Michael Schurter 6def5bc4f9 client: set host name when migrating over tls
Not setting the host name led the Go HTTP client to expect a certificate
with a DNS-resolvable name. Since Nomad uses `${role}.${region}.nomad`
names ephemeral dir migrations were broken when TLS was enabled.

Added an e2e test to ensure this doesn't break again as it's very
difficult to test and the TLS configuration is very easy to get wrong.
2018-09-05 17:24:17 -07:00

143 lines
4.5 KiB

package client_test
import (
// TestPrevAlloc_StreamAllocDir_TLS asserts ephemeral disk migrations still
// work when TLS is enabled.
func TestPrevAlloc_StreamAllocDir_TLS(t *testing.T) {
const (
caFn = "../helper/tlsutil/testdata/global-ca.pem"
serverCertFn = "../helper/tlsutil/testdata/global-server.pem"
serverKeyFn = "../helper/tlsutil/testdata/global-server-key.pem"
clientCertFn = "../helper/tlsutil/testdata/global-client.pem"
clientKeyFn = "../helper/tlsutil/testdata/global-client-key.pem"
require := require.New(t)
server := nomad.TestServer(t, func(c *nomad.Config) {
c.TLSConfig = &config.TLSConfig{
EnableHTTP: true,
EnableRPC: true,
VerifyServerHostname: true,
CAFile: caFn,
CertFile: serverCertFn,
KeyFile: serverKeyFn,
defer server.Shutdown()
testutil.WaitForLeader(t, server.RPC)
t.Logf("[TEST] Leader started: %s", server.GetConfig().RPCAddr.String())
agentConfFunc := func(c *agent.Config) {
c.Region = "global"
c.TLSConfig = &config.TLSConfig{
EnableHTTP: true,
EnableRPC: true,
VerifyServerHostname: true,
CAFile: caFn,
CertFile: clientCertFn,
KeyFile: clientKeyFn,
c.Client.Enabled = true
c.Client.Servers = []string{server.GetConfig().RPCAddr.String()}
client1 := agent.NewTestAgent(t, "client1", agentConfFunc)
defer client1.Shutdown()
client2 := agent.NewTestAgent(t, "client2", agentConfFunc)
defer client2.Shutdown()
job := mock.Job()
job.Constraints[0].LTarget = "${}"
job.Constraints[0].RTarget = "client1"
job.TaskGroups[0].Count = 1
job.TaskGroups[0].EphemeralDisk.Sticky = true
job.TaskGroups[0].EphemeralDisk.Migrate = true
job.TaskGroups[0].Tasks[0] = &structs.Task{
Name: "migrate_tls",
Driver: "mock_driver",
Config: map[string]interface{}{
"run_for": "1m",
LogConfig: structs.DefaultLogConfig(),
Resources: &structs.Resources{
CPU: 50,
MemoryMB: 25,
testutil.WaitForRunning(t, server.RPC, job.Copy())
allocArgs := &structs.JobSpecificRequest{}
allocArgs.JobID = job.ID
allocArgs.QueryOptions.Region = "global"
var allocReply structs.JobAllocationsResponse
require.NoError(server.RPC("Job.Allocations", allocArgs, &allocReply))
require.Len(allocReply.Allocations, 1)
origAlloc := allocReply.Allocations[0].ID
// Save a file into alloc dir
contents := []byte("123\n456")
allocFn := filepath.Join(client1.DataDir, "alloc", origAlloc, "alloc", "data", "bar")
require.NoError(ioutil.WriteFile(allocFn, contents, 0666))
t.Logf("[TEST] Wrote initial file: %s", allocFn)
// Migrate alloc to other node
job.Constraints[0].RTarget = "client2"
testutil.WaitForRunning(t, server.RPC, job.Copy())
// Wait for new alloc to be running
var newAlloc *structs.AllocListStub
testutil.WaitForResult(func() (bool, error) {
allocArgs := &structs.JobSpecificRequest{}
allocArgs.JobID = job.ID
allocArgs.QueryOptions.Region = "global"
var allocReply structs.JobAllocationsResponse
require.NoError(server.RPC("Job.Allocations", allocArgs, &allocReply))
if n := len(allocReply.Allocations); n != 2 {
return false, fmt.Errorf("expected 2 allocs found %d", n)
// Pick the one that didn't exist before
if allocReply.Allocations[0].ID == origAlloc {
newAlloc = allocReply.Allocations[1]
} else {
newAlloc = allocReply.Allocations[0]
return newAlloc.ClientStatus != structs.AllocClientStatusRunning,
fmt.Errorf("client status: %v", newAlloc.ClientStatus)
}, func(err error) {
t.Fatalf("new alloc not running: %v", err)
// Wait for file to appear on other client
allocFn2 := filepath.Join(client2.DataDir, "alloc", newAlloc.ID, "alloc", "data", "bar")
t.Logf("[TEST] Comparing against file: %s", allocFn2)
testutil.WaitForResult(func() (bool, error) {
found, err := ioutil.ReadFile(allocFn2)
if err != nil {
return false, err
return bytes.Equal(contents, found), fmt.Errorf("contents misatch. expected:\n%s\n\nfound:\n%s\n",
contents, found)
}, func(err error) {
t.Fatalf("file didn't migrate: %v", err)