221 lines
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221 lines
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package client
import (
cstructs "github.com/hashicorp/nomad/client/structs"
// FingerprintManager runs a client fingerprinters on a continuous basis, and
// updates the client when the node has changed
type FingerprintManager struct {
getConfig func() *config.Config
node *structs.Node
nodeLock sync.Mutex
shutdownCh chan struct{}
// updateNode is a callback to the client to update the state of its
// associated node
updateNode func(*cstructs.FingerprintResponse) *structs.Node
logger *log.Logger
// NewFingerprintManager is a constructor that creates and returns an instance
// of FingerprintManager
func NewFingerprintManager(getConfig func() *config.Config,
node *structs.Node,
shutdownCh chan struct{},
updateNode func(*cstructs.FingerprintResponse) *structs.Node,
logger *log.Logger) *FingerprintManager {
return &FingerprintManager{
getConfig: getConfig,
updateNode: updateNode,
node: node,
shutdownCh: shutdownCh,
logger: logger,
// run runs each fingerprinter individually on an ongoing basis
func (fm *FingerprintManager) run(f fingerprint.Fingerprint, period time.Duration, name string) {
fm.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] client.fingerprint_manager: fingerprinting %s every %v", name, period)
for {
select {
case <-time.After(period):
_, err := fm.fingerprint(name, f)
if err != nil {
fm.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] client.fingerprint_manager: periodic fingerprinting for %v failed: %+v", name, err)
case <-fm.shutdownCh:
// setupDrivers is used to fingerprint the node to see if these drivers are
// supported
func (fm *FingerprintManager) setupDrivers(drivers []string) error {
var availDrivers []string
driverCtx := driver.NewDriverContext("", "", fm.getConfig(), fm.node, fm.logger, nil)
for _, name := range drivers {
d, err := driver.NewDriver(name, driverCtx)
if err != nil {
return err
detected, err := fm.fingerprint(name, d)
if err != nil {
fm.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] client.fingerprint_manager: fingerprinting for %v failed: %+v", name, err)
return err
// log the fingerprinters which have been applied
if detected {
availDrivers = append(availDrivers, name)
p, period := d.Periodic()
if p {
go fm.run(d, period, name)
fm.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] client.fingerprint_manager: detected drivers %v", availDrivers)
return nil
// fingerprint does an initial fingerprint of the client. If the fingerprinter
// is meant to be run continuously, a process is launched to perform this
// fingerprint on an ongoing basis in the background.
func (fm *FingerprintManager) fingerprint(name string, f fingerprint.Fingerprint) (bool, error) {
request := &cstructs.FingerprintRequest{Config: fm.getConfig(), Node: fm.node}
var response cstructs.FingerprintResponse
if err := f.Fingerprint(request, &response); err != nil {
return false, err
if node := fm.updateNode(&response); node != nil {
fm.node = node
return response.Detected, nil
// setupFingerprints is used to fingerprint the node to see if these attributes are
// supported
func (fm *FingerprintManager) setupFingerprinters(fingerprints []string) error {
var appliedFingerprints []string
for _, name := range fingerprints {
f, err := fingerprint.NewFingerprint(name, fm.logger)
if err != nil {
fm.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] client.fingerprint_manager: fingerprinting for %v failed: %+v", name, err)
return err
detected, err := fm.fingerprint(name, f)
if err != nil {
return err
// log the fingerprinters which have been applied
if detected {
appliedFingerprints = append(appliedFingerprints, name)
p, period := f.Periodic()
if p {
go fm.run(f, period, name)
fm.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] client.fingerprint_manager: detected fingerprints %v", appliedFingerprints)
return nil
// Run starts the process of fingerprinting the node. It does an initial pass,
// identifying whitelisted and blacklisted fingerprints/drivers. Then, for
// those which require periotic checking, it starts a periodic process for
// each.
func (fp *FingerprintManager) Run() error {
// first, set up all fingerprints
cfg := fp.getConfig()
whitelistFingerprints := cfg.ReadStringListToMap("fingerprint.whitelist")
whitelistFingerprintsEnabled := len(whitelistFingerprints) > 0
blacklistFingerprints := cfg.ReadStringListToMap("fingerprint.blacklist")
fp.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] client.fingerprint_manager: built-in fingerprints: %v", fingerprint.BuiltinFingerprints())
var availableFingerprints []string
var skippedFingerprints []string
for _, name := range fingerprint.BuiltinFingerprints() {
// Skip modules that are not in the whitelist if it is enabled.
if _, ok := whitelistFingerprints[name]; whitelistFingerprintsEnabled && !ok {
skippedFingerprints = append(skippedFingerprints, name)
// Skip modules that are in the blacklist
if _, ok := blacklistFingerprints[name]; ok {
skippedFingerprints = append(skippedFingerprints, name)
availableFingerprints = append(availableFingerprints, name)
if err := fp.setupFingerprinters(availableFingerprints); err != nil {
return err
if len(skippedFingerprints) != 0 {
fp.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] client.fingerprint_manager: fingerprint modules skipped due to white/blacklist: %v", skippedFingerprints)
// next, set up drivers
// Build the white/blacklists of drivers.
whitelistDrivers := cfg.ReadStringListToMap("driver.whitelist")
whitelistDriversEnabled := len(whitelistDrivers) > 0
blacklistDrivers := cfg.ReadStringListToMap("driver.blacklist")
var availDrivers []string
var skippedDrivers []string
for name := range driver.BuiltinDrivers {
// Skip fingerprinting drivers that are not in the whitelist if it is
// enabled.
if _, ok := whitelistDrivers[name]; whitelistDriversEnabled && !ok {
skippedDrivers = append(skippedDrivers, name)
// Skip fingerprinting drivers that are in the blacklist
if _, ok := blacklistDrivers[name]; ok {
skippedDrivers = append(skippedDrivers, name)
availDrivers = append(availDrivers, name)
if err := fp.setupDrivers(availDrivers); err != nil {
return err
if len(skippedDrivers) > 0 {
fp.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] client.fingerprint_manager: drivers skipped due to white/blacklist: %v", skippedDrivers)
return nil