Since DOM code is in a run.next, it's possible that between the DOM code being queued and running the element is destroyed. So the DOM code needs to guard against this using the isDestroyed API.
348 lines
9.3 KiB
348 lines
9.3 KiB
import Component from '@ember/component';
import { computed, observer } from '@ember/object';
import { guidFor } from '@ember/object/internals';
import { run } from '@ember/runloop';
import d3 from 'd3-selection';
import d3Scale from 'd3-scale';
import d3Axis from 'd3-axis';
import d3Array from 'd3-array';
import d3Shape from 'd3-shape';
import d3Format from 'd3-format';
import d3TimeFormat from 'd3-time-format';
import WindowResizable from 'nomad-ui/mixins/window-resizable';
import styleStringProperty from 'nomad-ui/utils/properties/style-string';
// Returns a new array with the specified number of points linearly
// distributed across the bounds
const lerp = ([low, high], numPoints) => {
const step = (high - low) / (numPoints - 1);
const arr = [];
for (var i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) {
arr.push(low + step * i);
return arr;
// Round a number or an array of numbers
const nice = val => (val instanceof Array ? val.map(nice) : Math.round(val));
export default Component.extend(WindowResizable, {
classNames: ['chart', 'line-chart'],
// Public API
data: null,
xProp: null,
yProp: null,
timeseries: false,
chartClass: 'is-primary',
title: 'Line Chart',
description: null,
// Private Properties
width: 0,
height: 0,
isActive: false,
fillId: computed(function() {
return `line-chart-fill-${guidFor(this)}`;
maskId: computed(function() {
return `line-chart-mask-${guidFor(this)}`;
activeDatum: null,
activeDatumLabel: computed('activeDatum', function() {
const datum = this.get('activeDatum');
if (!datum) return;
const x = datum[this.get('xProp')];
return this.xFormat(this.get('timeseries'))(x);
activeDatumValue: computed('activeDatum', function() {
const datum = this.get('activeDatum');
if (!datum) return;
const y = datum[this.get('yProp')];
return this.yFormat()(y);
// Overridable functions that retrurn formatter functions
xFormat(timeseries) {
return timeseries ? d3TimeFormat.timeFormat('%b') : d3Format.format(',');
yFormat() {
return d3Format.format(',.2~r');
tooltipPosition: null,
tooltipStyle: styleStringProperty('tooltipPosition'),
xScale: computed('data.[]', 'xProp', 'timeseries', 'yAxisOffset', function() {
const xProp = this.get('xProp');
const scale = this.get('timeseries') ? d3Scale.scaleTime() : d3Scale.scaleLinear();
const data = this.get('data');
const domain = data.length ? d3Array.extent(this.get('data'), d => d[xProp]) : [0, 1];
scale.rangeRound([10, this.get('yAxisOffset')]).domain(domain);
return scale;
xRange: computed('data.[]', 'xFormat', 'xProp', 'timeseries', function() {
const { xProp, timeseries, data } = this.getProperties('xProp', 'timeseries', 'data');
const range = d3Array.extent(data, d => d[xProp]);
const formatter = this.xFormat(timeseries);
return range.map(formatter);
yRange: computed('data.[]', 'yFormat', 'yProp', function() {
const yProp = this.get('yProp');
const range = d3Array.extent(this.get('data'), d => d[yProp]);
const formatter = this.yFormat();
return range.map(formatter);
yScale: computed('data.[]', 'yProp', 'xAxisOffset', function() {
const yProp = this.get('yProp');
let max = d3Array.max(this.get('data'), d => d[yProp]) || 1;
if (max > 1) {
max = nice(max);
return d3Scale
.rangeRound([this.get('xAxisOffset'), 10])
.domain([0, max]);
xAxis: computed('xScale', function() {
const formatter = this.xFormat(this.get('timeseries'));
return d3Axis
yTicks: computed('xAxisOffset', function() {
const height = this.get('xAxisOffset');
const tickCount = Math.ceil(height / 120) * 2 + 1;
const domain = this.get('yScale').domain();
const ticks = lerp(domain, tickCount);
return domain[1] - domain[0] > 1 ? nice(ticks) : ticks;
yAxis: computed('yScale', function() {
const formatter = this.yFormat();
return d3Axis
yGridlines: computed('yScale', function() {
// The first gridline overlaps the x-axis, so remove it
const [, ...ticks] = this.get('yTicks');
return d3Axis
xAxisHeight: computed(function() {
// Avoid divide by zero errors by always having a height
if (!this.element) return 1;
const axis = this.element.querySelector('.x-axis');
return axis && axis.getBBox().height;
yAxisWidth: computed(function() {
// Avoid divide by zero errors by always having a width
if (!this.element) return 1;
const axis = this.element.querySelector('.y-axis');
return axis && axis.getBBox().width;
xAxisOffset: computed('height', 'xAxisHeight', function() {
return this.get('height') - this.get('xAxisHeight');
yAxisOffset: computed('width', 'yAxisWidth', function() {
return this.get('width') - this.get('yAxisWidth');
line: computed('data.[]', 'xScale', 'yScale', function() {
const { xScale, yScale, xProp, yProp } = this.getProperties(
const line = d3Shape
.defined(d => d[yProp] != null)
.x(d => xScale(d[xProp]))
.y(d => yScale(d[yProp]));
return line(this.get('data'));
area: computed('data.[]', 'xScale', 'yScale', function() {
const { xScale, yScale, xProp, yProp } = this.getProperties(
const area = d3Shape
.defined(d => d[yProp] != null)
.x(d => xScale(d[xProp]))
.y1(d => yScale(d[yProp]));
return area(this.get('data'));
didInsertElement() {
const canvas = d3.select(this.element.querySelector('.canvas'));
const updateActiveDatum = this.updateActiveDatum.bind(this);
const chart = this;
canvas.on('mouseenter', function() {
const mouseX = d3.mouse(this)[0];
chart.set('latestMouseX', mouseX);
run.schedule('afterRender', chart, () => chart.set('isActive', true));
canvas.on('mousemove', function() {
const mouseX = d3.mouse(this)[0];
chart.set('latestMouseX', mouseX);
canvas.on('mouseleave', () => {
run.schedule('afterRender', this, () => this.set('isActive', false));
this.set('activeDatum', null);
didUpdateAttrs() {
updateActiveDatum(mouseX) {
const { xScale, xProp, yScale, yProp, data } = this.getProperties(
if (!data || !data.length) return;
// Map the mouse coordinate to the index in the data array
const bisector = d3Array.bisector(d => d[xProp]).left;
const x = xScale.invert(mouseX);
const index = bisector(data, x, 1);
// The data point on either side of the cursor
const dLeft = data[index - 1];
const dRight = data[index];
let datum;
// If there is only one point, it's the activeDatum
if (dLeft && !dRight) {
datum = dLeft;
} else {
// Pick the closer point
datum = x - dLeft[xProp] > dRight[xProp] - x ? dRight : dLeft;
this.set('activeDatum', datum);
this.set('tooltipPosition', {
left: xScale(datum[xProp]),
top: yScale(datum[yProp]) - 10,
updateChart: observer('data.[]', function() {
// The renderChart method should only ever be responsible for runtime calculations
// and appending d3 created elements to the DOM (such as axes).
renderChart() {
// There is nothing to do if the element hasn't been inserted yet
if (!this.element) return;
// First, create the axes to get the dimensions of the resulting
// svg elements
run.next(() => {
// Then, recompute anything that depends on the dimensions
// on the dimensions of the axes elements
// Since each axis depends on the dimension of the other
// axis, the axes themselves are recomputed and need to
// be re-rendered.
if (this.get('isActive')) {
mountD3Elements() {
if (!this.get('isDestroyed') && !this.get('isDestroying')) {
windowResizeHandler() {
run.once(this, this.updateDimensions);
updateDimensions() {
const $svg = this.$('svg');
const width = $svg.width();
const height = $svg.height();
this.setProperties({ width, height });