This continues #8455 by adding accessibility audits to component integration tests and fixing associated errors. It adds audits to existing tests rather than adding separate ones to facilitate auditing the various permutations a component’s rendering can go through. It also adds linting to ensure audits happen in component tests. This necessitated consolidating test files that were scattered.
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import { currentURL, settled } from '@ember/test-helpers';
import { module, test } from 'qunit';
import { setupApplicationTest } from 'ember-qunit';
import { setupMirage } from 'ember-cli-mirage/test-support';
import a11yAudit from 'nomad-ui/tests/helpers/a11y-audit';
import pageSizeSelect from './behaviors/page-size-select';
import ClientsList from 'nomad-ui/tests/pages/clients/list';
module('Acceptance | clients list', function(hooks) {
hooks.beforeEach(function() {
test('it passes an accessibility audit', async function(assert) {
const nodesCount = ClientsList.pageSize + 1;
server.createList('node', nodesCount);
server.createList('agent', 1);
await ClientsList.visit();
await a11yAudit(assert);
test('/clients should list one page of clients', async function(assert) {
// Make sure to make more nodes than 1 page to assert that pagination is working
const nodesCount = ClientsList.pageSize + 1;
server.createList('node', nodesCount);
server.createList('agent', 1);
await ClientsList.visit();
assert.equal(ClientsList.nodes.length, ClientsList.pageSize);
assert.ok(ClientsList.hasPagination, 'Pagination found on the page');
const sortedNodes = server.db.nodes.sortBy('modifyIndex').reverse();
ClientsList.nodes.forEach((node, index) => {
assert.equal(node.id, sortedNodes[index].id.split('-')[0], 'Clients are ordered');
assert.equal(document.title, 'Clients - Nomad');
test('each client record should show high-level info of the client', async function(assert) {
const node = server.create('node', 'draining');
server.createList('agent', 1);
await ClientsList.visit();
const nodeRow = ClientsList.nodes.objectAt(0);
const allocations = server.db.allocations.where({ nodeId: node.id });
assert.equal(nodeRow.id, node.id.split('-')[0], 'ID');
assert.equal(nodeRow.name, node.name, 'Name');
'Combined status, draining, and eligbility'
assert.equal(nodeRow.address, node.httpAddr);
assert.equal(nodeRow.datacenter, node.datacenter, 'Datacenter');
assert.equal(nodeRow.allocations, allocations.length, '# Allocations');
test('each client record should show running allocations', async function(assert) {
server.createList('agent', 1);
const node = server.create('node', {
modifyIndex: 4,
status: 'ready',
schedulingEligibility: 'eligible',
drain: false,
server.create('job', { createAllocations: false });
const running = server.createList('allocation', 2, { clientStatus: 'running' });
server.createList('allocation', 3, { clientStatus: 'pending' });
server.createList('allocation', 10, { clientStatus: 'complete' });
await ClientsList.visit();
const nodeRow = ClientsList.nodes.objectAt(0);
assert.equal(nodeRow.id, node.id.split('-')[0], 'ID');
'Combined status, draining, and eligbility'
assert.equal(nodeRow.allocations, running.length, '# Allocations');
test('client status, draining, and eligibility are collapsed into one column that stays sorted', async function(assert) {
server.createList('agent', 1);
server.create('node', {
modifyIndex: 4,
status: 'ready',
schedulingEligibility: 'eligible',
drain: false,
server.create('node', {
modifyIndex: 3,
status: 'initializing',
schedulingEligibility: 'eligible',
drain: false,
server.create('node', {
modifyIndex: 2,
status: 'down',
schedulingEligibility: 'eligible',
drain: false,
server.create('node', {
modifyIndex: 1,
status: 'ready',
schedulingEligibility: 'ineligible',
drain: false,
server.create('node', 'draining', {
modifyIndex: 0,
status: 'ready',
await ClientsList.visit();
ClientsList.nodes[0].compositeStatus.as(readyClient => {
assert.equal(readyClient.text, 'ready');
assert.ok(readyClient.isUnformatted, 'expected no status class');
assert.equal(readyClient.tooltip, 'ready / not draining / eligible');
assert.equal(ClientsList.nodes[1].compositeStatus.text, 'initializing');
assert.equal(ClientsList.nodes[2].compositeStatus.text, 'down');
assert.equal(ClientsList.nodes[3].compositeStatus.text, 'ineligible');
assert.ok(ClientsList.nodes[3].compositeStatus.isWarning, 'expected warning class');
assert.equal(ClientsList.nodes[4].compositeStatus.text, 'draining');
assert.ok(ClientsList.nodes[4].compositeStatus.isInfo, 'expected info class');
await ClientsList.sortBy('compositeStatus');
assert.deepEqual(ClientsList.nodes.mapBy('compositeStatus.text'), [
// Simulate a client state change arriving through polling
let readyClient = this.owner
.findBy('modifyIndex', 4);
readyClient.set('schedulingEligibility', 'ineligible');
await settled();
assert.deepEqual(ClientsList.nodes.mapBy('compositeStatus.text'), [
test('each client should link to the client detail page', async function(assert) {
server.createList('node', 1);
server.createList('agent', 1);
const node = server.db.nodes[0];
await ClientsList.visit();
await ClientsList.nodes.objectAt(0).clickRow();
assert.equal(currentURL(), `/clients/${node.id}`);
test('when there are no clients, there is an empty message', async function(assert) {
server.createList('agent', 1);
await ClientsList.visit();
assert.equal(ClientsList.empty.headline, 'No Clients');
test('when there are clients, but no matches for a search term, there is an empty message', async function(assert) {
server.createList('agent', 1);
server.create('node', { name: 'node' });
await ClientsList.visit();
await ClientsList.search('client');
assert.equal(ClientsList.empty.headline, 'No Matches');
test('when accessing clients is forbidden, show a message with a link to the tokens page', async function(assert) {
server.create('node', { name: 'node' });
server.pretender.get('/v1/nodes', () => [403, {}, null]);
await ClientsList.visit();
assert.equal(ClientsList.error.title, 'Not Authorized');
await ClientsList.error.seekHelp();
assert.equal(currentURL(), '/settings/tokens');
resourceName: 'client',
pageObject: ClientsList,
pageObjectList: ClientsList.nodes,
async setup() {
server.createList('node', ClientsList.pageSize);
server.createList('agent', 1);
await ClientsList.visit();
testFacet('Class', {
facet: ClientsList.facets.class,
paramName: 'class',
expectedOptions(nodes) {
return Array.from(new Set(nodes.mapBy('nodeClass'))).sort();
async beforeEach() {
server.createList('node', 2, { nodeClass: 'nc-one' });
server.createList('node', 2, { nodeClass: 'nc-two' });
server.createList('node', 2, { nodeClass: 'nc-three' });
await ClientsList.visit();
filter: (node, selection) => selection.includes(node.nodeClass),
testFacet('State', {
facet: ClientsList.facets.state,
paramName: 'state',
expectedOptions: ['Initializing', 'Ready', 'Down', 'Ineligible', 'Draining'],
async beforeEach() {
server.createList('node', 2, { status: 'initializing' });
server.createList('node', 2, { status: 'ready' });
server.createList('node', 2, { status: 'down' });
server.createList('node', 2, { schedulingEligibility: 'eligible', drain: false });
server.createList('node', 2, { schedulingEligibility: 'ineligible', drain: false });
server.createList('node', 2, { schedulingEligibility: 'ineligible', drain: true });
await ClientsList.visit();
filter: (node, selection) => {
if (selection.includes('draining') && !node.drain) return false;
if (selection.includes('ineligible') && node.schedulingEligibility === 'eligible')
return false;
return selection.includes(node.status);
testFacet('Datacenters', {
facet: ClientsList.facets.datacenter,
paramName: 'dc',
expectedOptions(nodes) {
return Array.from(new Set(nodes.mapBy('datacenter'))).sort();
async beforeEach() {
server.createList('node', 2, { datacenter: 'pdx-1' });
server.createList('node', 2, { datacenter: 'nyc-1' });
server.createList('node', 2, { datacenter: 'ams-1' });
await ClientsList.visit();
filter: (node, selection) => selection.includes(node.datacenter),
testFacet('Volumes', {
facet: ClientsList.facets.volume,
paramName: 'volume',
expectedOptions(nodes) {
const flatten = (acc, val) => acc.concat(Object.keys(val));
return Array.from(new Set(nodes.mapBy('hostVolumes').reduce(flatten, [])));
async beforeEach() {
server.createList('node', 2, { hostVolumes: { One: { Name: 'One' } } });
server.createList('node', 2, { hostVolumes: { One: { Name: 'One' }, Two: { Name: 'Two' } } });
server.createList('node', 2, { hostVolumes: { Two: { Name: 'Two' } } });
await ClientsList.visit();
filter: (node, selection) =>
Object.keys(node.hostVolumes).find(volume => selection.includes(volume)),
test('when the facet selections result in no matches, the empty state states why', async function(assert) {
server.createList('node', 2, { status: 'ready' });
await ClientsList.visit();
await ClientsList.facets.state.toggle();
await ClientsList.facets.state.options.objectAt(0).toggle();
assert.ok(ClientsList.isEmpty, 'There is an empty message');
assert.equal(ClientsList.empty.headline, 'No Matches', 'The message is appropriate');
test('the clients list is immediately filtered based on query params', async function(assert) {
server.create('node', { nodeClass: 'omg-large' });
server.create('node', { nodeClass: 'wtf-tiny' });
await ClientsList.visit({ class: JSON.stringify(['wtf-tiny']) });
assert.equal(ClientsList.nodes.length, 1, 'Only one client shown due to query param');
function testFacet(label, { facet, paramName, beforeEach, filter, expectedOptions }) {
test(`the ${label} facet has the correct options`, async function(assert) {
await beforeEach();
await facet.toggle();
let expectation;
if (typeof expectedOptions === 'function') {
expectation = expectedOptions(server.db.nodes);
} else {
expectation = expectedOptions;
facet.options.map(option => option.label.trim()),
'Options for facet are as expected'
test(`the ${label} facet filters the nodes list by ${label}`, async function(assert) {
let option;
await beforeEach();
await facet.toggle();
option = facet.options.objectAt(0);
await option.toggle();
const selection = [option.key];
const expectedNodes = server.db.nodes
.filter(node => filter(node, selection))
ClientsList.nodes.forEach((node, index) => {
`Node at ${index} is ${expectedNodes[index].id}`
test(`selecting multiple options in the ${label} facet results in a broader search`, async function(assert) {
const selection = [];
await beforeEach();
await facet.toggle();
const option1 = facet.options.objectAt(0);
const option2 = facet.options.objectAt(1);
await option1.toggle();
await option2.toggle();
const expectedNodes = server.db.nodes
.filter(node => filter(node, selection))
ClientsList.nodes.forEach((node, index) => {
`Node at ${index} is ${expectedNodes[index].id}`
test(`selecting options in the ${label} facet updates the ${paramName} query param`, async function(assert) {
const selection = [];
await beforeEach();
await facet.toggle();
const option1 = facet.options.objectAt(0);
const option2 = facet.options.objectAt(1);
await option1.toggle();
await option2.toggle();
'URL has the correct query param key and value'