This continues #8455 by adding accessibility audits to component integration tests and fixing associated errors. It adds audits to existing tests rather than adding separate ones to facilitate auditing the various permutations a component’s rendering can go through. It also adds linting to ensure audits happen in component tests. This necessitated consolidating test files that were scattered.
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import { assign } from '@ember/polyfills';
import { module, test } from 'qunit';
import { setupRenderingTest } from 'ember-qunit';
import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile';
import { create } from 'ember-cli-page-object';
import sinon from 'sinon';
import { startMirage } from 'nomad-ui/initializers/ember-cli-mirage';
import jobEditor from 'nomad-ui/tests/pages/components/job-editor';
import { initialize as fragmentSerializerInitializer } from 'nomad-ui/initializers/fragment-serializer';
import setupCodeMirror from 'nomad-ui/tests/helpers/codemirror';
import { componentA11yAudit } from 'nomad-ui/tests/helpers/a11y-audit';
const Editor = create(jobEditor());
module('Integration | Component | job-editor', function(hooks) {
hooks.beforeEach(async function() {
this.store = this.owner.lookup('service:store');
this.server = startMirage();
// Required for placing allocations (a result of creating jobs)
hooks.afterEach(async function() {
const newJobName = 'new-job';
const newJobTaskGroupName = 'redis';
const jsonJob = overrides => {
return JSON.stringify(
Name: newJobName,
Namespace: 'default',
Datacenters: ['dc1'],
Priority: 50,
TaskGroups: [
Name: newJobTaskGroupName,
Tasks: [
Name: 'redis',
Driver: 'docker',
const hclJob = () => `
job "${newJobName}" {
namespace = "default"
datacenters = ["dc1"]
task "${newJobTaskGroupName}" {
driver = "docker"
const commonTemplate = hbs`
@onSubmit={{onSubmit}} />
const cancelableTemplate = hbs`
@onCancel={{onCancel}} />
const renderNewJob = async (component, job) => {
component.setProperties({ job, onSubmit: sinon.spy(), context: 'new' });
await component.render(commonTemplate);
const renderEditJob = async (component, job) => {
component.setProperties({ job, onSubmit: sinon.spy(), onCancel: sinon.spy(), context: 'edit' });
await component.render(cancelableTemplate);
const planJob = async spec => {
await Editor.editor.fillIn(spec);
await Editor.plan();
test('the default state is an editor with an explanation popup', async function(assert) {
const job = await this.store.createRecord('job');
await renderNewJob(this, job);
assert.ok(Editor.editorHelp.isPresent, 'Editor explanation popup is present');
assert.ok(Editor.editor.isPresent, 'Editor is present');
await componentA11yAudit(this.element, assert);
test('the explanation popup can be dismissed', async function(assert) {
const job = await this.store.createRecord('job');
await renderNewJob(this, job);
await Editor.editorHelp.dismiss();
assert.notOk(Editor.editorHelp.isPresent, 'Editor explanation popup is gone');
'Dismissal is persisted in localStorage'
test('the explanation popup is not shown once the dismissal state is set in localStorage', async function(assert) {
window.localStorage.nomadMessageJobEditor = 'false';
const job = await this.store.createRecord('job');
await renderNewJob(this, job);
assert.notOk(Editor.editorHelp.isPresent, 'Editor explanation popup is gone');
test('submitting a json job skips the parse endpoint', async function(assert) {
const spec = jsonJob();
const job = await this.store.createRecord('job');
await renderNewJob(this, job);
await planJob(spec);
const requests = this.server.pretender.handledRequests.mapBy('url');
assert.notOk(requests.includes('/v1/jobs/parse'), 'JSON job spec is not parsed');
assert.ok(requests.includes(`/v1/job/${newJobName}/plan`), 'JSON job spec is still planned');
test('submitting an hcl job requires the parse endpoint', async function(assert) {
const spec = hclJob();
const job = await this.store.createRecord('job');
await renderNewJob(this, job);
await planJob(spec);
const requests = this.server.pretender.handledRequests.mapBy('url');
assert.ok(requests.includes('/v1/jobs/parse'), 'HCL job spec is parsed first');
assert.ok(requests.includes(`/v1/job/${newJobName}/plan`), 'HCL job spec is planned');
requests.indexOf('/v1/jobs/parse') < requests.indexOf(`/v1/job/${newJobName}/plan`),
'Parse comes before Plan'
test('when a job is successfully parsed and planned, the plan is shown to the user', async function(assert) {
const spec = hclJob();
const job = await this.store.createRecord('job');
await renderNewJob(this, job);
await planJob(spec);
assert.ok(Editor.planOutput, 'The plan is outputted');
assert.notOk(Editor.editor.isPresent, 'The editor is replaced with the plan output');
assert.ok(Editor.planHelp.isPresent, 'The plan explanation popup is shown');
await componentA11yAudit(this.element, assert);
test('from the plan screen, the cancel button goes back to the editor with the job still in tact', async function(assert) {
const spec = hclJob();
const job = await this.store.createRecord('job');
await renderNewJob(this, job);
await planJob(spec);
await Editor.cancel();
assert.ok(Editor.editor.isPresent, 'The editor is shown again');
assert.equal(Editor.editor.contents, spec, 'The spec that was planned is still in the editor');
test('when parse fails, the parse error message is shown', async function(assert) {
const spec = hclJob();
const errorMessage = 'Parse Failed!! :o';
const job = await this.store.createRecord('job');
this.server.pretender.post('/v1/jobs/parse', () => [400, {}, errorMessage]);
await renderNewJob(this, job);
await planJob(spec);
assert.notOk(Editor.planError.isPresent, 'Plan error is not shown');
assert.notOk(Editor.runError.isPresent, 'Run error is not shown');
assert.ok(Editor.parseError.isPresent, 'Parse error is shown');
'The error message from the server is shown in the error in the UI'
await componentA11yAudit(this.element, assert);
test('when plan fails, the plan error message is shown', async function(assert) {
const spec = hclJob();
const errorMessage = 'Plan Failed!! :o';
const job = await this.store.createRecord('job');
this.server.pretender.post(`/v1/job/${newJobName}/plan`, () => [400, {}, errorMessage]);
await renderNewJob(this, job);
await planJob(spec);
assert.notOk(Editor.parseError.isPresent, 'Parse error is not shown');
assert.notOk(Editor.runError.isPresent, 'Run error is not shown');
assert.ok(Editor.planError.isPresent, 'Plan error is shown');
'The error message from the server is shown in the error in the UI'
await componentA11yAudit(this.element, assert);
test('when run fails, the run error message is shown', async function(assert) {
const spec = hclJob();
const errorMessage = 'Run Failed!! :o';
const job = await this.store.createRecord('job');
this.server.pretender.post('/v1/jobs', () => [400, {}, errorMessage]);
await renderNewJob(this, job);
await planJob(spec);
await Editor.run();
assert.notOk(Editor.planError.isPresent, 'Plan error is not shown');
assert.notOk(Editor.parseError.isPresent, 'Parse error is not shown');
assert.ok(Editor.runError.isPresent, 'Run error is shown');
'The error message from the server is shown in the error in the UI'
await componentA11yAudit(this.element, assert);
test('when the scheduler dry-run has warnings, the warnings are shown to the user', async function(assert) {
const spec = jsonJob({ Unschedulable: true });
const job = await this.store.createRecord('job');
await renderNewJob(this, job);
await planJob(spec);
'The scheduler dry-run message is in the warning state'
'The success message is not shown in addition to the warning message'
'The scheduler dry-run message includes the warning from send back by the API'
await componentA11yAudit(this.element, assert);
test('when the scheduler dry-run has no warnings, a success message is shown to the user', async function(assert) {
const spec = hclJob();
const job = await this.store.createRecord('job');
await renderNewJob(this, job);
await planJob(spec);
'The scheduler dry-run message is in the success state'
'The warning message is not shown in addition to the success message'
await componentA11yAudit(this.element, assert);
test('when a job is submitted in the edit context, a POST request is made to the update job endpoint', async function(assert) {
const spec = hclJob();
const job = await this.store.createRecord('job');
await renderEditJob(this, job);
await planJob(spec);
await Editor.run();
const requests = this.server.pretender.handledRequests.filterBy('method', 'POST').mapBy('url');
assert.ok(requests.includes(`/v1/job/${newJobName}`), 'A request was made to job update');
assert.notOk(requests.includes('/v1/jobs'), 'A request was not made to job create');
test('when a job is submitted in the new context, a POST request is made to the create job endpoint', async function(assert) {
const spec = hclJob();
const job = await this.store.createRecord('job');
await renderNewJob(this, job);
await planJob(spec);
await Editor.run();
const requests = this.server.pretender.handledRequests.filterBy('method', 'POST').mapBy('url');
assert.ok(requests.includes('/v1/jobs'), 'A request was made to job create');
'A request was not made to job update'
test('when a job is successfully submitted, the onSubmit hook is called', async function(assert) {
const spec = hclJob();
const job = await this.store.createRecord('job');
await renderNewJob(this, job);
await planJob(spec);
await Editor.run();
this.get('onSubmit').calledWith(newJobName, 'default'),
'The onSubmit hook was called with the correct arguments'
test('when the job-editor cancelable flag is false, there is no cancel button in the header', async function(assert) {
const job = await this.store.createRecord('job');
await renderNewJob(this, job);
assert.notOk(Editor.cancelEditingIsAvailable, 'No way to cancel editing');
test('when the job-editor cancelable flag is true, there is a cancel button in the header', async function(assert) {
const job = await this.store.createRecord('job');
await renderEditJob(this, job);
assert.ok(Editor.cancelEditingIsAvailable, 'Cancel editing button exists');
await componentA11yAudit(this.element, assert);
test('when the job-editor cancel button is clicked, the onCancel hook is called', async function(assert) {
const job = await this.store.createRecord('job');
await renderEditJob(this, job);
await Editor.cancelEditing();
assert.ok(this.get('onCancel').calledOnce, 'The onCancel hook was called');