
3012 lines
84 KiB

package scheduler
import (
Basic Tests:
√ Place when there is nothing in the cluster
√ Place remainder when there is some in the cluster
√ Scale down from n to n-m where n != m
√ Scale down from n to zero
√ Inplace upgrade test
√ Inplace upgrade and scale up test
√ Inplace upgrade and scale down test
√ Destructive upgrade
√ Destructive upgrade and scale up test
√ Destructive upgrade and scale down test
√ Handle lost nodes
√ Handle lost nodes and scale up
√ Handle lost nodes and scale down
√ Handle draining nodes
√ Handle draining nodes and scale up
√ Handle draining nodes and scale down
√ Handle task group being removed
√ Handle job being stopped both as .Stopped and nil
√ Place more that one group
Update stanza Tests:
√ Stopped job cancels any active deployment
√ Stopped job doesn't cancel terminal deployment
√ JobIndex change cancels any active deployment
√ JobIndex change doens't cancels any terminal deployment
√ Destructive changes create deployment and get rolled out via max_parallelism
√ Don't create a deployment if there are no changes
√ Deployment created by all inplace updates
√ Paused or failed deployment doesn't create any more canaries
√ Paused or failed deployment doesn't do any placements
√ Paused or failed deployment doesn't do destructive updates
√ Paused does do migrations
√ Failed deployment doesn't do migrations
√ Canary that is on a draining node
√ Canary that is on a lost node
√ Stop old canaries
√ Create new canaries on job change
√ Create new canaries on job change while scaling up
√ Create new canaries on job change while scaling down
√ Fill canaries if partial placement
√ Promote canaries unblocks max_parallel
√ Promote canaries when canaries == count
√ Only place as many as are healthy in deployment
√ Limit calculation accounts for healthy allocs on migrating/lost nodes
√ Failed deployment should not place anything
√ Run after canaries have been promoted, new allocs have been rolled out and there is no deployment
√ Failed deployment cancels non-promoted task groups
√ Failed deployment and updated job works
√ Finished deployment gets marked as complete
√ The stagger is correctly calculated when it is applied across multiple task groups.
√ Change job change while scaling up
var (
canaryUpdate = &structs.UpdateStrategy{
Canary: 2,
MaxParallel: 2,
HealthCheck: structs.UpdateStrategyHealthCheck_Checks,
MinHealthyTime: 10 * time.Second,
HealthyDeadline: 10 * time.Minute,
Stagger: 31 * time.Second,
noCanaryUpdate = &structs.UpdateStrategy{
MaxParallel: 4,
HealthCheck: structs.UpdateStrategyHealthCheck_Checks,
MinHealthyTime: 10 * time.Second,
HealthyDeadline: 10 * time.Minute,
Stagger: 31 * time.Second,
func testLogger() *log.Logger {
return log.New(os.Stderr, "", log.LstdFlags)
func allocUpdateFnIgnore(*structs.Allocation, *structs.Job, *structs.TaskGroup) (bool, bool, *structs.Allocation) {
return true, false, nil
func allocUpdateFnDestructive(*structs.Allocation, *structs.Job, *structs.TaskGroup) (bool, bool, *structs.Allocation) {
return false, true, nil
func allocUpdateFnInplace(existing *structs.Allocation, _ *structs.Job, newTG *structs.TaskGroup) (bool, bool, *structs.Allocation) {
// Create a shallow copy
newAlloc := new(structs.Allocation)
*newAlloc = *existing
newAlloc.TaskResources = make(map[string]*structs.Resources)
// Use the new task resources but keep the network from the old
for _, task := range newTG.Tasks {
r := task.Resources.Copy()
r.Networks = existing.TaskResources[task.Name].Networks
newAlloc.TaskResources[task.Name] = r
return false, false, newAlloc
func allocUpdateFnMock(handled map[string]allocUpdateType, unhandled allocUpdateType) allocUpdateType {
return func(existing *structs.Allocation, newJob *structs.Job, newTG *structs.TaskGroup) (bool, bool, *structs.Allocation) {
if fn, ok := handled[existing.ID]; ok {
return fn(existing, newJob, newTG)
return unhandled(existing, newJob, newTG)
var (
// AllocationIndexRegex is a regular expression to find the allocation index.
allocationIndexRegex = regexp.MustCompile(".+\\[(\\d+)\\]$")
// allocNameToIndex returns the index of the allocation.
func allocNameToIndex(name string) uint {
matches := allocationIndexRegex.FindStringSubmatch(name)
if len(matches) != 2 {
return 0
index, err := strconv.Atoi(matches[1])
if err != nil {
return 0
return uint(index)
func assertNamesHaveIndexes(t *testing.T, indexes []int, names []string) {
m := make(map[uint]int)
for _, i := range indexes {
m[uint(i)] += 1
for _, n := range names {
index := allocNameToIndex(n)
val, contained := m[index]
if !contained {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected index %d from name %s\nAll names: %v", index, n, names)
if val < 0 {
t.Fatalf("Index %d repeated too many times\nAll names: %v", index, names)
m[index] = val
for k, remainder := range m {
if remainder != 0 {
t.Fatalf("Index %d has %d remaining uses expected\nAll names: %v", k, remainder, names)
func assertNoCanariesStopped(t *testing.T, d *structs.Deployment, stop []allocStopResult) {
canaryIndex := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, state := range d.TaskGroups {
for _, c := range state.PlacedCanaries {
canaryIndex[c] = struct{}{}
for _, s := range stop {
if _, ok := canaryIndex[s.alloc.ID]; ok {
t.Fatalf("Stopping canary alloc %q %q", s.alloc.ID, s.alloc.Name)
func assertPlaceResultsHavePreviousAllocs(t *testing.T, numPrevious int, place []allocPlaceResult) {
names := make(map[string]struct{}, numPrevious)
found := 0
for _, p := range place {
if _, ok := names[]; ok {
t.Fatalf("Name %q already placed",
names[] = struct{}{}
if p.previousAlloc == nil {
if act := p.previousAlloc.Name; != act {
t.Fatalf("Name mismatch on previous alloc; got %q; want %q", act,
if numPrevious != found {
t.Fatalf("wanted %d; got %d placements with previous allocs", numPrevious, found)
func intRange(pairs []int {
if len(pairs)%2 != 0 {
return nil
var r []int
for i := 0; i < len(pairs); i += 2 {
for j := pairs[i]; j <= pairs[i+1]; j++ {
r = append(r, j)
return r
func placeResultsToNames(place []allocPlaceResult) []string {
names := make([]string, 0, len(place))
for _, p := range place {
names = append(names,
return names
func destructiveResultsToNames(destructive []allocDestructiveResult) []string {
names := make([]string, 0, len(destructive))
for _, d := range destructive {
names = append(names, d.placeName)
return names
func stopResultsToNames(stop []allocStopResult) []string {
names := make([]string, 0, len(stop))
for _, s := range stop {
names = append(names, s.alloc.Name)
return names
func allocsToNames(allocs []*structs.Allocation) []string {
names := make([]string, 0, len(allocs))
for _, a := range allocs {
names = append(names, a.Name)
return names
type resultExpectation struct {
createDeployment *structs.Deployment
deploymentUpdates []*structs.DeploymentStatusUpdate
place int
destructive int
inplace int
stop int
desiredTGUpdates map[string]*structs.DesiredUpdates
followupEvalWait time.Duration
func assertResults(t *testing.T, r *reconcileResults, exp *resultExpectation) {
if exp.createDeployment != nil && r.deployment == nil {
t.Fatalf("Expect a created deployment got none")
} else if exp.createDeployment == nil && r.deployment != nil {
t.Fatalf("Expect no created deployment; got %#v", r.deployment)
} else if exp.createDeployment != nil && r.deployment != nil {
// Clear the deployment ID
r.deployment.ID, exp.createDeployment.ID = "", ""
if !reflect.DeepEqual(r.deployment, exp.createDeployment) {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected createdDeployment; got\n %#v\nwant\n%#v\nDiff: %v",
r.deployment, exp.createDeployment, pretty.Diff(r.deployment, exp.createDeployment))
if !reflect.DeepEqual(r.deploymentUpdates, exp.deploymentUpdates) {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected deploymentUpdates: %v", pretty.Diff(r.deploymentUpdates, exp.deploymentUpdates))
if l := len(; l != {
t.Fatalf("Expected %d placements; got %d",, l)
if l := len(r.destructiveUpdate); l != exp.destructive {
t.Fatalf("Expected %d destructive; got %d", exp.destructive, l)
if l := len(r.inplaceUpdate); l != exp.inplace {
t.Fatalf("Expected %d inplaceUpdate; got %d", exp.inplace, l)
if l := len(r.stop); l != exp.stop {
t.Fatalf("Expected %d stops; got %d", exp.stop, l)
if l := len(r.desiredTGUpdates); l != len(exp.desiredTGUpdates) {
t.Fatalf("Expected %d task group desired tg updates annotations; got %d", len(exp.desiredTGUpdates), l)
if r.followupEvalWait != exp.followupEvalWait {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected followup eval wait time. Got %v; want %v", r.followupEvalWait, exp.followupEvalWait)
// Check the desired updates happened
for group, desired := range exp.desiredTGUpdates {
act, ok := r.desiredTGUpdates[group]
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("Expected desired updates for group %q", group)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(act, desired) {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected annotations for group %q: %v", group, pretty.Diff(act, desired))
// Tests the reconciler properly handles placements for a job that has no
// existing allocations
func TestReconciler_Place_NoExisting(t *testing.T) {
job := mock.Job()
reconciler := NewAllocReconciler(testLogger(), allocUpdateFnIgnore, false, job.ID, job, nil, nil, nil)
r := reconciler.Compute()
// Assert the correct results
assertResults(t, r, &resultExpectation{
createDeployment: nil,
deploymentUpdates: nil,
place: 10,
inplace: 0,
stop: 0,
desiredTGUpdates: map[string]*structs.DesiredUpdates{
job.TaskGroups[0].Name: {
Place: 10,
assertNamesHaveIndexes(t, intRange(0, 9), placeResultsToNames(
// Tests the reconciler properly handles placements for a job that has some
// existing allocations
func TestReconciler_Place_Existing(t *testing.T) {
job := mock.Job()
// Create 3 existing allocations
var allocs []*structs.Allocation
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
alloc := mock.Alloc()
alloc.Job = job
alloc.JobID = job.ID
alloc.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
alloc.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[0].Name, uint(i))
allocs = append(allocs, alloc)
reconciler := NewAllocReconciler(testLogger(), allocUpdateFnIgnore, false, job.ID, job, nil, allocs, nil)
r := reconciler.Compute()
// Assert the correct results
assertResults(t, r, &resultExpectation{
createDeployment: nil,
deploymentUpdates: nil,
place: 5,
inplace: 0,
stop: 0,
desiredTGUpdates: map[string]*structs.DesiredUpdates{
job.TaskGroups[0].Name: {
Place: 5,
Ignore: 5,
assertNamesHaveIndexes(t, intRange(5, 9), placeResultsToNames(
// Tests the reconciler properly handles stopping allocations for a job that has
// scaled down
func TestReconciler_ScaleDown_Partial(t *testing.T) {
// Has desired 10
job := mock.Job()
// Create 20 existing allocations
var allocs []*structs.Allocation
for i := 0; i < 20; i++ {
alloc := mock.Alloc()
alloc.Job = job
alloc.JobID = job.ID
alloc.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
alloc.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[0].Name, uint(i))
allocs = append(allocs, alloc)
reconciler := NewAllocReconciler(testLogger(), allocUpdateFnIgnore, false, job.ID, job, nil, allocs, nil)
r := reconciler.Compute()
// Assert the correct results
assertResults(t, r, &resultExpectation{
createDeployment: nil,
deploymentUpdates: nil,
place: 0,
inplace: 0,
stop: 10,
desiredTGUpdates: map[string]*structs.DesiredUpdates{
job.TaskGroups[0].Name: {
Ignore: 10,
Stop: 10,
assertNamesHaveIndexes(t, intRange(10, 19), stopResultsToNames(r.stop))
// Tests the reconciler properly handles stopping allocations for a job that has
// scaled down to zero desired
func TestReconciler_ScaleDown_Zero(t *testing.T) {
// Set desired 0
job := mock.Job()
job.TaskGroups[0].Count = 0
// Create 20 existing allocations
var allocs []*structs.Allocation
for i := 0; i < 20; i++ {
alloc := mock.Alloc()
alloc.Job = job
alloc.JobID = job.ID
alloc.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
alloc.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[0].Name, uint(i))
allocs = append(allocs, alloc)
reconciler := NewAllocReconciler(testLogger(), allocUpdateFnIgnore, false, job.ID, job, nil, allocs, nil)
r := reconciler.Compute()
// Assert the correct results
assertResults(t, r, &resultExpectation{
createDeployment: nil,
deploymentUpdates: nil,
place: 0,
inplace: 0,
stop: 20,
desiredTGUpdates: map[string]*structs.DesiredUpdates{
job.TaskGroups[0].Name: {
Stop: 20,
assertNamesHaveIndexes(t, intRange(0, 19), stopResultsToNames(r.stop))
// Tests the reconciler properly handles inplace upgrading allocations
func TestReconciler_Inplace(t *testing.T) {
job := mock.Job()
// Create 10 existing allocations
var allocs []*structs.Allocation
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
alloc := mock.Alloc()
alloc.Job = job
alloc.JobID = job.ID
alloc.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
alloc.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[0].Name, uint(i))
allocs = append(allocs, alloc)
reconciler := NewAllocReconciler(testLogger(), allocUpdateFnInplace, false, job.ID, job, nil, allocs, nil)
r := reconciler.Compute()
// Assert the correct results
assertResults(t, r, &resultExpectation{
createDeployment: nil,
deploymentUpdates: nil,
place: 0,
inplace: 10,
stop: 0,
desiredTGUpdates: map[string]*structs.DesiredUpdates{
job.TaskGroups[0].Name: {
InPlaceUpdate: 10,
assertNamesHaveIndexes(t, intRange(0, 9), allocsToNames(r.inplaceUpdate))
// Tests the reconciler properly handles inplace upgrading allocations while
// scaling up
func TestReconciler_Inplace_ScaleUp(t *testing.T) {
// Set desired 15
job := mock.Job()
job.TaskGroups[0].Count = 15
// Create 10 existing allocations
var allocs []*structs.Allocation
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
alloc := mock.Alloc()
alloc.Job = job
alloc.JobID = job.ID
alloc.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
alloc.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[0].Name, uint(i))
allocs = append(allocs, alloc)
reconciler := NewAllocReconciler(testLogger(), allocUpdateFnInplace, false, job.ID, job, nil, allocs, nil)
r := reconciler.Compute()
// Assert the correct results
assertResults(t, r, &resultExpectation{
createDeployment: nil,
deploymentUpdates: nil,
place: 5,
inplace: 10,
stop: 0,
desiredTGUpdates: map[string]*structs.DesiredUpdates{
job.TaskGroups[0].Name: {
Place: 5,
InPlaceUpdate: 10,
assertNamesHaveIndexes(t, intRange(0, 9), allocsToNames(r.inplaceUpdate))
assertNamesHaveIndexes(t, intRange(10, 14), placeResultsToNames(
// Tests the reconciler properly handles inplace upgrading allocations while
// scaling down
func TestReconciler_Inplace_ScaleDown(t *testing.T) {
// Set desired 5
job := mock.Job()
job.TaskGroups[0].Count = 5
// Create 10 existing allocations
var allocs []*structs.Allocation
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
alloc := mock.Alloc()
alloc.Job = job
alloc.JobID = job.ID
alloc.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
alloc.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[0].Name, uint(i))
allocs = append(allocs, alloc)
reconciler := NewAllocReconciler(testLogger(), allocUpdateFnInplace, false, job.ID, job, nil, allocs, nil)
r := reconciler.Compute()
// Assert the correct results
assertResults(t, r, &resultExpectation{
createDeployment: nil,
deploymentUpdates: nil,
place: 0,
inplace: 5,
stop: 5,
desiredTGUpdates: map[string]*structs.DesiredUpdates{
job.TaskGroups[0].Name: {
Stop: 5,
InPlaceUpdate: 5,
assertNamesHaveIndexes(t, intRange(0, 4), allocsToNames(r.inplaceUpdate))
assertNamesHaveIndexes(t, intRange(5, 9), stopResultsToNames(r.stop))
// Tests the reconciler properly handles destructive upgrading allocations
func TestReconciler_Destructive(t *testing.T) {
job := mock.Job()
// Create 10 existing allocations
var allocs []*structs.Allocation
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
alloc := mock.Alloc()
alloc.Job = job
alloc.JobID = job.ID
alloc.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
alloc.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[0].Name, uint(i))
allocs = append(allocs, alloc)
reconciler := NewAllocReconciler(testLogger(), allocUpdateFnDestructive, false, job.ID, job, nil, allocs, nil)
r := reconciler.Compute()
// Assert the correct results
assertResults(t, r, &resultExpectation{
createDeployment: nil,
deploymentUpdates: nil,
destructive: 10,
desiredTGUpdates: map[string]*structs.DesiredUpdates{
job.TaskGroups[0].Name: {
DestructiveUpdate: 10,
assertNamesHaveIndexes(t, intRange(0, 9), destructiveResultsToNames(r.destructiveUpdate))
// Tests the reconciler properly handles destructive upgrading allocations while
// scaling up
func TestReconciler_Destructive_ScaleUp(t *testing.T) {
// Set desired 15
job := mock.Job()
job.TaskGroups[0].Count = 15
// Create 10 existing allocations
var allocs []*structs.Allocation
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
alloc := mock.Alloc()
alloc.Job = job
alloc.JobID = job.ID
alloc.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
alloc.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[0].Name, uint(i))
allocs = append(allocs, alloc)
reconciler := NewAllocReconciler(testLogger(), allocUpdateFnDestructive, false, job.ID, job, nil, allocs, nil)
r := reconciler.Compute()
// Assert the correct results
assertResults(t, r, &resultExpectation{
createDeployment: nil,
deploymentUpdates: nil,
place: 5,
destructive: 10,
desiredTGUpdates: map[string]*structs.DesiredUpdates{
job.TaskGroups[0].Name: {
Place: 5,
DestructiveUpdate: 10,
assertNamesHaveIndexes(t, intRange(0, 9), destructiveResultsToNames(r.destructiveUpdate))
assertNamesHaveIndexes(t, intRange(10, 14), placeResultsToNames(
// Tests the reconciler properly handles destructive upgrading allocations while
// scaling down
func TestReconciler_Destructive_ScaleDown(t *testing.T) {
// Set desired 5
job := mock.Job()
job.TaskGroups[0].Count = 5
// Create 10 existing allocations
var allocs []*structs.Allocation
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
alloc := mock.Alloc()
alloc.Job = job
alloc.JobID = job.ID
alloc.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
alloc.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[0].Name, uint(i))
allocs = append(allocs, alloc)
reconciler := NewAllocReconciler(testLogger(), allocUpdateFnDestructive, false, job.ID, job, nil, allocs, nil)
r := reconciler.Compute()
// Assert the correct results
assertResults(t, r, &resultExpectation{
createDeployment: nil,
deploymentUpdates: nil,
destructive: 5,
stop: 5,
desiredTGUpdates: map[string]*structs.DesiredUpdates{
job.TaskGroups[0].Name: {
Stop: 5,
DestructiveUpdate: 5,
assertNamesHaveIndexes(t, intRange(5, 9), stopResultsToNames(r.stop))
assertNamesHaveIndexes(t, intRange(0, 4), destructiveResultsToNames(r.destructiveUpdate))
// Tests the reconciler properly handles lost nodes with allocations
func TestReconciler_LostNode(t *testing.T) {
job := mock.Job()
// Create 10 existing allocations
var allocs []*structs.Allocation
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
alloc := mock.Alloc()
alloc.Job = job
alloc.JobID = job.ID
alloc.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
alloc.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[0].Name, uint(i))
allocs = append(allocs, alloc)
// Build a map of tainted nodes
tainted := make(map[string]*structs.Node, 2)
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
n := mock.Node()
n.ID = allocs[i].NodeID
n.Status = structs.NodeStatusDown
tainted[n.ID] = n
reconciler := NewAllocReconciler(testLogger(), allocUpdateFnIgnore, false, job.ID, job, nil, allocs, tainted)
r := reconciler.Compute()
// Assert the correct results
assertResults(t, r, &resultExpectation{
createDeployment: nil,
deploymentUpdates: nil,
place: 2,
inplace: 0,
stop: 2,
desiredTGUpdates: map[string]*structs.DesiredUpdates{
job.TaskGroups[0].Name: {
Place: 2,
Stop: 2,
Ignore: 8,
assertNamesHaveIndexes(t, intRange(0, 1), stopResultsToNames(r.stop))
assertNamesHaveIndexes(t, intRange(0, 1), placeResultsToNames(
// Tests the reconciler properly handles lost nodes with allocations while
// scaling up
func TestReconciler_LostNode_ScaleUp(t *testing.T) {
// Set desired 15
job := mock.Job()
job.TaskGroups[0].Count = 15
// Create 10 existing allocations
var allocs []*structs.Allocation
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
alloc := mock.Alloc()
alloc.Job = job
alloc.JobID = job.ID
alloc.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
alloc.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[0].Name, uint(i))
allocs = append(allocs, alloc)
// Build a map of tainted nodes
tainted := make(map[string]*structs.Node, 2)
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
n := mock.Node()
n.ID = allocs[i].NodeID
n.Status = structs.NodeStatusDown
tainted[n.ID] = n
reconciler := NewAllocReconciler(testLogger(), allocUpdateFnIgnore, false, job.ID, job, nil, allocs, tainted)
r := reconciler.Compute()
// Assert the correct results
assertResults(t, r, &resultExpectation{
createDeployment: nil,
deploymentUpdates: nil,
place: 7,
inplace: 0,
stop: 2,
desiredTGUpdates: map[string]*structs.DesiredUpdates{
job.TaskGroups[0].Name: {
Place: 7,
Stop: 2,
Ignore: 8,
assertNamesHaveIndexes(t, intRange(0, 1), stopResultsToNames(r.stop))
assertNamesHaveIndexes(t, intRange(0, 1, 10, 14), placeResultsToNames(
// Tests the reconciler properly handles lost nodes with allocations while
// scaling down
func TestReconciler_LostNode_ScaleDown(t *testing.T) {
// Set desired 5
job := mock.Job()
job.TaskGroups[0].Count = 5
// Create 10 existing allocations
var allocs []*structs.Allocation
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
alloc := mock.Alloc()
alloc.Job = job
alloc.JobID = job.ID
alloc.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
alloc.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[0].Name, uint(i))
allocs = append(allocs, alloc)
// Build a map of tainted nodes
tainted := make(map[string]*structs.Node, 2)
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
n := mock.Node()
n.ID = allocs[i].NodeID
n.Status = structs.NodeStatusDown
tainted[n.ID] = n
reconciler := NewAllocReconciler(testLogger(), allocUpdateFnIgnore, false, job.ID, job, nil, allocs, tainted)
r := reconciler.Compute()
// Assert the correct results
assertResults(t, r, &resultExpectation{
createDeployment: nil,
deploymentUpdates: nil,
place: 0,
inplace: 0,
stop: 5,
desiredTGUpdates: map[string]*structs.DesiredUpdates{
job.TaskGroups[0].Name: {
Stop: 5,
Ignore: 5,
assertNamesHaveIndexes(t, intRange(0, 1, 7, 9), stopResultsToNames(r.stop))
// Tests the reconciler properly handles draining nodes with allocations
func TestReconciler_DrainNode(t *testing.T) {
job := mock.Job()
// Create 10 existing allocations
var allocs []*structs.Allocation
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
alloc := mock.Alloc()
alloc.Job = job
alloc.JobID = job.ID
alloc.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
alloc.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[0].Name, uint(i))
allocs = append(allocs, alloc)
// Build a map of tainted nodes
tainted := make(map[string]*structs.Node, 2)
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
n := mock.Node()
n.ID = allocs[i].NodeID
n.Drain = true
tainted[n.ID] = n
reconciler := NewAllocReconciler(testLogger(), allocUpdateFnIgnore, false, job.ID, job, nil, allocs, tainted)
r := reconciler.Compute()
// Assert the correct results
assertResults(t, r, &resultExpectation{
createDeployment: nil,
deploymentUpdates: nil,
place: 2,
inplace: 0,
stop: 2,
desiredTGUpdates: map[string]*structs.DesiredUpdates{
job.TaskGroups[0].Name: {
Migrate: 2,
Ignore: 8,
assertNamesHaveIndexes(t, intRange(0, 1), stopResultsToNames(r.stop))
assertNamesHaveIndexes(t, intRange(0, 1), placeResultsToNames(
assertPlaceResultsHavePreviousAllocs(t, 2,
// Tests the reconciler properly handles draining nodes with allocations while
// scaling up
func TestReconciler_DrainNode_ScaleUp(t *testing.T) {
// Set desired 15
job := mock.Job()
job.TaskGroups[0].Count = 15
// Create 10 existing allocations
var allocs []*structs.Allocation
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
alloc := mock.Alloc()
alloc.Job = job
alloc.JobID = job.ID
alloc.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
alloc.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[0].Name, uint(i))
allocs = append(allocs, alloc)
// Build a map of tainted nodes
tainted := make(map[string]*structs.Node, 2)
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
n := mock.Node()
n.ID = allocs[i].NodeID
n.Drain = true
tainted[n.ID] = n
reconciler := NewAllocReconciler(testLogger(), allocUpdateFnIgnore, false, job.ID, job, nil, allocs, tainted)
r := reconciler.Compute()
// Assert the correct results
assertResults(t, r, &resultExpectation{
createDeployment: nil,
deploymentUpdates: nil,
place: 7,
inplace: 0,
stop: 2,
desiredTGUpdates: map[string]*structs.DesiredUpdates{
job.TaskGroups[0].Name: {
Place: 5,
Migrate: 2,
Ignore: 8,
assertNamesHaveIndexes(t, intRange(0, 1), stopResultsToNames(r.stop))
assertNamesHaveIndexes(t, intRange(0, 1, 10, 14), placeResultsToNames(
assertPlaceResultsHavePreviousAllocs(t, 2,
// Tests the reconciler properly handles draining nodes with allocations while
// scaling down
func TestReconciler_DrainNode_ScaleDown(t *testing.T) {
// Set desired 8
job := mock.Job()
job.TaskGroups[0].Count = 8
// Create 10 existing allocations
var allocs []*structs.Allocation
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
alloc := mock.Alloc()
alloc.Job = job
alloc.JobID = job.ID
alloc.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
alloc.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[0].Name, uint(i))
allocs = append(allocs, alloc)
// Build a map of tainted nodes
tainted := make(map[string]*structs.Node, 3)
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
n := mock.Node()
n.ID = allocs[i].NodeID
n.Drain = true
tainted[n.ID] = n
reconciler := NewAllocReconciler(testLogger(), allocUpdateFnIgnore, false, job.ID, job, nil, allocs, tainted)
r := reconciler.Compute()
// Assert the correct results
assertResults(t, r, &resultExpectation{
createDeployment: nil,
deploymentUpdates: nil,
place: 1,
inplace: 0,
stop: 3,
desiredTGUpdates: map[string]*structs.DesiredUpdates{
job.TaskGroups[0].Name: {
Migrate: 1,
Stop: 2,
Ignore: 7,
assertNamesHaveIndexes(t, intRange(0, 2), stopResultsToNames(r.stop))
assertNamesHaveIndexes(t, intRange(0, 0), placeResultsToNames(
assertPlaceResultsHavePreviousAllocs(t, 1,
// Tests the reconciler properly handles a task group being removed
func TestReconciler_RemovedTG(t *testing.T) {
job := mock.Job()
// Create 10 allocations for a tg that no longer exists
var allocs []*structs.Allocation
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
alloc := mock.Alloc()
alloc.Job = job
alloc.JobID = job.ID
alloc.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
alloc.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[0].Name, uint(i))
allocs = append(allocs, alloc)
oldName := job.TaskGroups[0].Name
newName := "different"
job.TaskGroups[0].Name = newName
reconciler := NewAllocReconciler(testLogger(), allocUpdateFnIgnore, false, job.ID, job, nil, allocs, nil)
r := reconciler.Compute()
// Assert the correct results
assertResults(t, r, &resultExpectation{
createDeployment: nil,
deploymentUpdates: nil,
place: 10,
inplace: 0,
stop: 10,
desiredTGUpdates: map[string]*structs.DesiredUpdates{
oldName: {
Stop: 10,
newName: {
Place: 10,
assertNamesHaveIndexes(t, intRange(0, 9), stopResultsToNames(r.stop))
assertNamesHaveIndexes(t, intRange(0, 9), placeResultsToNames(
// Tests the reconciler properly handles a job in stopped states
func TestReconciler_JobStopped(t *testing.T) {
job := mock.Job()
job.Stop = true
cases := []struct {
name string
job *structs.Job
jobID, taskGroup string
name: "stopped job",
job: job,
jobID: job.ID,
taskGroup: job.TaskGroups[0].Name,
name: "nil job",
job: nil,
jobID: "foo",
taskGroup: "bar",
for _, c := range cases {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
// Create 10 allocations
var allocs []*structs.Allocation
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
alloc := mock.Alloc()
alloc.Job = c.job
alloc.JobID = c.jobID
alloc.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
alloc.Name = structs.AllocName(c.jobID, c.taskGroup, uint(i))
alloc.TaskGroup = c.taskGroup
allocs = append(allocs, alloc)
reconciler := NewAllocReconciler(testLogger(), allocUpdateFnIgnore, false, c.jobID, c.job, nil, allocs, nil)
r := reconciler.Compute()
// Assert the correct results
assertResults(t, r, &resultExpectation{
createDeployment: nil,
deploymentUpdates: nil,
place: 0,
inplace: 0,
stop: 10,
desiredTGUpdates: map[string]*structs.DesiredUpdates{
c.taskGroup: {
Stop: 10,
assertNamesHaveIndexes(t, intRange(0, 9), stopResultsToNames(r.stop))
// Tests the reconciler properly handles jobs with multiple task groups
func TestReconciler_MultiTG(t *testing.T) {
job := mock.Job()
tg2 := job.TaskGroups[0].Copy()
tg2.Name = "foo"
job.TaskGroups = append(job.TaskGroups, tg2)
// Create 2 existing allocations for the first tg
var allocs []*structs.Allocation
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
alloc := mock.Alloc()
alloc.Job = job
alloc.JobID = job.ID
alloc.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
alloc.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[0].Name, uint(i))
allocs = append(allocs, alloc)
reconciler := NewAllocReconciler(testLogger(), allocUpdateFnIgnore, false, job.ID, job, nil, allocs, nil)
r := reconciler.Compute()
// Assert the correct results
assertResults(t, r, &resultExpectation{
createDeployment: nil,
deploymentUpdates: nil,
place: 18,
inplace: 0,
stop: 0,
desiredTGUpdates: map[string]*structs.DesiredUpdates{
job.TaskGroups[0].Name: {
Place: 8,
Ignore: 2,
tg2.Name: {
Place: 10,
assertNamesHaveIndexes(t, intRange(2, 9, 0, 9), placeResultsToNames(
// Tests the reconciler cancels an old deployment when the job is being stopped
func TestReconciler_CancelDeployment_JobStop(t *testing.T) {
job := mock.Job()
job.Stop = true
running := structs.NewDeployment(job)
failed := structs.NewDeployment(job)
failed.Status = structs.DeploymentStatusFailed
cases := []struct {
name string
job *structs.Job
jobID, taskGroup string
deployment *structs.Deployment
cancel bool
name: "stopped job, running deployment",
job: job,
jobID: job.ID,
taskGroup: job.TaskGroups[0].Name,
deployment: running,
cancel: true,
name: "nil job, running deployment",
job: nil,
jobID: "foo",
taskGroup: "bar",
deployment: running,
cancel: true,
name: "stopped job, failed deployment",
job: job,
jobID: job.ID,
taskGroup: job.TaskGroups[0].Name,
deployment: failed,
cancel: false,
name: "nil job, failed deployment",
job: nil,
jobID: "foo",
taskGroup: "bar",
deployment: failed,
cancel: false,
for _, c := range cases {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
// Create 10 allocations
var allocs []*structs.Allocation
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
alloc := mock.Alloc()
alloc.Job = c.job
alloc.JobID = c.jobID
alloc.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
alloc.Name = structs.AllocName(c.jobID, c.taskGroup, uint(i))
alloc.TaskGroup = c.taskGroup
allocs = append(allocs, alloc)
reconciler := NewAllocReconciler(testLogger(), allocUpdateFnIgnore, false, c.jobID, c.job, c.deployment, allocs, nil)
r := reconciler.Compute()
var updates []*structs.DeploymentStatusUpdate
if c.cancel {
updates = []*structs.DeploymentStatusUpdate{
DeploymentID: c.deployment.ID,
Status: structs.DeploymentStatusCancelled,
StatusDescription: structs.DeploymentStatusDescriptionStoppedJob,
// Assert the correct results
assertResults(t, r, &resultExpectation{
createDeployment: nil,
deploymentUpdates: updates,
place: 0,
inplace: 0,
stop: 10,
desiredTGUpdates: map[string]*structs.DesiredUpdates{
c.taskGroup: {
Stop: 10,
assertNamesHaveIndexes(t, intRange(0, 9), stopResultsToNames(r.stop))
// Tests the reconciler cancels an old deployment when the job is updated
func TestReconciler_CancelDeployment_JobUpdate(t *testing.T) {
// Create a base job
job := mock.Job()
// Create two deployments
running := structs.NewDeployment(job)
failed := structs.NewDeployment(job)
failed.Status = structs.DeploymentStatusFailed
// Make the job newer than the deployment
job.Version += 10
cases := []struct {
name string
deployment *structs.Deployment
cancel bool
name: "running deployment",
deployment: running,
cancel: true,
name: "failed deployment",
deployment: failed,
cancel: false,
for _, c := range cases {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
// Create 10 allocations
var allocs []*structs.Allocation
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
alloc := mock.Alloc()
alloc.Job = job
alloc.JobID = job.ID
alloc.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
alloc.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[0].Name, uint(i))
alloc.TaskGroup = job.TaskGroups[0].Name
allocs = append(allocs, alloc)
reconciler := NewAllocReconciler(testLogger(), allocUpdateFnIgnore, false, job.ID, job, c.deployment, allocs, nil)
r := reconciler.Compute()
var updates []*structs.DeploymentStatusUpdate
if c.cancel {
updates = []*structs.DeploymentStatusUpdate{
DeploymentID: c.deployment.ID,
Status: structs.DeploymentStatusCancelled,
StatusDescription: structs.DeploymentStatusDescriptionNewerJob,
// Assert the correct results
assertResults(t, r, &resultExpectation{
createDeployment: nil,
deploymentUpdates: updates,
place: 0,
inplace: 0,
stop: 0,
desiredTGUpdates: map[string]*structs.DesiredUpdates{
job.TaskGroups[0].Name: {
Ignore: 10,
// Tests the reconciler creates a deployment and does a rolling upgrade with
// destructive changes
func TestReconciler_CreateDeployment_RollingUpgrade_Destructive(t *testing.T) {
job := mock.Job()
job.TaskGroups[0].Update = noCanaryUpdate
// Create 10 allocations from the old job
var allocs []*structs.Allocation
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
alloc := mock.Alloc()
alloc.Job = job
alloc.JobID = job.ID
alloc.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
alloc.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[0].Name, uint(i))
alloc.TaskGroup = job.TaskGroups[0].Name
allocs = append(allocs, alloc)
reconciler := NewAllocReconciler(testLogger(), allocUpdateFnDestructive, false, job.ID, job, nil, allocs, nil)
r := reconciler.Compute()
d := structs.NewDeployment(job)
d.TaskGroups[job.TaskGroups[0].Name] = &structs.DeploymentState{
DesiredTotal: 10,
// Assert the correct results
assertResults(t, r, &resultExpectation{
createDeployment: d,
deploymentUpdates: nil,
destructive: 4,
desiredTGUpdates: map[string]*structs.DesiredUpdates{
job.TaskGroups[0].Name: {
DestructiveUpdate: 4,
Ignore: 6,
assertNamesHaveIndexes(t, intRange(0, 3), destructiveResultsToNames(r.destructiveUpdate))
// Tests the reconciler creates a deployment for inplace updates
func TestReconciler_CreateDeployment_RollingUpgrade_Inplace(t *testing.T) {
job := mock.Job()
job.TaskGroups[0].Update = noCanaryUpdate
// Create 10 allocations from the old job
var allocs []*structs.Allocation
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
alloc := mock.Alloc()
alloc.Job = job
alloc.JobID = job.ID
alloc.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
alloc.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[0].Name, uint(i))
alloc.TaskGroup = job.TaskGroups[0].Name
allocs = append(allocs, alloc)
reconciler := NewAllocReconciler(testLogger(), allocUpdateFnInplace, false, job.ID, job, nil, allocs, nil)
r := reconciler.Compute()
d := structs.NewDeployment(job)
d.TaskGroups[job.TaskGroups[0].Name] = &structs.DeploymentState{
DesiredTotal: 10,
// Assert the correct results
assertResults(t, r, &resultExpectation{
createDeployment: d,
deploymentUpdates: nil,
place: 0,
inplace: 10,
stop: 0,
desiredTGUpdates: map[string]*structs.DesiredUpdates{
job.TaskGroups[0].Name: {
InPlaceUpdate: 10,
// Tests the reconciler doesn't creates a deployment if there are no changes
func TestReconciler_DontCreateDeployment_NoChanges(t *testing.T) {
job := mock.Job()
job.TaskGroups[0].Update = noCanaryUpdate
// Create 10 allocations from the job
var allocs []*structs.Allocation
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
alloc := mock.Alloc()
alloc.Job = job
alloc.JobID = job.ID
alloc.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
alloc.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[0].Name, uint(i))
alloc.TaskGroup = job.TaskGroups[0].Name
allocs = append(allocs, alloc)
reconciler := NewAllocReconciler(testLogger(), allocUpdateFnIgnore, false, job.ID, job, nil, allocs, nil)
r := reconciler.Compute()
// Assert the correct results
assertResults(t, r, &resultExpectation{
createDeployment: nil,
deploymentUpdates: nil,
place: 0,
inplace: 0,
stop: 0,
desiredTGUpdates: map[string]*structs.DesiredUpdates{
job.TaskGroups[0].Name: {
DestructiveUpdate: 0,
Ignore: 10,
// Tests the reconciler doesn't place any more canaries when the deployment is
// paused or failed
func TestReconciler_PausedOrFailedDeployment_NoMoreCanaries(t *testing.T) {
job := mock.Job()
job.TaskGroups[0].Update = canaryUpdate
cases := []struct {
name string
deploymentStatus string
stop uint64
name: "paused deployment",
deploymentStatus: structs.DeploymentStatusPaused,
stop: 0,
name: "failed deployment",
deploymentStatus: structs.DeploymentStatusFailed,
stop: 1,
for _, c := range cases {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
// Create a deployment that is paused/failed and has placed some canaries
d := structs.NewDeployment(job)
d.Status = c.deploymentStatus
d.TaskGroups[job.TaskGroups[0].Name] = &structs.DeploymentState{
Promoted: false,
DesiredCanaries: 2,
DesiredTotal: 10,
PlacedAllocs: 1,
// Create 10 allocations for the original job
var allocs []*structs.Allocation
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
alloc := mock.Alloc()
alloc.Job = job
alloc.JobID = job.ID
alloc.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
alloc.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[0].Name, uint(i))
alloc.TaskGroup = job.TaskGroups[0].Name
allocs = append(allocs, alloc)
// Create one canary
canary := mock.Alloc()
canary.Job = job
canary.JobID = job.ID
canary.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
canary.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[0].Name, 0)
canary.TaskGroup = job.TaskGroups[0].Name
canary.DeploymentID = d.ID
allocs = append(allocs, canary)
d.TaskGroups[canary.TaskGroup].PlacedCanaries = []string{canary.ID}
mockUpdateFn := allocUpdateFnMock(map[string]allocUpdateType{canary.ID: allocUpdateFnIgnore}, allocUpdateFnDestructive)
reconciler := NewAllocReconciler(testLogger(), mockUpdateFn, false, job.ID, job, d, allocs, nil)
r := reconciler.Compute()
// Assert the correct results
assertResults(t, r, &resultExpectation{
createDeployment: nil,
deploymentUpdates: nil,
place: 0,
inplace: 0,
stop: int(c.stop),
desiredTGUpdates: map[string]*structs.DesiredUpdates{
job.TaskGroups[0].Name: {
Ignore: 11 - c.stop,
Stop: c.stop,
// Tests the reconciler doesn't place any more allocs when the deployment is
// paused or failed
func TestReconciler_PausedOrFailedDeployment_NoMorePlacements(t *testing.T) {
job := mock.Job()
job.TaskGroups[0].Update = noCanaryUpdate
job.TaskGroups[0].Count = 15
cases := []struct {
name string
deploymentStatus string
name: "paused deployment",
deploymentStatus: structs.DeploymentStatusPaused,
name: "failed deployment",
deploymentStatus: structs.DeploymentStatusFailed,
for _, c := range cases {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
// Create a deployment that is paused and has placed some canaries
d := structs.NewDeployment(job)
d.Status = c.deploymentStatus
d.TaskGroups[job.TaskGroups[0].Name] = &structs.DeploymentState{
Promoted: false,
DesiredTotal: 15,
PlacedAllocs: 10,
// Create 10 allocations for the new job
var allocs []*structs.Allocation
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
alloc := mock.Alloc()
alloc.Job = job
alloc.JobID = job.ID
alloc.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
alloc.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[0].Name, uint(i))
alloc.TaskGroup = job.TaskGroups[0].Name
allocs = append(allocs, alloc)
reconciler := NewAllocReconciler(testLogger(), allocUpdateFnIgnore, false, job.ID, job, d, allocs, nil)
r := reconciler.Compute()
// Assert the correct results
assertResults(t, r, &resultExpectation{
createDeployment: nil,
deploymentUpdates: nil,
place: 0,
inplace: 0,
stop: 0,
desiredTGUpdates: map[string]*structs.DesiredUpdates{
job.TaskGroups[0].Name: {
Ignore: 10,
// Tests the reconciler doesn't do any more destructive updates when the
// deployment is paused or failed
func TestReconciler_PausedOrFailedDeployment_NoMoreDestructiveUpdates(t *testing.T) {
job := mock.Job()
job.TaskGroups[0].Update = noCanaryUpdate
cases := []struct {
name string
deploymentStatus string
name: "paused deployment",
deploymentStatus: structs.DeploymentStatusPaused,
name: "failed deployment",
deploymentStatus: structs.DeploymentStatusFailed,
for _, c := range cases {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
// Create a deployment that is paused and has placed some canaries
d := structs.NewDeployment(job)
d.Status = c.deploymentStatus
d.TaskGroups[job.TaskGroups[0].Name] = &structs.DeploymentState{
Promoted: false,
DesiredTotal: 10,
PlacedAllocs: 1,
// Create 9 allocations for the original job
var allocs []*structs.Allocation
for i := 1; i < 10; i++ {
alloc := mock.Alloc()
alloc.Job = job
alloc.JobID = job.ID
alloc.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
alloc.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[0].Name, uint(i))
alloc.TaskGroup = job.TaskGroups[0].Name
allocs = append(allocs, alloc)
// Create one for the new job
newAlloc := mock.Alloc()
newAlloc.Job = job
newAlloc.JobID = job.ID
newAlloc.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
newAlloc.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[0].Name, 0)
newAlloc.TaskGroup = job.TaskGroups[0].Name
newAlloc.DeploymentID = d.ID
allocs = append(allocs, newAlloc)
mockUpdateFn := allocUpdateFnMock(map[string]allocUpdateType{newAlloc.ID: allocUpdateFnIgnore}, allocUpdateFnDestructive)
reconciler := NewAllocReconciler(testLogger(), mockUpdateFn, false, job.ID, job, d, allocs, nil)
r := reconciler.Compute()
// Assert the correct results
assertResults(t, r, &resultExpectation{
createDeployment: nil,
deploymentUpdates: nil,
place: 0,
inplace: 0,
stop: 0,
desiredTGUpdates: map[string]*structs.DesiredUpdates{
job.TaskGroups[0].Name: {
Ignore: 10,
// Tests the reconciler handles migrations correctly when a deployment is paused
// or failed
func TestReconciler_PausedOrFailedDeployment_Migrations(t *testing.T) {
job := mock.Job()
job.TaskGroups[0].Update = noCanaryUpdate
cases := []struct {
name string
deploymentStatus string
place int
stop int
ignoreAnnotation uint64
migrateAnnotation uint64
stopAnnotation uint64
name: "paused deployment",
deploymentStatus: structs.DeploymentStatusPaused,
place: 0,
stop: 3,
ignoreAnnotation: 5,
stopAnnotation: 3,
name: "failed deployment",
deploymentStatus: structs.DeploymentStatusFailed,
place: 0,
stop: 3,
ignoreAnnotation: 5,
migrateAnnotation: 0,
stopAnnotation: 3,
for _, c := range cases {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
// Create a deployment that is paused and has placed some canaries
d := structs.NewDeployment(job)
d.Status = c.deploymentStatus
d.TaskGroups[job.TaskGroups[0].Name] = &structs.DeploymentState{
Promoted: false,
DesiredTotal: 10,
PlacedAllocs: 8,
// Create 8 allocations in the deployment
var allocs []*structs.Allocation
for i := 0; i < 8; i++ {
alloc := mock.Alloc()
alloc.Job = job
alloc.JobID = job.ID
alloc.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
alloc.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[0].Name, uint(i))
alloc.TaskGroup = job.TaskGroups[0].Name
alloc.DeploymentID = d.ID
allocs = append(allocs, alloc)
// Build a map of tainted nodes
tainted := make(map[string]*structs.Node, 3)
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
n := mock.Node()
n.ID = allocs[i].NodeID
n.Drain = true
tainted[n.ID] = n
reconciler := NewAllocReconciler(testLogger(), allocUpdateFnIgnore, false, job.ID, job, d, allocs, tainted)
r := reconciler.Compute()
// Assert the correct results
assertResults(t, r, &resultExpectation{
createDeployment: nil,
deploymentUpdates: nil,
inplace: 0,
stop: c.stop,
desiredTGUpdates: map[string]*structs.DesiredUpdates{
job.TaskGroups[0].Name: {
Migrate: c.migrateAnnotation,
Ignore: c.ignoreAnnotation,
Stop: c.stopAnnotation,
// Tests the reconciler handles migrating a canary correctly on a draining node
func TestReconciler_DrainNode_Canary(t *testing.T) {
job := mock.Job()
job.TaskGroups[0].Update = canaryUpdate
// Create a deployment that is paused and has placed some canaries
d := structs.NewDeployment(job)
s := &structs.DeploymentState{
Promoted: false,
DesiredTotal: 10,
DesiredCanaries: 2,
PlacedAllocs: 2,
d.TaskGroups[job.TaskGroups[0].Name] = s
// Create 10 allocations from the old job
var allocs []*structs.Allocation
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
alloc := mock.Alloc()
alloc.Job = job
alloc.JobID = job.ID
alloc.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
alloc.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[0].Name, uint(i))
alloc.TaskGroup = job.TaskGroups[0].Name
allocs = append(allocs, alloc)
// Create two canaries for the new job
handled := make(map[string]allocUpdateType)
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
// Create one canary
canary := mock.Alloc()
canary.Job = job
canary.JobID = job.ID
canary.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
canary.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[0].Name, uint(i))
canary.TaskGroup = job.TaskGroups[0].Name
canary.DeploymentID = d.ID
s.PlacedCanaries = append(s.PlacedCanaries, canary.ID)
allocs = append(allocs, canary)
handled[canary.ID] = allocUpdateFnIgnore
// Build a map of tainted nodes that contains the last canary
tainted := make(map[string]*structs.Node, 1)
n := mock.Node()
n.ID = allocs[11].NodeID
n.Drain = true
tainted[n.ID] = n
mockUpdateFn := allocUpdateFnMock(handled, allocUpdateFnDestructive)
reconciler := NewAllocReconciler(testLogger(), mockUpdateFn, false, job.ID, job, d, allocs, tainted)
r := reconciler.Compute()
// Assert the correct results
assertResults(t, r, &resultExpectation{
createDeployment: nil,
deploymentUpdates: nil,
place: 1,
inplace: 0,
stop: 1,
desiredTGUpdates: map[string]*structs.DesiredUpdates{
job.TaskGroups[0].Name: {
Canary: 1,
Ignore: 11,
assertNamesHaveIndexes(t, intRange(1, 1), stopResultsToNames(r.stop))
assertNamesHaveIndexes(t, intRange(1, 1), placeResultsToNames(
// Tests the reconciler handles migrating a canary correctly on a lost node
func TestReconciler_LostNode_Canary(t *testing.T) {
job := mock.Job()
job.TaskGroups[0].Update = canaryUpdate
// Create a deployment that is paused and has placed some canaries
d := structs.NewDeployment(job)
s := &structs.DeploymentState{
Promoted: false,
DesiredTotal: 10,
DesiredCanaries: 2,
PlacedAllocs: 2,
d.TaskGroups[job.TaskGroups[0].Name] = s
// Create 10 allocations from the old job
var allocs []*structs.Allocation
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
alloc := mock.Alloc()
alloc.Job = job
alloc.JobID = job.ID
alloc.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
alloc.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[0].Name, uint(i))
alloc.TaskGroup = job.TaskGroups[0].Name
allocs = append(allocs, alloc)
// Create two canaries for the new job
handled := make(map[string]allocUpdateType)
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
// Create one canary
canary := mock.Alloc()
canary.Job = job
canary.JobID = job.ID
canary.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
canary.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[0].Name, uint(i))
canary.TaskGroup = job.TaskGroups[0].Name
s.PlacedCanaries = append(s.PlacedCanaries, canary.ID)
canary.DeploymentID = d.ID
allocs = append(allocs, canary)
handled[canary.ID] = allocUpdateFnIgnore
// Build a map of tainted nodes that contains the last canary
tainted := make(map[string]*structs.Node, 1)
n := mock.Node()
n.ID = allocs[11].NodeID
n.Status = structs.NodeStatusDown
tainted[n.ID] = n
mockUpdateFn := allocUpdateFnMock(handled, allocUpdateFnDestructive)
reconciler := NewAllocReconciler(testLogger(), mockUpdateFn, false, job.ID, job, d, allocs, tainted)
r := reconciler.Compute()
// Assert the correct results
assertResults(t, r, &resultExpectation{
createDeployment: nil,
deploymentUpdates: nil,
place: 1,
inplace: 0,
stop: 1,
desiredTGUpdates: map[string]*structs.DesiredUpdates{
job.TaskGroups[0].Name: {
Canary: 1,
Ignore: 11,
assertNamesHaveIndexes(t, intRange(1, 1), stopResultsToNames(r.stop))
assertNamesHaveIndexes(t, intRange(1, 1), placeResultsToNames(
// Tests the reconciler handles stopping canaries from older deployments
func TestReconciler_StopOldCanaries(t *testing.T) {
job := mock.Job()
job.TaskGroups[0].Update = canaryUpdate
// Create an old deployment that has placed some canaries
d := structs.NewDeployment(job)
s := &structs.DeploymentState{
Promoted: false,
DesiredTotal: 10,
DesiredCanaries: 2,
PlacedAllocs: 2,
d.TaskGroups[job.TaskGroups[0].Name] = s
// Update the job
job.Version += 10
// Create 10 allocations from the old job
var allocs []*structs.Allocation
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
alloc := mock.Alloc()
alloc.Job = job
alloc.JobID = job.ID
alloc.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
alloc.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[0].Name, uint(i))
alloc.TaskGroup = job.TaskGroups[0].Name
allocs = append(allocs, alloc)
// Create canaries
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
// Create one canary
canary := mock.Alloc()
canary.Job = job
canary.JobID = job.ID
canary.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
canary.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[0].Name, uint(i))
canary.TaskGroup = job.TaskGroups[0].Name
s.PlacedCanaries = append(s.PlacedCanaries, canary.ID)
canary.DeploymentID = d.ID
allocs = append(allocs, canary)
reconciler := NewAllocReconciler(testLogger(), allocUpdateFnDestructive, false, job.ID, job, d, allocs, nil)
r := reconciler.Compute()
newD := structs.NewDeployment(job)
newD.StatusDescription = structs.DeploymentStatusDescriptionRunningNeedsPromotion
newD.TaskGroups[job.TaskGroups[0].Name] = &structs.DeploymentState{
DesiredCanaries: 2,
DesiredTotal: 10,
// Assert the correct results
assertResults(t, r, &resultExpectation{
createDeployment: newD,
deploymentUpdates: []*structs.DeploymentStatusUpdate{
DeploymentID: d.ID,
Status: structs.DeploymentStatusCancelled,
StatusDescription: structs.DeploymentStatusDescriptionNewerJob,
place: 2,
inplace: 0,
stop: 2,
desiredTGUpdates: map[string]*structs.DesiredUpdates{
job.TaskGroups[0].Name: {
Canary: 2,
Stop: 2,
Ignore: 10,
assertNamesHaveIndexes(t, intRange(0, 1), stopResultsToNames(r.stop))
assertNamesHaveIndexes(t, intRange(0, 1), placeResultsToNames(
// Tests the reconciler creates new canaries when the job changes
func TestReconciler_NewCanaries(t *testing.T) {
job := mock.Job()
job.TaskGroups[0].Update = canaryUpdate
// Create 10 allocations from the old job
var allocs []*structs.Allocation
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
alloc := mock.Alloc()
alloc.Job = job
alloc.JobID = job.ID
alloc.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
alloc.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[0].Name, uint(i))
alloc.TaskGroup = job.TaskGroups[0].Name
allocs = append(allocs, alloc)
reconciler := NewAllocReconciler(testLogger(), allocUpdateFnDestructive, false, job.ID, job, nil, allocs, nil)
r := reconciler.Compute()
newD := structs.NewDeployment(job)
newD.StatusDescription = structs.DeploymentStatusDescriptionRunningNeedsPromotion
newD.TaskGroups[job.TaskGroups[0].Name] = &structs.DeploymentState{
DesiredCanaries: 2,
DesiredTotal: 10,
// Assert the correct results
assertResults(t, r, &resultExpectation{
createDeployment: newD,
deploymentUpdates: nil,
place: 2,
inplace: 0,
stop: 0,
desiredTGUpdates: map[string]*structs.DesiredUpdates{
job.TaskGroups[0].Name: {
Canary: 2,
Ignore: 10,
assertNamesHaveIndexes(t, intRange(0, 1), placeResultsToNames(
// Tests the reconciler creates new canaries when the job changes for multiple
// task groups
func TestReconciler_NewCanaries_MultiTG(t *testing.T) {
job := mock.Job()
job.TaskGroups[0].Update = canaryUpdate
job.TaskGroups = append(job.TaskGroups, job.TaskGroups[0].Copy())
job.TaskGroups[0].Name = "tg2"
// Create 10 allocations from the old job for each tg
var allocs []*structs.Allocation
for j := 0; j < 2; j++ {
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
alloc := mock.Alloc()
alloc.Job = job
alloc.JobID = job.ID
alloc.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
alloc.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[j].Name, uint(i))
alloc.TaskGroup = job.TaskGroups[j].Name
allocs = append(allocs, alloc)
reconciler := NewAllocReconciler(testLogger(), allocUpdateFnDestructive, false, job.ID, job, nil, allocs, nil)
r := reconciler.Compute()
newD := structs.NewDeployment(job)
newD.StatusDescription = structs.DeploymentStatusDescriptionRunningNeedsPromotion
state := &structs.DeploymentState{
DesiredCanaries: 2,
DesiredTotal: 10,
newD.TaskGroups[job.TaskGroups[0].Name] = state
newD.TaskGroups[job.TaskGroups[1].Name] = state.Copy()
// Assert the correct results
assertResults(t, r, &resultExpectation{
createDeployment: newD,
deploymentUpdates: nil,
place: 4,
inplace: 0,
stop: 0,
desiredTGUpdates: map[string]*structs.DesiredUpdates{
job.TaskGroups[0].Name: {
Canary: 2,
Ignore: 10,
job.TaskGroups[1].Name: {
Canary: 2,
Ignore: 10,
assertNamesHaveIndexes(t, intRange(0, 1, 0, 1), placeResultsToNames(
// Tests the reconciler creates new canaries when the job changes and scales up
func TestReconciler_NewCanaries_ScaleUp(t *testing.T) {
// Scale the job up to 15
job := mock.Job()
job.TaskGroups[0].Update = canaryUpdate
job.TaskGroups[0].Count = 15
// Create 10 allocations from the old job
var allocs []*structs.Allocation
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
alloc := mock.Alloc()
alloc.Job = job
alloc.JobID = job.ID
alloc.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
alloc.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[0].Name, uint(i))
alloc.TaskGroup = job.TaskGroups[0].Name
allocs = append(allocs, alloc)
reconciler := NewAllocReconciler(testLogger(), allocUpdateFnDestructive, false, job.ID, job, nil, allocs, nil)
r := reconciler.Compute()
newD := structs.NewDeployment(job)
newD.StatusDescription = structs.DeploymentStatusDescriptionRunningNeedsPromotion
newD.TaskGroups[job.TaskGroups[0].Name] = &structs.DeploymentState{
DesiredCanaries: 2,
DesiredTotal: 15,
// Assert the correct results
assertResults(t, r, &resultExpectation{
createDeployment: newD,
deploymentUpdates: nil,
place: 2,
inplace: 0,
stop: 0,
desiredTGUpdates: map[string]*structs.DesiredUpdates{
job.TaskGroups[0].Name: {
Canary: 2,
Ignore: 10,
assertNamesHaveIndexes(t, intRange(0, 1), placeResultsToNames(
// Tests the reconciler creates new canaries when the job changes and scales
// down
func TestReconciler_NewCanaries_ScaleDown(t *testing.T) {
// Scale the job down to 5
job := mock.Job()
job.TaskGroups[0].Update = canaryUpdate
job.TaskGroups[0].Count = 5
// Create 10 allocations from the old job
var allocs []*structs.Allocation
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
alloc := mock.Alloc()
alloc.Job = job
alloc.JobID = job.ID
alloc.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
alloc.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[0].Name, uint(i))
alloc.TaskGroup = job.TaskGroups[0].Name
allocs = append(allocs, alloc)
reconciler := NewAllocReconciler(testLogger(), allocUpdateFnDestructive, false, job.ID, job, nil, allocs, nil)
r := reconciler.Compute()
newD := structs.NewDeployment(job)
newD.StatusDescription = structs.DeploymentStatusDescriptionRunningNeedsPromotion
newD.TaskGroups[job.TaskGroups[0].Name] = &structs.DeploymentState{
DesiredCanaries: 2,
DesiredTotal: 5,
// Assert the correct results
assertResults(t, r, &resultExpectation{
createDeployment: newD,
deploymentUpdates: nil,
place: 2,
inplace: 0,
stop: 5,
desiredTGUpdates: map[string]*structs.DesiredUpdates{
job.TaskGroups[0].Name: {
Canary: 2,
Stop: 5,
Ignore: 5,
assertNamesHaveIndexes(t, intRange(0, 1), placeResultsToNames(
assertNamesHaveIndexes(t, intRange(5, 9), stopResultsToNames(r.stop))
// Tests the reconciler handles filling the names of partially placed canaries
func TestReconciler_NewCanaries_FillNames(t *testing.T) {
job := mock.Job()
job.TaskGroups[0].Update = &structs.UpdateStrategy{
Canary: 4,
MaxParallel: 2,
HealthCheck: structs.UpdateStrategyHealthCheck_Checks,
MinHealthyTime: 10 * time.Second,
HealthyDeadline: 10 * time.Minute,
// Create an existing deployment that has placed some canaries
d := structs.NewDeployment(job)
s := &structs.DeploymentState{
Promoted: false,
DesiredTotal: 10,
DesiredCanaries: 4,
PlacedAllocs: 2,
d.TaskGroups[job.TaskGroups[0].Name] = s
// Create 10 allocations from the old job
var allocs []*structs.Allocation
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
alloc := mock.Alloc()
alloc.Job = job
alloc.JobID = job.ID
alloc.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
alloc.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[0].Name, uint(i))
alloc.TaskGroup = job.TaskGroups[0].Name
allocs = append(allocs, alloc)
// Create canaries but pick names at the ends
for i := 0; i < 4; i += 3 {
// Create one canary
canary := mock.Alloc()
canary.Job = job
canary.JobID = job.ID
canary.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
canary.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[0].Name, uint(i))
canary.TaskGroup = job.TaskGroups[0].Name
s.PlacedCanaries = append(s.PlacedCanaries, canary.ID)
canary.DeploymentID = d.ID
allocs = append(allocs, canary)
reconciler := NewAllocReconciler(testLogger(), allocUpdateFnDestructive, false, job.ID, job, d, allocs, nil)
r := reconciler.Compute()
// Assert the correct results
assertResults(t, r, &resultExpectation{
createDeployment: nil,
deploymentUpdates: nil,
place: 2,
inplace: 0,
stop: 0,
desiredTGUpdates: map[string]*structs.DesiredUpdates{
job.TaskGroups[0].Name: {
Canary: 2,
Ignore: 12,
assertNamesHaveIndexes(t, intRange(1, 2), placeResultsToNames(
// Tests the reconciler handles canary promotion by unblocking max_parallel
func TestReconciler_PromoteCanaries_Unblock(t *testing.T) {
job := mock.Job()
job.TaskGroups[0].Update = canaryUpdate
// Create an existing deployment that has placed some canaries and mark them
// promoted
d := structs.NewDeployment(job)
s := &structs.DeploymentState{
Promoted: true,
DesiredTotal: 10,
DesiredCanaries: 2,
PlacedAllocs: 2,
d.TaskGroups[job.TaskGroups[0].Name] = s
// Create 10 allocations from the old job
var allocs []*structs.Allocation
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
alloc := mock.Alloc()
alloc.Job = job
alloc.JobID = job.ID
alloc.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
alloc.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[0].Name, uint(i))
alloc.TaskGroup = job.TaskGroups[0].Name
allocs = append(allocs, alloc)
// Create the canaries
handled := make(map[string]allocUpdateType)
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
// Create one canary
canary := mock.Alloc()
canary.Job = job
canary.JobID = job.ID
canary.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
canary.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[0].Name, uint(i))
canary.TaskGroup = job.TaskGroups[0].Name
s.PlacedCanaries = append(s.PlacedCanaries, canary.ID)
canary.DeploymentID = d.ID
canary.DeploymentStatus = &structs.AllocDeploymentStatus{
Healthy: helper.BoolToPtr(true),
allocs = append(allocs, canary)
handled[canary.ID] = allocUpdateFnIgnore
mockUpdateFn := allocUpdateFnMock(handled, allocUpdateFnDestructive)
reconciler := NewAllocReconciler(testLogger(), mockUpdateFn, false, job.ID, job, d, allocs, nil)
r := reconciler.Compute()
// Assert the correct results
assertResults(t, r, &resultExpectation{
createDeployment: nil,
deploymentUpdates: nil,
destructive: 2,
stop: 2,
desiredTGUpdates: map[string]*structs.DesiredUpdates{
job.TaskGroups[0].Name: {
Stop: 2,
DestructiveUpdate: 2,
Ignore: 8,
assertNoCanariesStopped(t, d, r.stop)
assertNamesHaveIndexes(t, intRange(2, 3), destructiveResultsToNames(r.destructiveUpdate))
assertNamesHaveIndexes(t, intRange(0, 1), stopResultsToNames(r.stop))
// Tests the reconciler handles canary promotion when the canary count equals
// the total correctly
func TestReconciler_PromoteCanaries_CanariesEqualCount(t *testing.T) {
job := mock.Job()
job.TaskGroups[0].Update = canaryUpdate
job.TaskGroups[0].Count = 2
// Create an existing deployment that has placed some canaries and mark them
// promoted
d := structs.NewDeployment(job)
s := &structs.DeploymentState{
Promoted: true,
DesiredTotal: 2,
DesiredCanaries: 2,
PlacedAllocs: 2,
d.TaskGroups[job.TaskGroups[0].Name] = s
// Create 2 allocations from the old job
var allocs []*structs.Allocation
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
alloc := mock.Alloc()
alloc.Job = job
alloc.JobID = job.ID
alloc.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
alloc.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[0].Name, uint(i))
alloc.TaskGroup = job.TaskGroups[0].Name
allocs = append(allocs, alloc)
// Create the canaries
handled := make(map[string]allocUpdateType)
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
// Create one canary
canary := mock.Alloc()
canary.Job = job
canary.JobID = job.ID
canary.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
canary.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[0].Name, uint(i))
canary.TaskGroup = job.TaskGroups[0].Name
s.PlacedCanaries = append(s.PlacedCanaries, canary.ID)
canary.DeploymentID = d.ID
canary.DeploymentStatus = &structs.AllocDeploymentStatus{
Healthy: helper.BoolToPtr(true),
allocs = append(allocs, canary)
handled[canary.ID] = allocUpdateFnIgnore
mockUpdateFn := allocUpdateFnMock(handled, allocUpdateFnDestructive)
reconciler := NewAllocReconciler(testLogger(), mockUpdateFn, false, job.ID, job, d, allocs, nil)
r := reconciler.Compute()
updates := []*structs.DeploymentStatusUpdate{
DeploymentID: d.ID,
Status: structs.DeploymentStatusSuccessful,
StatusDescription: structs.DeploymentStatusDescriptionSuccessful,
// Assert the correct results
assertResults(t, r, &resultExpectation{
createDeployment: nil,
deploymentUpdates: updates,
place: 0,
inplace: 0,
stop: 2,
desiredTGUpdates: map[string]*structs.DesiredUpdates{
job.TaskGroups[0].Name: {
Stop: 2,
Ignore: 2,
assertNoCanariesStopped(t, d, r.stop)
assertNamesHaveIndexes(t, intRange(0, 1), stopResultsToNames(r.stop))
// Tests the reconciler checks the health of placed allocs to determine the
// limit
func TestReconciler_DeploymentLimit_HealthAccounting(t *testing.T) {
job := mock.Job()
job.TaskGroups[0].Update = noCanaryUpdate
cases := []struct {
healthy int
healthy: 0,
healthy: 1,
healthy: 2,
healthy: 3,
healthy: 4,
for _, c := range cases {
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%d healthy", c.healthy), func(t *testing.T) {
// Create an existing deployment that has placed some canaries and mark them
// promoted
d := structs.NewDeployment(job)
d.TaskGroups[job.TaskGroups[0].Name] = &structs.DeploymentState{
Promoted: true,
DesiredTotal: 10,
PlacedAllocs: 4,
// Create 6 allocations from the old job
var allocs []*structs.Allocation
for i := 4; i < 10; i++ {
alloc := mock.Alloc()
alloc.Job = job
alloc.JobID = job.ID
alloc.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
alloc.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[0].Name, uint(i))
alloc.TaskGroup = job.TaskGroups[0].Name
allocs = append(allocs, alloc)
// Create the new allocs
handled := make(map[string]allocUpdateType)
for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
new := mock.Alloc()
new.Job = job
new.JobID = job.ID
new.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
new.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[0].Name, uint(i))
new.TaskGroup = job.TaskGroups[0].Name
new.DeploymentID = d.ID
if i < c.healthy {
new.DeploymentStatus = &structs.AllocDeploymentStatus{
Healthy: helper.BoolToPtr(true),
allocs = append(allocs, new)
handled[new.ID] = allocUpdateFnIgnore
mockUpdateFn := allocUpdateFnMock(handled, allocUpdateFnDestructive)
reconciler := NewAllocReconciler(testLogger(), mockUpdateFn, false, job.ID, job, d, allocs, nil)
r := reconciler.Compute()
// Assert the correct results
assertResults(t, r, &resultExpectation{
createDeployment: nil,
deploymentUpdates: nil,
destructive: c.healthy,
desiredTGUpdates: map[string]*structs.DesiredUpdates{
job.TaskGroups[0].Name: {
DestructiveUpdate: uint64(c.healthy),
Ignore: uint64(10 - c.healthy),
if c.healthy != 0 {
assertNamesHaveIndexes(t, intRange(4, 3+c.healthy), destructiveResultsToNames(r.destructiveUpdate))
// Tests the reconciler handles an alloc on a tainted node during a rolling
// update
func TestReconciler_TaintedNode_RollingUpgrade(t *testing.T) {
job := mock.Job()
job.TaskGroups[0].Update = noCanaryUpdate
// Create an existing deployment that has some placed allocs
d := structs.NewDeployment(job)
d.TaskGroups[job.TaskGroups[0].Name] = &structs.DeploymentState{
Promoted: true,
DesiredTotal: 10,
PlacedAllocs: 7,
// Create 3 allocations from the old job
var allocs []*structs.Allocation
for i := 7; i < 10; i++ {
alloc := mock.Alloc()
alloc.Job = job
alloc.JobID = job.ID
alloc.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
alloc.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[0].Name, uint(i))
alloc.TaskGroup = job.TaskGroups[0].Name
allocs = append(allocs, alloc)
// Create the healthy replacements
handled := make(map[string]allocUpdateType)
for i := 0; i < 7; i++ {
new := mock.Alloc()
new.Job = job
new.JobID = job.ID
new.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
new.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[0].Name, uint(i))
new.TaskGroup = job.TaskGroups[0].Name
new.DeploymentID = d.ID
new.DeploymentStatus = &structs.AllocDeploymentStatus{
Healthy: helper.BoolToPtr(true),
allocs = append(allocs, new)
handled[new.ID] = allocUpdateFnIgnore
// Build a map of tainted nodes
tainted := make(map[string]*structs.Node, 3)
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
n := mock.Node()
n.ID = allocs[3+i].NodeID
if i == 0 {
n.Status = structs.NodeStatusDown
} else {
n.Drain = true
tainted[n.ID] = n
mockUpdateFn := allocUpdateFnMock(handled, allocUpdateFnDestructive)
reconciler := NewAllocReconciler(testLogger(), mockUpdateFn, false, job.ID, job, d, allocs, tainted)
r := reconciler.Compute()
// Assert the correct results
assertResults(t, r, &resultExpectation{
createDeployment: nil,
deploymentUpdates: nil,
place: 2,
destructive: 3,
stop: 2,
followupEvalWait: 31 * time.Second,
desiredTGUpdates: map[string]*structs.DesiredUpdates{
job.TaskGroups[0].Name: {
Place: 1, // Place the lost
Stop: 1, // Stop the lost
Migrate: 1, // Migrate the tainted
DestructiveUpdate: 3,
Ignore: 5,
assertNamesHaveIndexes(t, intRange(7, 9), destructiveResultsToNames(r.destructiveUpdate))
assertNamesHaveIndexes(t, intRange(0, 1), placeResultsToNames(
assertNamesHaveIndexes(t, intRange(0, 1), stopResultsToNames(r.stop))
// Tests the reconciler handles a failed deployment and does no placements
func TestReconciler_FailedDeployment_NoPlacements(t *testing.T) {
job := mock.Job()
job.TaskGroups[0].Update = noCanaryUpdate
// Create an existing failed deployment that has some placed allocs
d := structs.NewDeployment(job)
d.Status = structs.DeploymentStatusFailed
d.TaskGroups[job.TaskGroups[0].Name] = &structs.DeploymentState{
Promoted: true,
DesiredTotal: 10,
PlacedAllocs: 4,
// Create 6 allocations from the old job
var allocs []*structs.Allocation
for i := 4; i < 10; i++ {
alloc := mock.Alloc()
alloc.Job = job
alloc.JobID = job.ID
alloc.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
alloc.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[0].Name, uint(i))
alloc.TaskGroup = job.TaskGroups[0].Name
allocs = append(allocs, alloc)
// Create the healthy replacements
handled := make(map[string]allocUpdateType)
for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
new := mock.Alloc()
new.Job = job
new.JobID = job.ID
new.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
new.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[0].Name, uint(i))
new.TaskGroup = job.TaskGroups[0].Name
new.DeploymentID = d.ID
new.DeploymentStatus = &structs.AllocDeploymentStatus{
Healthy: helper.BoolToPtr(true),
allocs = append(allocs, new)
handled[new.ID] = allocUpdateFnIgnore
// Build a map of tainted nodes
tainted := make(map[string]*structs.Node, 2)
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
n := mock.Node()
n.ID = allocs[6+i].NodeID
if i == 0 {
n.Status = structs.NodeStatusDown
} else {
n.Drain = true
tainted[n.ID] = n
mockUpdateFn := allocUpdateFnMock(handled, allocUpdateFnDestructive)
reconciler := NewAllocReconciler(testLogger(), mockUpdateFn, false, job.ID, job, d, allocs, tainted)
r := reconciler.Compute()
// Assert the correct results
assertResults(t, r, &resultExpectation{
createDeployment: nil,
deploymentUpdates: nil,
place: 0,
inplace: 0,
stop: 2,
followupEvalWait: 0, // Since the deployment is failed, there should be no followup
desiredTGUpdates: map[string]*structs.DesiredUpdates{
job.TaskGroups[0].Name: {
Stop: 2,
Ignore: 8,
assertNamesHaveIndexes(t, intRange(0, 1), stopResultsToNames(r.stop))
// Tests the reconciler handles a run after a deployment is complete
// successfully.
func TestReconciler_CompleteDeployment(t *testing.T) {
job := mock.Job()
job.TaskGroups[0].Update = canaryUpdate
d := structs.NewDeployment(job)
d.Status = structs.DeploymentStatusSuccessful
d.TaskGroups[job.TaskGroups[0].Name] = &structs.DeploymentState{
Promoted: true,
DesiredTotal: 10,
DesiredCanaries: 2,
PlacedAllocs: 10,
HealthyAllocs: 10,
// Create allocations from the old job
var allocs []*structs.Allocation
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
alloc := mock.Alloc()
alloc.Job = job
alloc.JobID = job.ID
alloc.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
alloc.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[0].Name, uint(i))
alloc.TaskGroup = job.TaskGroups[0].Name
alloc.DeploymentID = d.ID
alloc.DeploymentStatus = &structs.AllocDeploymentStatus{
Healthy: helper.BoolToPtr(true),
allocs = append(allocs, alloc)
reconciler := NewAllocReconciler(testLogger(), allocUpdateFnIgnore, false, job.ID, job, d, allocs, nil)
r := reconciler.Compute()
// Assert the correct results
assertResults(t, r, &resultExpectation{
createDeployment: nil,
deploymentUpdates: nil,
place: 0,
inplace: 0,
stop: 0,
desiredTGUpdates: map[string]*structs.DesiredUpdates{
job.TaskGroups[0].Name: {
Ignore: 10,
// Test that a failed deployment cancels non-promoted canaries
func TestReconciler_FailedDeployment_CancelCanaries(t *testing.T) {
// Create a job with two task groups
job := mock.Job()
job.TaskGroups[0].Update = canaryUpdate
job.TaskGroups = append(job.TaskGroups, job.TaskGroups[0].Copy())
job.TaskGroups[1].Name = "two"
// Create an existing failed deployment that has promoted one task group
d := structs.NewDeployment(job)
d.Status = structs.DeploymentStatusFailed
s0 := &structs.DeploymentState{
Promoted: true,
DesiredTotal: 10,
DesiredCanaries: 2,
PlacedAllocs: 4,
s1 := &structs.DeploymentState{
Promoted: false,
DesiredTotal: 10,
DesiredCanaries: 2,
PlacedAllocs: 2,
d.TaskGroups[job.TaskGroups[0].Name] = s0
d.TaskGroups[job.TaskGroups[1].Name] = s1
// Create 6 allocations from the old job
var allocs []*structs.Allocation
handled := make(map[string]allocUpdateType)
for _, group := range []int{0, 1} {
replacements := 4
state := s0
if group == 1 {
replacements = 2
state = s1
// Create the healthy replacements
for i := 0; i < replacements; i++ {
new := mock.Alloc()
new.Job = job
new.JobID = job.ID
new.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
new.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[group].Name, uint(i))
new.TaskGroup = job.TaskGroups[group].Name
new.DeploymentID = d.ID
new.DeploymentStatus = &structs.AllocDeploymentStatus{
Healthy: helper.BoolToPtr(true),
allocs = append(allocs, new)
handled[new.ID] = allocUpdateFnIgnore
// Add the alloc to the canary list
if i < 2 {
state.PlacedCanaries = append(state.PlacedCanaries, new.ID)
for i := replacements; i < 10; i++ {
alloc := mock.Alloc()
alloc.Job = job
alloc.JobID = job.ID
alloc.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
alloc.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[group].Name, uint(i))
alloc.TaskGroup = job.TaskGroups[group].Name
allocs = append(allocs, alloc)
mockUpdateFn := allocUpdateFnMock(handled, allocUpdateFnDestructive)
reconciler := NewAllocReconciler(testLogger(), mockUpdateFn, false, job.ID, job, d, allocs, nil)
r := reconciler.Compute()
// Assert the correct results
assertResults(t, r, &resultExpectation{
createDeployment: nil,
deploymentUpdates: nil,
place: 0,
inplace: 0,
stop: 2,
desiredTGUpdates: map[string]*structs.DesiredUpdates{
job.TaskGroups[0].Name: {
Ignore: 10,
job.TaskGroups[1].Name: {
Stop: 2,
Ignore: 8,
assertNamesHaveIndexes(t, intRange(0, 1), stopResultsToNames(r.stop))
// Test that a failed deployment and updated job works
func TestReconciler_FailedDeployment_NewJob(t *testing.T) {
job := mock.Job()
job.TaskGroups[0].Update = noCanaryUpdate
// Create an existing failed deployment that has some placed allocs
d := structs.NewDeployment(job)
d.Status = structs.DeploymentStatusFailed
d.TaskGroups[job.TaskGroups[0].Name] = &structs.DeploymentState{
Promoted: true,
DesiredTotal: 10,
PlacedAllocs: 4,
// Create 6 allocations from the old job
var allocs []*structs.Allocation
for i := 4; i < 10; i++ {
alloc := mock.Alloc()
alloc.Job = job
alloc.JobID = job.ID
alloc.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
alloc.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[0].Name, uint(i))
alloc.TaskGroup = job.TaskGroups[0].Name
allocs = append(allocs, alloc)
// Create the healthy replacements
for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
new := mock.Alloc()
new.Job = job
new.JobID = job.ID
new.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
new.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[0].Name, uint(i))
new.TaskGroup = job.TaskGroups[0].Name
new.DeploymentID = d.ID
new.DeploymentStatus = &structs.AllocDeploymentStatus{
Healthy: helper.BoolToPtr(true),
allocs = append(allocs, new)
// Up the job version
jobNew := job.Copy()
jobNew.Version += 100
reconciler := NewAllocReconciler(testLogger(), allocUpdateFnDestructive, false, job.ID, jobNew, d, allocs, nil)
r := reconciler.Compute()
dnew := structs.NewDeployment(jobNew)
dnew.TaskGroups[job.TaskGroups[0].Name] = &structs.DeploymentState{
DesiredTotal: 10,
// Assert the correct results
assertResults(t, r, &resultExpectation{
createDeployment: dnew,
deploymentUpdates: nil,
destructive: 4,
desiredTGUpdates: map[string]*structs.DesiredUpdates{
job.TaskGroups[0].Name: {
DestructiveUpdate: 4,
Ignore: 6,
assertNamesHaveIndexes(t, intRange(0, 3), destructiveResultsToNames(r.destructiveUpdate))
// Tests the reconciler marks a deployment as complete
func TestReconciler_MarkDeploymentComplete(t *testing.T) {
job := mock.Job()
job.TaskGroups[0].Update = noCanaryUpdate
d := structs.NewDeployment(job)
d.TaskGroups[job.TaskGroups[0].Name] = &structs.DeploymentState{
Promoted: true,
DesiredTotal: 10,
PlacedAllocs: 10,
HealthyAllocs: 10,
// Create allocations from the old job
var allocs []*structs.Allocation
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
alloc := mock.Alloc()
alloc.Job = job
alloc.JobID = job.ID
alloc.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
alloc.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[0].Name, uint(i))
alloc.TaskGroup = job.TaskGroups[0].Name
alloc.DeploymentID = d.ID
alloc.DeploymentStatus = &structs.AllocDeploymentStatus{
Healthy: helper.BoolToPtr(true),
allocs = append(allocs, alloc)
reconciler := NewAllocReconciler(testLogger(), allocUpdateFnIgnore, false, job.ID, job, d, allocs, nil)
r := reconciler.Compute()
updates := []*structs.DeploymentStatusUpdate{
DeploymentID: d.ID,
Status: structs.DeploymentStatusSuccessful,
StatusDescription: structs.DeploymentStatusDescriptionSuccessful,
// Assert the correct results
assertResults(t, r, &resultExpectation{
createDeployment: nil,
deploymentUpdates: updates,
place: 0,
inplace: 0,
stop: 0,
desiredTGUpdates: map[string]*structs.DesiredUpdates{
job.TaskGroups[0].Name: {
Ignore: 10,
// Tests the reconciler picks the maximum of the staggers when multiple task
// groups are under going node drains.
func TestReconciler_TaintedNode_MultiGroups(t *testing.T) {
// Create a job with two task groups
job := mock.Job()
job.TaskGroups[0].Update = noCanaryUpdate
job.TaskGroups = append(job.TaskGroups, job.TaskGroups[0].Copy())
job.TaskGroups[1].Name = "two"
job.TaskGroups[1].Update.Stagger = 100 * time.Second
// Create the allocations
var allocs []*structs.Allocation
for j := 0; j < 2; j++ {
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
alloc := mock.Alloc()
alloc.Job = job
alloc.JobID = job.ID
alloc.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
alloc.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[j].Name, uint(i))
alloc.TaskGroup = job.TaskGroups[j].Name
allocs = append(allocs, alloc)
// Build a map of tainted nodes
tainted := make(map[string]*structs.Node, 15)
for i := 0; i < 15; i++ {
n := mock.Node()
n.ID = allocs[i].NodeID
n.Drain = true
tainted[n.ID] = n
reconciler := NewAllocReconciler(testLogger(), allocUpdateFnIgnore, false, job.ID, job, nil, allocs, tainted)
r := reconciler.Compute()
// Assert the correct results
assertResults(t, r, &resultExpectation{
createDeployment: nil,
deploymentUpdates: nil,
place: 8,
inplace: 0,
stop: 8,
followupEvalWait: 100 * time.Second,
desiredTGUpdates: map[string]*structs.DesiredUpdates{
job.TaskGroups[0].Name: {
Place: 0,
Stop: 0,
Migrate: 4,
DestructiveUpdate: 0,
Ignore: 6,
job.TaskGroups[1].Name: {
Place: 0,
Stop: 0,
Migrate: 4,
DestructiveUpdate: 0,
Ignore: 6,
assertNamesHaveIndexes(t, intRange(0, 3, 0, 3), placeResultsToNames(
assertNamesHaveIndexes(t, intRange(0, 3, 0, 3), stopResultsToNames(r.stop))
// Tests the reconciler handles changing a job such that a deployment is created
// while doing a scale up but as the second eval.
func TestReconciler_JobChange_ScaleUp_SecondEval(t *testing.T) {
// Scale the job up to 15
job := mock.Job()
job.TaskGroups[0].Update = noCanaryUpdate
job.TaskGroups[0].Count = 30
// Create a deployment that is paused and has placed some canaries
d := structs.NewDeployment(job)
d.TaskGroups[job.TaskGroups[0].Name] = &structs.DeploymentState{
Promoted: false,
DesiredTotal: 30,
PlacedAllocs: 20,
// Create 10 allocations from the old job
var allocs []*structs.Allocation
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
alloc := mock.Alloc()
alloc.Job = job
alloc.JobID = job.ID
alloc.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
alloc.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[0].Name, uint(i))
alloc.TaskGroup = job.TaskGroups[0].Name
allocs = append(allocs, alloc)
// Create 20 from new job
handled := make(map[string]allocUpdateType)
for i := 10; i < 30; i++ {
alloc := mock.Alloc()
alloc.Job = job
alloc.JobID = job.ID
alloc.DeploymentID = d.ID
alloc.NodeID = structs.GenerateUUID()
alloc.Name = structs.AllocName(job.ID, job.TaskGroups[0].Name, uint(i))
alloc.TaskGroup = job.TaskGroups[0].Name
allocs = append(allocs, alloc)
handled[alloc.ID] = allocUpdateFnIgnore
mockUpdateFn := allocUpdateFnMock(handled, allocUpdateFnDestructive)
reconciler := NewAllocReconciler(testLogger(), mockUpdateFn, false, job.ID, job, d, allocs, nil)
r := reconciler.Compute()
// Assert the correct results
assertResults(t, r, &resultExpectation{
createDeployment: nil,
deploymentUpdates: nil,
desiredTGUpdates: map[string]*structs.DesiredUpdates{
job.TaskGroups[0].Name: {
// All should be ignored becasue nothing has been marked as
// healthy.
Ignore: 30,