403 lines
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403 lines
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// Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
package structs
import (
const (
// VariablesApplyRPCMethod is the RPC method for upserting or deleting a
// variable by its namespace and path, with optional conflict detection.
// Args: VariablesApplyRequest
// Reply: VariablesApplyResponse
VariablesApplyRPCMethod = "Variables.Apply"
// VariablesListRPCMethod is the RPC method for listing variables within
// Nomad.
// Args: VariablesListRequest
// Reply: VariablesListResponse
VariablesListRPCMethod = "Variables.List"
// VariablesReadRPCMethod is the RPC method for fetching a variable
// according to its namepace and path.
// Args: VariablesByNameRequest
// Reply: VariablesByNameResponse
VariablesReadRPCMethod = "Variables.Read"
// maxVariableSize is the maximum size of the unencrypted contents of a
// variable. This size is deliberately set low and is not configurable, to
// discourage DoS'ing the cluster
maxVariableSize = 65536
// VariableMetadata is the metadata envelope for a Variable, it is the list
// object and is shared data between an VariableEncrypted and a
// VariableDecrypted object.
type VariableMetadata struct {
Namespace string
Path string
CreateIndex uint64
CreateTime int64
ModifyIndex uint64
ModifyTime int64
// VariableEncrypted structs are returned from the Encrypter's encrypt
// method. They are the only form that should ever be persisted to storage.
type VariableEncrypted struct {
// VariableData is the secret data for a Variable
type VariableData struct {
Data []byte // includes nonce
KeyID string // ID of root key used to encrypt this entry
// VariableDecrypted structs are returned from the Encrypter's decrypt
// method. Since they contains sensitive material, they should never be
// persisted to disk.
type VariableDecrypted struct {
Items VariableItems
// VariableItems are the actual secrets stored in a variable. They are always
// encrypted and decrypted as a single unit.
type VariableItems map[string]string
func (vi VariableItems) Size() uint64 {
var out uint64
for k, v := range vi {
out += uint64(len(k))
out += uint64(len(v))
return out
// Equal checks both the metadata and items in a VariableDecrypted struct
func (vd VariableDecrypted) Equal(v2 VariableDecrypted) bool {
return vd.VariableMetadata.Equal(v2.VariableMetadata) &&
// Equal is a convenience method to provide similar equality checking syntax
// for metadata and the VariablesData or VariableItems struct
func (sv VariableMetadata) Equal(sv2 VariableMetadata) bool {
return sv == sv2
// Equal performs deep equality checking on the cleartext items of a
// VariableDecrypted. Uses reflect.DeepEqual
func (vi VariableItems) Equal(i2 VariableItems) bool {
return reflect.DeepEqual(vi, i2)
// Equal checks both the metadata and encrypted data for a VariableEncrypted
// struct
func (ve VariableEncrypted) Equal(v2 VariableEncrypted) bool {
return ve.VariableMetadata.Equal(v2.VariableMetadata) &&
// Equal performs deep equality checking on the encrypted data part of a
// VariableEncrypted
func (vd VariableData) Equal(d2 VariableData) bool {
return vd.KeyID == d2.KeyID &&
bytes.Equal(vd.Data, d2.Data)
func (vd VariableDecrypted) Copy() VariableDecrypted {
return VariableDecrypted{
VariableMetadata: vd.VariableMetadata,
Items: vd.Items.Copy(),
func (vi VariableItems) Copy() VariableItems {
out := make(VariableItems, len(vi))
for k, v := range vi {
out[k] = v
return out
func (ve VariableEncrypted) Copy() VariableEncrypted {
return VariableEncrypted{
VariableMetadata: ve.VariableMetadata,
VariableData: ve.VariableData.Copy(),
func (vd VariableData) Copy() VariableData {
out := make([]byte, len(vd.Data))
copy(out, vd.Data)
return VariableData{
Data: out,
KeyID: vd.KeyID,
var (
// validVariablePath is used to validate a variable path. We restrict to
// RFC3986 URL-safe characters that don't conflict with the use of
// characters "@" and "." in template blocks. We also restrict the length so
// that a user can't make queries in the state store unusually expensive (as
// they are O(k) on the key length)
validVariablePath = regexp.MustCompile("^[a-zA-Z0-9-_~/]{1,128}$")
func (vd VariableDecrypted) Validate() error {
if vd.Namespace == AllNamespacesSentinel {
return errors.New("can not target wildcard (\"*\")namespace")
if len(vd.Items) == 0 {
return errors.New("empty variables are invalid")
if vd.Items.Size() > maxVariableSize {
return errors.New("variables are limited to 64KiB in total size")
if err := validatePath(vd.Path); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func validatePath(path string) error {
if len(path) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("variable requires path")
if !validVariablePath.MatchString(path) {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid path %q", path)
parts := strings.Split(path, "/")
if parts[0] != "nomad" {
return nil
// Don't allow a variable with path "nomad"
if len(parts) == 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("\"nomad\" is a reserved top-level directory path, but you may write variables to \"nomad/jobs\", \"nomad/job-templates\", or below")
switch {
case parts[1] == "jobs":
// Any path including "nomad/jobs" is valid
return nil
case parts[1] == "job-templates" && len(parts) == 3:
// Paths including "nomad/job-templates" is valid, provided they have single further path part
return nil
case parts[1] == "job-templates":
// Disallow exactly nomad/job-templates with no further paths
return fmt.Errorf("\"nomad/job-templates\" is a reserved directory path, but you may write variables at the level below it, for example, \"nomad/job-templates/template-name\"")
// Disallow arbitrary sub-paths beneath nomad/
return fmt.Errorf("only paths at \"nomad/jobs\" or \"nomad/job-templates\" and below are valid paths under the top-level \"nomad\" directory")
func (vd *VariableDecrypted) Canonicalize() {
if vd.Namespace == "" {
vd.Namespace = DefaultNamespace
// GetNamespace returns the variable's namespace. Used for pagination.
func (sv *VariableMetadata) Copy() *VariableMetadata {
var out VariableMetadata = *sv
return &out
// GetNamespace returns the variable's namespace. Used for pagination.
func (sv VariableMetadata) GetNamespace() string {
return sv.Namespace
// GetID returns the variable's path. Used for pagination.
func (sv VariableMetadata) GetID() string {
return sv.Path
// GetCreateIndex returns the variable's create index. Used for pagination.
func (sv VariableMetadata) GetCreateIndex() uint64 {
return sv.CreateIndex
// VariablesQuota is used to track the total size of variables entries per
// namespace. The total length of Variable.EncryptedData in bytes will be added
// to the VariablesQuota table in the same transaction as a write, update, or
// delete. This tracking effectively caps the maximum size of variables in a
// given namespace to MaxInt64 bytes.
type VariablesQuota struct {
Namespace string
Size int64
CreateIndex uint64
ModifyIndex uint64
func (svq *VariablesQuota) Copy() *VariablesQuota {
if svq == nil {
return nil
nq := new(VariablesQuota)
*nq = *svq
return nq
// ---------------------------------------
// RPC and FSM request/response objects
// VarOp constants give possible operations available in a transaction.
type VarOp string
const (
VarOpSet VarOp = "set"
VarOpDelete VarOp = "delete"
VarOpDeleteCAS VarOp = "delete-cas"
VarOpCAS VarOp = "cas"
// VarOpResult constants give possible operations results from a transaction.
type VarOpResult string
const (
VarOpResultOk VarOpResult = "ok"
VarOpResultConflict VarOpResult = "conflict"
VarOpResultRedacted VarOpResult = "conflict-redacted"
VarOpResultError VarOpResult = "error"
// VariablesApplyRequest is used by users to operate on the variable store
type VariablesApplyRequest struct {
Op VarOp // Operation to be performed during apply
Var *VariableDecrypted // Variable-shaped request data
// VariablesApplyResponse is sent back to the user to inform them of success or failure
type VariablesApplyResponse struct {
Op VarOp // Operation performed
Input *VariableDecrypted // Input supplied
Result VarOpResult // Return status from operation
Error error // Error if any
Conflict *VariableDecrypted // Conflicting value if applicable
Output *VariableDecrypted // Operation Result if successful; nil for successful deletes
func (r *VariablesApplyResponse) IsOk() bool {
return r.Result == VarOpResultOk
func (r *VariablesApplyResponse) IsConflict() bool {
return r.Result == VarOpResultConflict || r.Result == VarOpResultRedacted
func (r *VariablesApplyResponse) IsError() bool {
return r.Result == VarOpResultError
func (r *VariablesApplyResponse) IsRedacted() bool {
return r.Result == VarOpResultRedacted
// VarApplyStateRequest is used by the FSM to modify the variable store
type VarApplyStateRequest struct {
Op VarOp // Which operation are we performing
Var *VariableEncrypted // Which directory entry
// VarApplyStateResponse is used by the FSM to inform the RPC layer of success or failure
type VarApplyStateResponse struct {
Op VarOp // Which operation were we performing
Result VarOpResult // What happened (ok, conflict, error)
Error error // error if any
Conflict *VariableEncrypted // conflicting variable if applies
WrittenSVMeta *VariableMetadata // for making the VariablesApplyResponse
func (r *VarApplyStateRequest) ErrorResponse(raftIndex uint64, err error) *VarApplyStateResponse {
return &VarApplyStateResponse{
Op: r.Op,
Result: VarOpResultError,
Error: err,
WriteMeta: WriteMeta{Index: raftIndex},
func (r *VarApplyStateRequest) SuccessResponse(raftIndex uint64, meta *VariableMetadata) *VarApplyStateResponse {
return &VarApplyStateResponse{
Op: r.Op,
Result: VarOpResultOk,
WrittenSVMeta: meta,
WriteMeta: WriteMeta{Index: raftIndex},
func (r *VarApplyStateRequest) ConflictResponse(raftIndex uint64, cv *VariableEncrypted) *VarApplyStateResponse {
var cvCopy VariableEncrypted
if cv != nil {
// make a copy so that we aren't sending
// the live state store version
cvCopy = cv.Copy()
return &VarApplyStateResponse{
Op: r.Op,
Result: VarOpResultConflict,
Conflict: &cvCopy,
WriteMeta: WriteMeta{Index: raftIndex},
func (r *VarApplyStateResponse) IsOk() bool {
return r.Result == VarOpResultOk
func (r *VarApplyStateResponse) IsConflict() bool {
return r.Result == VarOpResultConflict
func (r *VarApplyStateResponse) IsError() bool {
// FIXME: This is brittle and requires immense faith that
// the response is properly managed.
return r.Result == VarOpResultError
type VariablesListRequest struct {
type VariablesListResponse struct {
Data []*VariableMetadata
type VariablesReadRequest struct {
Path string
type VariablesReadResponse struct {
Data *VariableDecrypted