ACL policies can be associated with a job so that the job's Workload Identity can have expanded access to other policy objects, including other variables. Policies set on the variables the job automatically has access to were ignored, but this includes policies with `deny` capabilities. Additionally, when resolving claims for a workload identity without any attached policies, the `ResolveClaims` method returned a `nil` ACL object, which is treated similarly to a management token. While this was safe in Nomad 1.4.x, when the workload identity token was exposed to the task via the `identity` block, this allows a user with `submit-job` capabilities to escalate their privileges. We originally implemented automatic workload access to Variables as a separate code path in the Variables RPC endpoint so that we don't have to generate on-the-fly policies that blow up the ACL policy cache. This is fairly brittle but also the behavior around wildcard paths in policies different from the rest of our ACL polices, which is hard to reason about. Add an `ACLClaim` parameter to the `AllowVariableOperation` method so that we can push all this logic into the `acl` package and the behavior can be consistent. This will allow a `deny` policy to override automatic access (and probably speed up checks of non-automatic variable access).
791 lines
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package nomad
import (
msgpackrpc "github.com/hashicorp/net-rpc-msgpackrpc"
func TestAuthenticate_mTLS(t *testing.T) {
// Set up a cluster with mTLS and ACLs
dir := t.TempDir()
tlsCfg := &config.TLSConfig{
EnableHTTP: true,
EnableRPC: true,
VerifyServerHostname: true,
CAFile: "../helper/tlsutil/testdata/ca.pem",
CertFile: "../helper/tlsutil/testdata/nomad-foo.pem",
KeyFile: "../helper/tlsutil/testdata/nomad-foo-key.pem",
clientTLSCfg := tlsCfg.Copy()
clientTLSCfg.CertFile = "../helper/tlsutil/testdata/nomad-foo-client.pem"
clientTLSCfg.KeyFile = "../helper/tlsutil/testdata/nomad-foo-client-key.pem"
setCfg := func(name string, bootstrapExpect int) func(*Config) {
return func(c *Config) {
c.Region = "regionFoo"
c.AuthoritativeRegion = "regionFoo"
c.ACLEnabled = true
c.BootstrapExpect = bootstrapExpect
c.NumSchedulers = 0
c.DevMode = false
c.DataDir = path.Join(dir, name)
c.TLSConfig = tlsCfg
leader, cleanupLeader := TestServer(t, setCfg("node1", 1))
defer cleanupLeader()
testutil.WaitForLeader(t, leader.RPC)
follower, cleanupFollower := TestServer(t, setCfg("node2", 0))
defer cleanupFollower()
TestJoin(t, leader, follower)
testutil.WaitForLeader(t, leader.RPC)
testutil.Wait(t, func() (bool, error) {
keyset, err := follower.encrypter.activeKeySet()
return keyset != nil, err
rootToken := uuid.Generate()
var bootstrapResp *structs.ACLTokenUpsertResponse
codec := rpcClientWithTLS(t, follower, tlsCfg)
must.NoError(t, msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec,
"ACL.Bootstrap", &structs.ACLTokenBootstrapRequest{
BootstrapSecret: rootToken,
WriteRequest: structs.WriteRequest{Region: "regionFoo"},
}, &bootstrapResp))
must.NotNil(t, bootstrapResp)
must.Len(t, 1, bootstrapResp.Tokens)
rootAccessor := bootstrapResp.Tokens[0].AccessorID
// create some ACL tokens directly into raft so we can bypass RPC validation
// around expiration times
token1 := mock.ACLToken()
token2 := mock.ACLToken()
expireTime := time.Now().Add(time.Second * -10)
token2.ExpirationTime = &expireTime
_, _, err := leader.raftApply(structs.ACLTokenUpsertRequestType,
&structs.ACLTokenUpsertRequest{Tokens: []*structs.ACLToken{token1, token2}})
must.NoError(t, err)
// create a node so we can test client RPCs
node := mock.Node()
nodeRegisterReq := &structs.NodeRegisterRequest{
Node: node,
WriteRequest: structs.WriteRequest{Region: "regionFoo"},
var nodeRegisterResp structs.NodeUpdateResponse
must.NoError(t, msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec,
"Node.Register", nodeRegisterReq, &nodeRegisterResp))
must.NotNil(t, bootstrapResp)
// create some allocations so we can test WorkloadIdentity claims. we'll
// create directly into raft so we can bypass RPC validation and the whole
// eval, plan, etc. workflow.
job := mock.Job()
_, _, err = leader.raftApply(structs.JobRegisterRequestType,
&structs.JobRegisterRequest{Job: job})
must.NoError(t, err)
alloc1 := mock.Alloc()
alloc1.NodeID = node.ID
alloc1.ClientStatus = structs.AllocClientStatusFailed
alloc1.Job = job
alloc1.JobID = job.ID
alloc2 := mock.Alloc()
alloc2.NodeID = node.ID
alloc2.Job = job
alloc2.JobID = job.ID
alloc2.ClientStatus = structs.AllocClientStatusRunning
claims1 := alloc1.ToTaskIdentityClaims(nil, "web")
claims1Token, _, err := leader.encrypter.SignClaims(claims1)
must.NoError(t, err, must.Sprint("could not sign claims"))
claims2 := alloc2.ToTaskIdentityClaims(nil, "web")
claims2Token, _, err := leader.encrypter.SignClaims(claims2)
must.NoError(t, err, must.Sprint("could not sign claims"))
planReq := &structs.ApplyPlanResultsRequest{
AllocUpdateRequest: structs.AllocUpdateRequest{
Alloc: []*structs.Allocation{alloc1, alloc2},
Job: job,
_, _, err = leader.raftApply(structs.ApplyPlanResultsRequestType, planReq)
must.NoError(t, err)
testutil.WaitForResult(func() (bool, error) {
store := follower.fsm.State()
alloc, err := store.AllocByID(nil, alloc1.ID)
return alloc != nil, err
}, func(err error) {
t.Fatalf("alloc was not replicated via raft: %v", err) // should never happen
testCases := []struct {
name string
tlsCfg *config.TLSConfig
stale bool
testToken string
expectAccessor string
expectClientID string
expectAllocID string
expectTLSName string
expectIP string
expectErr string
expectIDKey string
sendFromPeer *Server
name: "root token",
tlsCfg: clientTLSCfg, // TODO: this is a mixed use cert
testToken: rootToken,
expectAccessor: rootAccessor,
expectIDKey: fmt.Sprintf("token:%s", rootAccessor),
name: "from peer to leader without token", // ex. Eval.Dequeue
tlsCfg: tlsCfg,
expectTLSName: "regionFoo.nomad",
expectAccessor: "anonymous",
expectIP: follower.GetConfig().RPCAddr.IP.String(),
sendFromPeer: follower,
expectIDKey: "token:anonymous",
// note: this test is somewhat bogus because under test all the
// servers share the same IP address with the RPC client
name: "anonymous forwarded from peer to leader",
tlsCfg: tlsCfg,
expectAccessor: "anonymous",
expectTLSName: "regionFoo.nomad",
expectIP: "",
expectIDKey: "token:anonymous",
name: "invalid token",
tlsCfg: clientTLSCfg,
testToken: uuid.Generate(),
expectTLSName: "regionFoo.nomad",
expectIP: follower.GetConfig().RPCAddr.IP.String(),
expectIDKey: "regionFoo.nomad:",
expectErr: "rpc error: Permission denied",
name: "from peer to leader with leader ACL", // ex. core job GC
tlsCfg: tlsCfg,
testToken: leader.getLeaderAcl(),
expectTLSName: "regionFoo.nomad",
expectAccessor: "leader",
expectIP: follower.GetConfig().RPCAddr.IP.String(),
sendFromPeer: follower,
expectIDKey: "token:leader",
name: "from client", // ex. Node.GetAllocs
tlsCfg: clientTLSCfg,
testToken: node.SecretID,
expectClientID: node.ID,
expectIDKey: fmt.Sprintf("client:%s", node.ID),
name: "from failed workload", // ex. Variables.List
tlsCfg: clientTLSCfg,
testToken: claims1Token,
expectErr: "rpc error: allocation is terminal",
name: "from running workload", // ex. Variables.List
tlsCfg: clientTLSCfg,
testToken: claims2Token,
expectAllocID: alloc2.ID,
expectIDKey: fmt.Sprintf("alloc:%s", alloc2.ID),
name: "valid user token",
tlsCfg: clientTLSCfg,
testToken: token1.SecretID,
expectAccessor: token1.AccessorID,
expectIDKey: fmt.Sprintf("token:%s", token1.AccessorID),
name: "expired user token",
tlsCfg: clientTLSCfg,
testToken: token2.SecretID,
expectErr: "rpc error: ACL token expired",
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
req := &structs.GenericRequest{
QueryOptions: structs.QueryOptions{
Region: "regionFoo",
AllowStale: tc.stale,
AuthToken: tc.testToken,
var resp structs.ACLWhoAmIResponse
var err error
if tc.sendFromPeer != nil {
aclEndpoint := NewACLEndpoint(tc.sendFromPeer, nil)
err = aclEndpoint.WhoAmI(req, &resp)
} else {
err = msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, "ACL.WhoAmI", req, &resp)
if tc.expectErr != "" {
must.EqError(t, err, tc.expectErr)
must.NoError(t, err)
must.NotNil(t, resp)
must.NotNil(t, resp.Identity)
if tc.expectIDKey != "" {
must.Eq(t, tc.expectIDKey, resp.Identity.String(),
must.Sprintf("expected identity key for metrics to match"))
if tc.expectAccessor != "" {
must.NotNil(t, resp.Identity.ACLToken, must.Sprint("expected ACL token"))
test.Eq(t, tc.expectAccessor, resp.Identity.ACLToken.AccessorID,
test.Sprint("expected ACL token accessor ID"))
test.Eq(t, tc.expectClientID, resp.Identity.ClientID,
test.Sprint("expected client ID"))
if tc.expectAllocID != "" {
must.NotNil(t, resp.Identity.Claims, must.Sprint("expected claims"))
test.Eq(t, tc.expectAllocID, resp.Identity.Claims.AllocationID,
test.Sprint("expected workload identity"))
test.Eq(t, tc.expectTLSName, resp.Identity.TLSName, test.Sprint("expected TLS name"))
if tc.expectIP == "" {
test.Nil(t, resp.Identity.RemoteIP, test.Sprint("expected no remote IP"))
} else {
test.Eq(t, tc.expectIP, resp.Identity.RemoteIP.String())
func TestResolveACLToken(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
name string
testFn func()
name: "leader token",
testFn: func() {
testServer, _, testServerCleanup := TestACLServer(t, nil)
defer testServerCleanup()
testutil.WaitForLeader(t, testServer.RPC)
// Check the leader ACL token is correctly set.
leaderACL := testServer.getLeaderAcl()
require.NotEmpty(t, leaderACL)
// Resolve the token and ensure it's a management token.
aclResp, err := testServer.ResolveToken(leaderACL)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, aclResp)
require.True(t, aclResp.IsManagement())
name: "anonymous token",
testFn: func() {
testServer, _, testServerCleanup := TestACLServer(t, nil)
defer testServerCleanup()
testutil.WaitForLeader(t, testServer.RPC)
// Call the function with an empty input secret ID which is
// classed as representing anonymous access in clusters with
// ACLs enabled.
aclResp, err := testServer.ResolveToken("")
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, aclResp)
require.False(t, aclResp.IsManagement())
name: "token not found",
testFn: func() {
testServer, _, testServerCleanup := TestACLServer(t, nil)
defer testServerCleanup()
testutil.WaitForLeader(t, testServer.RPC)
// Call the function with randomly generated secret ID which
// does not exist within state.
aclResp, err := testServer.ResolveToken(uuid.Generate())
require.Equal(t, structs.ErrTokenNotFound, err)
require.Nil(t, aclResp)
name: "token expired",
testFn: func() {
testServer, _, testServerCleanup := TestACLServer(t, nil)
defer testServerCleanup()
testutil.WaitForLeader(t, testServer.RPC)
// Create a mock token with an expiration time long in the
// past, and upsert.
token := mock.ACLToken()
token.ExpirationTime = pointer.Of(time.Date(
1970, time.January, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC))
err := testServer.State().UpsertACLTokens(
structs.MsgTypeTestSetup, 10, []*structs.ACLToken{token})
require.NoError(t, err)
// Perform the function call which should result in finding the
// token has expired.
aclResp, err := testServer.ResolveToken(uuid.Generate())
require.Equal(t, structs.ErrTokenNotFound, err)
require.Nil(t, aclResp)
name: "management token",
testFn: func() {
testServer, _, testServerCleanup := TestACLServer(t, nil)
defer testServerCleanup()
testutil.WaitForLeader(t, testServer.RPC)
// Generate a management token and upsert this.
managementToken := mock.ACLToken()
managementToken.Type = structs.ACLManagementToken
managementToken.Policies = nil
err := testServer.State().UpsertACLTokens(
structs.MsgTypeTestSetup, 10, []*structs.ACLToken{managementToken})
require.NoError(t, err)
// Resolve the token and check that we received a management
// ACL.
aclResp, err := testServer.ResolveToken(managementToken.SecretID)
require.Nil(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, aclResp)
require.True(t, aclResp.IsManagement())
require.Equal(t, acl.ManagementACL, aclResp)
name: "client token with policies only",
testFn: func() {
testServer, _, testServerCleanup := TestACLServer(t, nil)
defer testServerCleanup()
testutil.WaitForLeader(t, testServer.RPC)
// Generate a client token with associated policies and upsert
// these.
policy1 := mock.ACLPolicy()
policy2 := mock.ACLPolicy()
err := testServer.State().UpsertACLPolicies(
structs.MsgTypeTestSetup, 10, []*structs.ACLPolicy{policy1, policy2})
clientToken := mock.ACLToken()
clientToken.Policies = []string{policy1.Name, policy2.Name}
err = testServer.State().UpsertACLTokens(
structs.MsgTypeTestSetup, 20, []*structs.ACLToken{clientToken})
require.NoError(t, err)
// Resolve the token and check that we received a client
// ACL with appropriate permissions.
aclResp, err := testServer.ResolveToken(clientToken.SecretID)
require.Nil(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, aclResp)
require.False(t, aclResp.IsManagement())
allowed := aclResp.AllowNamespaceOperation("default", acl.NamespaceCapabilityListJobs)
require.True(t, allowed)
allowed = aclResp.AllowNamespaceOperation("other", acl.NamespaceCapabilityListJobs)
require.False(t, allowed)
// Resolve the same token again and ensure we get the same
// result.
aclResp2, err := testServer.ResolveToken(clientToken.SecretID)
require.Nil(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, aclResp2)
require.Equal(t, aclResp, aclResp2)
// Bust the cache by upserting the policy
err = testServer.State().UpsertACLPolicies(
structs.MsgTypeTestSetup, 30, []*structs.ACLPolicy{policy1})
require.Nil(t, err)
// Resolve the same token again, should get different value
aclResp3, err := testServer.ResolveToken(clientToken.SecretID)
require.Nil(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, aclResp3)
require.NotEqual(t, aclResp2, aclResp3)
name: "client token with roles only",
testFn: func() {
testServer, _, testServerCleanup := TestACLServer(t, nil)
defer testServerCleanup()
testutil.WaitForLeader(t, testServer.RPC)
// Create a client token that only has a link to a role.
policy1 := mock.ACLPolicy()
policy2 := mock.ACLPolicy()
err := testServer.State().UpsertACLPolicies(
structs.MsgTypeTestSetup, 10, []*structs.ACLPolicy{policy1, policy2})
aclRole := mock.ACLRole()
aclRole.Policies = []*structs.ACLRolePolicyLink{
{Name: policy1.Name},
{Name: policy2.Name},
err = testServer.State().UpsertACLRoles(
structs.MsgTypeTestSetup, 30, []*structs.ACLRole{aclRole}, false)
require.NoError(t, err)
clientToken := mock.ACLToken()
clientToken.Policies = []string{}
clientToken.Roles = []*structs.ACLTokenRoleLink{{ID: aclRole.ID}}
err = testServer.State().UpsertACLTokens(
structs.MsgTypeTestSetup, 30, []*structs.ACLToken{clientToken})
require.NoError(t, err)
// Resolve the token and check that we received a client
// ACL with appropriate permissions.
aclResp, err := testServer.ResolveToken(clientToken.SecretID)
require.Nil(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, aclResp)
require.False(t, aclResp.IsManagement())
allowed := aclResp.AllowNamespaceOperation("default", acl.NamespaceCapabilityListJobs)
require.True(t, allowed)
allowed = aclResp.AllowNamespaceOperation("other", acl.NamespaceCapabilityListJobs)
require.False(t, allowed)
// Remove the policies from the ACL role and ensure the resolution
// permissions are updated.
aclRole.Policies = []*structs.ACLRolePolicyLink{}
err = testServer.State().UpsertACLRoles(
structs.MsgTypeTestSetup, 40, []*structs.ACLRole{aclRole}, false)
require.NoError(t, err)
aclResp, err = testServer.ResolveToken(clientToken.SecretID)
require.Nil(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, aclResp)
require.False(t, aclResp.IsManagement())
require.False(t, aclResp.AllowNamespaceOperation("default", acl.NamespaceCapabilityListJobs))
name: "client with roles and policies",
testFn: func() {
testServer, _, testServerCleanup := TestACLServer(t, nil)
defer testServerCleanup()
testutil.WaitForLeader(t, testServer.RPC)
// Generate two policies, each with a different namespace
// permission set.
policy1 := &structs.ACLPolicy{
Name: "policy-" + uuid.Generate(),
Rules: `namespace "platform" { policy = "write"}`,
CreateIndex: 10,
ModifyIndex: 10,
policy2 := &structs.ACLPolicy{
Name: "policy-" + uuid.Generate(),
Rules: `namespace "web" { policy = "write"}`,
CreateIndex: 10,
ModifyIndex: 10,
err := testServer.State().UpsertACLPolicies(
structs.MsgTypeTestSetup, 10, []*structs.ACLPolicy{policy1, policy2})
require.NoError(t, err)
// Create a role which references the policy that has access to
// the web namespace.
aclRole := mock.ACLRole()
aclRole.Policies = []*structs.ACLRolePolicyLink{{Name: policy2.Name}}
err = testServer.State().UpsertACLRoles(
structs.MsgTypeTestSetup, 20, []*structs.ACLRole{aclRole}, false)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Create a token which references the policy and role.
clientToken := mock.ACLToken()
clientToken.Policies = []string{policy1.Name}
clientToken.Roles = []*structs.ACLTokenRoleLink{{ID: aclRole.ID}}
err = testServer.State().UpsertACLTokens(
structs.MsgTypeTestSetup, 30, []*structs.ACLToken{clientToken})
require.NoError(t, err)
// Resolve the token and check that we received a client
// ACL with appropriate permissions.
aclResp, err := testServer.ResolveToken(clientToken.SecretID)
require.Nil(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, aclResp)
require.False(t, aclResp.IsManagement())
allowed := aclResp.AllowNamespaceOperation("platform", acl.NamespaceCapabilityListJobs)
require.True(t, allowed)
allowed = aclResp.AllowNamespaceOperation("web", acl.NamespaceCapabilityListJobs)
require.True(t, allowed)
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
func TestResolveSecretToken(t *testing.T) {
testServer, _, testServerCleanup := TestACLServer(t, nil)
defer testServerCleanup()
testutil.WaitForLeader(t, testServer.RPC)
testCases := []struct {
name string
testFn func(testServer *Server)
name: "valid token",
testFn: func(testServer *Server) {
// Generate and upsert a token.
token := mock.ACLToken()
err := testServer.State().UpsertACLTokens(
structs.MsgTypeTestSetup, 10, []*structs.ACLToken{token})
require.NoError(t, err)
// Attempt to look up the token and perform checks.
tokenResp, err := testServer.ResolveSecretToken(token.SecretID)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, tokenResp)
require.Equal(t, token, tokenResp)
name: "anonymous token",
testFn: func(testServer *Server) {
// Call the function with an empty input secret ID which is
// classed as representing anonymous access in clusters with
// ACLs enabled.
tokenResp, err := testServer.ResolveSecretToken("")
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, tokenResp)
require.Equal(t, structs.AnonymousACLToken, tokenResp)
name: "token not found",
testFn: func(testServer *Server) {
// Call the function with randomly generated secret ID which
// does not exist within state.
tokenResp, err := testServer.ResolveSecretToken(uuid.Generate())
require.Equal(t, structs.ErrTokenNotFound, err)
require.Nil(t, tokenResp)
name: "token expired",
testFn: func(testServer *Server) {
// Create a mock token with an expiration time long in the
// past, and upsert.
token := mock.ACLToken()
token.ExpirationTime = pointer.Of(time.Date(
1970, time.January, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC))
err := testServer.State().UpsertACLTokens(
structs.MsgTypeTestSetup, 10, []*structs.ACLToken{token})
require.NoError(t, err)
// Perform the function call which should result in finding the
// token has expired.
tokenResp, err := testServer.ResolveSecretToken(uuid.Generate())
require.Equal(t, structs.ErrTokenNotFound, err)
require.Nil(t, tokenResp)
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
func TestResolveClaims(t *testing.T) {
srv, _, cleanup := TestACLServer(t, nil)
defer cleanup()
store := srv.fsm.State()
index := uint64(100)
alloc := mock.Alloc()
claims := &structs.IdentityClaims{
Namespace: alloc.Namespace,
JobID: alloc.Job.ID,
AllocationID: alloc.ID,
TaskName: alloc.Job.TaskGroups[0].Tasks[0].Name,
// unrelated policy
policy0 := mock.ACLPolicy()
// policy for job
policy1 := mock.ACLPolicy()
policy1.JobACL = &structs.JobACL{
Namespace: claims.Namespace,
JobID: claims.JobID,
// policy for job and group
policy2 := mock.ACLPolicy()
policy2.JobACL = &structs.JobACL{
Namespace: claims.Namespace,
JobID: claims.JobID,
Group: alloc.Job.TaskGroups[0].Name,
// policy for job and group and task
policy3 := mock.ACLPolicy()
policy3.JobACL = &structs.JobACL{
Namespace: claims.Namespace,
JobID: claims.JobID,
Group: alloc.Job.TaskGroups[0].Name,
Task: claims.TaskName,
// policy for job and group but different task
policy4 := mock.ACLPolicy()
policy4.JobACL = &structs.JobACL{
Namespace: claims.Namespace,
JobID: claims.JobID,
Group: alloc.Job.TaskGroups[0].Name,
Task: "another",
// policy for job but different group
policy5 := mock.ACLPolicy()
policy5.JobACL = &structs.JobACL{
Namespace: claims.Namespace,
JobID: claims.JobID,
Group: "another",
// policy for same namespace but different job
policy6 := mock.ACLPolicy()
policy6.JobACL = &structs.JobACL{
Namespace: claims.Namespace,
JobID: "another",
// policy for same job in different namespace
policy7 := mock.ACLPolicy()
policy7.JobACL = &structs.JobACL{
Namespace: "another",
JobID: claims.JobID,
aclObj, err := srv.ResolveClaims(claims)
must.Nil(t, aclObj)
must.EqError(t, err, "allocation does not exist")
// upsert the allocation
err = store.UpsertAllocs(structs.MsgTypeTestSetup, index, []*structs.Allocation{alloc})
must.NoError(t, err)
// Resolve claims and check we that the ACL object without policies provides no access
aclObj, err = srv.ResolveClaims(claims)
must.NoError(t, err)
must.NotNil(t, aclObj)
must.False(t, aclObj.AllowNamespaceOperation("default", acl.NamespaceCapabilityListJobs))
// Add the policies
err = store.UpsertACLPolicies(structs.MsgTypeTestSetup, index, []*structs.ACLPolicy{
policy0, policy1, policy2, policy3, policy4, policy5, policy6, policy7})
must.NoError(t, err)
// Re-resolve and check that the resulting ACL looks reasonable
aclObj, err = srv.ResolveClaims(claims)
must.NoError(t, err)
must.NotNil(t, aclObj)
must.False(t, aclObj.IsManagement())
must.True(t, aclObj.AllowNamespaceOperation("default", acl.NamespaceCapabilityListJobs))
must.False(t, aclObj.AllowNamespaceOperation("other", acl.NamespaceCapabilityListJobs))
// Resolve the same claim again, should get cache value
aclObj2, err := srv.ResolveClaims(claims)
must.NoError(t, err)
must.NotNil(t, aclObj)
must.Eq(t, aclObj, aclObj2, must.Sprintf("expected cached value"))
policies, err := srv.resolvePoliciesForClaims(claims)
must.NoError(t, err)
must.Len(t, 3, policies)
must.SliceContainsAll(t, policies, []*structs.ACLPolicy{policy1, policy2, policy3})