plugins/driver: update driver interface to support streaming stats client/tr: use streaming stats api TODO: * how to handle errors and closed channel during stats streaming * prevent tight loop if Stats(ctx) returns an error drivers: update drivers TaskStats RPC to handle streaming results executor: better error handling in stats rpc docker: better control and error handling of stats rpc driver: allow stats to return a recoverable error
94 lines
2.2 KiB
Protocol Buffer
94 lines
2.2 KiB
Protocol Buffer
syntax = "proto3";
package hashicorp.nomad.plugins.executor.proto;
option go_package = "proto";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
import "github.com/hashicorp/nomad/plugins/drivers/proto/driver.proto";
service Executor {
rpc Launch(LaunchRequest) returns (LaunchResponse) {}
rpc Wait(WaitRequest) returns (WaitResponse) {}
rpc Shutdown(ShutdownRequest) returns (ShutdownResponse) {}
rpc UpdateResources(UpdateResourcesRequest) returns (UpdateResourcesResponse) {}
rpc Version(VersionRequest) returns (VersionResponse) {}
rpc Stats(StatsRequest) returns (stream StatsResponse) {}
rpc Signal(SignalRequest) returns (SignalResponse) {}
rpc Exec(ExecRequest) returns (ExecResponse) {}
message LaunchRequest {
string cmd = 1;
repeated string args = 2;
hashicorp.nomad.plugins.drivers.proto.Resources resources = 3;
string stdout_path = 4;
string stderr_path = 5;
repeated string env = 6;
string user = 7;
string task_dir = 8;
bool resource_limits = 9;
bool basic_process_cgroup = 10;
repeated hashicorp.nomad.plugins.drivers.proto.Mount mounts = 11;
repeated hashicorp.nomad.plugins.drivers.proto.Device devices = 12;
message LaunchResponse {
ProcessState process = 1;
message WaitRequest {}
message WaitResponse{
ProcessState process = 1;
message ShutdownRequest {
string signal = 1;
int64 grace_period = 2;
message ShutdownResponse {}
message UpdateResourcesRequest{
hashicorp.nomad.plugins.drivers.proto.Resources resources = 1;
message UpdateResourcesResponse {}
message VersionRequest {}
message VersionResponse{
string version = 1;
message StatsRequest {
int64 interval = 1;
message StatsResponse {
hashicorp.nomad.plugins.drivers.proto.TaskStats stats = 1;
message SignalRequest {
int32 signal = 1;
message SignalResponse {}
message ExecRequest {
google.protobuf.Timestamp deadline = 1;
string cmd = 2;
repeated string args = 3;
message ExecResponse {
bytes output = 1;
int32 exit_code = 2;
message ProcessState {
int32 pid = 1;
int32 exit_code = 2;
int32 signal = 3;
google.protobuf.Timestamp time = 4;