in AT&T GraphViz
// (.dot) format.
//lint:ignore U1000 used during debugging
func printPostDomTreeDot(buf io.Writer, f *Function) {
fmt.Fprintln(buf, "//", f)
fmt.Fprintln(buf, "digraph pdomtree {")
for _, b := range f.Blocks {
v := b.pdom
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "\tn%d [label=\"%s (%d, %d)\",shape=\"rectangle\"];\n", v.pre, b, v.pre,
// TODO(adonovan): improve appearance of edges
// belonging to both dominator tree and CFG.
// Dominator tree edge.
if b != f.Exit {
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "\tn%d -> n%d [style=\"solid\",weight=100];\n", v.idom.pdom.pre, v.pre)
// CFG edges.
for _, pred := range b.Preds {
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "\tn%d -> n%d [style=\"dotted\",weight=0];\n", pred.pdom.pre, v.pre)
fmt.Fprintln(buf, "}")